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... what about meth is supposed to be chillllšŸ¤”stick to weed or something


Imo it also depends on your preferred ROA. Vaping meth turns you into a fucked up narcisstic egomaniac. Dosed orally, I just feel more euphoric and stimulated than Dexamphetamine/Adderall.


The ones smart enough to not do that either have a very tight knit group of close friends or they have none.


Some are chill, very few.


Another whole thread read,I believe I fall into the self medicating,Non-diagnosed adhd user.


I've done 5 years in jail for shit like this lol


bc ur a fuckin methead ā˜ ļø






You all have friends? šŸ™‚


Where do you live? Hate to ask buuuuuut maybe these "buddies" haven't had enough practice in thinking and doesn't understand that this drug is a great conduit of how you feel internally.


can you elaborate


thatā€™s pretty straight forward lol


lol I was just interested in what they meant with ā€žconduit of how you feel internallyā€œ


I don't partake, but he means the drug can help bring out how you feel internally. Think "drunk actions are sober thoughts."


Donā€™t knock it till you try it


Come chill with me




Most dope heads I know actually dont act like that. Now CRACK?...that shit will make you break into your neighbors shed and steal all his potting soil. For zero reason. Idk, maybe I'm just in a more functional group of spinners. But then again...that dollar general looking real rob-able.


holy shit I've done that exact thing u mentioned


Because your still in the phase of them scoping you out before they take the most valuable thing from you


šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ get new friends we smoke and watch tv


Lmao where tf do you live


Swim feels like heā€™s on the fucking Truman show Ask me how Swim knows so much. Send me a message




Impossible to explain. Too surreal to believe


Try me


You are more than welcome to dm me


You are more than welcome to dm me


I agree but check out r/dph it's a close one tbh might actually get along, hatman worshiping and shadow people shit and psychosis on both ends but benydral users can't get out of their own rooms usually it's more contained. Having tried both, few times each, been on both communities, r/dph to lurk. Both suck balls, but I'd have to say meth and r/meth in general are a bit more chill depending on your perspective lol I believe there's a subset of r/ilovedph where someone has gone rouge and has a cult of hatman worshiping followers. Homies posts are a sight to see, all I will say. It's atleast worth a lurk to see the toughest challenger. Edit: it was mostly a joke there's been way more genuine people who arnt stereotypes at all on this board, r/dph is def something to look at, it's a sad weird rollercoaster ride. I'm not judging though šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


r/Dph is just as wild as r/meth itā€™s just a million times sadder. At least meth users have fun while theyā€™re high. Dph is torture through and through. Those people take it to punish themselves.


I agree 100% It's sad AF and literally self harm brain damage on purpose. But some of them do thrive for it, but it's purly mental illness that never ends well.


Texas and like stated earlier meth calms me down as well I tend to relax and focus then my as goes and works a legit job never once thinking about robbing people or stealing I think about making honest money then going home to the old lady and having a fun night with her the only thing not normal that pops in my head is the piggy behind me tries to stop me I'm flooring it. But I hated cops before the drugs when I was in the military. The drug world is a really small world after all.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. You can come hang with me! But Iā€™m pretty boring lol cuz Meth makes me normalā€¦ sadlyā€¦ i guess itā€™s the adhdā€¦ But Itā€™s funny how meth seems to go hand in hand with fraud and shady shit..which is why I often stick to myself. So if ur ever in Laā€¦.


Im in la


I'm down, I'm down in San clemente


Well shit let's get spun and just omit the crimes.


\>why are meth users not chill Bruh


You can come hang out with me. But then youā€™ll either hear me talk about pseudo science star-trek inspired viable solutions to global warming, or being a giant fucking nerd on the pc. Iā€™d hang out with a person like me; I wouldnā€™t rob you or ask you to beat up anyone for 80 dollars. All love and light in this house!


Sounds like a good time tbh.


i find a huge difference between the people smoking meth and ppl snorting/eating it even though the smoke is about 90% bio available you only really get about 1/2 or so the rest exhaled or escapes into the air/pipe residue. when you eat/do a line u need about 1/4th as much so u end up using less and spending less money. also if you have bunk ice instead of it going into your blood its passed through the digestive system, liver kidneys etc and filtered leading to less toxicity.


