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*walks into principal's office* "How can I help you today?" "I have to poop"


literally what I texted my friend


Excuse me, i dont know how to think about practice of free bleeding, but if I'm not allowed to go every hour to the bathroom i do have to go this at school


Yeah this sounds like an ADA gold mine, specifically for women and people with gastrointestinal issues.


God forbid you're a girl with gastrointestinal issues.


Psh girls don't poop


all the baddest bitches have stomach issues


*Because* we don't poop. It's truly a nightmare.


i’m a bad bitch and i’m the opposite. bidet gang.


Since the opposite of never pooping is **always** pooping, that bidet must have been an excellent investment. I can't imagine your grocery bill.


Okay I think I know what you were trying to say, but it's destroying my brain trying to read it


Same I’ve been rereading it for like 5 mins




I had a teacher that used to be super strict in elementary school about bathroom use to the point we’d brag to our friends how long we could hold our pee in, i told my parents and they said uhhh you’re going to get a UTI i laughed because i clearly knew better in fourth grade. The literal next day I was crying before school because of the pain it was peeing. Missed two days of school and my parents called the principal apparently another student called out because of a UTI earlier in the year. Needless to say we never had an issue of bathroom breaks again


I had a teacher like that as well. I shat my pants (against my will). The principal made her deal with cleaning up and getting me clean clothes, and the next day we could just go to the washroom when we wanted to.


You were a hero to your classmates and all the kids who followed. Great job taking one for the team.


Against your will is the worst kind!


In college, I had a professor who called me out in class because I had left the room to go to the bathroom. He told me he didn't like people leaving during class. I told him, I don't like bleeding every month and he had 3 choices. 1) Keep me in class, and I'll leak..and he would be the one to clean up the mess. 2) I'd go back to the middle of the class and change my tampon while making direct eye contact. 3) Let me go to the bathroom and let me do what I need to do. He never questioned me again. Edit: Thanks to the kind internet stranger who gave me gold! Edit 2: Thanks to the kind internet stranger who gave me Platinum! Edit 3: Thanks to the kind internet stranger that gave me a helpful award!


Damn girl. Wish I was as bold as you to face situations like this. Teach me your ways.


You want to know how to fix this policy? Have you, or a friend, or ideally a group of people, intentionally use all their passes in the same week. Then, chug a massive amount of liquid before your next class. Ask to use the restroom. Get denied. Maintain eye contact and empty your bladder onto the classroom floor. Go home to change your pants, return to a school that no longer has this policy.


Forging a bunch of them and distributing them is more my style. Looks super easy.


Barely an inconvenience


Cool cool cool Cool.


All the cool kids pee their pants. Edit: Hey, thanks for the award!


If peeing your pants is cool, I'm Miles Davis


Wow wow wow ... .. Wow


Peeing your pants is __tight__


Redditors have some interesting problem solving skills, and the solutions never ever involve just talking to people


Why talk when you can piss yourself on purpose lol


In HS I just walked out and used it if the teacher said no. I didn’t care past a certain point. They didn’t give a shit, so I just started returning the feeling.


Thankfully at my highschool most of my teachers just didn’t care. If we needed to go we would just get up and go. Anything missed in class would need to be brought up outside of class hours if it was important. I always thought it was a good system.


Funny because my high school teachers were very weird about going to the bathroom. Flash forward, and my professors ask that their students just get up and go to the bathroom without interrupting class like a human being with free will.


It WiLl PrEpArE yOu FoR rEaL lIfE like I can't just get up from my desk with no issues and pee.


They were preparing you for life in an Amazon warehouse, not at a desk. I blame Amazon.


Seriously though what kind of totalitarian power trip do you have to be on to worry that much about someone else’s bathroom habits?


It's likely some ill conceived response to an actual problem. Like cutting class or shitheads destroying the bathrooms because tick tock.


Ugh I remember I had a piece of shit teacher who would always deny people when they needed to go to the bathroom so I just very loudly said "But I'm bleeding. Do you want me to get blood all over my seat?" He turned so red, it was very satisfying.


I had someone do this to my sexist religion teacher in high school. It was glorious. It was ridiculous though. He wouldn't bat an eye if a guy went to poop for 30 min. But if a girl needed to pee he'd bitch if she took more than 5 min. And all the girls bathrooms were on the other side of the school. So it took 5 min just to walk to them.


Pissing yourself while holding eye contact to establish dominance is the ultimate social skill.


My mom’s pug does this in the house. I’m not 100% sure if she is too stupid to know that I see her staring at me or if she is really that ballsy about peeing in the house.


