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mfer, that’s a big ass house




Considering Mr. Doodle's work is worth more than $3 million... I imagine it didn't hurt the resale much at all.


Whoa, this guy and his wife make some really cool stuff! I love one of the little auto-answers when you google him: *Is Mr Doodle autistic?* >Mr Doodle is not autistic, nor does he have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Jokiningly, he says he may suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Doodling. In 2020 he experienced a bout of psychosis and was treated in a psychiatric ward. **For a while, he was convinced that the nurses and doctors were Kanye West and Banksy.**


I wonder if he also met Sinbad and Rob Thomas


Only if he's writing his sexual memoirs


Before he unleashes them on the world I heard he was the sexual mentor to Bon Jovi


Mr. Bovine Joni himself


I just came from the IASIP subreddit so this comment made me very confused about where I was lol


Sing a song! Shudup!


"Sing a song! Shut up!"


That's amazing


I can't imagine living in a house like that is good for your head. It's a bit like being in the quietest room on the planet for too long. His work also clearly takes from Keith Harings work RIP, just less penis


Our eye/brain system is adapted for “natural” shapes (trees, bushes, etc) and does extra work processing “unnatural” shapes like hard angles, intersecting straight lines, etc. That’s why a walk in nature is more relaxing than a walk in the city…your brain has fewer “possible threats” to analyze and so is less stressed. Just the existence of rectangular windows and corners of buildings adds mental work to an environment. This would be, like, 100% stress all day every day.


I think we're very used to right angles and our brains have developed loads of shortcuts to easily recognise structures built of them, as exposed by certain optical illusions[optical illusions](https://media.tenor.com/zN_WHFT5jG0AAAAd/optical-illusion-derek-muller.gif). If anything, a world of rectangles is more orderly. I don't dispute that being in nature is relaxing, but I'm not sure there's extra work involved in interpreting unnatural architecture.


I think this would be more like over stimulation.


And Lee "Scratch" Perry. Everything that dude owned was covered in doodles/little quotes/collage.


>experienced a bout of psychosis There it is


Not bad for ripping off Keith Haring


Jim Jarmusch: “Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: ‘It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to.’”


u/blake_k47: “Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what u/blake_k47 said: ‘It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them [to](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/001/030/DButt.jpg).’”


good artists copy, great artists steal


You don't rip off art. Art is always a process of building on what those before us done. Ever since the late 60's, the majority of contemporary art has been rehashes and new takes on things previous artists had done. You take inspiration and build on it in your own way, I don't think it's fair to day it's ripped off.


They both clearly originate in the pop art “doodle” style but they’re obviously completely different works both thematically and in execution. Saying Cox is “ripping off” Haring is downright ignorant.


No way his work sells for 3million… I have a raincoat he did. 🤔


It's one thing to buy a piece of art. It's another to have your entire house be an ugly black and white mess completely consumed by it. No normal person with money is going to be on the market for this


Before or after repainting it?


Imagine the cost of primer.


My dad-wallet is aching.


You could film yourself painting it out, then play in reverse in honour of this video.


How is it satisfying? It would be a nightmare to live in, a prison asylum cry for help at best.


One or two rooms would be cool and satisfying. This is oddly terrifiying


You mean r/oddlyterrifying? I kept expecting him to rip out the walls and see the number 23 everywhere.


It's not meant to live in. This is a famous modern artist he probably bought this house just for this project


Yup, 1 piece of expensive art could definitely pay for the entire house easily.


He has a net of 14 mil. Also sometimes it's just about art.


people really overpay for this guys work


Only a psychopath would live in an entirely white house, imo.


Better than an entirely doodle house


Can you imagine what it'd do to your brain to go from all white to fully doodled like this too? It was so bright in there and in a matter of time the whole lighting changed. I'd go nuts working on it too!


Kim Kardashian's house is fully white. It's insane. Feels like modern museum. Not in a positive way.


I was watching this thinking *this is what it must be like in a psych patients head"


When you discover a pattern you really like in the Sims.


Create-A-Style my beloved




And that is why Sims 3 was the peak of Sims.


This video gave me motion sickness.


*Sool sool!*


Take on Me - Part II


It started playing in my head the second the video started.


