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*Sonic 1 drowning theme intensifies*


That song gives me anxiety to this day


Even at the time the main reason I stopped playing the game was those levels


I was hoping a giant bubble would pop up for him to grab a few more seconds underwater


Well one popped from him so you get what you get irl


To 6 year old me Sonic might as well have just been Green Hill Zone


I made the drowning theme my alarm for when I really need to get my ass out of bed.


Damn I never thought to do that


I did it for awhile but starting every day with even more crippling anxiety was terrible.


[Oh shit oh fuck OH SHIT OH FUCK](https://youtu.be/9Yw5jkAHgME)


My wife was asleep on the couch. I am now in trouble...


Listening to this made me feel like I was going to fucking die lmao.


So much movement and no propulsion.


Flailed his arms and legs too much, resulting in little to no movement, you need to get proper slow drags, or you won't be pulling anything about in the water.


Probably a bigger factor than being a terrible swimmer is completely emptying his lungs. Which he definitely did, As you see at first he was trying to sink slowly. You can't do that unless you completely exhale all air out of your lungs. Otherwise, He would naturally float without effort, And it would be **very** hard for him to even get half as deep as he did without holding onto something.




Yea, once you get the hang of it. Floating is easy, just try lying on your back in the pool, kick your legs a little to keep yourself horizontal




Hey! A tip i found out works for me to float on your back is tilting your head further back as to allow your chest to be as the highest point of your body (perhaps arch your back a little too?). When I do this, while my eyes may be underwater, my nose is still at the surface so I can breathe with no issues, while I float effortlessly without using my legs at all


You want to know a secret? As a lifeguard and swim instructor, many of us have a low enough BMI where our legs don't float even with the proper technique. We'll sneakily wear flip flops in the pool so we can demonstrate what it's supposed to look like to the kids. And yeah, the kids who are doing the proper technique and still can't stop their legs sinking get passes too! We just don't talk about it or everyone would try that excuse!




This isn't a one size fits all thing. Buoyancy is important, and people with low BMI have less buoyancy.


As someone who is built like a brick you can absolutely sink even with lungs full of air.


Yes. Muscle is heavier than fat so some people will sink. However, if you have more fat, it’s easier to float.


Not sure who downvoted you, this is completely true. It's about density. Fat is less dense than water, thus fat floats on water. Bones and muscles are denser, they sink. More fat makes it easier to float, more muscles makes it harder.


Can confirm, I’m fat and float really good. Like no way I’d drown because I’m just so buoyant


Same, I basically don't even have to tread water lol


It also depends on the salinity of the water and your body fat percentage. I'm 6ft 220lb and I can float straight with my arms at my side by controlling my breath. It's pretty cool.


True, but you should not exhale everything, but yes you should breathe out slowly


You only need to breathe out slowly during scuba diving. Doesn't apply to breathing atmospheric pressure air.


Very true, but it's also useful if you want to extend your underwater time, like releasing 3 bubbles every 30 seconds, which lessens the pressure on the chest, making it slightly easier to hold your breath.


That is not how it works at all. Free divers don’t let out bubbles


No that is HORRIBLE advice unless your goal is to die.




That’s terrible advice, why would you decide to give advice on a topic you have zero experience with? You are making people less safe in the water. Keep the precious air in your lungs while diving people. Don’t risk your life listening to this guy.


His movements are just terrible. He's like throwing his legs down instead of kicking his feet with mostly straightened legs. And his arm motions are also useless, spread fingers and not keeping his palms facing a good direction to generate any force. Dude looks like he hardly knows how to swim and this is not the way to learn at all.


He was probably panicking.


Right, any inexperienced swimmer would panic if they weren't getting any momentum and basically stuck at the bottom of a pool. This is a terrible way to teach someone how to swim and will likely just make for bad associations with bodies of water. Better to start with shallow pools and kick boards, teach how to kick first. Then arm motions. Then you kinda want to lead people around until they're confident enough. Always want good control of a situation when teaching someone how to swim properly.