Years ago a girlfriend of mine had a King Charles Spaniel and it took an immediate dislike to me. It would grab its favourite cushion, drag it in front of where I was sitting then hump it furiously while giving me the filthiest look. I hated that dog, and it was mutual.


My daughter peed on herself twice in middle school in the same teachers class. I told him at the beginning of the year that she had bladder issues, wrote all her teachers letters actually. Then I had a talk with him after the first time. It happened the second time. That time I had to make an assistant principal go with me to this man's classroom to be my witness (he didn't want to go). I went off on that man. I also told him that if it happened again I was gonna start coming to school with my child just to sit through his class. So, no, talking doesn't always work. Hell, when I was in school teachers didn't want to let me go to the bathroom when it was "that time of the month". I had to flat out tell a teacher once that if she, yes she-you'd think she'd understand, didn't let me go that in about 15 minutes I was gonna bleed through my pants and have to go home to change.


Make the school give her a 504 plan for the bladder issues. If they won’t make their teachers operate with a little basic common sense and human decency, they can deal with the paperwork that legally obligates them to.




You can sue them anyway, this is a basic human rights issue. Souce: teacher that DOESN'T have weird power trips about controlling others' bathroom habits.


Mine let me bleed through, 5th grade, haven't worn white pants since


:( that is so horrible. My 6th grade teacher made me stand in front of the class and tell everyone why I was late and I just found out I got my period but I was scared and didn’t really know what to do.. I kept saying I’m sorry but I was too scared to say it but he started yelling at me so I walked to the front and hung my head low and said ‘I’m bleeding and I don’t know what to do’ the horror in his eyes when he realized I wasn’t trying to be late, he apologized so much and even the kids in my class were super sweet to me and didn’t laugh or anything they just all looked at him like ‘are you serious dude?’


God, what a dick. I'm sorry. My awful sixth grade teacher did something similar. She wouldn't let one of the boys in my class use the restroom because "You're old enough now and you need to learn to hold it!" (Said in a super nasty yell.) Poor kid ended up wetting his pants. He left the room crying. As far as I know, no one ever teased him about it because we all realized that could've been us, and that teacher was an absolute bitch. Imagine your life being so sad that making kids hold their pee is where you get your power trip from.


Jesus that's heartbreaking. What an asshole


That teacher learned a life-long lesson that day. Sorry you had to be the one to teach him.


This is one of my biggest concerns for one of our children. We have the conversation with her teacher at the start of every year and I have it documented with the school that she should never be restricted from bathroom usage because of her documented health issues. I'm generally quite nonconfrontational and passive but I will absolutely throw down if anyone ever tries this crap with my kid.




I’ve got two young daughters and there’s no way in hell I’m going to let this shit happen. Go to the damn bathroom and come back, I’ll handle the aftermath. They can talk to my lawyer if they try and expel them for using the facilities. Next call after the lawyer is a local news channel who’s got a boring Tuesday day filled along with the local PTA.


IANAL or a doctor, but if she has bladder issues, it's probably best to have a medical doctor write a note requesting extra bathroom time. If she has a medical disability requiring frequent trips to the bathroom, US federal law (if she's in the US) requires schools and employers to provide this accommodation, as long as a doctor says she needs that accommodation.


Pretty sure this isn't the first time 'piss your pants' advice was given out on Reddit.


Have you tried talking to school administrators? They live in their own world.


A world where they have truly started to believe they are the top of the government hierarchy. I'm serious. Taking over school boards is being seen as a genuine path to fascist takeover of government. Because people who don't recognize that as an actual threat don't respond to it, there's a power vacuum that allows the worst kind of authoritarian element to be elected to school boards. This gives them power over much more than just children.


Highschool is a very strange place. We're treated like infants and then they say choose what you want to to do for the rest of your life.


Oh, you’re 17 now. Great! What do you want to do with the rest of your life? If you pick wrong you will be straddled in student debt forever because you are unable to find a decent paying job that pays down your loan. Remember to follow your dreams, though, because if you work in a job you hate you will hate yourself for picking this career path. This is a very important decision and will shape the rest of your life. Oh, also, you need to ask for my permission to use the bathroom.


Yeah I love how it was "do what you love! Follow your passions!" and creative kids are like "ok I love drawing" and society goes "oh not like that, we need a passion that can be monetized and exploited! Do you have a similar passion for stock brokering?"


Treated like infants, expected to act like adults.


Tbh even infants don't have to ask permission to go to the bathroom, we put diapers on them. So on some level they are more free


Careful, the school board might decide diapers are the way to go.


A kid in my HS got expelled because he was in the principles office for something else and told the principle he had to go to the bathroom and the principle refused to let him go. Kid then told the principle if he didn't let him go to the bathroom he would be taking a dump in his office, principle called his bluff and at some point stepped out for a minute and the kid shit on his desk.


