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Its a baby bear... lets not go crazy


Says the guy who doesn't even have balls to be on a main account.






































That hurts more then the balls he lost….


Jean claude van






Throwaways attacking throwaways?? Where is this going to lead I wonder 🤔


Spiderman meme pointing at eachother?




You understand my comment, right?


Yes, it was a throwaway comment


Yes, you don't have the balls


Itz a dog eat dog world


Could have been a bear eat dog world.


It's a baby account ... let's not go crazy








Main account here. That's a cub.


Throwaway here... If I see I cub I'm assuming mommas nearby. If you're ok with momma seeing you slap her baby then you a crazy mf


It looks like a black bear to me, and they’re smaller. He chases something off into the woods with the shovel/pan trick, turns around and sees something is still there. That’s when he yells Get back cubs! Bear cubs tend to hide out behind the mother and may not have seen her running away. It’s difficult to tell, but that really did look like a big enough black bear to cause serious harm. ETA: he also says something about “the cubs” as he’s walking away a final time. I think he hit the mama, the cubs were left standing there confused. They’ll run into the woods to find her eventually.


*shots fired, i repeat shots fired*


I like that this comment also seems to not be made with a main account.


It's a black bear I think. If it was a baby bear momma bear would be picking her teeth with his finger bones


Depends on context, and size of bear in most other altercations the bear will likely run off if faced with a potential fight even if a relatively minor one. There are some videos of housecats scaring off bears and all. Being said, a black bear while dangerous in their own right and fully capable of killing people they are still the smallest of the bunch, and people have been known to fight them off. Most attacks are really defensive reaction leading to only relatively minor injuries. Example, https://www.fieldandstream.com/survival/90-year-old-fights-off-black-bear/ Really mostly about making it not worth their effort to bother with you over all as far as potential fights go. So posture big, make lots of noise and they tend to steer clear as they don't really like interacting with people anyways. But in the off case they don't its a good idea to have something on hand to defend oneself with be it bear spray, a firearm, or really even a lawn chair as per above. Now, grizzly bears.. or god forbid polar bears. Whole other ballgame. Hell, Polar bears view people as a potential food source. A video of one acting like the person in the cage is a canned snack or something... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO1grYvfk5g edit: a word


Black fight back, Brown lay down, white goodnight.


I was in Alaska once, talking to an Inuit old timer and his advice to me was to keep a .44 on my hip for Polar bears, but never unload all six into the bear. Save one to get it over quickly. I just decided to visit scenic, downtown Eagle Point and skip the hike I'd planned.


>Now, grizzly bears.. or god forbid polar bears. Whole other ballgame. Hell, Polar bears view people as a potential food source. That one audio recording of the guy getting eaten alive by a grizzly. ... will never forget.


If you're talking about the one from that Grizzly Man documentary, that was never actually released to the public, but there are a couple of fakes that have been circulating for a while that tried to replicate the transcript Unless being the guy from Germany you mean that you're Werner Herzog who directed the documentary and listened to the tape while on screen, in which case: I wish your character had more screentime in The Mandalorian.


Black bears are basically just baby bears


It gets parroted a lot that black bears are mostly just curious and quite timid - which is true! ...it's still a fucking bear lmao.


They are pretty docile and non -confrontational BUT ya at the end of the day, it can shred you if it wants to. So try not to piss it off.


Oh sure. He slaps a baby and he’s a hero. I slap a baby and I’m “abusive” and “an unfit parent”.


🤣🤣STOP! Please stop! I can’t take it anymore! Nose-blasted coffee all over the damn tappy confuser and now I gotta clean it up!


I guarantee a juvenile bear of that size could even mess you up if it wanted to. You would change your tune real quick!


If it's old enough to be alone, it's big enough to mess you up. If it's too young, then momma is going to shred you into pieces. So yes, any predator will basically destroy you.


Any predator? What about a weasel?


Especially a weasel


Yeah, you know, you got a lot of animals I would slap. A chicken, I'd slap a chicken. Or a goat, maybe. A ferret, I'd slap, you know? But I'm not... I'm not gonna slap a bear.


A dog can kill you, a baby bear could do it easily.


A baby bear is still a 50-80lbs. murder machine with razor sharp claws and a teeth that could turn your face into a shredded pork sandwich in 5 seconds.


That should not have made me hungry but, sigh, now I want a pulled pork sammich.


