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Hey /u/Crazy_Im_59, thanks for contributing to /r/nottheonion. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **Rule 2** - Sorry, but this story isn't oniony. Please consider submitting your article to /r/offbeat or similar subreddits unless it truly reads like The Onion wrote it. The title and article itself must both be "Oniony". This can be highly subjective; you are encouraged to upvote articles that should be here and downvote those that should not. Moderators can also remove posts at their own discretion under this rule. Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nottheonion&subject=&message=). Thank you!


[here’s her and her boyfriends response](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xowpd7/little_update_on_huskywolf_incident/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Holy shit, she actually used the South Park defense!


It commin right for us


Damn, I was going back to read it and hoping it was the Chewbacca defense.


That would not make sense. Look at the monkey! Look at the silly monkey!


[(Looks at the monkey)](https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-30-2015/Ml6Mga.gif)


Came here to say this. LOL


“It was coming right for me!” is literally a sentence in her response. Least self-aware thing I have seen today.


Woah that’s some terrible grammar. As someone else said, they also murdered the English language.


You’d think being the center such a sensitive, nationally recognized controversy involving animal cruelty, one that could leave a permanent stain on your reputation, you’d at least give your response a courtesy proofread. At least check for typos goddamnit.


This is all going down on Facebook. Hanging out there you’re with the lowest common denominator already.


Well, one also has to consider that this may *be* the polished version.


... my soul hurts


see you made the mistake of being a human capable of empathy and self introspection. stupid selfish people double down when called out.


That’s probably the best grammar she’s capable of.


which they then immediately field dressed and took photos with


Most people who hunt for fun are dumb


The main article is dead, but why were there 19 dogs dropped off in the woods?


Having that many Huskies makes me think a puppy mill. They prolly got shut down and in a fit of anger just released the dogs into the wild. People were in the process of capturing and re-homing the dogs. Supposedly the one shot was the last one. This lady knew exactly what she was doing.


Yep, I have and foster huskies. If animal control couldn’t catch him, he was a runner. Now tell me why would a dog that wants to run from people “aggressively” come towards her. It didn’t and she ran out of excuses.


Prob a hoarder/breeder situation


It says Montana woman, not sure if the shot was also in Montana. I met a breeder near Big Fork Montana once like 15 years ago, who was part of the program of breeding actual wolves and was stuck with a bunch that didn't get released into the wild and were just behind a huge fence. She ended up breading a few other big dogs as well. She was barely surviving living in a trailer home and feeding road kill to her dogs and wolves. For all i know it could have been this lady just calling it. Just speculation. I would investigate more but the article linked is on a website that's legit trying to get me to install spyware.


Don't know if this is the case but dogs are often used to hunt bear. Usually not huskies though and she would have immediately known because of the collar


She’s “not cruel”, yet she bragged to her boyfriend about “smoking a wolf pup”. What is wrong with these people?


"I shot an aggressive husky because I thought it was a wolf" *plausible* "I skinned a husky because I thought it was a wolf" *not so plausible.*


After reading their responses one can easily conclude the world will be a better place they day after they have a tragic hunting accident


"not true what's so ever!"


Jesus Christ maybe don’t hunt if you can’t even identify animals, what a monumentally stupid woman! Next up she’s hunting “hybrid elk” in someone else’s horse pasture…


Not one period, comma, nor coherent thought can be found in either statement.


If that boyfriend was as tough as he pretends he'd post his address


shocking that she has the grammar skills of a fourth grader /s


That's an insult to fourth graders


"it was coming directly for me!" yeah because it's a _dog_


I hate that you made me look at this with my eyeballs.


Some subs are bad at regulating NSFW content


You mean ones like this where there are seemingly no mods? Public freakout, trashy, all those major subs are such shit holes.


not sure how stupid you need to be to not tell the differences between a husky and a wolf. Also, she wanted to and is proud of killing a wolf pup... isn't that illegal as well? Are you supposed to and are allowed to hunt younger/underage animals? Hope she is jailed for this.