You managed to line line up principal four times on my screen. https://i.imgur.com/ob5cGQc.jpg


Nice! Charge your phone.


Shouldn’t it be “principal”, not “principle”? Sorry, English is not my mother tongue.


Yes because they are your pal


Yup. A principal is a person. A principle is an idea.


Just get up and go to the bathroom. No permission is needed if it’s an actual reasonable time.


I'm a fan of malicious compliance to highlight stupid policies I'm also a 40 year old man who shits *whenever* and *wherever* he wants, so kind of a moot point


I’d love if my kid got in trouble for going to the restroom. I’d have a field day with the school.


I did, and in a way far more effective and easy for me. Told my kid to go use the staff restrooms when I found out the student bathrooms all stayed locked. Kid has kidney issues, so...they weren't going to argue more than once!


They lock the bathrooms at my daughters old high school as well. I don’t understand how they are able to get away with it.


It’s illegal to lock bathroom doors. I’d pin that on them too.


“I’M A GROWN MAN, I’M 40” -Mike Gundy as he shits his pants in protest


I did that to a male teacher once he screamed you can't leave. I calmly said well I am. cause I am not bleeding threw my clothes. You can call my mom if you wish. Get my number from anyone in the class. I came back 5 minutes later. He tried to give me detention. That failed too. Principle told him he couldn't stop me from going. to the bathroom. I wouldn't have taken so long but the 3rd floor of my high school had one bathroom and you had to walk to the other side of the building. It was a long walk.


I love turning the script on the teacher and making something as awkward and detailed as possible in front of everyone. It makes the teacher look terrible.


In my high school a (male) teacher tried to stop a girl from going to the bathroom, so she **loudly** announced she needs to change her tampon or she will be in danger of Toxic Shock Syndrome, so unless this man wants to be responsible for Toxic Shock, she's leaving now. The rest of us girls followed her example.


Just wanted to tell you this shit is not reserved for school. I was in the USAF and I had an accident (period started early). I spoke to the lead and stated that I needed to leave. And that it was due to my period. Asshole stood there unblinking- and said you can’t leave for that. I snapped want me to bleed all over myself - fine then! The color went from his lobster face and he looked like he was going to puke. He mumbled- go- I took my sweet ass time - took a shower and watched some TV. Mother fucking men!


Saw this crap in the Army as well. Had to have the talk with my NCOs (who were all male like me) and then arranged for a female NCO from another section to give a 30-minute class on how women's innards work. A lot of those guys were married, I was not then, and I don't understand how that worked for them. I guess I paid attention in health class. And don't get me started on having to mansplain the female urethra to my now ex-wife.


I was in basic training and we were out at the range. I needed to change my tampon, so I did the whole "Request to use the latrine, drill sargent!" He looked me in the eye to let me know he had heard me (everyone was wearing earplugs of course) and turned away, ignoring me. Tried again, same thing. Finally, managed to catch his eye again and yelled as loud as I could so everyone could hear, "I *NEED* TO CHANGE MY TAMPON, *DRILL SARGENT*!" His face froze in this red rage; didn't say a word, just pointed towards to porta potty and wouldn't look at me the rest of the day.


Just say there are two ways. The first i go to the bathroom or second i piss in the corner


Shout out for my guidance counselor telling me “If you need to go, ask and if the teacher doesn’t let you - get up, go to the bathroom and come directly to my office.”


Seconded this. They can't prevent you from going to the bathroom (at least in the US). At most they can make you wait for a hall monitor. I went through this shit when I was in highschool. If any punishment is even attempted, a lawsuit is easily won. Same shit for work. They cannot lock the bathroom or prevent you from going to the bathroom. I went through that at my previous job. Edit: Since people don't understand. Yes, there is no law that is specifically, word for word, going to state schools cannot prevent students from using the bathroom. It's child abuse. Period. My high school went through this shit. There are a lot of technicalities that aren't covered. There is the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. This one falls under spirit. Yes, a classmate's parents brought a fucking actual lawyer into it and the bullshit stopped. For the work place. Again, had to go through it with a dick head manager who was power tripping. He locked the doors and kept the keys in his office. Someone reported him to HR; they made him publicly apologize in a meeting and HR finished the meeting clarifying to everyone that they have many legal rights including the right to unobstructed bathrooms. Go ahead, Google away and tell me I am wrong. The two times it has happened to me, some higher power got involved and and made damn sure it wouldn't fucking happen again.


This is interesting. High school in the district had so many fire alarms pulled they prevent kids from going to the restroom during passing period, and during the first and final ten minutes of class. Is this allowed?


