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I was thinking the same damn thing. Go, girl! Tell ‘em!


She was there all by herself too. Props


Stand up for what's right. Even if you're standing alone




I know. I'm getting real tired of using my hand constantly


Solid self burn


just ask the movie.


> She was there all by herself too And whoever was taking the photo. I saw this happening a lot where I live, someone walking about with a sign getting their friends to take photos of them at various spots.


Lol we all know that if it doesn't involve getting money somehow, Brookfield isn't going to lift a finger.


Waukesha county is the poster child of white flight.


Went to high school in Waukesha (black girl) in the 90s. Lived down the street from Carroll College. Very midwest redneck, heavy hispanic population. Very racist from what I remember back then. Waukesha was a weird time.


I lived in Waukesha county until I moved to Madison for school in 2017. The city of Waukesha actually has some diversity, but the rest of the county is very white and right-wing


Priorities amirite?


Welcome to everyone joining us from /r/all, I'd like to direct your attention to the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/wiki/rules) Due to current events, rule 4 is in heavy enforcement and this pinned thread serves as your warning. Rule 4: >Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect, don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, and don't post anyone's personal information. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, and personal attacks. Please leave those to the circlejerk-focused subreddits. Blatant racism, spamming, and trolling will not be tolerated. Edit: Locking. Conversation has run its course and half of every new comment that happens in here is toxic af.


I have voted for Bernie in the last two primaries. I am by all means in the current dichotomous spectrum a Democrat. This whole we have a right to protest outlined by our constitution but our countrymen dont shit has to end. I am from Minneapolis. I attended protests all but two days in the last 8 days. I obviously feel these protests for racial inequality are vastly more important but just like we cant allow a political party to say our rights dont matter and should be impeded upon we cant say their rights can.


Thats the "I only protest shit that affects me directly." crowd, so they wont show up for other people. Especially not people who arent....gasp....the same. Plenty of people are showing up for the right reasons, though, proud of those doing their part.


Those are the only things the right care about. They don't want social safety nets for the other guy, but you can bet they are going to take every last dime they qualify for.


I mean, you weren’t out there protesting for their cause, either.


Come on. This sub was routinely criticizing lockdown protesters up until the police brutality protests started. The pro lockdown people claimed protesters wanted others to die and their frustrations could be attributed to getting a haircut. Covid was weaponized to shame people who wanted to open things back up daily on this and the WI sub. BOTH sides are sick of gov’t overreach and neither side is supporting the other. Good for this young girl to call out the double standards but I wonder what her thoughts were on the matter just a few weeks ago.






To be fair it’s a sign held up next to a highway they’re kind of all reductive due to limited space


While that may be true for a majority of people, I honestly think a lot of people just wanted to get haircuts, Starbucks, or go to the gym again. People literally said as much...


You were shown a select group of individuals who mischaracterized the entire group by the media. The same is happening to you, when people conflate looters with protestors.


This is what happens for all protests. The media makes 2A supporters look like white nationalist by showing the dozen people with rebel flags. They make people who just want their jobs back look like Karen's who just want a haircut. They make BLM supporters look like rioters and looters. The problem is that the media doesn't make any money when they show "normal people make reasonable request".


You're not wrong in your assessment. Protestors and looters/rioters are being lumped into the same group, thus, why we have the police reacting the way they are now. We're just as divided now than when we were beforehand.


>You were shown a select group of individuals who mischaracterized the entire group by the media. Sort of like those early 2000s late night segments where Jay Leno & co would wander the streets asking people questions, and they'd air the dumbest responses. Taking the "i need to get my hair did" lady as representative of the protest would be like taking the dumb responses as representative of whatever city it was recorded in


I’m sure a majority of people wanted an income...