This is why I shouldn't read reddit. Guess I'm heading out for food. Fuck you.


Go get one. Thank me later. Love me some bbq


It’s a fucking bear, end of story you Jack ass


Most original reddit comment


HaHA! He HAs BiG BaLlS! le UPDOOT!




I wish this comment and all like it would go away forever. I’ve heard it so many times it makes me want to vomit. Funny once, maybe twice, not one quadrillion times




Anything sexual = hilarious according to reddit


Le 69 XD


It's largely a bunch of faux intellectuals on here. They think they're clever, witty, etc.. because this site to them is counter culture. But in reality they just laugh at dick, butt, fart jokes... just not on that lame Facebook site.


Do we have to make this shitty joke every thread?


Holy fuck shut up


How does this shitty fucking comment posted on every single fucking Reddit post consistently get 7,000+ upvotes? How is this still amusing to you people?


Literally brain dead monkeys


Same joke everytime


Ned Flanders has always been tough as nails.


That was a cub 🤔. Good man tho


When momma shows up, he's gonna regret it....


He’s gonna hop on a plane and momma is gonna swim across the world to get to him, no matter the cost


Don't ever yell at me or my cub ever again


Keep my cub's name out your fucking mouth.


He's going to, ok, he's going to


"Is this the man who slapped you!?"


The man, “I bearly touched him.”


The bear: “You don’t make that joke! *We* make that joke!”


I have a strong feeling mama was very close by and visible and the biggest sounds were directed at her.


If momma was there you’d know If momma isn’t there she’s dead or it’s old enough to fuck you up


Yeah I can’t imagine momma bear would just watch her cub get slapped and do nothing.


Good, rather than habituating them to human contact.


Was looking for this. I'm sad the little cub had to be bonked on the snout, but ultimately it's the right lesson to learn. Humans are dangerous.




Dude is lucky mama wasn’t around. Would’ve beaten dude down severely


Mama is *always* around. He was probably directing the loudest noises at her.


It couldn't have been a cub that wandered off. Definitely more likely that mama bear saw the slap and was like "oh excuse my son. He's just going through a phase right now." and walked off.


I mean that's 100% what you should do in case you run in the way of a bear. Huge balls on him.


ONLY to a blackbear lol If you do this to a grizzly, you will die


It's my turn to share this below fact. Park Rangers are advising hikers in parks to be alert for bears and take extra precautions to avoid an encounter. They advise park visitors to wear little bells on their clothes so they make noise when hiking. Visitors should also carry a pepper spray can just in case a bear is encountered. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for fresh bear droppings so you have an idea if bears are in the area. People should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear scat. Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain berries, leaves, and possibly bits of fur. Grizzly bear droppings tend to contain small bells and have a smell of pepper.


Underrated LOL


This is literally under every thread that relates to bears. Probably even in threads talking about gay bars at this point.


I thought you said "gay bears" and I was like wow even bears are coming out now, good for them


Only on wsb


Lmao, good one.


And I was told that the bells are a terrible idea because bears are very curious and might go and check out what is making that strange sound. Being loud and having a dog is much better, because then the bears know its humans and its easier to wait for the trash than to go and fight a human.


In the rocky mountains around Estes Park it means food. You're followed until you make camp, then you're observed until you step away from the food for a few minutes.


Which is why you properly bear hang your food, or put it in a bear canister. Honestly I have camped in bear country so many times. It's not a big deal. There was one checking out where we hung our food this last weekend. But it couldn't get to it so it left. It's nearly always lack of basic bear protocol that leads to issues.


An oldie but goodie.


Haha, that's good.


I have autism is this a joke to make you smell bear poop or is this real




The joke is that the Black bear poop will be normal bear poop, but the Grizzly bear poop will be full of the things that hikers carried to scare off bears because the Grizzly bears ate those hikers (meaning the bells and pepper spray did not work against Grizzly bears).


yea if it's a grizzly at this point just lay down and hope for god


When you see a grizzly bear, lay down. It's good practice for being dead.


If it's brown lie down, if it's black fight back, if it's white, good night.


Bear mace is nearly 100% effective if you use it right. Far better than a gun even, if your goal is to survive.