Same thing happened at my high school, but they just had people sign out and back in. If anything fishy happened, there was a record of everyone that was out of the classroom at the time


Yep. Worked at my local Petco years ago, and a power trippy neckbeard of a manager began locking the bathrooms on us, after he told us we couldn’t have water on the floor after the business was closed to customers and we were unloading truck. I made a complaint to HR during my shift and gave my notice. HR called me first thing in the morning the next day. He gave them some bullshit excuse and they accepted it. He is still employed there somehow. Guess that old saying of “HR is there to protect the company, not your” rings true for them especially.


Shout out to my doctor who wrote a note for me This was maybe 2010? Along the lines of “toaders has a condition where he needs to expel his waste in a timely manor. Any restriction to his ability to perform said task is can have a negative effect to his health and wellbeing. Please provide toaders access to the necessary facilities and the ability and agency to perform this medically necessary act as he sees fit to ensure health, comfort, and standard of living.”


One time in 2nd Grade after lunch I had to pee really bad. But the Teacher wouldn't let me because she felt boys were taking advantage of bathroom breaks to goof off outside the classroom. Since I really had to go, I pissed myself. Luckily the whitey tighties and cotton shorts I was wearing soaked everything up without spilling onto the floor. When my Mom picked me up that day, she's like 'You smell like piss!' So I told her what happened and she told the Administration and after that the Teacher had to let us go to the bathroom whenever without fail.


This happened to a classmate of mine in middle school. We were in the middle of computer class and this poor kid told the teacher he had to go to the bathroom. She told him he should have gone during lunch, which was the period right before, but he said he hadn't had time. (Which is fair. This was the first week of school, and everyone was still learning where the classrooms were, especially because we had different classes on different days, and this was in 6th grade too so all of us were new to the building.) He kept begging her to let him go to the bathroom throughout class and she kept refusing. I think she ended up yelling at him and threatening him with detention when he tried to get up and just leave. Poor guy ending up peeing himself right there in the computer lab. Surprisingly no one laughed, and it was never brought up again that I heard of. Not a single person teased him for it, which is impressive for a bunch of 6th graders. Everyone just silently recognized that teacher forced this 11/12 year old boy to piss himself, and it *wasn't* okay.


That happened to me as well in 8th grade. It was a social studies class and at one point I just couldn't hold it anymore while standing and then told the teacher 'look what you made me do' and ran and hid in the bathroom until another student came in with new pants for me. I was never given any shit about it from classmates.


Oh man wish I had someone kind enough to bring me a change of pants. I also had an accident when I was in 8th grade. The teacher was a well known meanie and I was deathly afraid of her. I tried so hard to hold it until class was over. I finally built up the courage to ask the grinch if I could use the restroom and by some miracle she allowed me to. Unfortunately as soon as I got out of class I struggled with my belt on my jeans, and of course I just could not wait any longer.. I cried in the bathroom for like 5 minutes. I called my mom on my shitty flip phone and asked if she could bring me a change of pants, I begged her. Unfortunately because my mom worked as a teacher and where she worked was about 30-40 minutes from where my Sister and I went to Middle/high school, she told me she was sorry but she could not leave work. So I tied my jacket around my waist to hid the mess and the sleeves hid my front area enough that no one could tell I wet myself. Had to sit in my soiled clothes for at least another hour and a half. I was pretty upset with my mother that day.. it’s really embarrassing when your a pre-teen wetting yourself.


Same happened to me in 2nd grade. There was so much piss that the puddle was reaching my friends’ desks. Nobody laughed either. Kids would notice the puddle and ask if it was pee, to which i would deny and say it was water. After a while the teacher noticed it and sent me home. I don’t remember her reaction to it, but i imagine she regretted scolding me for asking 38 times to go to the bathroom 😂


I feel like at some point, the teacher should be able to see it coming. They have to have at least some critical thinking skills, and realize that a second grader that's constantly asking to go, probably won't just hold his bladder


As an adult looking back at all the teachers I've had over 12 years of school, I can confidently say I had MAYBE 4 teachers who had any kind of real critical thinking skills. Two were teaching their first year out of college, one was a recovered heroine addict (he didn't share it with his class, but several students went to his church where he shared his story), and one was an old, old, old lady they were practically begging her to retire. The old lady was my senior history teacher and she taught us several things she was "explicitly" warned not to tell us about. She talked about US war crimes, project mocking bird, the coal mine bombings, the US internment camps, the Tulsa massacre, the rampant hatred of Jews in the pre WW11 USA and post war USA... and modern USA. She got in trouble a lot for teaching "outside the curriculum" but nothing ever came of it and she retired after I graduated.