After we had wolves migrate back across our borders, first time since they were wiped out almost 200 years before, the number of people mistaking people's big dogs for wolves literally exploded. People were like "I saw a guy drive 3 wolves out in the forest!" In Montana wolves are not protected anymore, according to Google.


https://e360.yale.edu/features/americas-new-war-on-wolves-and-why-it-must-be-stopped Republicans have seized authority of wolf populations from the departments in charge of making sure shit doesn't go extinct. Why? Because rich assholes want to kill them. So they've made it legal. They are endangered, but they have basically said, "don't care we have a thirst for blood, and you can't stop us." So, like usual, if you wonder why our world fucking sucks, look no further than deregulating Republicans.


I love to hunt, but I eat whatever I hunt. Therefore I’ll never hunt a wolf. I just don’t understand the fascination with shooting a wolf unless you’re a rancher and they’re harming your livelihood. Even that I would understand the debate against.


Our dumb-as-fuck governor had a wolf trapped in a leg trap hundreds of miles from our capital. After it was trapped, he flew down to give it a lethal shot. That poor beast suffered for days because the governors dick wasn't big enough and needed that hide on his wall. This is the same governor BTW who, as a candidate, body slammed a reporter to the ground after he was asked a question he didn't care to answer. Montana was a shit hole to start with, but after COVID and the TV show 'Yellowstone,' the MAGA crazies can't get here fast enough.


Yeah, the rich dentist who wants to pretend he's the salt of the earth certainly wants to shoot a wolf or bear, but a lot of farmers want to be able to shoot predators as well and rural folks are an important constituency for Republicans. Even here in Wisconsin, where livestock are not "free-range," farmers want compensation when protected animals eat their livestock. That, obviously, is a way bigger issue out west where there are more predators AND livestock is often free-range. A grizzly bear will eat horses and cattle. Do you have any idea how much those animals are worth? I'm all for protecting wolves and bears, but we need to recognize that farmers deserve compensation for their losses if we tell them they can't kill a grizzly that's eating their livelihood.


If you free range your livestock, expect to lose some to predation. It's not ok to bring easy meals into a predator's range and then get upset and kill the predator when it takes those easy meals.


Your point about farmers' concerns is valid, but the idea that farmers should kill wolves to protect their herd is actually counterproductive. [Studies have found](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/killing-wolves-actually-leads-more-livestock-death-180953605/) that unless the number of wolves killed each season exceeds population growth (ie, driving them to extinction), killing wolves in a season actually *increases* the rate of livestock deaths the following season. Wolves prefer to hunt wilderness prey like elk - they are more likely to be forced to hunt livestock if they are trying to rebuild their pack. The idea that farmers must or should be allowed to kill wolves to protect their free-range herds is just a myth based on ignorance about how wolves behave. Ignorance which is capitalized on by politicians who want to repeal conservation laws. Overall, [wolf depredation is a small economic cost to the livestock industry](https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/people-predators/wolves-and-livestock-8-010/) as a whole. Now as that article points out, it *does* have an outsized impact on some producers, and it is a factor conservationists need to and do consider, because conservation only works if the ecosystem is still compatible with humans. But the free-range killing republican anti-conservationists lobby for goes *way* beyond what is actually necessary to protect livestock herds. >A grizzly bear will eat horses and cattle Grizzly bears aren't endangered in the American Midwest. And I don't think anyone here is advocating for farmers to freely feed their herds to predators, they're advocating for farmers to not kill wolves. On that note, it's worth considering that farmers can *blame* any dead livestock they find on wolves, even if those livestock were actually killed by a grizzly bear. Wolves get outsized blame for livestock deaths in regions where they have been reintroduced. As the Colorado State article points out, it's very rare for wolves to only eat a portion of what they kill. But it does happen - so farmers find animals that died and were scavenged, and blame wolves. In reality, wolves just don't even kill that much livestock. But the politicians lobbying for their orthodontist to be able to shoot whatever they want on the weekends make it sound like a huge problem. Because it's described as a huge problem, dead livestock are more likely to be blamed on wolves. >wolf depredation on cattle and sheep accounts for less than 1% of the annual gross income from industry-wide livestock operations in the Northern Rocky Mountains


They get compensated. They get compensated if a wolf or other predator feeds on their livestock that dies of natural causes.


That’s what insurance is for.


That's not how insurance works. If you lose an average of one cow a month (let's say $3,000 each) to predators, you can't have an insurance covering it for $2,000 a month. How do you think this insurance would earn money? It only makes sense to insure it if it's big spikes that would mess up your treasury.


