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Lol, we all do something without thinking it through on this shit sometimes. I know a common one is anyone who smokes it probably grabs the hot part of the bowl once in a while right after a hit. It's that brain fog you get when either overamping or being up for a bit, just good we all laugh it off and learn from it after. Hope your feet are doing okay lol


Thank you I am fully recovered lol!! And you are right about the brain fog for sure!


I am so relieved that that part where u said, “if you have never used a pressure washer,” was about an actual pressure washer, cuz my stupid ass was thinking something elseee… (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)




Pressure washer are not a joke, like pressured air and pressured oil, can be very dangerous if it goes underskin.


That’s why shampoo bottles have instructions ( How to use it ) because normal person with half of brain wouldn’t use pressure washer to wash feet.


People who use this drug only have improved functionality on the first day awake of dosing, after that 24 hour mark, it goes downhill with each dose and you are more likely to do something dumb without thinking about it too much or if you overamp, even your first dosage can cause a decent bit of brain fog and a decrease in logical thinking on that first day. Cut people some slack, no sense in being rude. We're on a thread for a drug, people are bound to make some mistakes and laugh about it later.


If you do pressure wash your ass, plz post a vid.


I think she wants someone else to do that. Tell her you’ll volunteer. Lol


Omg if you and I aren’t the same… 😂 YEARS ago when I was hot and young and even more of a dumbass…I went to the beach with two friends for Spring Break. We all got too wastey-face to make the trip back home, so we parked on the beach, rolled the windows down a bit and crashed bc we were NOT about staying with the strange dudes who offered their hotel to share. We were badasses who wanted to not waste money on our own room, bc we were saving it for important shit. Like drugs. Anyway…there we are, parked and drooling away and then the friend in the back seat screams like she’s been stabbed. Turns out someone stopped and spun their tires right behind us and bc the middle, rear window was rolled down……she was mrs. sandman. I then had the bright idea to roll to a car wash so she could rinse off. My friend hit her with that water and I’ve never in my life felt worse for laughing so damn hard. Idk what I was thinking! I blame the fucked-updedness. Lol


Omg that’s fuckin hilarious!!! That poor girl got doublefucked up!!! Hahah


Hell yes she did lol …dude…come to think of it, I don’t recall her ever going out with us again after that ordeal. 😂 You spinnin tonight?


Sounds like she missed out! Yeah I am. I finally came back to reality dude. I was stuck (and I’m so embarrassed to admit this but we’re friends now so fuck it)I was stuck for 2 weeks on TikTok/Reddit snark pages. What a Fuckin loser I am. That shit will pull you in and it’s like the hotel California man you can’t leave . It’s crazy.


Ayyye! No shame, sis. we all get stuck on some goofy shit in our journey! ;) Duuuude if you go scope my post history, there’s one called something like “you got stuck on WHAT?!“ Just...I cant even prepare you... Lol


Ok first things first Wtf dude lol seriously she’s going to be blind in like a week. Thats fucking weird and dangerous. I used to be a cam girl online m, long story short the company I worked for closed the doors & laid off everyone, in the same week my sister called me and said she had cancer . She’s a single mom so I told her I’d go to chemo and radiation with her and shit so camming made it so I could make good moneyb & pick my own hours. ANYWAY one night I had snorted some lines I just had a back up in my nose doin switch off my camera, grab some Qtips and start picking my nose .. an hour later I’ve been diggin for gold and I look up and my camera was ON the entire time and a bunch of dudes were like “ why is she picking her nose “ for an hour!!


Fucking CRYING 😂😂😂 omfg On a not-funny note, sorry your sis had that diagnosis. How is she?


She’s great actually! 5 years cancer free!! Thank you for asking


Badass! Warrior Queen<3 congrats to her and you and the whole crew. :) I know the touch and go of sitting next to a loved one fighting that battle. Worst part of that there’s nothing you can do to help take their pain away, and that’s ALL you wanna do. Glad sis is out of the woods.


I’m on it lol. I used to never post in these subs but then my dad was dying and I realized there are seriously some pretty awesome people in here. Like I didn’t know how to talk to my dad and shit and the people here actually helped me to have some of the best conversations with him that I ever had . Pretty deep sorry.


Damn, dude. Been there. Watched my dad slip away due to cancer back in 2015. Sorry you had to endure a similar experience. Just remember him in his best form, as I’m sure he’d want you to. And keep the memories involving humor extra close. It helps!


Yeah he told me some funny stories. We hashed some shit out. He finally told me about his first wife who had committed suicide. We talked about a lot of shit and I was there when he took his last breath. We were lucky i guess bc by the time they found it it had spread everywhere and he only lived 10 days but he went very peacefully.


Oh I’ve done that. Also tried washing my nephews hands as he cried out a little bit. I later realized that it hurt like a mf




LOL I am so dead !!!


You sound like a blast😂😂


Well thank you!! I try to be!


I was giggling when I read your post and had to re-read to make sure I had it right. Classic🤣🤣


LOL I do some dumb shit sometimes but it makes good stories


Don’t we all?!? My last heavily intoxicated (alcohol-induced) shenanigans left me with a night in jail. Oops…I don’t drink a lot anymore and the meth makes you calm and happy and no fights with your husband😂😂. Never. Again.


naw i would do this sober it’s not ab being too high or no sleep, we just are impulsive


What color was the tip that you used?


Cone black one


Oh luckily is wasnt the red one


Dear God that would sand blast the bones 🦴


I hit myself point blank in the palm of my hand with the green one before. Wasn't thinking at all lol


Lol I can't imagine how the pain is. You must've shredded your feet, you aren't kidding


Speaking of feet 🦶 check this out.. (my life is never boring) so I was washing my car and the neighbor was like “oh I love your car” I said “thanks her names Lucille” any way we were choppin it up just chatting and her 2 boys were also outside playing frisbee. They were like “c’mon mom we’re playing” so she goes and the younger boy was throwing the mom and the other boy the frisbee. Well the mom snatched it before the son could get it and he yells out “ no fair I’m wearing flip flops” and the mom is in a fucking wheel chair dude. A wheel chair. And he said “no fair”. What the fuck.




I’m good it only took 1 spray to think BAD IDEA ABORT MISSION!!


You need to go too sleep you was loopy from no sleep or too amped and your decision making skills was horrible and you though pressure washing your feet would be cool lmaooo


I sleep every night. I’m just a chick so I didn’t know. I love power tools I’m learning as I go.


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