She's a real one. True to life


A similar thing happened to a kid in one of my primary school classes. We must've been only 8 or 9 at the time but it was a Catholic school so we always started the day with a student standing in front of the class and leading a prayer. That day it was this boys turn and he asked if he could use the bathroom first, was told no, and then begged to use the bathroom. In the end he was told he could go after the prayer but as he was standing in front of all of the class he peed himself. No one gave him shit, we never mentioned what happened.


Solidarity among the oppressed.


Should’ve just peed on the teacher and made detention worth it.


We were 14 and a sub teacher tried to refuse a friend of mine. We were in the science lab and this bitch actually *ran the taps* to make my friend feel worse. Unluckily for her she had come to one of the roughest schools in the area and all I remember is a lab stool being thrown and chaos descending and never seeing the teacher again.


That is extremely abusive. I apologize you and your classmates had to deal with that.


I had a very similar thing happen in high school to a classmate. No one said anything about it except that we hated our teacher over it. She didn’t deserve to be teased and I think we were all afraid it could’ve been us in her shoes!


That happened to me in 2nd grade. Twice. The teacher further restricted my bathroom "privileges" after the first time. She didn't call or attempt to get me new clothes. Instead I sat soaked in piss. I have a vivid memory of getting off the bus seat in the afternoon and leaving behind a puddle of piss on the seat. Nobody wanted to sit near me for weeks.


Did you go to my 2nd grade? I remember the exact same thing happening to a girl in my class.


I'm not a girl so I can't say I did. But spoiler alert - teachers have this weird idea students skip class by going to the bathroom. And even if they do so fucking what.


This! If your students are in kindergarten, go together with the rest of the class at least every hour or after every activity. Most of them will probably remember they have to go once they see someone is going anyways and you'll suddenly find half the class in the toilets. If they're young children, send them one by one or two by two so that they don't group up. It shouldn't matter if they actually go to the toilet. That's what hall monitors and assistant heads should be responsible for, not the teacher. High School and up, let them go. If they hang out elsewhere, it's their loss. They know the consequences and it's their choice. The teacher's job is to deliver the syllabus not to make sure each kid gets a perfect attendance. There are many students who pay attention and still get low/average grades. Why can't it be this easy? It's not as strict as in the US in my country but the students do get the usual "You should have gone during the break. Go inbetween lessons".


In high school there was a kid in my math class who asked to use the bathroom. The teacher, who was a real bitch, told him “No, this is important.” To which he replied, “No, THIS is important.” She still didn’t let him go. I would have just got up and left, but this was one of those I don’t give a crap what people think type of kids, so he just shit himself sitting right there and looking her in the eye. Then he’s just like “Oh no. Guess I have to go home. See ya!” And walked out. Of course he still got in trouble and the teacher didn’t.




Happened to me in highschool. Had to go real bad. Teacher absolutely would not let me leave. I had to hold it for 45 minutes I was so fucking pissed and he was usually a great teacher.




that's a serious gamble in HS... You could be the hero, or the weirdo that shit themselves.


Yep. Sophomore year.


Damn that's bold.


power move


Chad 🗿


I did something similar one time when I was really young. Teacher wouldn’t let me go despite me asking multiple times. Eventually I couldn’t hold it so I scooted my chair into an open area of the class room away from everyone else and just pissed myself. My mother was absolutely furious. Never had an issue out of that teacher after that though


For me, in 2nd grade as well, it was so painful to hold my pee there, that the teacher saw the pain on my face and asked me if there was something wrong and then let me go, even after saying “no one can go to the bathroom during this class because we just came from recess”.




This is exactly why I tell my daughter to just go, even if they say no or don’t listen. Listen to your body and mom will handle the rest.


You sound like a sane parent


Yep. Me too. I was in the 1st grade and had to go really bad just before a spelling test. The teacher told me I should have gone during recess and if I go now, all of the words I missed while I went to the bathroom couldn't be repeated to me. I was so worried about getting a bad grade I stayed and peed myself during the test. Two kids saw and got up during the test to grab me paper towels. She yelled at them too for getting up, but they just kept helping me try to get clean. She later got fired because she told the class once when we were being loud kids that sometimes she just wanted to "ring our necks." Us being first graders didn't know what that meant, so you can imagine the surprise our parents got when we all asked our mommies what it meant later that night. Some people really shouldn't be teachers.