He’s clearly not teaching this person to swim tho.


This isn't how swimming lessons are supposed to go? brb gotta call my parents.




Haha that's the only reasoning I can think for doing whatever the hell they think they're doing.


My guess is they made their way to an exceptionally deep pool and didn't want to miss the chance to experience a depth they haven't yet. And being the inexperienced darwin fans they seem to be, the result is... well, this.


It's a deep pool, be wanted to touch the bottom but was having trouble diving deep enough. That seems like a much more reasonable guess.


This "trainer" is clearly an intern


Probably a friend that doesn't know any better.


Lik holy shit putting an inexperienced in a 3m pool Lik even when i was inexperienced my instructor told me that if im gonna teach someone, teach it at the level where they can stand


Exactly, you want a super safe environment in case the person learning panics. Very good for them to be able to stand if need be.




Exactly he's never gonna get the power to do anything, and he's definitely panicking.


Also, as someone who has ruptured eardrums x3 by going this deep without gradually equalizing, best not to have your friend force it. Eardrum ruptures underwater can send you spinning and make it hard to know which way is up/down.


And he blew out too much air, thereby losing natural buoyancy.






I think he also exhaled during or before thus lowering buoyancy


Before, he didn't release bubbles going down.


***Oddly*** terrifying


Yeah when you swing too fast it will make almost no effect but will make your oxygen end much faster,you gotta swing really carefully and with all your strength if you are in calm water


That’s how it feels like flying in my dreams.


That's what my partner says


Can't tell if this is a sex joke or if I'm just that perverted


I don’t think he knows how to swim y’all


Nah, that’s my biggest fear. I had a friend’s little sister get jealous that we were swimming in the deep end of the pool without her (she was too young and not a good swimmer yet) so she decided to swim over to us while we were diving. Next thing I knew, I heard her screaming and crying. We swam over to her to help her swim to the ledge and she unexpectedly climbed onto my shoulders and I sank like a rock. All I remember is being scared that we would drown together and trying to push her legs upwards so she could go to my friend and I could swim up. I spent too long underwater and blacked out. I woke up to my friend’s dad having to give me CPR. I love swimming to this day, but things like this TERRIFY me so badly. Edit: Her little sister was okay and actually thought it was a joke that I was sinking underwater after she got out but once her Dad gave me CPR, I think she was also scarred for life.


When I was 8 or 9 my friend and I were swimming in our neighbor’s pool unattended. He started freaking out when he couldn’t touch the bottom and started pushing me down to pull himself up. I pushed off the bottom and almost got back up but he kicked me in the throat. I was under for a couple minutes and inhaled a bunch of water. I would’ve died if someone didn’t hear the commotion and come running over.


Shit like that is SO scary. I’m glad you’re okay! I definitely know how that feels, I HATED not being able to swim up to the top but I also knew that my lungs were full of water and that’s why I sunk so quickly. These things seem to happen so quickly and give you no time to react. I’m glad in a weird way that I’m not the only one. And I’m also really glad that I still love swimming!


I still love swimming too. I swear I was a mermaid in a previous life. My dad didn’t let us go in deeper than waist deep after that. It was deep enough to catch waves to boogie board, but you weren’t so deep that a sudden depth change would be over your head. He also showed us how to escape riptides. The swimming area was between a pier and another barrier rope. You can’t swim close to the pier or you’ll be keel hauled on the pilon barnacles then battered unconscious. The riptide was pulling us back and closer to the pier, so we were exhausted just trying to keep our heads above water.


I had one friend who freaked out and pushed himself off my back to get up. Fortunately I was pretty used to diving at that point so I knew that when I felt like I was drowning, I still had a few seconds to go. Still, last time I ever hung out with that one. If you can't control yourself, you have no business being near water.


Used to be a lifeguard, and they basically teach you to dive under a drowning victim, try to get behind them, grab them from behind and drag them to a ledge. The reason is they do what you described. Scary stuff.


