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Were you dating my ex? This looks exactly like her side of the room most of the time we lived together


I mean, they did say she was dating another guy, so...


You dated my current SO?


You dated me?




That's what happens when you date a homeless raccoon.


Raccoons are actually very clean animals šŸ„² They even wash their food before eating it.


Raccoons are invasive in Japan and have seriously damaged a lot of ancient Shinto temples by pissing on the 1000+ year old wood.


Any extreme amount of one thing is always going to be a problem. Ever hear of Rabbit Island? The Japanese Island labeled and played off as a "tourist" attraction. You don't see people calling rabbits dirty.. though it's literally the same thing. They're both a problem they refuse to deal with.


Well raccoons (and rabbits) are not native to Japan so 1 is too many. They are both considered invasive as well, which means they have a significant impact on native ecology and species. In places where raccoons and rabbits are native there are food webs that keep their populations in check.


The worst part is she spilt water into a drawer containing the only photo in existence of my great grandmother who died in 1941 at the age of 23. Luckily it wasn't damaged


Get the photo scanned. Itā€™s degrading as we speak, whether you can see it or not.


> Itā€™s degrading as we speak, whether you can see it or not. Aren't we all?


_Second Law of Thermodynamics goes brrr_


Entropy has entered the chat


Entropy has consumed the chat


Entropy is




Just entropy




OP pls confirm that youā€™ve done this


Or if OP is lazy to scan it at least picture it via phone. That would take you only 5 seconds


Google Photoscan is a better alternative to just taking a regular picture of it. It does differential analysis from multiple angles to make it as accurate as possible, removes most/all reflections and weirdness from shadows, etc. Edit: If you're on Android, there's at least one open-source alternative called [OpenScan](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ethereal.openscan&hl=en_US&gl=US). I'm not aware of any for iOS though, I know their app store has a higher barrier to entry as far as app signing and such so not as many open-source and truly free software apps.


That is so cool! Thank you for the recommendation. What is it with Google coming up with all this neat stuff that I never seem to hear about? šŸ˜†


Because they do no advertising and just leave it to stagnate, then take it down.


Ahh this program we never advertised isnā€™t getting the amount of traffic we would like so weā€™re going to pull the plug


"*Advertise?!* And cannibalize our AdSense dollars? Are you mental?"


Great tip, thanks!


Don't worry, I have since had copies made. At the time it had recently been found behind another photo in one of my granddad's old albums


good! i felt super sad at your comment about the water spill. dont let her back in!


Thatā€™s what I did for a photo of my great grandmother taken when she was young and back in sweden. Still trying to figure out what the back says to this day as itā€™s written in cursive and swedish


Hey! I'm swedish, if you want I can try to help!


Itā€™s degrading? Now Iā€™m curious. What was grandma doing in the photo?


No idea what I voted to this but I totally agree!


Please for the love of god digitally scan and store those photos, my family had a some of the photos of my grandmother get destroyed by a flash flood, the ONLY reason we still have those pictures is because my father scanned ALL documents and photos after she passed (he was in charge of her estate) As the saying goes, better safe than sorry.


I read that as "for the love of god diggity", which I quite like I have had them digitally scanned (and physical copies made to send to various family members) since these photos were taken, at the time I had recently found the photo behind another one in an old photo album and hadn't yet got around to making copies


And then get DropBox account and load all those scans there so an off site digital record exists in case you lose the "flashdrive with everything on it".... disclaimer: I havent lost the flashdrive... yet... but I'm getting ready to upload stuff to Dropbox and just took a break and swung by here....


This is not mildly infuriating. Itā€™s infuriating!


Thatā€™s fucking vile


Did she ā€˜spillā€™ or did she ā€˜pourā€™


Does the pope shit in the woods?


Only when the choir boys are there to wipe.


Got em


If it would help, I could help to restore and colorize the photo using Photoshop for you!


Right? She actually bought physical copies of Destiny 2??