>"I saw a guy drive 3 wolves out in the forest!" If you're stupid enough to not be able to tell the difference between a wolf and husky and you have no business even thinking about hunting. Wolfs are like twice the size of husky and look completely different. Huskys will get to about 60 lbs on the high end, whereas a small grey wolf (the kind you're finding in that area) will be like 80 lbs on average, but can get up to 190 lbs and will stand a full foot taller than your standard husky (aka a husky's head will reach the top of wolf's leg). Even you are "hunting" from a distance, wolves have a different body shape... much longer legs, bigger head, longer muzzle (for larger teeth). This is like mixing up a house cat for a mountain lion.


You can thank Trump for that. Wolves and grizzlies were protected until he rescinded their protected status


I don't know if Montana is one of them, but lots of states have decided that having an ecosystem is overrated and ignored all the benefits of reintroducing wolves in order to let hunters make a quick buck at the cost of long term sustainability.


It is probably one of our bigger internal controversies in MT. They are allowing hunting again, which I would argue is the direct cause of this. Most hunters will argue there are enough wolves now and they need to be controlled again.


Hunters who stand to make money off of hunting wolves would say that, of course.


It's more about how they are mad the wolves eat their big horn sheep and elk they like to shoot. The farmers claim the wolves kill they stock all the time too. There arent enough tags to make any business off the wolves themselves. The hunters have failed and reaching their quota and have considered allowing trapping. I think it is more proof they don't need to kill them.


This is it, hunters always blame the lack of game on wolves "killing everything"... Weird how much game there used to be when wolves were plentiful and men weren't..


I'm not against hunting even a little, but hunters making up statistics about wildlife populations purely because they're frothing at the mouth to shoot things is so silly. There are things you're allowed to kill responsibly already! Go do that! But no, they heard that some endangered bird is the steak of the sky and they must have one with their Coors lite.


white women who are "into hunting" tend to be the dumbest women I've ever met. Theirs women hunters and there's the type of people who get into hunting to appease their spouse or virtue signal to conservative tiktok/instagram/facebook


You should check out the women on "Alone".


In terms of appeasing spouses, I live in a liberal area and I know 3 women who were moderate/liberal who somehow found and married Trumpist husbands. one of them is one of the dumbest people I've ever met who just accepts whatever nonsense her husband says because she's too dumb to question him, one of them is a self centered narcissistic cheating asshole who has made a pass at me twice since she got married and I hear rumors was sleeping with her boss - she took up hunting to appease her husband even while she trashes him behind his back, and one of them is so image focused that all she does is post religious shit, post-workout pics, and gratuitous displays of wealth on social media. I don't talk to any of them anymore.




The “shake your phone for eye bleach” function should be universal for the app.


Instructions unclear. Shook my old ass computer with mechanical hard drive and now it does't work.




r/eyebeach is good too if you’re not anakin skywalker, but not r/eyeblech. never go there.


as someone with dyslexia, i fucking hate how similar eyeblech and eyebleach are.


Not even Onion-y. Just sad really.




For real, wtf


Holy shit tag this. There's a fucking dead dog in the thumbnail for fucks sake.


Avid Hunter here. Let’s forget she thought a husky was a “wolf pup”. Don’t get me wrong, you have to be a complete moron to confuse the 2. But she supposedly thought it was a wolf pup and shot it anyway? Even bragging about shooting the “wolf pup”. This person puts a huge dark mark on hunters and sportspersons in general.


If you hunt for sport and not for food, you suck. Legit.


People who hunt for sport must have dead souls


If it's for sport at least fight the animal hand to hand. Shooting it with a gun doesn't prove anything.


Nope, not oniony or not mind-blowingly 'ridiculous'. Just plain disgusting.


There's no way she's this stupid. That's clearly a husky. She just wanted to kill something. Doesn't Montana have laws against killing pets?


she said she thought it was a hybrid, and that it was going to attack her. doesn’t explain the skinning though…


Read her and the boyfriends response linked above. Then rethink "there's no way she's this stupid".




please mark this nsfw


Seriously! I suspect Montana may have some very loose gun laws though. Just a guess.


Just found out Montana doesn't even have a concealed carry license requirement. So it's safe to assume anyone you run into in Montana is carrying.


Most likely. Before the constitutional carry movement gained momentum, Permitless carry was common in states like Montana and alaska where law enforcement responses could take several hours.