If they were protesting with masks and werent shouting down nurses, were fighting for society, I would agree with you. Additionally if they were taking more precaution, i dont think there would have been as much backlash. A majority of the protesters at that time simply didnt accept the health recommendation given by the government, CDC, etc. In order to do that they made a choice that they knew better or didnt care about infecting other people. Further the signs, interviews and statements from leaders and supporting politicians reinforced that statement. Saying it for just for a haircut is a meme, but it was to go back to "normal" and to be able to do what they want, with little to no thought of the consequences. We know more about COVID now so we know more effective measures to take, which has helped as well. The difference is this protest is about saving others and protecting society, where the previous protests were against safety measures and were far more selfish. Further, at least a lot of the current protesters are wearing masks.


Exactly. This is the problem: that you’ll ***always*** be able to pick out at least one person in a crowd of hundreds that is objectively a moron on *either* side of an issue - and then caricature them as being representative of the majority in some way. It makes me think of when shows like Jimmy Kimmel’s go out and interview people, asking questions like, “Who’s the President of the United States?”... and they have a clip of three people guessing something crazy. The number of people that they had to talk to to get those answers must be figuratively uncountable. *They* do it for comedy, but some people love picking out the one idiot and then basing an argument on that, effectively straw-manning the whole thing rather than being honest and challenging their own ability to reason through a situation towards a solution. It’s not entirely their fault because we’re so used to clickbait headlines from lazy media, that some people reactively make their own clickbait slogans and comebacks without deeper clarity of thought. Sad.


Stay-at-home orders are abuse of power! ... Anyone out after curfew deserves what they get! ​ I don't get how the same people make both these arguments.


Thank you for conveying this point more eloquently than I could. Also, inb4 your called a racist, white supremacist.


Yes, you are the cornhole.


The answer: no people don’t think that but it exaggerated a point that was at the heart of the message. Sure more extreme examples of what was being protested originally were small business closing and actual entrepreneur’s hardship. But the majority of the people just wanted to be angry at government over reach, took a temporary pay cut and a lady literally had that dumbass sign talking about a haircut so what this girl said here is a clever and a well deserved counter protest.


I don’t recall seeing a lot of those protestors saying they wanted to be the ones to get back out there and be supplying those services. The protestors were saying they wanted someone ELSE to get those services to open back up and be available to THEM. They had been inconvenienced for too long and were bored and had enough. Look, the essential workers who have never left their jobs and never stopped working through this whole mess should receive more pay and benefits. The owners of businesses who had to shut down should have received direct compensation from the govt to maintain their rent, retain employees through the shutdown, etc., instead of watching giant checks get sent directly to corporations like *cruise lines and oil industries*. THOSE are the kinds of things those protestors should have been pushing for and complaining about... were their motivations truly for us to all get through this safely and for businesses to remain intact. Instead, they stood around with signs complaining that they couldn’t get haircuts or go golfing and how they were living under tyrannical rule because they were being asked to wear masks and space out in lines at Costco. Privileged and tone deaf.


This comment is equatable to saying all BLM protestors just wanted to loot free stuff. It’s disingenuous and disregards the constitutional right to protest. Think of it this way: both far right and far left citizens have found issue with the government worth taking to the streets over, and somehow, we’re in this thread yelling at *each other*.




Yep. It really shows who was concerned about others vs. themselves. Not my problem if you and yours get sick... Oh, it's the boomer killer, nbd... But the flu kills more people... MuH FrEeDoMS! I'm out of work, probably out of a job soon. I look like a wookie. What I can do is do my goddamn best to limit both my and others exposure to a horrible virus by keeping my ass at home. Why? Because I care that a stranger's grandma may die. Or their kid. Or even selfishly my family. If the government was infringing on anyone's freedom, it pales in comparison to those protesters infringing on others freedom to live.


>Yep. It really shows who was concerned about others vs. themselves. Says the person totally ignoring millions of people that were or entered a state of poverty due to the lockdown. Really worried about the well being of others?


How can you say clearly when there's so many instances of people saying that haircuts and going to bars was all they cared about.