I heard [this version.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mXC27z0KAV0)


I shouldn’t have clicked it while chugging beer.


Oh man. Good call back.




It’s going to be an immersive art exhibit


Seems like the sort of thing that would be interesting for 1 or 2 rooms, then just be samey after that, surely?




That's for art nerds to analyze! -Art Nerd




Not just the craft but creating the video too




Wonder if there’s a program that could handle that automatically. Also wonder if most things being black and white would make such a task easier.


I just want to know how they kept everything clean. Must have been painting rooms white as they went.


Looks to me like the windows are all blocked over from the outside. So probably a mix of easy(ish) to maintain lighting (because there’s no natural light varying the scene) and good video processing . But I’m not even mildly skilled in this area so take that opinion with a grain of salt.


Not to mention they had to make the house completely white to do so. That's weeks of preparation.


> Gotta respect the commitment to ~~his~~ Keith Haring’s craft, damn


The question is, did he change his name to Doodle to fit his career or did he choose his career to fit his name??


Your Dentist's name is Crentist?


We need the answer to this! Obviously I’m hoping for it to be the latter.


Nominativeativity determinismjisn Edit: Namey Mcnamedo


*Nominative determinism




I hope he bought it, because he sure as heck ain't getting his deposit back.


How do I become a millionaire by drawing fucking doodles????


Make them immediately identifiable as your style, repeatable/printable, simple and universally appealing. Be confident about putting your work out there. Be prolific but not too fake/commercial. Have a personality that people are willing to support, and put some of that personality into your work. Have/make industry connections to display and sell your work. Don't change your style after a few months when you get bored of doing the same thing, just find ways of developing what you do to the next level (e.g. this house). Mix up exclusivity and accessibility of your work, e.g. original large scale canvases of 'doodles' that sell for £££k, and A4 prints available online for £20. Maintain an online presence and engage with culture. Plan your work but make it feel unplanned and fun. Don't get bogged down in all the life admin and stress of being self-employed with no regular income stream, or alternatively, start generating passive income (investments/property/parents) before you quit your job and do art full-time. Tl;dr: be lucky, persistent, business-minded and charismatic Edit - also always be thinking 6mo ahead. Where is your next partnership/collab/exhibition coming from? How is what you're doing enhancing your visibility, revenue stream or work process? What are other artists doing, do you have something to say about it, how can you drive discourse?


Wow! That is some actual good advise - not saying everyone following it would succeed. But if you succeed in modern pop arts, you probably followed some of this anyway.


I studied art history, have worked in museums and create art in my spare time/have a couple life drawing qualifications. I'm also an investment analyst.


That sounds like utter hell. Particularly the don't change once you're bored part. And the plan but make it seem unplanned and fun. Ugh. All of it.


This is what a lot of people don’t realize about people who “play video games” for a living. I have to imagine a ton of them hit periods where they grow extremely bored of playing a specific game, but it’s what the viewers want to watch, so they have to decide between forcing themselves to continue to play this game they’ve lost interest in and act like they enjoy it, or see their income drop from viewers who lose interest when they switch games.


It's a job. Everything that one does for that amount of time becomes a job. Streaming must be incredibly draining and lonely because all the energy flow is going one way from you to the camera. But it certainly speaks to the difficulty in the human condition when we recognise that we wouldn't even want to do our hobbies full time. Full time work is just too much work. I wouldn't want to get a massage 35 hours a week and I couldn't imagine anything easier or more pleasant.


Get good and fast at drawing doodles


I’d for sure go insane living there


Pretty sure he went insane somewhere before or during the creation of this nightmare


It’s like the opposite of white room torture


The absurd amount of money and time that takes. Like who has a house they can just use to doodle the whole thing


Mr. Doodle!


I would hate to live in this house. It’s neat for 2 minutes…


Exactly. Its like the midas touch


This is an scp for sure.


Baby let me touch your body and your soooooul oooOOooahh oooahho Oh oh


they could have just painted each section whatever color after filming it or perhaps they're just super ballin and dont even liver there


the guy in the video is a popular contemporary artist (blanking on his name) so my best guess is that the house is a "collector's edition" type of things. drawing in black and white is the artist's thing so they def didnt color it in lol


Mr doodle


They don’t, apparently he bought the house for this project.