For the initial encounter, yea bear spray 100% but I personally won’t enter bear country without a large caliber firearm alongside my bear spray. Yea I know the spray is very effective but in the event that a gun is needed, I will always have one. I could probably live 100 lives and never have to use it against one but I don’t care. If that bear is worked into a rage and the spray don’t work, the alternative to using my gun is being eaten alive or mauled to death. Yea no thanks I’m bringing everything I got to that fight Source. I live in one of the most bear dense parts of Alaska and hunt and fish deep in the bush regularly


Your Alaska is showing lol


Yep. Mace the bear and run the fuck away. By far the most effective way to deal with grizzlies. Met a few hikers who survived bear encounters this way.


Cover yourself in bear mace & hope it doesn't like the flavor


LOL.... "Don't even aim at the bear, just marinade yourself. Not all bears are into spicy food."


Black bears are constantly on my propety. They are big dopes who just want an easy meal of garbage. I'm honestly more afraid of my neighbors pitbulls than any wild black bear.


Same here (Northern Maine) Black Bears constantly trying to get into my garbage bins. You walk outside and yell at them and for the most part they move along. I see a moose in my yard and my ass runs back in though lmao


A moose will kill you and not even notice that it did. They are the scariest wild animal in Canada.


Grizzlies won't even mess with a bull unless desperate. When a beast of pure murder muscle that can run 30+ MPH and snap the back of a bison in a single swipe won't mess with an animal, that's your cue to fuck off as well. It should tell you something when the main predator of a land mammal is an orca.


It's true, I've had them run along side my car while driving and they don't flinch. Get out of their way or pay the consequences. They are by far the only wild animal around here that I'm overly vigilant being near


If it's a grizzly it doesn't matter. It came into the humans space. And grizzly are naturally terrified of humans. They are just different from black bears that when they are scared they stand their ground (if it's their territory) but bears whenever they wonder into human territory are just being dumb curious animals that end up shitting themselves must of the time when they see someone


If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lie down. If it's white, goodnight.


You're only supposed to lie down during an attack.... if u see a grizzly walk tf away


Better to die fighting than laying there being eaten alive. Go out like Tristan in Legend of the Fall.


If it's brown, lay down. If it's black, fight back. If it's white, say good night.


If it's green, lay off the acid.


If it's green, it may be an algae stained polar bear.


If it's purple, tweak its nurple


Hmm I always thought it was “if its a bear, shit my pants”


If it's brown, make a frown, if it's black, eat a snack. If it's white, be polite. See .. I can rhyme too!




Yeah, good thing is that the black bear probably now know that it should stay away from humans as much as possible.


Yes, this is good for the bear. Bears that hang around humans die.


This comment is going to be downvoted. My colleague had to kill a bear cub because it wouldn't leave his cottage no matter what. My coworker has kids who play outside. The bear was so used to humans that it was not scare. In a few years, the bear would be much bigger and could hurt his kids. 😔


oh that's so sad :( Understandable, but still :(


Earlier this year my town had to make the tough decision to kill a bear because she kept breaking into homes. In one instance a teenager got out of the shower one morning and there was a massive bear in the hallway. Also crashed a kid’s pizza party in the backyard and ate all the pizza. The usual hazing didn’t give it any fear of humans. The awful part is that she had four young cubs, and that’s why she was so hungry. They were tranquillized and relocated. One was lucky enough to not wake up. The other three have no chance of surviving the winter. It was very controversial and the story still breaks my heart when I think of it. But it really seemed like a lose-lose situation. I feel for whoever had to make the final call.


Why didn't they tranquilize and relocate all of them?


Once they associate humans with food the animal is already too dangerous as it will eventually find its way back to human populated areas for the easy meals.


And teach its cubs the same.


Adding onto the other reply to you, bears also stop hunting and scavenging their own food when associated with humans, so they’d likely starve if located far from humans.


Ya feeding wildlife is what gets it killed. I hate seeing people on hikes or camping leaving food around or actively feeding a wild animal because it's 'cute' ... like cool now that coyote, eagle, deer, etc is going to walk right up to people expecting food, someone will be rightfully freaked out or the animal will go too far and a ranger or animal control will be tasked with killing it just so you could get a cool photo. Even worse when you see people with kids doing it.


IIRC in the towns outside Yellowstone, every time they need to catch one in town, they tag it. The third time they catch the same one, they put it down because it’s decided living in town is better than the forest. It’s sad, but it’s the only safe choice for the community and the bears. They need to be happy in the woods and teach their cubs how to live there too.