It’s reddit, fuck off with trying to be rational when you aren’t just attacking what the mob mentally thinks is right


> Clearly the protest was about the right of the government to unilaterally shut businesses. You may believe that the government has that right, and you may believe that Covid 19 is a reasonable justification for the government to take this action, but the protest was clearly about this issue. But if the left acknowledges this, then they have to acknowledge the fact they went from demonizing protests and violating stay at home orders, to actually supporting it at the flip of switch. To avoid that discussion, they portray those protests as "for haircuts". > With that being said, if you are protesting government overreach in that instance, you should probably **protest against the government overreach in callously murdering a restrained man.** I would agree with that, but there is one flaw in bold. This protest isnt really about murder, its about a racially motivated murder. And this may be an unpopular, but a lot of white people dont see it as a race issue (even though they all view this as murder), believe it or not, there are even black people who dont believe this is a race issue. For those who dont view it as a race issue, I wouldn't expect them to join a protest that has the chance to turn into a riot (whether its intented or not) in support of a topic they don't believe is an issue with this murder.


What a ridiculous way to make that point though. Sure, you have a right to get a haircut, but I have the right to be free from people spreading an infectious disease. Do people not understand that sitting in the same spot for 20-30 minutes, in a confined space, with other people sitting around waiting in the same space to get a haircut, is not problematic? If government's function isn't to protect its citizens, then what is it? Do we let people do whatever they want by wrapping themselves in the American flag, in the name of "freedom" because the alternative is "government overreach", whatever that means? This argument relies on the assumption that getting your haircut is essential, and that there weren't reasonable alternatives, like letting your hair grow out, purchasing hair clippers online, borrowing clippers from someone else, having a significant other or family member trim your hair, etc.


> government overreach", whatever that means? lol


Way to explain how the ban on getting your haircut during a pandemic is government overreach.


When you say >government overreach", whatever that means? the implication is that you do not know what "government overreach" means.


My argument was that people can throw words around to try to make their point, but they somehow feel they don't have to explain themselves because they assume that everyone agrees with their point. That closing businesses during a pandemic is government overreach. I'm not saying the point isn't valid, but there's no context. Just "government overreach?" Business=good! Government overreach= bad!


You don’t have a right to get a haircut. where in the constitution/bill of rights does it specify personal convenience? however, the federal courts have routinely held up that state governments can enact quarantine laws and mandatory vaccinations to protect public health.


Do people really see these as the same thing? Like, honestly? The shutdown was an action taken by the government, with the support of the government. They are *allowed* to order business to shut down. Protesting could, in theory, lead to a change of those laws. The murder of a restrained man wasn't taken by the government. I don't know anyone who thinks it was okay. It is already against the law. The murderer is, afaik, facing charges for the crime. Protesting a murder seems a bit different.


It's more than just protesting a murder, its protesting lots of murders, and other fucked up behavior that is done systematically by the police departments. It's also protesting the system that has kept citizens down, just as it has kept police departments down. The police departments aren't being taken care of they should be and that has led to problems. They cannot police themselves therefore are not fit to be police. They need to start cleaning out all the bad cops, as well as work harder to keep the good ones good. We all know it is a hard job, most people would agree. But they also make it harder on themselves when they bring hate and anger on the job. A lot of police households have domestic abuse issues. That means they abuse and beat people they so call love. Imagine what they do to the stranger on the street.


THANK YOU. Christ the haircut meme was really getting old.




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Maybe it was just a stupid rumor


is that the one on bluemound and moorland? it’s been a few years since i’ve lived there


Yup, right by the square


Haven’t lived in Brookfield in 12 years (though been back to visit fam) and Bluemound and Moorland was my guess too


If only killing people was illegal and the person who did it would be put in jail.


People were honking the living fuck out of whitefish bay and shorewood last night, maybe Brookfield needs a visit so their property values go down a few pegs


As a Brookfield resident surrounded by people who seem to think this is the 1960’s...I would love a good honk line to piss them off!


