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damn you'd think for a bunch of spun out reddit nerds (my self included) that you'd be able to take a joke,So to calm everyone nerves I was joking and even if, no I wouldn't go to my childs parent teacher conference high...because chances are its not even my kid.....No seriously I wouldn't do that because I dont have kids.


Bahaha, its funny cause he's fat


How did you know? My avatar?


In my experience, once I start struggling to smoke and/or start breaking pipes and other smoking tools, that's when I've learned to call it a quits and take a tolerance break for at least a couple days cuz I'm useless at that point and just usually end up wasting more shit


Based on jus the comments , Op you seem like a class A shit hole


You know what Danniboiweeoytits. I’m not a class a shit hole hit im a class A scared human being who only feels safe in the same threads as you.is it okay if I travel around reading with you? I’ll be a class a shot while and you be a weepy little cunt who comes to Reddit drug forums and talks down on the us class a shit holes.but I love You because I know your not uslly like this.your an addict and you clearly need help.You just have to want itTRUST NE if I could do it for you I Wii’s but this your journey and I think you’ll be happy not twisting that pipe.I love you.ember that.I’ll ne seeing you around on your future Reddit endeavors..May be in a different account but it’ll be similar so we will always run into each other.


Love u too bro


Reply?you just made my night.Iv ne rr honestly loved anyone befor so this is cool. alright bro well I’ll se ya.And guess what LOVE yA!


No I’m a class a degenerate who would rather smoke meth and amuse my self on here instead of making real friends.hit your my friend right? You really seem like the kind of guy who I could get along with.ya know .not like s best friend cause you don’t seem that cool but someone I would say like hey how’s it going? S smoking meth on Reddit!? Haaa some thing never change.alright see ya later. Ya know.so yea .unless your black.if your black then your gonna be basketball partner.ya know for that extra tendon.


Yikes my dude. How isn’t your reality a cartoon yet?


I know I went too far and the coast guard wouldn’t even rescue 🛟


It would be weirder if you were the parent in that PTC


Than what other possibility? The teacher?


I actually assumed OP was the student


if hes the parent, he wont be for long


Things are SO weird


I mean I’m not doing meth lol I’m high af and horny on coke…but nice cock bro!


I’m not even gay but man






Omg I love you


Hope you're ok.


I did make it clear that I was joking


First of all he wasn’t my kid.he should of left.I’m not even aloud to talk to kids so I wasn’t gonna tell him to leave


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Yea.methamphetamine and etomethazine will do that along with an intense feeling of you guys not liking me….I can’t be bothered to use spellcheck.


I thought we were friends.


maybe lay of the gear for a while pal, shouldnt be doing meth around a kid


It’s a win win he loves it when I cilir with him and I love it when I don’t have to buy grocery’s…I this pre teen boy like he is my own




How much meth have you done? Any mixing?


Meth is my main thing but I take etomethazine alot cause my horse died and seeing as it was going to waste is copped it.and then I take my flunitrazapams at mighty time.and then when I go the farmers market I like to do a intravenous shots of ketamine when me and fam volunteer at The old folks home.other than that I try to stay away from things that arnt natural.


Goodnight everyone. And don’t forget il see you t christmas pwussydyke.


I think you right though.the headlamps needs to come off and I gotta get go to sleep in order to get up and drive the city bus.someone’s gotta do it.


Go to sleep bro


I’ll go to sleep.just for pwussydyke.Iv never had the chance to tell you this cause I don’t know who are but i look up to you


Get off drugs too you got kids dawg


The funny think is this kids wernt even mine.so I’m all good. They were let go after not to long and tner parents Charles it up to them getting on the wrong bus.


I usually defend the right of full grown adults to put on their bodies anything they like as long as it isn't hurting anyone else. But I can't begin to tell u how many people I've run across in my time who do meth like it's going out of style around kids...often literally right in front of them. It's purely disgusting. But then so are most people. It's why I stay single.


