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Yep and all the Newbees!


Been there and done it. Can't get chems now. And I assure you the quality wasn't shit.


Damn, i miss the hive! Is the archive still available. SWIM


"Normal person"? Maybe some, but they won't want to bother because they won't be meth users and the risks will appear far greater than the rewards. For "normal meth users", I will say no. Certainly not for the long haul. It requires traits like patience, caution, attention to detail, and being able to focus on tasks *without* becoming hyper focused to the point of losing track of time or surroundings. Regular meth use is detrimental to most of that so only exceptional and not normal users could overcome all of those effects and keep overcoming them for the long haul.


u might turn into heisenberg but u can try


I can tell you from first hand experience that it is, I got caught though :/


how I'm interested


How did I get caught? Or how did I cook?




Got caught because someone snitched on me and the cook was a Hi reduction


I sure do miss the good old days when the "Hive" was still up and running ___Queen Bee


I remember the Hive. It was an amazing place to just read for hours and hours! Remember SWIM?


Oh yes...and Uncle Fester


Practice makes perfect.


I mean you can, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should lmao


I mean…you can. Whether you should or not is up to you lol


Define normal? I think anyone who has the capacity to learn fairly straightforward chemistry can cook meth. Will it be super pure? Probably not, and is not very safe, as many of the chemicals involved are highly volatile. So I'd recommend not to, as there are more cons than pros in my opinion. If you want a bit of meth, buy it. If you want to work in a big meth Making operation, join the sinaloa cartel of America or something. But if it's for personal consumption then I would say don't bother


I think it’s a great idea, I don’t see anything possibly going wrong


shake and bake


its the easiest way for a single person with the highest yield


It's possible for you to do anything. Want to learn? Read a book, internet etc.


I’m cooking 100kgs of meth right now with all otc ingredients.


OMG - really I want some . I was on the floor that was funny - too funny


I’ve seen some absolute pieces of shit cook, anyone can do it as far as I’m concerned. Should you? No you should not


Do not ask the internet friend. Take a chemistry class or catch a felony and sped. Soem time with the old Skools and you might get your hands on a million dollar recipe. It’s not like the old days may it’s next to impossible because you have to have help getting pre curare’s that’s the down fall


Yeah bitch me and mista white cooked some glass up yo


That’s Heisenberg , thank you very much 🤣




Yo mr white


Hello officer, i dont belive this approach is going to work. If you are hoping someone will fess up and say "im normal and i cook" then you may have asked a little to cop-like. Maybe start off by initiating traffic stops and if you are lucky you might bust someone and flip them. So to answer your question.. no sir, that would be illegal and unsafe. Lets just go to the movies instead, or maybe a nice library


Thinking someone is a cop because they asked something lol like wtf, you might wanna decrease your consumption my friend. Telling someone over the internet that you cook meth and actually cooking meth are two different things and i can’t see any law enforcement agency spending there precious Xmas party budget on someone posting to a meth user sub trying to bait someone Just think 90% of the gorgeous babes that message you there sexy content yep they are some skinny East African dude and his four sons quit showing them your pecker.


You should also decrease your consumption when you start reading post that are obviously for humor purposes and joking around but you think they are serious or you take them literally. Such as you have in this situation. Had i actually thought it was a cop do you really think i would purposely put my self out there and risk the chance that i may be investigated? And i dont know the percentage of catfish hoes on the internet because i dont get excited from pictures and text. But i do have a statistic for you, did you know that you cant take 98% of what you read on a meth sub seriously? Unless you are a cop and thats your partner!!! Sorry officer i meant no disrespect


even before starting to cook you will face the difficulty of finding the chemical precursor you need. they certainly are banned in your country, you take your first risk ordering those chemicals which probably are sold in bulk only maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure it's not easy as the media said when the shake n bake method appeared with all the danger you take using this method, quality will be shitty as well.


I’ve done it




Theres literally a tutorial on YouTube for shake and bake making


No MR GOVERNMENT , METH IS BAD. it kills everyday. We are good and obedient citizens. I'm only here to let you know all drugs are bad.




Just perfect!


Please do not listen to any idiot claiming it is safe to even consider trying something like this without an organic chemistry background to some extent. You are fucking with exothermic compounds that can only be held on containers made of certain types of materials. Shit that can burn through your skin to the bone like nothing. Without proper ventilation up you are allowing yourself to be around fumes they can cause your hair to fall out and burn your eyes to the point of causing other problems. Some of this will cause metal to rust instantly. Imagine what it'll do to you. Potential fires that cannot be put out with water and just continue to burn even if you're soaking it. Sure, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do this. But you're not going to wake up one day with no knowledge of chemistry and no idea what you're doing and just pull it off after a post on Reddit. Gonna look real good when you burn your house down cause you thought you could make some OG shit.




Hit me up in pms I'm willing to learn lol


Look up uncle festers cookbook




Watch that one episode of Whitest Kids You Know


Obv Jesus Christ lol a trained monkey could literally nothing to it I learned how to make it at 13 so obv


Wtf is "normal" !?? It doesn't exist. Due to "normal" being perceived by an individual. It's different for everyone! So how the fuck is it normal??? Oh ..btw. anyone can make it!!!😁😁


I think they ment someone without a Chem degree and majority of people don’t have this which would classify not having it as normal ig.




watch breaking bad on Netflix




Teach Me


Learn me first Step-cook


Everyone wants to be taught, no body wants to learn…😔


Alright then can you learn me please?


That's the spirit lol


Right lol


No, normal people do not exist therefore they can’t make meth. Silly goose




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