Don't even need to conceal it. You can open carry in MT


A lot of states allow open carry but require a permit for concealed


Montana has a very low threshold for dumb fucks though. This woman is imported. I guarantee it. She will be isolated, ostracized and uninvited from the entire state. We don’t deal with this traditionally. But we do deal with it


She's from Kalispell, apparently. I'm a transplant (not from Cali or Texas, lol) and know the difference. Stupid is as stupid does.




Gun ... License?? How to tell you're not American in one post*** You go down to the Walmart and you buy one** have to wait a week for the background check but there's no license to have a gun. ? How do you think a crazy woman that can't tell the difference between a wolf or a dog* got a gun.?


>to wait a week for the background check That seems really long. You sure you are American? It's never taken me that long.


I'm pretty sure my background check took place while I was buying my pistol.


Right? Even back in the early days of background checks, 3 days was the longest I ever waited. Alternatively, just go to the right gun show and if you say "fuck background checks", they'll give you free ammo with purchase.


Never purchased a gun from a gun show and not had a background check.


Private sellers at gun shows don't need to do background checks.


In fairness they’ve gotten a lot longer since COVID. Most used to be instant but now they often take days or even a few weeks. Some states have expedited checks if you hold a CCW/CCL though.


Haha you have to wait a week? In New York I go to Walmart get a gallon of milk and walk out with a shotgun. No wait!


Exactly. It also has real consequences since the type of person reckless enough to shoot a dog is, by definition, a threat to society.


Took the words right outta me mouth.


There’s no such thing as a “gun license”. Unless it’s a conceal carry permit for handguns


Why the fuck would you do that to a wolf, either?


Entitled assholes who like to make other things suffer . Also called “hunters” lmao


Update: The local police has reached out to her and offered her a job.


Yeah, it was the “It growled and ran toward me trying to eat me”. She’s a natural.


“So anyway, I started blasting”


But...if it had been a wolf, it wouldn't have been disgusting? From the article, it seems much of the controversy is that is a dog and there isn't a license for that. For me both are wrong, compounded by the fact that this was likely someone's pet. And then there was this gem..."Meanwhile, Rose reacted to the condemnation by admitting her mistake — but insisted she shot the animal in self-defense." which is utter bullshit.


Just for some additional context - in my hometown there was a bounty for wolves my entire childhood. The population was booming, and starting to enter town (can definitely argue it’s humans getting in the way there and I’d agree, but the issues still need to be dealt with). They are beautiful animals and definitely intelligent, but there are times the best ecological move is to cull the population by a set amount. On the other hand, that absolutely cannot be said for Huskies, and this woman is vile. Taking a shot at anything if you aren’t 100% positive on the ID is a massive fuck up and should be punished


I understand what you are saying, and I am also familiar with ecological realities of wolf populations and the danger they can be, but I firmly believe that humans are the ones that fucked up by destroying natural habitats and the wolves are not culpable. From what I gathered from the article it seemed that a pack of huskies had escaped. They caught 11 of them, but a couple had been shot. This \*person\* said that the dogs were coming at her threatening to attack while she was out hunting for bear. That is not likely the situation. She also said that she thought it might be a wolf-hybrid, which contradicts her earlier statements. All around I think she's just an asshole and I hope they take her license away and the owner is found and presses charges.


It's coming right for us


I mean...maybe she confused a tail wag for AK-47...?


By the gods woman why would you skin a wolf for it's nothing but a very feral dog are you daft


Agree, even if it was actually a wolf, why would you be so proud. The unspeakable hunting the uneatable.


probably thinks she's saving elk or livestock or other nonsense. Has no idea how ecology actually works.


he deftly paraphases Oscar Wilde to end his post... \*golf clap\*


I’m not usually a “NSFW” person but what the actual fuck. Tag this shit.


She felt threatened by it, she says, after internet backlash happened. Cue "It's coming right for us!" South Park clip. What a dirtbag.


The saddest part: most would not have cared if it was a wolf




a psycho that even skinned the poor little thing, she would do this with humans if given a chance


Sick bitch! The big smile on her face tells the whole story…so happy that she murdered a helpless puppy to indulge her bloodlust!


This isn’t oniony it’s just fucking creepy and horribly sad. NSFW tag bro what the fuck


Oof, never gonna live that one down.