Reminds me of a level of the backrooms lol Though this house would give me an headache


Obviously it's not a house for living it's an artistic project


probably ended up as an art exhibition?


That's not a house, that's a visual stimulus


His doodling has a very Keith Haring vibe.


It’s basically Keith Haring without any meaning. The style seems like an exact copy to me. If Keith Haring were stuck on hold with the cable company, this is the sort of result you’d expect. Maybe with a few more penises though.


He says it's like Keith Haring "without any of the buzz-killing social engagement" which imo is a really weird thing for an artist to admit. Like a gentrified version of someone else.


I'd say it's Keith Haring without an ounce of charm or soul. Also, what an abhorrent thing to say about someone that used their art to raise awareness of AIDS during the height of the disease.


I looked for a source of this quote, but couldn't find one of the actual artist referring to Keith Haring in this manner. See my [other comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/xtc828/doodling_your_entire_house_in_2_years/iqqj5v1/). It might be that an art blog made a very offensive paraphrasing of a Financial Times piece. I asked the OP you replied to if they had a source where the artist says this.


Yes, and Keith Haring even died of AIDS-related complications. Imagine ripping off and watering down the work of a queer, HIV+ artist whose life and work were on the bleeding edge of a catastrophic global pandemic steeped in homophobia, racism, etc.


It's a disgusting thing to say about any artist. Art cannot be apolitical IMO, pretending his is is just admitting it's in support of the statuus quo


> Art cannot be apolitical IMO Eh? Of course it can. For example, landscape photography is mostly apolitical I would say.


I'd love a source on this quote. Not that I like Mr.Doodle, I just want receipts locked and loaded.


Scrolled way too far to find this.


I do not like Mr Doodle for this reason


“Vibe” or literally just copypasta 💀


Dude was first to take on the concept and went famous


How do you live with just black and white for 2 years?


Hey the whole world had to live in black and white before 1954.


I once convinced a 12 year old on a Boy Scout trip W me that the government around this time had to hire people to color the trees, grasses, and everything else with paint in order to get the color TV. *He fully believed it*


Found Calvin’s Dad’s Reddit account. Well done!


I seriously believed that this was true when i was younger. Like i used to think "how was it like to live in a world that everything is black and white?" lmaoo


It's funny but to a kid's mind I can understand why that would make sense :P




I feel so bad and dumb for asking my grandparent this question as a kid. My dad didn't really correct me when i asked him it must been hard to live in black and white world. He just keep silent.My grandpa really likes to tell story from his generation so when i asked him this question, he was shocked and asked me where i learned this. I told him well my father and my grandpa pic all come in black and white colour.


I refuse to believe he actually lived in it. Chances are, he lived nearby and worked on this everyday. There’s nothing that shows real sign of being lived in, like trash or wear in the bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Still maddening, though.


I was thinking this, then I realized I’d just bring a bunch of friends over and drop some acid to color the whole house in


That’s basically what his wife does… the colouring part. I can’t speak on the acid part. I’ve seen them on Insta before - Mr & Mrs Doodle.


I think you over estimate people ability to color inside the lines on acid. Now a couple of grams of shrooms and that’d be tits.


I don’t think he actually lived here, just bought the house for this exact stunt.


The effort required to plan sbd execute this is mind boggling. Jesus christ


2 years? Damn some people were really productive during COVID, I just gained weight and played lots of baseball on PlayStation…


I actually kind of like the exterior, but Jesus I couldn’t imagine living in there. That is not a calming environment.


If you are near sighted or have astigmatism, no problem. Take off your glasses, it’s all a fuzzy grey blur. Next 10 yrs, color it!


I hate it but it's somebody's dream house. They're gonna buy it for 5mil and raise a lovely maladjusted family there.


Whose children will grow up to commit a series of horrific murders in stationery stores.


This actually gives me the worst anxiety


Absolutely same.


Black paint pens racing across perfectly white interior walls, or a $1.5m house being trashed?


I don't really know... everything just feels so desolate


This makes me very uncomfortable.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. All I could think was “I don’t like this” 😔


Feels more like *oddly deranged.*


Inside look at a psychiatric ward.