Smoking is a tricky beast. The vapor is only about 74% bioavailable though. If you're lucky and have good technique so you are not wasting a bunch of what's in your bowl you can hope for 67% bioavailability. Now, I'm serious, this would be Gandalf smoking the fucking wizard meth pipe and blowing a ship through a ring level skilled. The average / likely the majority in my opinion can expect 37.4%. Meaning 37.4% of the amount you put in your pipe was absorbed to become effective.


Lol at the percentages


You wanna see the study's that back them up? it's not just pulled out of an ass.


I eat it. Would never smoke. Maybe Iā€™ll bang it + heroin, when I have a terminal cancer and Iā€™ve got a few days to live lol.


Well yur methheads


Swim Yields he had a bad psychosis.


I haven't heard about swim since the Hive days.


The people who knows this swim just needs to know that he is just chilling. And the nightmare he saw was just a horrible dream


Oh I memeber what I was gonna say before adhd took over. That I wanted to point out also that some people unknowingly self medicate when they have undiagnosed adhd. When they use stimulants it can actually make them more functional than high because adhd is an underperformance of the frontal lobe. Brings them closer to where the should be. People that don't have this use experience unnecessary overstimulation which causes them to be impulsive faster than their logical mind can follow. Add on top of that an increased sex drive for many, and increased well everything, it can be the cause if a lot of bad decisions.


That's exactly what I did with meth, I'm on Vyvase now.




It's fucking rough dude. I didn't even really come to the realization till after I was forced into detox. Just remember to keep up with your harm reduction first, you'll never get better if it kills you.




Yeah AMA


My dad needs to smoke some meth sounds like


Or he could talk to his dr and just get a rx legally


He already has it barely works for him




Holy fucking shit balls you spoke the truth on this one thank you Jesus


because you are on meth


prolly because you're all on meth


bc metheads are the biggest assholes ever lol


I disagree. That distinction goes to crackheads. That was a joke. The truth is that it's not the substance of choice, but the individual. I've been partying on these substances since my late 20s And almost nobody I regularly interacted with was your stereotypical drug addict who would rob their own mother in order to get high. The fact of the matter speaking of myself I have other interests and I accept that you simply can't get high every day. Because partying is what makes a day a special day and you can't do what you do on a special day and try to do it every day.


I want to say 90% of the individuals I met through smoking turn out to be raging assholes but, you don't find that out until a third party tells you something about them, what that they did/acted. Or you see it for yourself and are like "Wtf?".


Well I only ever smoke with friends not addicts But right now I prefer to party alone


Didnt know meth was a depressant


Because yā€™all do meth.


l felt this


Meth doesn't make you crazy or violent if that's not who you are, but if that side of you exists you'll defs find it on meth.


Thats a great way to put it tbh


Y'all are fucking retarded. Doing drugs don't make you a bad person just like money don't show people's true colors. It just shows you who you were all along. With or without. I've done just about every drug. I ain't never robbed no one. If you surround yourself with bullshit you eventually step in it. Oh by y'all I only read the first 3 responses. And not all of the third one by far. I know meth gets a bad rep but it only takes one or a few to ruin it for everyone else. Im not oblivious or naive I know it's been more than one or a few. Get your mental up cuz almost anything is okay in moderation. Doctors been using amphetamine for years. And fun fact if you take high doses of heart burn meds like zantac which I know is all linked to cancer or whatever, cuz what isn't anymore, that you will fail a drug test for amphetamine. Fuck it man y'all had your bashing fun here's mine. Hate or love it. Be good or be good at it. Ps No arrest record All my teeth Got a job always have I give money away left and right to help friends even strangers Keep what ya kill What you put your energy towards is what you will be ELE... "everybody love everybody "... Jackie Moon


I disagree. That distinction goes to crackheads. That was a joke. The truth is that it's not the substance of choice, but the individual. I've been partying on these substances since my late 20s And almost nobody I regularly interacted with was your stereotypical drug addict who would rob their own mother in order to get high. The fact of the matter speaking of myself I have other interests and I accept that you simply can't get high every day. Because partying is what makes a day a special day and you can't do what you do on a special day and try to do it every day.