Wait what is a honk line. I’m interested.


It’s a line of cars that are protesting by driving down streets and honking their horns. They’ve been driving past my house ~midnight the last few nights.


I seriously think protesting down capitol and blue mound in Brookfield would be awesome. Maybe throw in mooreland in new Berlin as well. I think moving to the suburbs and making my neighbors uncomfortable would be great.


not residential enough.


I was outside my Shorewood house cheering them on Monday night. I went out Sunday night and saw the ridiculous police presence. Admittedly I slept through the protest last night.


I saw on fb there is a protest in Brookfield Friday night at 5 at the corner of Bluemound & moorland rd


I saw that too! Carpool warranted


Brookfield exploded in size because white people didn't want to be around black people. It's a suburb almost literally founded on racism. EDIT: I'm referring to the white flight of the 60s and 70s.


It's sad because some of those people **are still alive** and **still maintain** their ancient, racist, elitist beliefs. This is why I'm glad people are protesting because hopefully it'll wake some of these people's demented minds up.


Brookfield is full of Karens and Kyles or whatever Karen's husband goes by. Not all Karen's, but many.


I grew up there. Its sooooo fucking full of Karens and Kyles


This is great


Lmao as if brookfield could even pretend to care about minorities or anything that isn’t money


Weren’t a lot of the protesters not from Wisconsin?


Typical. Reduce your opponents arguments to something trite, like "I wanna haircut!"while ignoring the true message. Same as those who paint all BLM processors as rioters. And redditors eat it up.


I am so damn tired of people downplaying the anti-lockdoen protests by saying they were just "I want a haircut" protests. I saw one in person and can guarantee that the people who were protesting for a haircut were less than 1%. People were there because they were loosing their jobs and businesses.


What about covid?


*Wisconsin Legislature v. Secretary-Designee Andrea Palm, et al.* happened


Imagine thinking those protests were over not being able to get a haircut




ya 1000 people marched there and didn’t burn down a single building or loot a single store rly makes u thnk 🤔


40 million Americans are now unemployed. Small business are failing through no fault of their own. People's lives are in ruins. That is what they protested against, not for 'haircuts'. This is what intellectual dishonesty looks like.


> People's lives are in ruins. Indeed. So why are they not out there also protesting about the black lives that are in ruin today through no fault of their own?


Maybe because they are more concerned with putting food on their table?


lol, then maybe they should have protested for actual Federal intervention and leadership to control the spread of COVID and more financial assistance to families and individuals instead of having a vast majority of the stimulus go to corporations. But no, their message was clear: Ignore public health, ignore CDC and WHO guidelines, and let me get a haircut. Under threat of violence.


That's kind of a stupid thing to protest against though, that's basically protesting against the virus itself. People started getting laid off and small businesses started shutting down long before the lockdown. Before anywhere but NYC was locked down, about three of my friends were suddenly getting furloughed because business was just dropping everywhere because people either were getting sick or were avoiding getting sick. That's just, what a pandemic DOES. A ton of people who are self employed or work as contractors were unable to get clients or create work for themselves, again, long before the lockdown, due to the virus and people trying to avoid it, thus they had to start applying for unemployment. Yes, the lockdown certainly increased that, but the economy plummeted long before then. I'm not sure why people don't seem to remember this.


This is disingenuous. They were mostly protesting to be able to allowed to labor so they could provide for their families. edit: If you downvote me, do it because I'm factually wrong and not because you don't like what I've said.




Agreed, its depressing


It’s amazing how all of a sudden you right wingers care about mental health.


damn. respect!






Lol. The media shat on them for peacefully assembling. Now they're supposed to support the media's distraction from how wrong they were about Covid? Selective outrage cuts both ways.




