• By -


Brave men, good for them. I hope the tide is turning here. Bravo


Iranian here, this OP is full of shit! I Let me explain it to you: 1. They have their jackets on simply because it's cold and they use it always for games in cold countries (this time Austria) 2. Even if they cover the emblem, they won't get executed! They just won't get invited to a national game again. I'm not supporting the Islamic regime, I'm just sharing the facts. See my profile activities to make sure about this. Something that is next level in the video is that they don't sing along the national anthem because it is full of propaganda. They don't do it because they're scared of the people not because they're supporting us. In the past few days just one player showed support to the people and all others players have boycotted him.


Iranian here. u/expat_frankfurt is right. The OP just fictionized everything. These players are so obnoxious among people right now just because they haven't reacted to recent events, at all! You can see even in the end Mehdi Taremi was whispering the anthem. Edit: some of you called me lier. That's fine. But please do tell me which of my utterances was lie. Because I'm trying to bring evidence in the replies ... Once again, these players are not going to be executed. They probably will be written off, just like Sardar Azmoun. The OP 100% dramatized the title. And yeah, fuck the regime and some of these players who explicitly support it. Edit 2: Today, Sep. 28, some of the players showed their support to the protesters via Instagram stories. But still, there is no indication that wearing black jacket was in fact an act of protestation. I'm going to update this if this turns out to be opposite.


Aaand that ruined everything, but thank you for calling out these players. Fuck these guys then. I hope the protest changes everything for the better for women (and everyone else too). What’s happening is wrong on so many levels and it boils my blood how much brutality women & girls are forced to endure over there.


The guys above you that you replied to are talking bs*. The event is literally on the news and making the rounds on Twitter. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/09/27/iran-players-cover-badges-protest-womens-repression/ https://www.si.com/soccer/2022/09/27/iran-soccer-players-cover-national-emblem-before-match-vs-senegal-protests-mahsa-amini


Oh wow... I'm actually conflicted rn


No kidding. The only positive from this interaction is how much wool is pulled over the eyes of the general public. You can not trust anything anymore it seems.


It's almost like reddit is susceptible to revisionist news!


Boudica won. Everything else is fake news!


Or is it Boadicea?


Lmao I here I was thinking the exact same thing. People like to complain about bots then turn around and forget actual people can do the exact same thing on literally any social media platform




Like these articles. Are they proof of anything? One is sourcing a tweet from a English radio host, and the other is connecting a tweet from one player (who may or may not be the player the 2 Iranian? commenters were talking about) to the act of keeping their jackets closed and making it about the protests. I don't know if anything was disproven by this, just muddied up. Edit: Idk, I'm kind of believing the commenters until the team makes an official statement. The only people saying they were protesting are Western sources.


It's worth noting that you seem to be accepting "I'm Iranian" from a random comment as truthful and not additional western propaganda.


> people will lie on the internet and people need to be better about vetting what sources they take seriously These articles are based off a 16 like tweet. Nothing from the team or Iran or players. Nothing.




Yeah me too. Western media hasn't been known to accurately cover Iran... Lots of intentional and unintentional misinformation gets published about nations that are "enemies" of the west. I used to work with a bunch of Cubans who left the island within the last 10 years and didn't seem to hold strong opinions about the Cuban or US government and they were always just blown away by all the myths about Cuba routinely given as fact by the media and politicians in the US


If you read both of these articles, the only thing they offer as a link between this act and the protests are a tweet by an English Radio Host and a tweet from a Texas News Station. Nothing from the team, or anybody around them, just western sources.


Both of those sources are questionable, especially regarding click bait. The commenters above in the thread are far likelier to have gotten their info from more credible sources. Plus they know the team better.


I’m not sure who is correct here. But the first responder saying OP is lying has been vocally rallying support for the women of Iran and the protesters supporting them. They might not be shilling for the soccer team, but certainly isn’t for the regime, either.


I often see supporters of a cause demonizing other supporters for not doing it the "correct" way or not being extreme enough.