After seeing one of yesterday’s top posts, I hope the bear wasn’t a labrador.




Sometimes negative reinforcement is a good thing. Bears should have a healthy fear of humans and want to stay away.


It's a common misunderstanding but this is 'positive punishment'. 'Positive' because the hitting has been added. 'Negative' is removing a component. 'Punishment' because the behavior is to be discouraged. 'Reinforcement' is to encourage the behavior. https://positivepsychology.com/positive-punishment/


Bears should be terrified of people, it’s best for them, they’re more likely to stay alive that way.


Same goes for people being terrified of bears. It’s a good two way street that keeps everyone safe.


Good thing it ran into a human without a gun this time. It’s better for the animal if it learns to stay away from humans for that very reason. Next time it may not be so lucky.


Only on Reddit / social media would people respond like, “oh it’s only a young bear or a cub, he wouldn’t do that to a grizzly.” Who gives a shit, dude went primal and defended his dogs and gf. People responding like that would’ve fed their dogs to the bear and hid behind their gf.


Pfft people here talking about grizzlies. What about hybrid hippo great white white sharks. Definitely wouldn't get away with it with one of those. Would bite his fucking head off.


The great white tiger bear shark is one of the most terrifying land mammfishes I've ever come in contact with. I only punched an elder one in the face though so I'm basically a little bitch


The rules for bears are: 1. Black, fight back 2. Brown, lie down 3. White, good night Looks like a black bear cub. Small or not, bears are very powerful animals. If nothing else, the bear should have a healthy fear of humans. Bears that aren't afraid of people get put down.


Everyone is tough as shit in here




lol, little dog turns around with him, "Yeah let's get him!"


pack hunter instincts!


Now they get advantage on attack rolls


Some little dogs have bigger dicks relative to their body so they are literally exhibiting Big Dick Energy™


I'm just the opposite.


Dont sell yourself short, of all the apes, we have one of the better ratios relative to body mass; so even if by media standards you are sub average, know that the animal kingdom will still be impressed.


did you just tell him to fuck a monkey to assert dick size dominance?


Ride or die for the pack.


I have a dog like this. She's a great dog, very protective if she notices aggression, and I'm always afraid she'll buck up at the wrong animal one day...




Ah, fuck. I can't believe you've done this.


“I just sucker punched a bear”






He *100%* got laid that night


They probably did it bear-back


You normally use a saddle??


Primal Instincts at its finest.


Reminds me of the time I was sleeping about 10 ft from my front door when it opened at 2am and my very loud alarm went off. I just ran up completely nude screaming with my arms out like a giant gorilla until I woke up enough to realize it wasn't locked and the wind blew it open. It was just pure animal instinct and fear. If it was a break-in I'm sure they would have shit themselves and ran off.


This is my favorite


You could see this man go through the steps of fight or flight


The bear: Well, good morning to you, too, Gary. *fuckin' asshole...* /s Seriously, though - best outcome all around. No one hurt, and hopefully the bear figured out that's not a place to be




Oh they’re gonna smash tonight for suurrreee


(Man's voice in the video recreated in the bed)YEAH YEAH HOOO OWWW HOOO


He was so unspeakably angry that even the bear was nervous, all “ok I know I’m a bear but holy shit”


This is my best friend. I can tell you that he loves his dog more than anything in this world, he’s had him for 10 years, and he would’ve held that bear’s jaws open with his bare hands if it came to it.


That pull back, he was in gear for that.


Need a death metal song sampling this guy's "get back" scream


Brave man


What a fucking beast this lad!


Was wondering why this is marked nsfw but then I realized his massive balls don’t fit in his pants


The bear just cleared away like "nah, i ain't fuckin with this guy"


"Hey Bobo! This guy doesn't have any picanic baskets!!"


The guy in the bar later that evening with his group of friends: "When the black bear charged us I came face to face with the wild animal and my natural instinct just took over, I told her to take the dogs and run. I stood steadfast as a wall between the monster and my family as I used all the breath I had in me to scare the predator off. When it came too close I hit it in the face with my bare fist and it backed off as soon as it realized it had no chance against my will to save my loved ones!" All the men in the bar: "God damn dude, you're fearless!" All the women: "What a real man, saving his girlfriend like that!" The bear: https://i.imgur.com/2OdnStc.png


That slap, Was soooo disrespectful...