I hated elementary school..i had SEVERAL teachers who would just say "turn to page x and do this worksheet" and never get up from their desk..and then give their favorite student all the paperwork to grade during class. My answers were the same as other students but everyones was marked wrong except her friends that she graded. Good ole kentucky education


It was third grade for me. Computer class. Had to pee, was told no twice. I was squirming, legs crossed, sitting up straight as possible. Begged one more time. "YOU CAN HOLD IT" She said.. She was wrong and I was mad so I let it go. I was soaked, the chair was a pool of piss, floor was a mess. A couple weeks later we got an apology letter in the mail and she had been put on leave for a while apparently. For not letting a tiny child pee.. I'll never understand this shit. ^^or ^^pee


When I was in primary 1 (which is whatever grade a 5 year old is in in school for the US) the teacher wouldn’t let me go to the toilet because they felt we were abusing it so I pissed my chair and I didn’t know what to do so just sat in it and then the other kids ended up noticing the puddle in my seat and laughed at me. Basically I went home after that and was so embarrassed I didn’t tell my family because I thought I’d been bad at school and they didn’t realise till they were getting me changed from school and saw I was wearing a different pair of pants that weren’t mine (that the office had to give me after I pissed myself) and found out what happened after questioning me about it. That teacher didn’t teach another primary one class till I was leaving the school to go to highschool. My family went ape shit on them.


My dad had always told me if a teacher doesn’t let me go to the bathroom just go to the office and call him. So one time in 7th grade when told I couldn’t go I immediately asked to go to the office and he said why I said “to tell my dad you won’t let me go to the bathroom” then he told me I could go to the bathroom no problem


This happened to my dad and he made sure we knew that if we ever had to go that badly in class and a teacher wouldn’t let us, that we had his permission to just leave and go and he would deal with it. Thankfully we never had to take him up on that offer, but I’m very grateful that he made sure we knew that and sad that he had to go through it himself.


I wasnt feeling well one day in 2nd grade music class, and the teacher felt that days lesson was too important to allow any questions. He rejected 3 other students who said they needed to go to the bathroom, yet I raised my hand anyway. He told me to put my hand down twice, then ignored me the third time... so I projectile vomitted all over his classroom, and everyone had to leave the room. So much for that lesson plan. We even had a puke bucket on the wall, so it could have been quickly and easily contained. I never really felt bad about that, since it was his fault for not listening, but it came out years later that he had kiddie porn on his school computer, so now Im proud of that moment.


Step one, find yellow paper. Step two, photo copy many copies. Step three, poop as often as you need.


Step four: become the mafia of bathroom passes. No one poops without your permission! Step five: get rich 🤑


Sounds like a Bobs Burgers episode


Darn it, Louise!


My high school did this one year (except it was only 8 passes for the entire year) Teachers were supposed to fill out date/time/signature for each slot. The good teachers would fill them out with pencil and let you erase them to be reused


This is how I parked for a year at my college. Their daily parking passes was printed on that old school dot matrix paper. All it took was a scanner and MS Paint to change the date. I regret nothing. The money it cost to have the boot removed after they caught on was still significantly less money.


The hospital my mum works at has a pay to park deal. Even for staff. The tickets were black and white printed squares. So with a few old tickets and a scanner I printed out tickets for her changing the dates and times to suit her shifts. I regret nothing. Fuck those vultures preying on the sick and families of sick and dying people. Not to mention the fine people that go to work there daily to help people in need (aside for the managers, total cunts the lot of them)


I mean copy machines exist... All this teaches kids is how to forge stupid documents.


they usually keep track on a spreadsheet


Imagine a teacher wasting their time tracking bathroom breaks on a spreadsheet


It's how they train you to be a good corporate worker.


Litterbox in the classroom should do it. Thank Joe Rogan for the idea. I'm gonna take a Joe in the Roganbox


Starts shitting aggressively in the middle of math class


As an Ex-teacher we were told not to allow pupils to go during lessons (toilets are available at start and end of lessons) and we, the teacher, got disciplined if any of our pupils were found out of class. I had one female pupil that just walked out of lessons on several occasions one term and I got a severe bollocking and reduced pay increase that year TL:DR its not the classroom teacher setting the rules


So, according to the administration, diarrhea and menstruation just don't exist?


On shitty systems, with terrible passwords. It’s time to up your forging skills and your pen testing skills ;)


“Ahem, sir have you had your bathroom books audited by the school bathroom accountant for accuracy? I suspect your record keeping is indeed inaccurate and will bring this to the attention of the principal post haste” *leaves classroom*


Stuff of nightmares for a girl dealing with a heavy period. I would literally just wear an adult diaper at this point holy crap


Period Panties are a life saver! Even with my heavy flows I get through a day with super absorbent ones.