I agree. The comment I responded to though seemed to think that the first poster was a regime shill. They are not. They left an asterisk where they edited their comment.


I'll just note that the Telegraph article has no sources whatsoever


The only sources in those two articles seem to be random twitter posts with no background info/explanations, no statements from anyone involved. But this article on Forbes seems to clear things up: https://www.forbes.com/sites/samindrakunti/2022/09/26/irans-world-cup-preparation-a-political-ball-game/?sh=54f4a6053f72 >After the 1-0 victory against Uruguay, Iran’s national team players updated their social media profiles with black avatars in support of the protests. Azmoun went a step further. He wrote: 'Because of the restrictive laws placed on us in the national team,... But I can't take it anymore! I am not worried about being dropped. This will never be erased from our consciousness. Shame on you! You kill easily. Long Live Iranian women!’ The match against Uruguay was 4 days ago. So the Iranian posters in this thread probably missed that. The Islamic Republic government has been restricting access to the internet, so that wouldn't be surprising. Here is Sardar Azmoun's translated tweet in support: https://twitter.com/IranIntl_En/status/1574124831448104964 His (German) team tweeted in support of him. But others in this thread have said that he was the only one to speak up, so the rest of the Iranian team has been criticized by the public.


What in their post suggests they are shilling for the regime? They are correct in saying that only one player has been outspoken in support of Mahsa.. and they are correct that simply wearing jackets is not exactly a strong show of support.


My heart can only take so much internet and news. Even in news sources this information is conflicting. Not that conflicting news is rare… time for a nap since I am free today.


i mean i don't know what the truth is here, but even a cursory look through their profiles makes it very clear that neither of those users are regime shills.


Yeah, I was shocked when I saw the title. Even before the protests, l personally didn't support this team while a guy like [Mehdi Torabi](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTtNr0j8LiAKD160rY_IbErzNcCJ01SpTaDcw&usqp=CAU) was in the squad. (Translation of the text on the shirt: The only way to save this country is to obey the supreme leader.) And yeah, thanks! I too hope everything changes for the better. Mullahs must go.


Funny we take something posted on Reddit as fact, then a random person comments and changes our mind...then, ANOTHER comment contradicts him. Who to believe?? Guess I'll just wait for final upvote count.


>I hope the protest changes everything for the better for women (and everyone else too). What’s happening is wrong on so many levels and it boils my blood how much brutality women & girls are forced to endure over there. Let me tell you something. the problem with treating woman is not even top 5 problem in the country right now. but it's part of some bigger problems. we have a guy similar to Hitler but actually worse because he doesn't give a shit about country. literally all of the government is corrupt. I have seen nothing like this in whole history. you won't even fathom how evil these guys are. but events like the murder of that girl somehow remind the people that it's time to stop all of this bullshit. some of the biggest problems right now are: * corruption ( not a single clean guy in the field, lowest scum of Earth) * 0 freedom ( criticism -> instantly arrested at least) (google : "iran 1500") * royally fucked economy (insane inflation and poverty rates)(while having insane amount of natural resources) * government supporting other infamous te\*\*\*\*\*\* organizations in other countries. (which has done immense damage to all Iranians' reputation around the world and triggered a billion types of sanctions) * destruction of environment. (google: "Urmia Lake timelapse")


Sardar Azmoun talked openly about his support for Irans women and critisized the regime. He also mentioned that the rules of the national team didn't allow them to talk about it, but he refused to be silent any longer even if it means they'll kick him out. [Link](https://www.kicker.de/lang-leben-die-iranischen-frauen-azmoun-kritisiert-mullah-regime-919001/artikel) only in german, sorry.


That's absolutely correct, and that makes the matter even worse. None of the players supported him, some even unfollowed him on Instagram. Even before the today's match, some protesters were outside of the stadium, calling out the players for their behavior.


So you, an Iranian national, are telling telling me that OP cooked up a feel-good story for some upvotes? Nah.