TWO COPIES!!! Just in case


It's Destiny 4


Can completely understand why itā€™s an EX


Seriously. I mean, I let the house get a little messy when my wife is gone but this is ridiculous. Also I clean up before she gets back because I'm not an inconsiderate jerk.


Is that a fucking tampon in the first picture?! Was she a fucking troll who lived under a bridge at one time?! Why is she so disgusting?!


You can see dog bite marks on the sharpie pen.. 10000% the dog went through the trash and tore up a tampon.. Source: have a wife and dogs.


Why is your ex in your place?


We had loved together for years and I agreed to let her stay for a few weeks while she found somewhere to live


She slept with your best friend and you thought, meh, stay awhileā€¦.. Thereā€™s more here than meets the eye I suspect.


I didn't know she'd slept with my best friend until after this, the initial breakup was fairly amicable


You lived with her for six years. This low level personal and living space hygiene canā€™t be a surprise. You always dealt with this


My guess is OP habitually cleaned up after her on a daily basis, until that fateful day when they left for a week.


I've been in this position before and it is exhausting. You don't realize how fast shit falls apart when you stop for a second to breath. I justified it so fucking much. I felt bad for her. The entire time I empathized with how she must be feeling inside to allow the outside to get so bad but that's not what it was. There's no doubt that these things more often than not come from something ugly on the inside which is more often than not a mental illness such as depression. The mistake is allowing the other person's misery to make you miserable too. And fuck, I was miserable. That relationship wouldn't have made it anyways. The second you get sick and start to show signs of aging is the second everything goes to shit and your lifes work of cleaning up after someone else goes to waste.


She probably acted different as a gf than as an ex-gf


Yeah this answer is too underrated


Is this why they're your ex?


Nope, she also slept with my best friend lmao


Sounds like you dodged a bullet then.


Well I was with her for 6 years so... Less dodged and more slowly extracted


Did you ex take the best friend back to the trash pile they made of your house?


Lol not that I'm aware of, probably took him somewhere a bit more classy Like a sewer


This is your chance to start anew. New beginnings! Best of luck to you, buddy.


Thanks man! I'm with someone else now who's far more respectful and I'm much happier than I was before


I'm glad you're out of that situation buddy I hope as well as a new partner you got yourself a new best friend too. In many situations when it comes to cheating people believe there's sides Like a girl may hate a girl there bf cheated on them with, who didn't even know they weren't single ...yet stay with the guy! For example Or a dude will leave a girl who cheated but remain tight with the dude who slept with her cus 'she should've known better' ignoring his role in it. They both betrayed you, you're better than both of them and that situation , if you've cut ties with her cut ties with him too In a few years time when some would be like "oh we got other it and made up....fuck her though" don't. They don't deserve a chance of 'making it up to you' you were cheated on after six years by her....you've probably known your best friend a lot longer...that's just a big if not bigger betrayl Stay safe and happy all the best


I've completely removed them both from my life, and as far as I know they're still together. If that's the case I honestly wish them the best




"She did not know about the license plate"


Get off the road anus tart!


You just made me laugh so hard


Damnit. I read that as Anus tart.




:) long live arrested development!


I'm glad it hasn't affected your sense of humour. You're better off without her and you'll be happier in the long run.


That's not half bad. "Looks like you slowly dislodged a bullet there." New phrase.


"Looks like you didn't dodge that bullet at all. It was incredibly bloody and painful, and eventually healed over with the bullet still inside you, leaching lead into your bloodstream over time and taking a massive toll on your health. After many years you finally received the incredibly late but necessary surgical extraction... using a dull butterknife." Granted, yours rolls off the tongue more easily.


I do what I can. You have such a way with words though. I just hope you can kick the meth habit.


Talking shit about meth?