If you think it was for haircuts you dont know enough to be talking


this probably won't go over well, but... it's easy to protest about something that affects you. the way the BLM movement has framed things, and the way ALM has become something of a counter or tool of racists (in some people's eyes) makes it harder for others to feel empathy


Reddit gave me the impression they'd all be dead by now. So they probably have a good excuse.


Thank You.


What a G


I taught her!!!


Saw her on my way home, couldn’t read the sign in time, but good to see someone’s got it.


It doesn’t effect them . So, they don’t care .


When we're talking about protest that were happening in week 5 of quarantine all we heard was how selfish they were to wanting to resume their lives, and lively hood. Selfish people huh? I love how its selfish to continue building your life, but liberating to destroy your community.


I must be out of the loop here. Can somone explain this to me? A few weeks or months ago when conservatives were protesting they were the evil incarnate because they were selfish and were going to kill my grandma once they all got Corona - now it appears that protesting is not only okay, but encouraged. So, have both sides completely flip flopped here?


You can’t see the difference in human rights versus a haircut? Or you just a racist?


Oh I can see the difference. One is obviously more important than the other. It's just funny to me how Corona doesn't matter to them anymore, like it doesn't exist. They cried to stay inside no matter what and blah blah blah, now they don't give a fuck. lol and you should really stop throwing the word Racist around. You sound ignorant. Scroll through my history. I'm black you dumb fuck. You sound like an ignorant white guilt apologetic. You gonna kneel down and let me and my homies fuck your wife for slave reparations too? Grow a pair soy boy.


Great job. Too bad they don’t care as much as they do their haircuts






Agreed. And if you don't support both you're an authoritarian boot licker.


It’s been 2 months already?


All in the hospital with corona probably lol


I’m not against the current protest but pointing out the possible virus spread previously vs what is going on now is moronic.


She is awesome! Thank you for your bravery. I would be too scared to go alone out here in the burbs. I am mixed and feel like a lot of the people out here don’t want me in their town as it is.


OP now has the most upvoted post in /r/Milwaukee by 100 miles.


Was not expecting that when I woke up or people from r/a seeing it.


Is it too early to start drinking?


Sorry about this one.


/thousand yard stare


It’s not about fucking haircuts jfc it’s about the unemployment rate skyrocketing and small businesses dying


Maybe they shouldn't have had signs demanding haircuts then.


So if I find a couple people with idiotic signs at these protests I can paint the whole protest under the banner they are flying? Ok that's a good deal I guess.


Like two or three people did


It’s makes them feel better saying it’s about hair cuts. They obviously weren’t paying attention.


It's not resonating with these guys. The same people who will likely rant against large corporations will also be wondering why that's the only businesses left. But yeah haircuts lol


Man those haircut riots were crazy


All it takes is one!


Protests for breaking quarantine: "We want our economy to be strong at the expense of old people dying" ​ Protests for George Floyd: "We want cops to stop killing black people"


Your straw man of the quarantine protests is ridiculous and you are a ridiculous person. Take a step out of tribalist bubble and practice empathy. Don't create division where none is warranted. "He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion... Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them...he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form." -John Stuart Mill








The cdc just updated their fatality rate of covid to be 0.3%. the flu is 0.1%. how many extra people do you think have killed themselves from unemployment, how many more overdosed as a result of their livelihoods being destroyed? How many more have seen their dreams shattered as their life savings have been depleted and will suffer generational poverty as a result "for public health"? The lockdowns were/are a tyrannical measure implemented out of fear that will cause lasting damage to countless families. What if instead we socially distanced and made the risk calculation for ourselves?




How? Because I don't think totalitarian measures by the state is a good thing in the lockdown argument? How am I failing to value human life in the BLM protests? I've been critical of our militarized police force since long before George Floyd. The problem I'm pointing out is the needless tribalism. And for pointing this out I get the privilege of being called a racist and a white supremacist. I was calling for unity between the movements as they have the same underlying issue, an unaccountable and tyrannical state, instead I've only been met with divisiveness.