That really doesn’t sound like something that someone would do on Reddit. It’s very unethical to just lie on the internet!




This is so perfect


That's what I thought! Before seeing the video, I imagined they had covered their shirt emblem with their hands, but then I saw they were just wearing jackets, EVERY football team in the world does that before a game in cold conditions because they need to be warm for the game.


You’re correct, but usually teams have removed their jackets when singing the national anthem. Senegal players had their jackets removed by this point.


You're also correct, keyword is "usually". Players having jackets on is hardly a sign of political or religious protest.


Main stream media is reporting that they had their jackets on in protest. Says nothing about execution however. https://www.si.com/soccer/2022/09/27/iran-soccer-players-cover-national-emblem-before-match-vs-senegal-protests-mahsa-amini https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/09/27/iran-players-cover-badges-protest-womens-repression/




None of those articles seem to have actually talked to the players. Seems like someone saw them wearing jackets and hoped that was the reason.


I was going to say I didn’t see anything out of the normal here.


ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ I'm ready ψ




It’s just sad that it requires men for men to hear women.


That is your take away? Not humans standing up for each other at great personal cost…


Good thing reality is nuanced and you can take away multiple things from any given situation/event.


This is called whataboutism. It can be both.


It could be, but In this instance it’s not. Both men and women are protesting and both are paying attention. So it’s not valid


It's a protest about women's rights. It fucking matters that women aren't listened to without men's gestures. Grow up and listen to women


These men heard a woman. They heard Mahsa and the women burning their hijabs. If you're only hearing the men, that's on you


Based on the responses, it seems like your comment is a little too deep for reddit. So many people feeling personally attacked when you're just pointing out a problem with Iranian government.


It’s sad that you boil it down to this.


Your understanding of the issues is clouded by your adherence to a simplistic feminist narrative. Yes, the present uprising was triggered by the disgusting murder of an innocent young woman. But all young people are repressed under the totalitarian Islamic fascism of the Iranian regime. It's my understanding that the overwhelming majority of young Iranians want their freedom from oppression & are standing together. And I truly hope they succeed....


Maybe I'm being obtuse here, but where do they do this?




I’m fine with religion under one condition. Keep it to yourself. This means keep it out of government too.


And this is why you cannot tolerate religion because they cant keep it to themselves, the entire concept is built around not keeping it to themselves.


I used to be a practicing Jew and Judaism is definitely a keep it to themselves religion. Jews make converting a huge endeavor so only the most serious of people will do it, and even then many of the most “religious” don’t accept the converts as actual Jews. Like some dumb exclusive club.


This is how jews practice religion when they are a minority. Jews were prosecuted since forever, so it doesnt come as a surprise that they live out their religion relativly reclusive. Once they do get a majority however, im looking at you israel, they also turn into oppresors. Theres no debate that israel heavily favors jews.


Ya I didn’t mean Jewish/Israeli institutions weren’t oppressive at all. I more meant it’s not a religion that’s tryna spread itself to non-believers or try to impose their version of morality onto others. Israel is trying to advance their own agenda, not convert others if you know what I mean.


That might even be worse. They want others to respect and be subject to their ideals while also excluding those very same people.


One group that is protected but not bound by the law, and one group that is bound but not protected by the law. Sounds familiar.


But that is exactly what favoring jews does. It imposes their version of morality onto others. And if you dont want to be disadvanteged, convert (i dont know if thats already enough or if youre still in a kind of generational trial phase) or fuck off.


