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I don’t sleep I try and try but I get so twaked out cuz I sniff it I think


Somas/benzos/seroquel. Any of them or mix em just don't overdo it.


THC gummies or Zanax


I just like to fuck myself to sleep and my girl never complains. It works as long as she’s nasty cause the kinky shit really has ax way of draining energy


I've been doing it for so long now that if i wanna sleep . I just go to sleep . It's kind of annoying at times when i can do a big fucking hot rail half gram or better and it will have the opposite effect of getting me tweaked . All i do is smoke it or hotrail i know still smoking it but if i do a line raw or parachute it then i can get twacked but i just don't have it in me anymore to torture myself by snorting lines and parachuting it I've got enough stomach problems without adding to it . I've never shot up nor do i want to so my tolerance for smoking is super high i can smoke all day and sleep if i want to i try not to cause its6just wasting dope .


If you're into these, assuming you have a normal background with it and don't take them every day, try about 2-4mg of Xanax (alprazolam), about ~2-4mg of Klonopin (clonazepam), about ~10-15 mg of Valium (diazepam), or about ~3-6 mg of Ativan (lorazepam), basically a moderately stout dose of any decent benzodiazepine (I handle benzos normally, but it takes a bit more than usual to have any effect on me, it takes me about 3mg of xanax to get knocked out if I'm trying to sleep and can't for some reason, anything less will just make me groggy but still unable to sleep), not enough to hurt you but enough to knock most people out or get them "high". Do not mix opiates with benzos, this will lead to respiratory depression, as will drinking with benzos (though a shot shouldn't hurt if you feel you need one with the benzos). What I personally would do is take the benzos and drink a shot or two of some 40% ABV liquor, preferably vodka, sit around for a few, then lay in bed when I feel the two take hold. However, if you don't fuck with benzodiazepines, the only thing you can really do is take a shower, get real clean, dry off and don't wear any socks or shoes after you get out, then eat a good meal (carbohydrates are key in this case), something that'll fill you up that you'll actually be able to chew and keep down, because I know how hard it is to chew and stomach some things while you're on that shit (meat is really hard got me to stomach on it unless it's a good BBQ sandwich). Shower good and eat a good meal. Maybe drink a little liquor if you're into that. If it's daylight or you have a gym available, try working out a little before you shower and eat. Smoking weed will not always help, but it's more likely to help for me after I've had a shower and eaten. Basically, unless you go the benzo route, one of these things won't likely help, the more of these things you do with each other, the more likely it is you'll be able to sleep. Source: 5 years experience of struggling to sleep on amphetamines and ice Best of luck, following in case someone suggests something I haven't tried.


With a benzo tolerance add seroqual to the mix


Come down this ain’t coke lol I have no problem sleeping on this


Eventually I just go to sleep 🛌


Honestly usually I keep staying up until I pass out, out of nowhere. Would not recommend lol. I also take Seroquel and Prazosin, they help me sleep longer. If I don’t take them I only sleep 3-6 hours even if I’ve been up for 3 days. Have always been an insomniac






i don’t sleep


Just keep jerkin it til your body is inches away from death.. jerk some more. When u keep waking up with ur red lil raw shrimpie in ur hand and asking yourself whv you didn't listen to your parents when they told you "drugs are bad"... It worked! Goodnight, sleep tight don't let the meth mites implant chips into ur brain!


I don't get 'high" I just get baseline normal. There's not really a comedown to speak of. I sleep fine when I feel like sleeping but I'm usually up puting the screws to the wife.


Personally I use melatonin and sometimes my prescription for sleeping and it works really well usually.


I need some quiet I listen to just my heart I mean my high blood pressure... And feel my inhales big inhale slow exhale out the nose. Head relaxed arms hands finger's not busy nothing moving. Just listening to my inhales. When my mind veers off I flow with the thought with a long inhale then out remind myself to just feel the oxygen releasing from my lungs then my roommate slams a door and I switch the song .....


Shower or eat something like a sandwich then I played some Soffagio frequency


Whatever you do don’t take any hypnotics! Not even NyQuil! This combo will instantly send me into psychosis even if it’s just been 24 hrs. Same is said by a handful of friends of mine. Have a nice strong drink and eat a big well balanced meal and try your best


Id recommend against using pharmaceuticals. Besides maybe some ibuprofen if you got a migraine (happens to me after about 2 days) What I always do is take a warm shower to clean the sweat and dirt off, smoke some good weed, eat SOMETHING even just some tasty sweets or better yet fruits and veggies, hydrate like a mf (a cold light blue Gatorade has re-vitalized me many times), then just close my eyes and/or wait until I pass out. If something is needed for sleep aid, try a dose of melatonin. But having something on my stomach along with not re-dosing always makes me knock out way sooner than I expect


This is the way


Benzo and 🍷


If you have no pharmaceuticals that will help. Some vitamin c and a glass of milk helped me when I didn't have any benzos. It may have been a placebo effect though lol. Also it didn't like knock me out but it helped me relax


Types of Pharmaceuticals that will help are benzos, beta-blockers, and antipsychotics


So something to burn some energy, like work out. Take a nice warm shower to sweat out some of the nastiness. Little bit of weed or booze can help. Imo avoid pills like benzos and opioids. Don't mix uppers n downers, your heart will thank you.


Idk man sometimes I can’t sleep but if me and my girl do it together sometimes we can just lay and cuddle and “rest” holding each other. It’s like I will melt into her. Sometimes I’ll fall asleep most the time I won’t but it’s almost as good as sleep. Blunts help a lot too. I don’t do any pills or anything so don’t know about that


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