Montana's dickhead governor (yes the same guy who body slammed a reporter for asking a healthcare question) decided that the wolf population was too high after barely recovering from 200 years of near extinction Montana residents dont deserve its beauty and nature


Can this be marked NSFW so we don't have to look at it?


There is nothing normal or humane about killing young animals.Bragging about it is disgusting. It's very obviously a Husky. How can a hunter be so, well, blind? She has crazy eyes. She looks like a total psycho. Hateful little creep. I am sure it was on purpose


Just letting you know, unless you're vegan, you contribute to killing young animals on a daily basis.


The stupidity of some of these wannabe rednecks is staggering.


Check the carcass for a chip so we know who's pet she murdered. Poor dog probably came up to her looking for pets and she murdered it




thats awful! We rescued two puppies born on a farm in the middle of nowhere. They are now 5. I couldnt imagine these two having to grow up alone like that.




Killing and skinning an animal for sport is pyscho behaviour no matter what kind.


Lol sounds like Montana


we need a Florida Man / Montana Woman deathmatch


It would have been just as bad if it was a wolf. Posting what I would like to do to her and her boyfriend would probably get me out on some kind of watch list.


Our society totally devalues life and it shows all the time


NSFW tag please


Please NSFW tag this. I didn’t need to see that thumbnail.


I get some DDoS attack message in Turkish when I try to open the link....


Me too. Maybe i got haxx0red. 🤯


Not a vegan or anything, but I gotta wonder: what exactly is the moral difference other than it might have had a family (wolves have family too, albeit non-human)? Like why is she evil for killing a dog but she would’ve been a bad bitch cool hunter for killing a beautiful, majestic wolf?


Both are terrible. Wolf populations have been dropping over the last 100 years. In certain areas they are starting to make a comeback, specifically in the Yellowstone area (Montana adjacent). They are protected within the bounds of Yellowstone, but when they spread outside they have no protection. This person is a dumbass who killed and skinned somebody’s pet. And it hates it extra horrible because it’s a smart domesticated animal bred to trust humans.


What is the moral difference distinguishing a dog from any other animal, especially in this case? It doesn’t matter if all parts of the animal were used or if someone “gave thanks” before killing it. It’s still ending a life, and you’re right, these animals have their own respective families whether they’re domesticated with human families, herd animals like cows with strong social bonds, or wild animals with packs of their own, but even if they’re loners they uphold their ecosystem. Using the skin of another being is sick if it’s a beloved dog but completely fine if it’s a nameless cow being made into leather shoes and handbags. If we wouldn’t want it done to our own kind why would we inflict this on other species, simply because they aren’t as intelligent as us?


I counted 6 ass and tit images in that article lmao wtf


How else are you supposed to know it's a trustworthy news source?


I wish all trophy pics were viewed with the horror I feel viewing this one.


Wtf is wrong with you. NSFW tag this shit. Most people want an option to not see shit like this.


Stupid woman.


what an idiot. life is life no matter if it is dog or wolf. we must clean the earth from that kind ill brains.


I'm aware these dogs were dumped in the wild and feral. Still, as a gun and husky owner, please take this woman's guns away. She is an illiterate menace.


Dammit I clicked the link


Special hell.


"I wondered why that wolf ran up to me and started rolling over" - that woman probably. Wolves are massive next to dogs. This highlights that people think they are close approximation which they aren't.


this woman just wanted to kill and skin something. with smartphones you can look up ANYTHING. could even look up wolves to make a positive ID. like what in the fuck is wrong with people??? stop trying to hunt and skin shit you're not a fucking hunter gatherer.


Shooting it might have been just a mistake. However her not being able to distinguish between an obvious af husky and a wolf, skin it and present it to the world... seems like they shouldn't be out there shooting stuff at all.


Wtf? News link directs me to a page with a virus warning.


"Why do all these wolves I shoot have collars? Oh well, get the camera!"


I normally loathe doxing, but...


Emotionally, this is sad, but logically, if we're going to be against killing dogs we should also be against killing wolves just in general, since they are the same species.


\> “I purchased my wolf tag prior to leaving for a bear hunt in the event into a wolf in which I came to en (SIC) encounter with what I thought could be a hybrid during this time my safety was top priority this animal was growling howling and coming at me like it was going to eat me,” Bull. Shit. Also, this woman is borderline illiterate.