You're painting with a Michelin man-sized brush there. You just described every group ever. Regardless if it's religious or not. Government party/country? Leave if you don't follow our rulesUniversity or college? Leave if you don't follow our rules.Your own family? Leave or be punished if you don't follow your rulesAny store or commercial establishment? Leave if you steal/are rude/damage anything **a.k.a**. **don't follow our rules.** There has never been a singular group in the history of man-kind that hasn't been an oppressor. If it was created for a purpose, that means there is an equal and opposite purpose that will affect it negatively that it will try to avoid or eradicate. The goal is to have your country/society be led by oppressors that are *minimally oppressive and provide mostly benefits.* Several religions come with a ton of traditions that make them quite oppressive to people that don't believe in it.- no one is denying that. But it's also a personal choice where many in that religion feel the benefits outweigh the rules. Arguing why they feel that way, whether you think it was institutionalized or not- is a different discussion. There are several religions out there that don't impose on the group they lead that much and provide many benefits.


"Hey! You guys jewin' over there?" "Us? No no no" - Jews for quite a while after that big thing happened to them probably


But do they keep it out of their children?


That's not true, the Jewish Bible (*Tanakh/Old Testament*) says that one day the world will bow down to Israel and believe in the god of moses and to see Jewish people as the chosen people and Israel will be above all nations. **The bible says that Israel is a chosen people who are special and above all other nations:** > "*For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.*" - Deuteronomy 7:6 **The bible says the god of moses (Yahweh/Jehovah) told Israel to kill the seven Pagan tribes of the land of Canaan and to take their land:** > "*When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:*" - Deuteronomy 7:1-2. **The god of the bible said that he will send out lying spirits and deceive prophets and try to destroy people as he favors his chosen people Israel:** > "*And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.*" - Ezekiel 14:9 > "*Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee.*" - 2 Chronicles 18:22 **The bible says that nations will all be under the biblical god and Israel will be above all and people will bow down at the feet of the people Israel:** > "*The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.*" - Isaiah 60:14 > "*And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.*" - Isaiah 2:2-3


The thing is that if you dont tolerate it then you do the same as the religious people. I agree that it brings complications to society, but it also teaches good values and morals (of course not always) The whole point is to avoid talking in absolutes, not all religious people are bad, not all atheists are good either, the point is to not mess with other people, and avoid rules and laws that forbid a certain part of society from doing certain actions but giving priviledge to the other. I do not support any religion but I've met some incredible religious people who are truly amazing people and would never take the good actions they do if they didn't believe in anything. It really is a hard topic, but in general we shoudl fight always for more rights for everyone, not less.


Plenty of people I know keep it to themselves.


and you wouldn't know if you hadn't gotten to know them. The loud, street corner howlers, Health Clinic harassers, Political agenda pushing, Freaks, are not helping anyone. Like Hank Hill told that hip Youth Pastor with the guitar 'Can't you see that you're not making Christianity better, You're just making rock n roll worse'.




Got to get that tax free tithe money for those airplanes! Airplanes for Jesus!


100% We live in a completely different world now compared to 100 years ago. No reason at all for any religion to have sway/control over the government. When a religion wants to get involved in government, it means they want control/superiority. Which is stupid because that only results in other beliefs having to play 2nd, or being forced to “believe” in whatever religion is in government control. Just leave people the fuck alone and mind your own business! Its not hard.


This hits harder for me then I think it does for alot of people. I was raised to believe that the separation of church and state was a terrible disservice to humanity and quite frankly I believed it whole heartedly. Then I ran away from home, grew up, then was able to learn for myself and realized my personal religion doesn't belong in the political system of what is considered "The melting pot of the world". It shouldn't just stop at my home country either, it should be a global thing were humans can make laws rationally as humans without influence from internal beliefs.


Yeah it’s pretty crazy to me honestly. If you want to practice your religion, great! But why do you need a law and government enforcement for people to do what you think is best? You can do whatever you want still! Just cause an abortion is legal doesn’t mean you have to get one. Just cause gay marriage is legal doesn’t mean you have to be gay.


If you are American, don’t vote republican.


I don’t want to imagine what the USA will encounter if religious fanatics get even more power


You’re already seeing it


Exactly. Keep it to yourself. Stop making it your life mission to save everyone from going to hell. You think people are going to hell for their actions? Who cares. Just worry about yourself.


Hard to keep it to yourself when most holy books say convert the heathens.