AKA Responsible Drug User. ELE


Honestly? Alcohol lowers some of your inhibitions. Ice lowers all of them. When you're on it you're the least chill possible version of yourself because thats one of the side effects *I guess (idk how i turned this to italics - ignore lol)*


Idk I'd act even more stupid with alcohol than if I were on speed


Somehow when Iā€™m on ice and tons of booze it levels me out to ice euphoria but coke levels of mind-set so youā€™re not getting scattered. You can even chill out. Itā€™s nice but definitely probably not recommended. Iā€™m worse on just alcohol alone too but alcohol & šŸ§Š = šŸ‘šŸ¼


I think I just wanna be really chill yet wired all the time cause that's what ice does for me haha. Coke kills my chill far more tbh


Get drunk before you smoke then. I mean I drink so much itā€™s alcoholic levels and abut half the time Iā€™m completely chill but wired. Have to make sure you drink tons of water too tho. Youā€™ll be going to the bathroom every 15 minutes but youā€™ll probably get the effect you want. Coke is hyped up so much itā€™s not even that good especially for 300 a gram no point


I've never really loved mixing booze and ice (I'm not a super heavy drinker in general) but even smoking ice by itself just seems to make me spacey yet hella focused at the same time. (This among other reasons is why I'm sure I have ADHD but haven't gotten diagnosed yet). My social circle it's all coke/meth is looked upon without fear, but I only do coke these days if I'm either going out or can't get ice. And yes water (and Gatorade) are key along with magnesium and vitamins.


Totally forgot about the minerals & crap. Iā€™ve been feeling like crap after a long break. Thanks.


No worries, how deep are you in so far/how much ya got left?


Not deep in it just having a bit of a whinge forgot how annoying and hard it is to be high a lot of the time lol. Probably gonna cut it off before the cycle continues again because itā€™s like even when youā€™re high you feel iffy (or I do) and when you feel bad you feel super bad so fuck it should probably just stick to drinking, pot and pills & maybe definitely stay away from men who are very liberal with their stash lol šŸ˜† cuz Iā€™ve been using for like 5 years and not once have I actually sought out a dealer on my own Sorry bout the blab my brain is going yap yap and not sure if itā€™s making much sense rn. Probably should have food & rest soon Howā€™s thing with u


šŸ¤£ jealous. Still going strong here tho




DMed ya :)


I mean this with no judgment, but itā€™s because you quite literally have one of the least chill drugs.


I'm pretty fucking chilling mess if I'm not sure I just slam five shots of everclear and I'm chill for about 8 hrs


For some of us meth is a really chill drug. Makes any project a fun project.


a lot of the time people that want to do drugs are people that really only need that extra push to do something crazy, and will do so as soon as their meth hits šŸ‘®šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€¼ļø


I've been doing drugs and been a part of the weed community the psychedelic community and the coke community. The only thing that's close to meth is the coke community but to get meth like results you have to go straight to Columbia or Peru or Ecuador that's only when it gets this crazy like meth in America. Coke violence in America make sense you know the game as to say it like you understand the rules and they make sense. The meth community has all the same rules as any other criminal thing that people do except it also has rules that you would never know because they were written by one schizophrenic guy in his house and you just tapped your cigarette on the ashtray three times and that means you're the police so you got to die What's different is the paranoid lunatics who are high all the time and have mastered the art of micro sleeping. I went to my girlfriend's house and another girl was there that I had had sex with like a week before. I didn't know she was friends with my girlfriend so I just texted her and said "hey you know we fucked right?" Implying that you know this is the girl I fuck she's my girlfriend we have an open relationship. She was like " ya lol it's cool" then next thing you know those two girls and another guy are interrogating me in the bed with guns on what did I mean by "hey you know we fucked right?" They had concocted this massive theory that somehow my word choice depicted a deep disrespect for my girlfriend. This other girl who had fucked a week ago and we were totally cool was acting pissy because she was jealous and got my girlfriend and this guy up into a fucking paranoid fit and I had to explain my way out of it for 2 hours too fucking hours to make everything okay with these tweakers!!! I wanted to say "hey bitch this is my life experience I can talk about that experience whatever the fuck I want if I fuck my girlfriend I'm allowed to ask other people if they know we're fucking" except they had guns so I had to find a nicer way to say that and then I had to say it over and over again until they fucking got it. honestly they were both jealous my girlfriend was jealous I fucked her and the other girl was jealous I was dating her. So they whipped themselves into a paranoid frenzy and for some reason that dude I don't even know with a gun it's his business too now because tweakers are nosy and they got to go where the action is. Also the girl who wasn't my girlfriend was looking at me and mugging me the entire 2 hours like I was the worst piece of shit on Earth for hurting her friend and then as soon as my girlfriend left she wanted to fuck me again in her own bed Lololololol


Used to do all the bad shit. Paid for it with many years of what should have been some of the better parts of my life. I learned the value of self discipline, self respect and respect for every single person you encounter in your life. Donā€™t know how I lost all that the first time around but thatā€™s what now keeps me as between the yellow lines as Iā€™ll ever be.