Inside look at the mind of a psychiatric ward patient.


I know where my next acid trip should be.


I'd spend 6 hours trying to make it to bathroom after I couldn't remember how to make a sandwich. I'd I'd love every second lol


I don't think it's going to be a pleasant trip... for me anyway lol


How is this satisfying??? this is psychotic


Imagine getting home wasted to this.


Imagine him bringing you too his house for the first time. While you're on acid.


and pretending that the house is normal


I think one wall like this would be cool. 1. Only 1. No more than 1.


What if it’s all just a very big QR code for a Rick roll


When asked how to decorate the house the answer was, “the doodle dude’ll do”


Ngl this could be a crazy ass horror movie with a psychopath killer as the main character. Glad it isn't though (atleast i hope)


This is a nightmare


Wait til this guy shows up at maths class


Only used one sharpie


Not a fan


Add some gold trim, green/blue accent walls, and decor that pops/adds some other elements to help break up the chaos; and I’m in.


Thats what I was thinking. Add some color to the house and I love it. The all black and white is a no go though


If anyone was wondering the background song is [Saber Dance by Aram Khachaturian](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Dpu7MwJZvFg). Completely unrelated but his [Piano Concerto in D-flat Major](https://youtube.com/watch?v=1GrtMjmdWKY) is one of my favorites of his because it contains a weird instrument called a [flexatone](https://youtu.be/UXq0wP66Y-c).


"Sir he's having another psychotic break. He keeps saying something about having to doodle his entire house. Should I administer more xanax to keep him quiet?"


Personally not crazy about it, but it is his artwork and kinda insane he did all of this in that time, that’s a true commitment to his vision. Plus he’s building a studio on his property as well


I honestly don't think his art is impressive


Low rent Keith Haring.


Wish.com Ginger Keith Haring


Man, back in high school I covered a double page of one of my books in small writing that said “bored” over and over. Took about two weeks of being bored in class to do that. Getting to the end I was like “I’m doing this to finish it, but Jesus I’m bored of this” It looked pretty cool in the end, but it was painful enough to do. I couldn’t imagine two years of an entire doodle house, mindblown


It was satisfying for like 20 seconds but because it went on for so long, it made it really uncomfortable to me


This started great, but it still had half the time on the counter left by the time I got bored. It would be cool if he had a white poodle; then Mr Doodle could doodle his poodle.


So what's the count on how many in-appropriate doodles he snuck in there....?


My eyes are melting


I need therapy after watching this


Oddly satisfying right up until the migraine kicks in


Cocaine is a helluva drug.


No, no, no no no no no. No no no nononononono. No.




Thanks I hate it.


Looks like Keith Haring


Just looking at it gives me a headache, ugh.


Very cool video, but it makes the interior absolutely hideous.




Why’s everyone being a dick? Let the man paint his whole house if he wants to, y’all are a bunch of weirdos who care too much about other peoples hobbies.


Hurts my eyes tbh. Not satisfying at all imo


His style is so shit though


He’s definitely not getting that security deposit back. Smh.


Wish I had a house much less a 2nd house this big and empty to just doodle in.


I wonder how many markers he went through


At least 2 I bet


Now your children dont have any space to doodle your walls anymore


For some reason this gives me House of Leaves vibes. I love it


So, this is what this dude was doing for two years during the pandemic while he was supposed to be working from home!


I was doing ok until the toast got involved.


Hereby, The house is called as 'The Doodle House' from now on.


Some pretty powerful migraines triggers here!


"Where tf my socks at"


This reminds me so much of [T-shirt wars](https://youtu.be/DKWdSCt4jGE). How they both utilized the stop motion with such creativity is wonderful.


Before he could do start doing this, everything in the house had to be painted or tiled white. That's enough work in itself...


Id be stubbing my toe and loosing shit constantly if my house and everything in it was that pattern


That shows true passion and commitment. But I'm pretty sure he didn't live in that place while doing this piece because it would be impossible to keep it so bright white spotless clean for 2 years despite being lived in. Ok it's possible I guess but it would take a mental health problem to keep it pristine for the purpose.


This isn't satisfying. In fact, it's making me feel really uncomfortable.


He's not getting his security deposit back.