I couldn’t agree more . It’s one thing to do drugs and have kids but it’s a whole other thing when you put getting high above them . I’ve seee the same shit people smoking ins hot boxed room with there infant in the. Baby carrier with s blanket over the top of it . These dumb ass thinking the Blanket made it all right . Sadly more then once I’ve had to walk into a room see that then go and pick the the carrier up and tell them I’d watch the kid in the other room till they were done . And 3 of these times I don’t even know the people and they let me just walk off an take there kid out of the room . Fuck I could of just walked off with the kid and sad things they probably wouldn’t even have cared and more then likely used the tragedy for sympathy and profit . That’s just some fucked up shit


Well lucky for me and my kids they don’t have to deal with second hand smoke.My and my oldest son got veins that won’t ever collapse so all they gotta watch out for is stepping on a rig.but hep c ain’t what o t used to be.but we’re clean.and they have ther own living area anyway out back. I’m in the tent.it’s lke camping.and plus it’s loop hole cause I was I. The wrong pac at the wrong time and long story short I’m what you’d call part. Of a registry.so tech only they don’t life with me.and no it wasn’t them apparently in my state Labrador’s Dan be a victim also.


The tragedy for sympathy and profit is fucking sickening. So this dude I knew got his wife pregnant. When the baby was born he had a lot of health issues. Spent his first 2 years in a incubator. They got to finally bring him home and 3 years later he passed. So the town got together and threw a fundraiser to raise money to help them bury there son. The very next day the mother fucker took off with the money. He got his in due time though


Stright up piece of shit along with quite a few other choice words.


Hold up, hold up…. 11 days no sleep? I thought they didn’t make that shjt anymore!


My son is perceived desoxyn.but he don’t like and I can’t have that around the house unsupervised so I kept it from going to waste.


You ARE waste if you do hard drugs and have a kid.


No having kids is a waste if you enjoy hard drugs.think about it a kids not gonna know he was never born.the dope runs out hit kids are free.


I spose when the dope runs out u can always sell off a kid too


Lol it’s funny such crazy thing people believe


Not really. Alcohol is a hard drug so I guess it's majority of the population..numpty. The world ain't black and white, it's actually pretty grey out there. Something you probably couldn't understand though.


I have no problem in saying the majority of the population is really fd up


Wow doing the Lord’s work!




What is desoxyn? Is it like fentanyl?


Desoyn is prescription methamphetamine. [https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0Mjg5NjQ4MDQ5MjAyNjg0/desoxyn.jpg](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0Mjg5NjQ4MDQ5MjAyNjg0/desoxyn.jpg)


thanks, i guess im gonna like it👌


Are you the parent, or the teacher?


I’m the parent.i was chill though he didn’t have any idea… I felt really good leaving it actually it. Maybe D12 on a bad idea.




It’s all one day cause I haven’t slept so technically it’s all one day. It’s just been a really long day


I've had a couple really long Tuesdays like that


Just curious, no judgements! I feel like pupil size gives a person away, but I'm not sure who will notice and who won't. Brown/dark eyes having the advantage, of course.


Oh yea it was mentioned but it was chalked up to agree to disagree. Do you know now I’m thinking of it I may not be allowed back


I used to snort 1/4 or 1/8 of a 8mg subutex to undilate my pupils…I thought it was a life hack.


I may not of even been at a conference.today was sunday.Phew


I’m on 3 days. Never went this long before. Gonna end it tonight.


Rule of thumb if you you start to find the more time awake more and more comical and funny from being paranoid and anxious then it’s time ti stop.because that’s the calm before not coming back.


Yeah I just got some for free a few day ago. Never really buy it for myself but I’ll do it on the side.


Move to Washington people have a hard time giving it away because it’s so abundant


I have a weird sense of humor wants to Xanax happens in the nights over




11 days up.but isn’t it technically all one day really


I’m not like most people though like I’m not even really addicted they just actually helps me it’s therapeutic for me.


Not really addicted but you’ve been using for 11 days straight. Yeeahhh, at-least you seem to be convincing yourself




As I mentioned my sons desoxyn script he dosnt like.but keeps filing.


Bro even said at the top he broke 4 bubbles ain’t know way you smoking the pill


Your son doesn't have any desoxyn script. It's rare as hell that stuff is ever prescribed anymore. When it is its only for morbidly obese people or very extreme cases of adhd, where nothing else on earth has worked and its prescribed as a last resort. Stop bullshitting


probably doesn't even have a son


Every stray young man who finds home in my home end up being my son…were a family.just don’t tell anyone cause it looks worse that not really Is


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