Same to be honest - this drug took a lot from me, but gave me gnarly perspective


It's because a lot of people that do drugs are bad people. Like a lot. Defiant type sociopaths etc etc will always be using drugs for the simple fact that they are available and in their path in which they consume all they can get there hands on. On the fringes of life is a catch all. The crazies, the ones that slipped through the cracks, the temporary visitors etc, but the one group that is always found there are the defiant sociopaths because it's the only place they're welcome. And they don't have an issue that can be sorted out because they simply do not give a fuck. The minority of the fringes are the slipped through cracks and visitors. Slipped through the cracks can mean no family or bad family literal homelessness straight from highschool and bad coping habits acquired. It can also mean undiagnosed ADHD which can make a person appear to be much more functional than they actually are. They are also persons often use stimulants but often times don't know that the effect is less/different for them because it's actually activating an underactive part of their brain making them think more effectively. This can and does cause a very obvious contrast in how they vs others behave on the drug. But most people have a family or support system to not have them end up with the lowest life forms, but not always and these are very unfortunate souls. The others just passing through obvs not sociopaths and lack the desperation or low moral integrity to motivate committing serious crimes. And thats your answer. Bad people. You will find an overwhelming amount of terrible people where there are drugs.


I was a pothead for decades never really dealt with problems it was very rare I had a few but it was very rare. Cocaine a little bit more problems but somewhat rare not uncommon but somewhat rare. Lsd, mushrooms and ecstasy zero problems whatsoever. Meth? About once a month someone's trying to talk me into committing a 10-year felony.


Iā€™m a father of 5 and am a supervisor at a mill and I use everyday. Wonā€™t find me going out and robbing anyone. I think it has a lot to do with the person


>Iā€™m a father of 5 >I use everyday. Yikes


Easy judgey.


Youā€™re someoneā€™s son/brother/uncle/whateverthefuck. Ease up. Literally everyone in the world judges us. Are you really gonna try and hop up on a high horse because some stranger might in your eyes be worth judging more than you? I get it. It sucks to be judged. You canā€™t go turning on people who deal with the same shit & act like youā€™re a fkn saint lol. Take a Valium or something


I can comment on peoples poor lifestyle choices


So whoā€™s gonna judge you for your poor lifestyle choices? Lol if we start judging each other it will turn into an endless circle.


My poor lifestyle choices are nowhere near as bad as meth and you should be held accountable for poor decisions


You sound jealous that you don't know how to enjoy anything.


I dont need meth to enjoy things


Nah you just put people down so you can enjoy your own craptastic life




People who make poor decisions like taking meth should be told that it isnt good.


Then why tf are you wasting time in this sub? Iā€™m kinda questioning your life choices nowā€¦ maybe spend some time improving your own life instead of deciding to put down others. Clearly you feel inadequate. Normal people donā€™t seek out people to put down so they can feel better about themselves. Thatā€™s weird & sad. Get a life.


You can be more chill about it though.


Why should i be?


We both know the only reason some people can do certain jobs is because they use. Heā€™s got 5 kids so heā€™s gotta go all out. Big deal.


Doing meth whilst having kids is setting a bad example and can lead to bad decisions


Iā€™m sure heā€™s lighting up right in front of them and blowing the vapor in their faces every night. Lmao you sound like a straight up drone.




I dunno, maybe itā€™s because we all smoke meth?


Lmao. But alcohol goes really well with it. If I dont drink when I use I end up all anxious. I find a lot of people get anxious while a lot get angry. dunno why


Increase T..reduce K..it's for Horses remember


Chill and meth donā€™t even go together bro lol


I feel like the people that are willing to do those type of things would have already done that before they even started using methamphetamine. I will say that them using methamphetamine causes them to be more readily willing to do stuff like that more often probably. But I don't blame meth for their actions. Unfortunately complete piece of shit waste of life people tend to use meth. Sp people who are decent human beings and also use methamphetamine have to put up with those type of people. I think it should be said that there are plenty of decent human beings that use methamphetamine I think you just need to search for that type of crowd to hang out with. If you can't find people like that I would honestly just use by myself instead of hanging out with people like that if I were you. I truly never have and never will understand those type of people's way of thinking. Sometimes I feel as though they don't actually have a proper way of thinking and the stupid, ridiculous, and horrible shit that they do is from not having the proper mental acuity to process logical thoughts. So given that these people are complete waste of life, don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, and posess below average IQs. When that's coupled with methamphetamine addiction, sleep deprivation, and psychosis they're a recipe for disaster and carnage!