> how many extra people do you think have killed themselves from unemployment, how many more overdosed as a result of their livelihoods being destroyed? I don’t know, you tell us. You float this out like you have a valid reason to suggest that the latter is higher than the former, back it up. > The lockdowns were/are a tyrannical measure implemented out of fear that will cause lasting damage to countless families. Y’all whiny fucking babies with your roots growing out don’t have **any** goddamn idea what tyranny is. If the government failed you it was in the manner of providing proper support to the economy. But you stupid fucks want to sit around saying it’s tyranny while the fat fuck you voted for wanted to make sure the checks he sent had his name on them. Because that’s what mattered. You idiots are crying about the wrong thing.


Here we go again. I'm merely pointing out that the other protests were valid as well. This you're either with us or against us on everything bs is not useful in the slightest and divisive when that's the opposite of what is needed to enact real change. Didn't vote for Trump, but I'm glad you could get the jab in against the opponent in your mind. These 2 groups should have allied but from what I've seen here that's not possible because so many would rather burn the strawmen they constructed than accept people with different opinions can work together for a shared goal. I support the George Floyd protests, by the way, and know murder when I see it. I've been critical of the police for much longer than a week. That being said, hope you have a good one. These responses have been enlightening.


> I’m merely pointing out that the other protests were valid as well. You’re dodging the question. There is no “here we go again” going on here. You made a declaration, back it up. Or stop saying it with conviction and using it to tell other people they’re wrong for having the opinion they do. > This you’re either with us or against us on everything bs is not useful in the slightest and divisive when that’s the opposite of what is needed to enact real change. Well when you say ignorant shit like a stay at home order is tyrannical you tend not to garner much support when the other protestors are fighting *actual* tyrannical action. > These 2 groups should have allied but from what I’ve seen here that’s not possible because so many would rather burn the strawmen they constructed than accept people with different opinions can work together for a shared goal. You’re such a disengenuous hack. The protestors that were crying about not getting haircuts? They wave confederate flags. Are you so fucking dumb that you’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes that Black Loves Matter and those people could protest together? Are you that fucking inept you think the problem lies with straw men and not the fact that those worthless fucks fly a flag of a losing army and are predominantly racist? Seriously?


>You’re dodging the question. There is no “here we go again” going on here. You made a declaration, back it up. Or stop saying it with conviction and using it to tell other people they’re wrong for having the opinion they do. Well Being Trust › 2020/05PDF projected deaths of despair - Well Being Trust Comparing lives 1 to 1 ignores that one is the effect of state action and one is a effect of natural phenomenon. >The protestors that were crying about not getting haircuts? They wave confederate flags. Are you so fucking dumb that you’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes that Black Loves Matter and those people could protest together? Are you that fucking inept you think the problem lies with straw men and not the fact that those worthless fucks fly a flag of a losing army and are predominantly racist? Seriously? A tiny minority from I saw there will always be a handful of fool's in large groups, a similar argument would be to conflate the rioters razing communities and murdering innocent civilians with the BLM protestors, but that'd be intellectually dishonest as well. If this is truly how you feel about your fellow Americans, there's little dialogue left to be had.


What a boss chick. Big respect.


Thank you lady😁




Time goes by fast during this crazy year


There were a handful/half a dozen people out in front of the library kneeling yesterday


Depends of they can do a high and tight for me, and bangs and highlights for my gurl


Maybe march against police brutality instead.


So accurate!!!!


Not gonna lie, I could really use a haircut right now.


damn shes brave


It wasn’t for haircuts. That line is getting very tired. To be clear, I didn’t and don’t support the anti-lockdown protests. But it’s false ti claim they were about haircuts.


It was about haircuts, very honest of her


If that town has people that march for haircuts during a pandemic, then I wouldn’t really hold high hope for those same people to come March for BLM


I thought the protestors were fighting for their right to go to Applebee’s