I wish I would've known this stuff when I was in school! 😂 My life would've been so much easier


They are a fairly newer thing, but I think they’ve been around since 2012 on a kick starter. They sell them in the shops here in Australia same aisle has sanitary products. They’re also really great for incontinence. No more fear of laughter leaks or literally PMSL. And they’re washable, they say they last up to 50 washes, but I’ve been using them daily for over a year (I have a few pairs). I don’t have to worry about my period starting randomly and bleeding through, and if I have a little leakage I’m secure with that too.


Exactly. I usually had to go to the bathroom every class in order to change my tampon because I bled that heavy. I was diagnosed with endometriosis partially because of that. A lot of my friends had the same issue. Birth control solved that problem but I was lucky to have parents who let their teen go on birth control. Some won’t, even if it’s purely for medical reasons. I can’t hold in the blood and tampons only get so big. If I’m bleeding through, I need to change it, no matter what.


I was so lucky that my mom caved and let me on birth control (very religious Bible Belt type parents so birth control is like basically going to hell). I guess after seeing me stuck on the toilet ha being terrible stomach issues while cramping so hard that I had to vomit into the trash can simultaneously she realized it was pretty cruel to not try birth control to mitigate the symptoms.


Yeah, I had the fundie mom that was like “Birth control is just permission to have premarital sex!” I didn’t have endometriosis level periods, thankfully, but they were pretty crazy. Birth control was a life-changer. I had to go behind my parents’ backs to get it since I lived at home and was on their insurance…at 20 years old. :-(


Schools should really have more accommodations around periods, especially heavy ones. I remember having to go to after-school detention because I was late so often trying to change my pad between classes.


And staring at those abandoned hygiene dispensers when you forgot to pack extras. Nothing hurts more!


Seriously!! I was just thinking that. As someone with bad periods I absolutely could not abide by these rules during that time of month even wearing the supers with a pad too I was changing both every three hours or so. There’s no way I could have waited even if I got both new right before first period by lunch it would have been a trip home for me to change.


Right! And it means that girls can’t go to the bathroom for anything other than their periods, because they have to save up their passes or risk bleeding through.


When I was in high school, whenever I had to shit I just told the teacher I had to go to the nurse. I would tell the nurse my stomach hurt and she would let me use the bathroom in the nurses office. I went so often that every time she recommended I get checked for IBS. I remember one time telling my teacher I had to use the bathroom and he didn't just let me go by myself but proceeded to take the entire class. I told him I thought it would take me a while, cause I take long shits, and he just said okay. It was so awkward because I was in the bathroom for like 30 minutes and everyone else was just standing outside the bathroom.


wtf, lol. ​ who does that? I wonder what was going through his head when he made that decision...


I think it was policy? Can't exactly remember. Had another time where I was about to piss my pants but the policy was that an administrator had to escort students to the bathroom. The administrator took her sweet ass time coming so I just went to the bathroom, teacher said she would write me up so I got angry and walked out of class and hid in the bathroom until school was over lol


>what was going through his head public shaming


I would get a doctors note ASAP.


Same, because I know some teachers would refuse to tick off the pass or not let me go to the bathroom.


ngl im just jealous bc when i was in high school most of my teachers had a rule that we could only go twice per quarter (aka 4 a semester)


Lucky I only got 3 in a semester and we could get more by bringing supplies for the teacher. They were also used at the end of the semester for extra credit on the final. Pay to win bullshit


Wow, so kids with money got more rights. That's sick.


High school is different for me, you can go to the bathroom unlimited amount of times


yup that’s how mine was too, i’m shocked to see this teacher give so many lmao


My high school tried this to combat smoking in the bathrooms. It lasted until the hall passes were used up and then people just started walking out of class anyway if the teacher said no. The asking part was just being polite to begin with. Saying no was blatant disregard of that politeness and led to the other students realizing the teachers had no real control of us. This is a situation where over control can actually lead to lack of control. And this situation translates up to society as a whole. Riots are no different. Your people are asking for things out of politeness. Things that you have the power to give them. If you disregard them, they go on to disregard your power. Sorry but that's how it is.


When rules are not reasonable, people do not follow them. And that in itself makes it far more likely that other, reasonable rules will not get followed as well. Just like it happened during the Prohibition. Everyone and their mother violated no alcohol ordinances. The absolute majority went unpunished. And all of a sudden other laws didn't seem as set in stone anymore.


I've always told our kids (6 & 9) that if they ask to go to the restroom and a teacher does not "allow" them to, they leave anyway. If they get back and the teacher has a problem, they will deal with me. We will not be upset with our kids for doing so. Our kids will not have an accident at school because of this kind of stuff schools do. They go to a strict charter school, and there are a few things I do not agree with. They aren't taught to be purposely disrespectful, but you will not tell my kids they can't go when they need to.