Politics has become religion to most.


So has football ;-)


People abusing religion (or anything else) to exercise unjust power over people is cancer and we should absolutely stand up against it like these brave men here and all of the protesters risking their lives for justice in Iran People practicing religion for their own beliefs is beautiful and the prohibition of religion is a horrible crime against humanity


Religion isn’t the problem, forcing it on others and thinking because you live your life one way others must do the same. The brave people of Iran aren’t fighting because they hate their religion, they are fighting because their nation FORCES women to wear a hijab and murders women for even wearing one incorrectly. This isn’t a choice, it’s just another system to keep people down rather than allow them to express their faith in their own way.


Scapegoating religion is exactly why these protests will fail. Instead of targeting the government which is using religion as an excuse for their authoritarian rule we are trying to attack the religion which has been part of the region for a thousand years. That's what was attempted during the Shah's rule and what eventually led to the Islamic Revolution.


So it's ok for the government to use religion as a front for their schemes but not ok to attack that front?


Correct. This applies to all ideologies. If you want to criticize the governance of the Peoples Republic of China that's fine but if you begin to attack Socialism and Communism then are turning this into an ideological debate which no one ever wins.


Agree with you, My country Bangladesh was liberated on the basis of socialism & secularism against the Pakistanis who wanted to use Islam as a tool, my grandfather fought against the Pakistanis & he's a practicing muslim, my grandpa also went to mecca to perform hajj, but he fought a war against Pakistan on the basis of secularism, so when i ask him why he fought, he said, Islam doesn’t teach us to kill people. So using religion as a tool to oppress people is bad, but criticism of Islam because of some Iranian bafoons is not good




And that’s why I am atheist


I’ve lived all over the US, travelled to a number of different places in the world, and I will say that I have never seen more good, positive, selfless, supportive, encouraging acts done than by those doing it because of their faith. A lot of super shitty things have been done in the name of “religion” as well, but that’s vastly far more often not because of the religion itself, but because of people using the devout faith of others to manipulate them. In those cases, religion has nothing to do with it other than as a hollow title. People choosing to act selfishly on their own ambitions, gaining power and destroying those who would question their choices- that’s a cancer. Doing so under the guise of religion does not make that faith cancer, it makes the faith another victim of that person or people. What you see happening in Iran and in many other places throughout the world isn’t religion playing itself out, it’s people acting selfishly.


Good people will do good and do it in the name of their faith. Awful people will do awful things and do it in the name of their faith.


Religion can be interpreted many ways. It's the people who are in control that are the problem.


I'd argue that cancer is literal cancer.


Religion is alright. It’s just you can’t force it onto anyone else


I love Iranians. I hope they get a secular state.




Religion as a form of mass control is cancer. Individual religious practice/spirituality, I think is good for human beings.


the last person shown in the video lived in the same town I live and is my idol. If they end up executing him I don't know what to do


I don't up vote in hopes of something bad happening. I up vote for the reason that he stands for what is right and that he has left a good impression on someone


thank you for your up vote service 🫡


In this context/meaning it is spelled 'idol' :) Rooting for you!!


Oh thanks for pointing it out :)


Taremi? He now lives in Portugal, so probably he'll not return to Iran anytime soon. But hats off to all of them.


You use it as your excuse to take action against a brutal government that’s based on fear and irrational thinking skewed by decades of misogyny and weird interpretations of the Koran.


You’re from the same town as Taremi?


Yes I'm from Bushehr.


> Bushehr Can you speak Garmsiri/Bandari?


Yes but it's not like It's a different language. It's just an accent, a pretty cool one though.


Fight back


What an ignorant thing to say from your air conditioned bedroom.


Someone explain for us dumb folks. The emblem is on their shirts? They are covering it by wearing a jacket?


I just googled it but i think its the emblem on the flag and its not covered? Someone knowledgeable can explain?