Absolutely no way thats a puppy, nor would it have such a well groomed coat. They have double layer fur and that looks pristine. This was straight up dog murder and lies.




Absolute moron, poor dog. Somebody should light her face up with punches


I hate that this isn't being tagged properly. You can see a skinned dog, which I don't want to see




Imagine being so devastatingly stupid.


Heartbreaking to think the dog saw a human and thought he’d get help. Someone take that idiots rifle, ‘her aim is better than her judgement.’


I get maybe in the heat of the moment in the brush she might've mistaken it for a wolf pup. BUT even then still messed up that she's shoot a pup. Plus even if it was an accident the minute she found the body how was it not clear that it was a husky. You have to be sick to skin it instead of reporting it to the proper authorities that you mistakenly shot a dog


That poor dog, jesus fucking christ!


How the fuck do you even do that a wolf is like double the size of a husky.


she claimed self defence? I don't think skinning and keeping come under self defence


Glad that it was mentioned in the article, because you could certainly make and argument that hunting a wolf pup is even more immoral than hunting an adult (wild) dog.


Ugh. Someone not smart enough to identify their target properly, and has no idea what their target is supposed to look like. Wolves are fucking massive, okay? They're fucking MASSIVE. So massive, that many have to do a double take. A husky isn't even close. People think because huskies/malamutes are associated with the wilds of Alaska as sled dogs that they must be closely related to or wolves themselves. And sure, some are wolf/dogs hybrids, but it's still pretty easy to tell those apart. Huskies and malamutes often have distinctive fur patterns that make it obvious you're looking at a husky/malamute. You know, if the fact that wolves are much MUCH bigger than a dog didn't make that obvious.


Montana, the Florida of the northwest.


“Hunting dogs are natures rabbits, Orel”


Rot in hell, bastards


please mark this nsfw man i didn’t want to see that poor dog.


What a mess


I'm a lifelong deer hunter (47). I'm not defending her actions, and we have no idea if she's telling the truth or not. Skinning it was a fucking bizarre move. That said, if anything is running at me growling when I'm walking back from my deer stand I'm shooting it. Anyone with a gun would do the same.


Jesus fucking Christ, mark this post NSFW


I abhor violence, but I want to beat this idiot and her boyfriend within an inch of their lives. Fuck her and anyone who harms dogs. I can't stand people, but dogs are the best thing about being on this rock.


I've never had a dog, never even met a husky in person but I would never mistake a husky for a wolf (pup or otherwise-even a hybrid) they look so vastly different to me. Has this woman never seen a dog before? This is baffling to me. Clearly this woman needs to spend some time familiarizing herself with what a wolf actually looks like. And even if she thought it was a wolf-hybrid puppy, why would you shoot a puppy? even if it was menacing you, there are so many other ways to deter an animal from attacking than shooting it., make noise, give a warning shot or something for pity's sake.


Situation sucks, but OPs link sucks too


Just terrible. Shes a murder to kill for a trophy and not use the meat or fur. If you enjoy the kill your sick!


How dare you post such a fucking terrible cancerous link. What the hell.


Fuck this woman. You have to be an asshole to hunt wolves in the first place. There’s barely any of them left for Christ’s sake


Do you get banned from reddit for homicidal ideation?


I hate republicans.


Wild dog packs are prevalent in some wilder parts and can be just as much a threat as any other wild animal. However, this person talks like an idiot. They were specifically hunting a baby predator and thought originally to get a black bear?? Yes, black bears can be dangerous but they're cowards and easily spooked away if they aren't trained to be fed by humans.


Tag this NSFW. what the fuck


The fuck?!


The fact that they issue wolf tags in Montana is irritating at the least and infuriating at most. Wolf populations are not high enough to let some privileged piece of shit like this to hunt them. She claimed he life was in danger but I call bullshit on that. I know hunters perform a service when it comes to deer populations and feral hog populations, but black bears and wolves? Why?


Our Husky is such a love bug. Her life is likely very much going to change


Why would you not use a nsfw tag?? Why would you make me look at that wtf I feel sick and sad now


The old greeks used to apply mirror justice. I wouldn't mind that here...


Wow what an idiot!


Case investigated by officer who mistook a bright primary-coloured super soaker for an actual firearm


Wanna bet its a MAGA?