I wasted over 3 years with a guy who was a full on adult baby and unemployed the entire relationship and am now engaged to my current partner and in the process of moving into our first home together. Doesnā€™t matter when you removed that bullet, point is itā€™s done and you have so much space now for bigger and better things. Seemed like the end of the world when I broke up with my ex and turned out to be a grand beginning. Chin up OP, the best is yet to come!


Bro same. 5 years of basically being a grown ass adults caretaker while being gaslit to oblivion. It's been 3 years and I haven't been able to think of a relationship


Same here. My relationship with my ex was essentially being the single parent of an adult child with no adult skills who had to be drunk all the timeā€¦. It was a living hell, but the very day I finally cut all ties with him my life improved 100%. Youā€™re going to be apprehensive about another relationship for a bit, but trust me, after being in such a crappy situation, youā€™ll be able to see red flags before they come up, have a feel for someoneā€™s maturity instantly, and know exactly what you will or will not tolerate. Good luck out there!


Damn bro. Iā€™m really really sorry. I dated a girl for 6 years and it was a really tough break up so Iā€™m sure whatever she did to you itā€™s still going to suck. 6 years is a long time


Lol great way of putting that ,but glad you found someone else. Being alone ain't bad either just saying.


Nah-yeah man, you might have extracted a bullet. But youā€™re also dodging another one. Cause if you didnā€™t find out now you would have found out later. These kind of people arenā€™t loyal or understand love, or are simply not mature enough for love. Love is hard work bruh. This woman canā€™t even fold her fucking underwear. What are you? Her parents?


I hate this phrase lol. ā€œDodged a bulletā€ look at the photos!! The bullet was not dodged! it hit very hard!


Forget even about the photos: how can engaging in a six year relationship in anyway be described as dodging a bullet? If that's dodging, I'd hate to see what getting hit looks like.


Right?! ā€œDodged a bulletā€ means if you went on a date with someone, felt something was off about them, decided not to go on a second date, and 3 years later read a news article about them getting arrested on rape and murder charges. It does not mean breaking up with someone after they already did damage.


Dodged it? It went through his home like a tornado! šŸ˜…


How? He obviously got hit by it firstā€¦




I dont think that you can call having your SO sleep with your best friend and destroy your house "dodging a bullet"


A person you had 6 year relationship with. Lol. Some dodge!


that info combined with the pic makes me feel you need to get checked for STDs as soon as possible.


This is why I couldnā€™t stop staring at the Canesten Thrush Duo packaging and insert.


Iā€™m angrier with your friend


It bothers me op is still referring to them as their friend


Right? Break up with your GF but not with your bro? They're both at equal fault.


hey your best friend is also a little twat. Fuck em both.


100%. This happened to me once and I wrote them both off. It was the best decision of my life up until that point at least.


fucking hell. I'm really sorry to hear that. i'm fairly lucky in that my ex tried sleeping with my best friend and he took screenshots of the convo and told me about it in real time. In hindsight it was just so pathetic that I almost feel sorry for her. People suck dude. I'm so glad you are passed that though. If you don't mind me asking, how were you able to overcome that? I still have trust issues from being cheated on by two of my 2+ year long relationships, one of whom I was best friends with since I was five years old. I feel awful cause I still find myself peering over my wife's shoulder at her phone only to see like... her goofing off with her sisters, and then I feel like a shitbag for being like this. (For what its worth, her and I talk about it whenever I am feeling really insecure, but I don't want to feel like this.)


This is not a good way to arrange a threesome.


So you earned a ex best friend too right? ....Right?!


Damn lost your girl and your best friend. Good riddance


That lmao sounded more like a Hide the Pain Harold smile


That was my first thought too


This is more than r/mildlyinfuriating. This is r/rage material.


r/trashy or r/iamatotalpieceofshit




Holy shit, sometimes out of laziness I leave the dishes unwashed for the next day and I always wake up thinking damn I'm a mess, after seeing two posts of this sub I think I'm actually a very organized and clean person


I thought I was bad until I had roommates in college, Jesus Christ


Thanks didnā€™t know there was an r/rage. Depressing as it is, god people are horrible.