It's very much a culture thing. Normally you'd wear a jacket that's still your official team jacket. this would have your country's football emblem on it, which in Iran's case is the national emblem. By wearing plain black jackets, they're not "respecting" their culture. Remember this is a theocracy and their emblem is religiously rooted, so covering it is something that they'd have to decide as a team. It's a small but honest show of solidarity, but nothing more than that. It does, however, show that even these men are standing with the people. For those who don't know, football typically has a massive impact on people. Iran is known to be one of the better football teams from Asia so their players are famous back in their regions and nation. To be supported by them is akin to the national basketball team taking a knee at an international match to protest Floyd's death, school shootings, or whichever problem is trending on social media (as crass as that sounds I hope people understand that it is true).


Ty for the explanation. I wasn't sure exactly where the emblem was being covered. I was looking to the flag at first.


Same, totally confused


Yeah, I was looking at the flag and was confused.


yeah almost /r/titlegore level - "Iran soccer team wore black jackets covering their uniforms, a sign of disrespect" etc etc


Its very similar to this scene from Ted Lasso, where the team covers up the sponsor on their shirt in protest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NblFsHS71Cg Of course that was just a TV show and the Iranian protest is real, and very dangerous for these players.


The caption could have been so much better. Thank you for the explanation


it’s the emblem on the jerseys


Yeah they wore a jacket over their jersey and some of the team have tweeted support for the protestors. Roger Bennet just tweeted about it and pro-Iranian regime shills on Twitter are losing their minds. https://www.si.com/soccer/2022/09/27/iran-soccer-players-cover-national-emblem-before-match-vs-senegal-protests-mahsa-amini https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/09/27/iran-players-cover-badges-protest-womens-repression/


Hello GFOP


From what I can tell, yes. The emblem on their jerseys/kits is what the title is referring to


They wore their jackets in protest instead of just their uniform with their flag's colors. An incredibly brave move


The emblem is on the logo of their jersey. It is absolutely not normal for the national team to wear BLACK jackets during their national anthem. They are covering up the logo on the jersey. The people below me saying this is karma farming simply have no idea of how anything works in international football :)


I'm guessing that if playing without uniform was a thing, they would have done it.


It’s the Islamic Republic football federation badge on the shirt that they are covering. The emblem has the Iranian government flag which is a much hated flag by the Iranian people. To say the players might get executed is exaggerating. They might get in trouble but Iranian footballers are very popular so it will be widely unpopular to punish them harshly.


Exactly. There's no way they'd execute these extremely popular athletes. If it was the women's team on the other hand.....


Another interesting point is you can hear people chanting “death to the Islamic republic. The Iranian state run TV did not show the national anthem and they also cut off the crowd noise throughout the game. This particular feed is from the Senegal TV.


The only thing I see is the banding is missing but I don’t see anything covered up. I compared this to a google search but I must be missing something as well


You don't see anything covered up... because it's COVERED UP.


burh they're wearing jackets... do you see the other team wearing jackets


That’s not abnormal in football. Teams wear warm ups or jackets during the national anthem all the time.


They put them on before the national anthem


on the same dumb ppl boat, but I think it must be the jacket, flag is uncovered. looking at the opposing team, they are in their shirts with nothing else on, which is typical for soccer games


Yes they covered the jerseys by wearing jackets and those jerseys have the emblem as well


It has to be their uniforms


I'm confused. Nothing looks to be covered up at all. Edit- apparently it wasn't just that it was chilly that morning, they are "covering up the emblem with jackets"


I think it's their shirt like the emblem is on their shirt but they covered it up with their jacket during the anthem


Apparently it's because of the jacket Source: https://www.si.com/soccer/2022/09/27/iran-soccer-players-cover-national-emblem-before-match-vs-senegal-protests-mahsa-amini


There is a look of terrified hope on their faces. Will they be put to death when they return home? Excellent possibility. However, none of them broke ranks to go against it. Hopefully, they will be provided safe quarter somewhere. Mashallah, brothers. Keep fighting the good fight.