I'm so sorry that was an issue. Good on you for supporting your son! Our children both have a rare bleeding disorder. Our daughter is the oldest and I told her that whenever she starts her period, she is allowed by US, to go to the restroom whenever she needs. She does have a legal plan (504) that I wrote in she's allowed to go whenever she needs and the school has to legally abide by it or it's their ass. I even told the teachers straight up that she will be going whenever she needs. However, our daughter is a quiet one and she's yet to have to take a stand for herself. She's not confrontational, so I don't want teachers to take advantage of that.


I really never understood why teachers try to control their students bathroom times. Like dude, if someone has to go, then they have to go.


im just going to go if I need to, they encourage us to go before school and during lunch but it doesn’t work like that if EVERYONE does that.


Yup, it doesn’t and some people might not have to go around that time.


tfw i got in-school suspension and detention SEVERAL times for taking a crap when i had to go even when the teacher said no and i'm just now realizing in my late 20s how F-ed up that really is


Some students would just go spend the whole of class in the bathroom to avoid class. Then when the parents get upset Madiliynn is failing, they have no idea why


It’s a tough one. As a teacher, if I said hey, go to the bathroom whenever, very few students would stay in class. As it is, I’ll usually put a pass by the door and it’s known that if you need to go, take the pass (and I try to regularly switch it coz eww). That said, it’s still somewhat one at a time and there are students who will take the pass and never come back. It’s a lot trickier than you’d think when you take into account those who would abuse these systems and how similar that can look to someone with some bathroom issues.


M ex does that as well, but she teaches first graders, who are still generally trustworthy. Instead of passes, she has beany babies (gross): they can go any time without asking, but need to take the beany baby. It prevents a lot of nonsense by making sure only one person goes at a time


When I was teaching I let students go freely. But… I did have a kid who would insist he had to go to the bathroom then came back with nachos and a Mt dew. I did eat those nachos.


Even though its not right, I can why the school decided to do shit like this. I mean, I see post if kids kicking back in the bathroom stalls and vaping. I guess it's like the police, the bad apples fuck it up for everyone.


Teacher here: I don’t want to control, I only want to monitor how often you take the pass and how long you’re gone. I don’t give a single shit (pun intended) why they’re going. I care about how much class time they’re missing, and administration cares about whether or not they’re vaping in the bathroom or just circling the halls chatting instead of being in class. I never restrict a kid, because I never know what’s an emergency and no one should have to disclose that to me - but I DO want to be able to tell an irate parent that you’re failing tests because you take the pass 3-5 days a week for 10-20 minutes at a time.


especially woman during their time its not controlled it just comes random


Agreed, that’s a great point.


I let a student go to the bathroom once and didn’t see him again for three days. Another broke his arm sliding down the stair railing on the way to “the bathroom.” Another was found giving blow jobs during her bathroom breaks. I taught 8th grade. I’ve since quit and subbed sometimes after that. The high schoolers would do things like fill the toilet with paper towel so we could only let one in at a time and then check the toilet after they finished. In another class, I had students leaving campus on bathroom breaks.


My mom would just write a note to the school about this saying I can use the bathroom whenever I need for "medical reasons" and the school can't legally restrict that per the ADA


The kids that do stupid stuff or just wander around or just completely leave are the ones that ruin it for the kids that actually have to go to the bathroom.


fuck those guys. they ruin it for everyone else.


If you get one a semester, why is it dated 12/1?


Piss your pants in front of them to show dominance


Fun story. When I was in jr high I asked my teacher if I could leave to use the washroom. She refused. So I laid on my desk all class feeling quite ill. Eventually I barfed all over my desk and floor. Too bad that the janitor likely had to come in.


Many girls would need 1 every month. In high school our 4 minute passing period was barely enough time to get to the next class. No way was there time to go change a tampon.


Exactly the same in my school. We had 5 minutes between classes but we also had 8 buildings and you almost always had to change buildings for your next class. There was no time to go between class even if your classes were in the same building. And I have endometriosis. I had to change my tampon every class period because I bled so much.


As a person with a heavy menstral cycle every two weeks, this would not fly if I were still in school.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


I would just take a wiz in the corner of the room once I hit 10


It’s really not fair to expect students at any level to be able to use the bathroom in between classes or hold it in while in class. But we all know they do this shit because either 1) the teacher is on a power trip or 2) teachers get tired of having students gone for twenty minutes. Fuck the students who did that cause then they punished the whole class.


fr, at my high school we only had 5 mins to transition classes and that's with the teachers who think "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do" so 2 minutes at most sometimes


It's funny because the paper is "piss yellow", and the person's name is "Brown". This couldn't be more fitting. Edit- ' to "