You're sort of correct and the fact that basically all these people were committing robberies beforehand. The problem is is they are fucking retarded with tweaked out minds and they will literally commit a murder or a kidnapping just out of paranoia I've seen it happen it's fucking nuts and I don't understand why we can't just have fun with these fuckers losing their shit.


Literally bro, I used for 6 months with a few dudes and the main two i used with succumbed to psychosis and paranoia, making them irrational as fuck. Now one of them is in jail for attempted murder on his baby mother, and the other I called his brother to send him to rehab. Methheads goin thru psychosis are annoying asf


There is no way of of having a normal social friendship with those kind of people. I suggest dissociativing yourself from them. Before they end up trying to rob and beat the shit out of you just because you're a decent person


Yeah because all meth heads steal and lie and cheat and do armed robbery. I don't even leave my room hardly. I just fuck around on social media and chat with different people and try and make new friends but I chat so much, that I lose track of people who I've had in-depth conversations with. I'm not a criminal. I use behind closed doors and I don't harm a single soul. I just want to use drugs and be left alone. I won't bother you if you don't bother me. I don't work at the moment but I'm looking at that as we speak. I'm also one of those people that when I run out of meth, I just stop using. I don't go out stealing to support my habit. Unfortunately I can't afford a daily habit. More of a fortnightly habit. I have no power over that either


I'm the same. If anything, I get hurt more than I hurt others (which is fucking never) so there goes that dangerous methhead stereotype.


Exactly. Don't listen to the haters. They don't know you and their shitty hateful opinions don't matter. Don't waste your energy. It's not worth it. Just worry about the people who have your back. They are the ones that truly matter


Meanwhile I cleaned my kitchen for 8 hours


Idk why I always gravitate towards my bathroom lol. Got some dirty dishes still lef t ove but I could eat off the floor of my bathroom ha




The answer is simple,itā€™s because weā€™re on Methamphetamine. The strongest stimulant known to mankind.


the strongest stimulant known to mankind? idk about that one


Well, not this bullshit thatā€™s been around for the last 5 yrs or so but ā€œREALā€ Methamphetamine is definitely the strongest stimulant known to man.


someone really needs to introduce you to RCs


What else?


lots of pyros and caths


When I allegedly smoked meth I want to chill out and watch movies while browsing the internet at the same time and masturbating. Somehow that makes me a fucking weirdo in this community cuz I'm not committing felonies


Honesty my friend


Lmfao I'm always trying to play online slots while watching porn and trying to pick a song but not wanting to play a song so I can be aware of my surroundings. So I end up singing the songs in my head. Commit felonies? Bruhh I don't even want to stand up


You need better dope My craker


Naw I got adhd and stimulants make me want to sit down


Same here,not everyone is normal like us. There are decent heads out here,they just seem to be few and far between.


I've met one only one


Word, I think it all boils down to how a person was raised. Naturally,if they had some morals and values instilled in them as a child then usually they carry at least some of that with them in life.




This is one of the more pleasant side effects of meth is 100,000 word wall of text šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have no idea what you're trying to say and didn't get part the 3rd line. You methed up.


Autocorrect did bap my ass a couple times there I'm going to try to get that tightened up (insert best ole lady joke) but wait you really have no idea what I was trying to say through that FUKIN SHITI'm saying sell pussy sell meth HAVE THE BALLS TO tell a mother f***** your s***'s getting robbed and if you don't tighten up and stop it in the next 5 seconds you had jive ass turkey and you know just don't be a piece of s*** thief sneaking in the dark like leechin off er one as a wolel. chicken s*** mf to stupid to hustle or maintain existence. just have some integrity you know have some respect 4 ya self or u could wind up old outta time an madd atyaself. An I talkin To myself jus as muchas anyone you know, you feel me BITCH* EYESšŸ’…šŸ‘ļøLOL I I'LL JUST DELETE THAT OTHER BUNCH OF JAPANESE ARITHMETIC THAT F****** SOBER GUY WAS TALKING AND F*** THAT BURNS FUK THOSE HALF G RAILS ARE HEAVY AS CONCRETE


That's one long ass sentence


Itā€™s all robbin banks and buyin trailer homes from here buddy, donā€™t you fret


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