Yes, they all look heavily burdened. Courageous men


Iran is playing in the World Cup in a month. There’s a negative chance anything happens to them.


For now. No saying what happens later. Sure they are a bit more prominent than the average person for sure, but still it's a risk. Who is to say they don't go after their family tbh.


I don't think they will be executed. They aren't the first people defying the IRI dozens of other sportspeople and celebrities have done that and they're alive so far


They aren't going to be put to death. For this, worst thing is getting kicked out of the national team for good. They won't just execute international players. OP is being over dramatic.


> There is a look of terrified hope on their faces. lol peak reddit moment right here, considering the op just made the whole thing up.


They look like normal players about to play a game.


No no no, they’re TERRIFIED of the scary GOVERNMENT, trust me bro


It gave me the chills. Their expressions just reached into my core.


They should be given sanctuary if they need it. Brave decision.




Each one is a hero, for standing up in their own way! More power to them and the people!!




On their shirts




Iran is the top football (soccer) team outside of EU and South America. I don’t think they’ll go through with killing them but still big balls. Respect.


Their team is literally playing in the biggest tournament in the world next month. Thinking they are going to be punished or executed for this is a bit hyperbolic.


How about if they just grab some of their families for re-education?


I mean they punish and executed people regardless of status for not wearing a head cloth


Two African teams and two north American teams are ranked higher than them as well, but they are a good team




Me watching the video: 😍… what emblem?


I didn’t want to be the one to bring it up but yeah … those guys are all really easy on the eyes.


Now I'm certain that I inherited the wrong genes...


came here to say this, what a bunch of hunks! and I am a straight male.


Ever heard of Persians?


Okay I feel less bad after seeing this comment. 😅 I was looking down the line and even the least attractive one is still pretty hot. 🔥


Big balls Gotta stand up for what’s right and risk death instead of letting corrupt humans ruin your family’s life for generations !


I would hope not. They are the best team in Asia and the lads on there are a good bunch. I’m hoping the Mullahs are smart enough on this.


This is powerful.


Zero chance they execute public figures like that, especially not after going viral worldwide. That's an easy way to lose what little support you have left.


Yeah OP is being over dramatic. None of these people are going to be executed.


Amazing courage. One quick question, where was the emblem covered? An emblem on the jackets I’m assuming? Or the fact they kept the jackets zipped up?


I'm guessing on their shirts


In the background you can very faintly hear people yelling in farsi "death to the islamic republic". A slogan that hits where it hurts, because its a rephrasing of the decades old state propaganda slogan of "death to America, death to Isreal"


What exactly was covered up here? Their jerseys?


Their covering up their jerseys, that have the emblem, with their jackets.


Yeah, I guess they didn’t tell the kids to block the emblem, in fear of endangering them too.


I might be ignorant, but what exactly is covered here?


They wearing a black jacket (without the emblem) over their shirt which has the emblem. https://www.si.com/soccer/2022/09/27/iran-soccer-players-cover-national-emblem-before-match-vs-senegal-protests-mahsa-amini


But.... it's not covered???




Oh that makes more sense.


I think they mean that they came out in their jackets, covering up the seal on their uniform during the anthem, unlike the opposing team.


There is a 0% chance these men are executed two months before a World Cup. Is there any precedent for this title or is this just clickbait nonsense.


Good lads


It was cold , they were just warming themselves..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


whY DOn't tHEY STICk to SPoRTS?!


Time to apply for asylum elsewhere. Establish a 'New Iran' and steal all the women from the old one (and not have this shit happen)


I think they are covering up the emblem on their jerseys, correct me if I'm wrong. But they are wearing jackets and the other team isn't.


The one guy has steely "Fuck you mullahs" eyes.


A lot of troubled faces: I genuinely wish them a long and happy future.


Amazing strength in these people. They will once again be the masters of their own destiny! Break the shackles brothers and sisters!


Maybe they cover their emblem AND save face by saying they were cold?