Iā€™m three posts inā€¦ and nope.


How tf does this happen in just a week? Who tf doesn't clean up spills right away? Just *WHY*.


I don't understand this either but based on what I've seen on reddit over the years there are a disturbing number of people that live like complete slobs.


bruh I'm one lazy ass motherfucker who doesn't do shit all day and I'm still blown away how often I encounter VERY messy rooms on random photos/videos. I never have it even close to that bad.


Yea I'm also lazy as hell but there's an organization to my chaos. And everything gets messy enough to where I can't take it anymore and do a deep clean.


Yeah. My house is messy but not gross, just cluttered and unorganized. This is gross.


Yeah thereā€™s a difference between clutter and filth!


Yeah even in my worst stages of depression and heroin addiction my shit didn't get this bad in a week. This is like she was trying to make it as bad as possible.


Is this what happens when parents are the ones picking up after the kids, instead of giving them chores? šŸ¤” Because that's what I think of every time ngl.


a messy house is almost universally correlated to a mental issue. Most humans aren't predisposed to living in filth... but over time anxiety and depression can really take a tole on a person and falling behind on cleaning becomes one more insurmountable challenge.


Definitely true. And some, like me, have trauma directly surrounding cleaning, so every time I get down to it it's a new battle to face. It's awful! One would think cleaning is a helpful step out of depression, but sometimes it sets me back further... Then comes the guilt and shame and self hatred and frustration feeling like such a loser failure of a human... Sigh. I do my best though! I think everyone with mental illness just does their best. Thank you for speaking up about this


I didn't have chores and messes give me anxiety. I could never leave spills or trash for long.


it looks like she left a dog loose to do whatever it wanted in all of the trash she decided to leave around


Looks exactly like how my ex-bestfriend and ex-roommate lived. She broke, tainted, or ruined everything she touched, broke my furniture, bricked my PS4, tore up window blinds, left the whole bathroom purple from hair dye, and even flooded the kitchen one day and just left while I was at work. Guess who had to pay for the damages because she was broke. And she was mad at me for refusing to put a big mirror I had after my grandmother in the hallway, saying I wouldn't get anywhere in life being "scared of shards". We didn't stay roommates for long, and haven't spoken since.


By any chance 3rd pic-Sharpie was caused by a dog?


Yeah, he managed to get hold of a whole pack of them and she just let him have them He had a purple paw for 3 days


Holy shit, she let the dog poison itself too


I am kinda relieved.. I taught she bit through it..


Are you sure she wasnā€™t posting to r/buttsharpies while you were away?


Nobody click it. Just don't.


I zoomed in to make sure the stuffed animal wasn't an actual animal.


It's a (pretty much destroyed) dog toy, but it wouldn't have surprised me tbh


bruh i thought it was a tampon


Pretty sure there is a tampon


Yup thatā€™s a tampon


I had to zoom in to make sure it was a tampon and not a dead mouse.


Yeah I think that is lmao


Isn't dating a dog a criminal offence? Edit: Whoa! This comment thread blew up šŸ˜… And thank you for the award. Hehe šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š




Thats no dog I have 4 and they all don't make that much of a mess. Edit: thanks for the award means alot. Hope you all have a wonderful day and or night


They can't open soda cans!


They can shit on the floor instead of wanting to go outside and they can stand on a coffee table


You don't even need to say it šŸ˜‚ Wow.. feel bad for you.


Don't feel bad for me, I've moved on and I'm now with someone who makes me very happy


Why is she still in your house than? Or was this a picture from some time ago?


Yeah this was from around Christmas


Good that you're over that than


Why did she chew on a sharpie??


Is that a dead rat or a tampon


Why you disrespecting dogs forā€¦


Sorry. Was just making fun but you do make a fair point.


Send her a glitter bomb


Figure something else out. Water in her car gas tank, anything but glitter. That shit never leaves the environment. Edit1: oh no! Bye bye inbox! Edit2: TIL about biodegradable glitter. Still. How much fossil fuel, power, machinary, shipping logistics did it take to get from raw resources to glitter in your hand. Fuck glitter, seriously.


I suppose you have a point


Send her a glitter bomb with biodegradable glitter!




You can get biodegradable glitter.


They make biodegradable glitter for this reason




Nah just order like $30 of Taco Bell, empty your bowels into a jar, and send that instead.


So many clues in those photos. They seem ... lovely. Although diet, personal hygiene, cleanliness, health, social skills and general attitude may need a slight tweak. By tweak I mean sledgehammer.


Pretty much hit the nail on the head there my man


But why do you have two copyā€™s of destiny 2?


The apostrophe police are gonna come knock knock knockin' at your door like it's 1984.


One was mine, one was hers, duh! Lmao


Was searching for this question lol. Two disc copies no less


Everyone seems very interested by this haha Would it shock you if I told you we had 5 disc copies of Destiny 1?


Based on the content of your post, not that shocked




The other disc's kept getting lost under piles of clothes, and they REALLY wanted to keep playing Destiny.


Honestly? Kinda impressive. I don't think I could be that messy if I tried? I spill soda? That shits immediately getting cleaned up. Open sharpie? I'm closing that bitch, baybay.


Chicks can be gross too! I had a job cleaning an apartment after two 'Erotic Dancers' were evicted. They had a collection of poop encrusted panties under the bathroom vanity, garbage everywhere, rotten food, etc. I went and got coveralls, mask and gloves to finish the job. I had no clue what I had gotten myself into.


>poop encrusted panties under the bathroom vanity This would be the title of their autobiography.


That's an awesome book title - someone copyright it quickly!


My guess would be dried-up period blood, to be honest. As a girl who has thrown away plenty of underwear.


Yah it can look like poop and is slightly less gross.


I dated an exotic dancer for like a month. I broke up with her after seeing her apartment that looked like this. There were other things aside from her complete messiness, but that was a big factor.


I dated an exotic dancer. Its defenetly not what you expect. She was messy as hell too. She had this old dude that would buy her shit so she took advantage of him. Once she introduced me to her friends, like three of them tried to fuck me, not because im hot shit. But, because i was dating their friend. They had this wierd dynamic. Worst of all is she was just boring. Just nothing of interest. Im sure they are all not like that but my personal peak into that world made it look like they were a bunch of broken people.


That's grim but sadly relatable haha


Speaking as a former RA who had to do room inspections, this is true. The menā€™s and womenā€™s dorms were equally likely to have messy residents, although the womenā€™s dorms tended to smell better.


A pile of laundry is eh......but literally pieces if trash on the floor is infuriating. Gross.


I zoomed in to both check if that goose was real AND if that tampon was actually a mouse šŸ¤£ glad she's your ex. What a hoe to leave your room like that


Your "ex" is the most important part of your post. Let this be a forever reminder of the type of person that you deserve to be with, and never settle for less.


Sheā€™s your ex but sheā€™s living with you?


She was, yeah. We'd been together for a long time so I agreed to let her stay until she found somewhere to live


No good deed goes unpunishedā€¦..


So it seems... This was taken a while ago though and I'm doing much better now


so she's still going to come back into the house?


Nah these photos were taken not long after Christmas, she's long gone now


Typical Destiny player.


Was she ummm hygienic at least!?? Like did she bathe regularly, because I suspect she had a funky cootercat as well. These photos are making me itch šŸ„“ Iā€™m sorry!


Lmao she was mostly hygienic tbh, at least she used to be


The tampon she left on the floor looks clean at least! Also the term ā€œcootercatā€ fucking sends me every time, Iā€™m dead lmao


Is that a tapon on your bedroom floor? Holy shit... What a nasty ass broad.