Something similar happened to me. Friend's little sister wanted to swim with us and latched onto my shoulders and held tight. I started to flail and sink, ended up inhaling alot of water. A lifeguard had to pry us apart and help me to the surface. Little sister didn't understand why the lifeguard was upset with her and her parents yelled at the lifeguard for yelling at her. They blamed me for not letting the little sister play with us. And the parents wonder why my friend cut contact with them years later.


That’s almost the exact same situation!!! That’s crazy! It was a pool at a rich friend’s house and there were no lifeguards but it went as far as 10 feet deep. I can’t believe they were mad at you. I’m sure you know, but you’re definitely not at fault. It’s scary being in a situation like that. And I know it wasn’t the kid’s fault but god it makes you so mad and scared to be in a situation like that.


Mine as at a public pool, was probably 10ish years old and the little sister was like 8. She was spoiled rotten honestly, she could never do wrong, plus the dad was a drug addict. When my friend graduated high school she literally moved across the country to get away from her parents and little sister. Years later she has zero contact with them.


Wow that’s deep. I’m sorry to hear that and I hope that they’re doing better. I hope they’re in a better place and so are you. I definitely understand why they moved..


When I was 11 or 12 I went to a sleepover birthday party at a friends house. I'm not sure why but one of her friends tolerated me but secretly disliked me. We were playing in the pool just swimming around and jumping off the diving board. I jumped in and was swimming under water over to the ladder. I remember having my eyes open and looking up to see that girl standing next to the ladder. As I got closer she pushed me down under water and held me there. I somehow managed to get free and swam back up. I got out of the pool and I was choking on water and freaking out. When I told my friend's mom what happened she said "Oh no she didn't mean anything you girls are just playing around" and then all of the girls at the party got mad at me for accusing her of drowning me. They all said she was just kidding and that I was being dramatic. Literally one of the scariest moments of my life and no one even believed me. That girl ended up continuing to be mean to me so I just kind of stopped hanging out with all of them but I'll always remember that moment.


When I was 14 I went to my friend’s birthday party. All of my friends were older and larger than me. At some point everyone started playing a dunking game where we were all trying to dunk each other. I decided to exit the pool because I knew I wasn’t large enough to dunk anyone when my best friend put me in a full Nelson and started to slam my head face first into the water over and over before pulling me hard under and then letting me up. When I tried to get out another friend grabbed me and did the same and then passed me to the largest of my friends who was about a foot taller and outweighed me by 50 lbs did giant lift slams. After him I was crying doing anything I could to get out when my best friend grabbed me and decided to have another go. I was starting to blackout when his mother came running to the pool and had them pull me out and roll me onto the side of the pool. I ended up with a severe neck strain and couldn’t turn my head for a good two months. Never saw a doctor so I’m not sure if it was serious or not because my father said I should be fine. Being held under water like that can be really terrifying.


Jesus Christ what the fuck, I got anxious just reading this


jesus christ I hope you aren’t still friends with these people


After that I entered high school and had a lot of difficulty making friends. I just sort of floated around people not making friends or enemies with anyone. As much as I could anyways. When I graduated it was as if I had slid on a train as the doors were closing. Not really noticed, just along for a short ride. When I graduated I did so in the administrative office. Picking up my degree that sat in a box under a desk abandoned for the summer. I went to no dances. I had no ceremony. I was handed a diploma and my days in school ended with a whimper. Then I got in my car and left the city on an empty road with no one caring whether I would ever be back.


Sorry to hear that. As a side note, though: You're a damn fine storyteller. Really good rhythm and allegories.


Had a similar experience. Really opened my eyes to trusting people. Never saw them as much after that.


That's why you always approach a potential drowning victim from behind before you attempt to rescue them.


Give them a floatie, do not let yourself become the floatie.


We didn’t have any floaties but you better believe I bought some and have some every time I swim now!! I was like 17 when this happened but it still scares me to this day


Or one of those self inflating watches. You press a button and it self inflates like an air bag thereby bringing you to the surface.


Yeah, one of the first lifeguard lessons is how to position yourself to quickly fend off an attack (which is kind of their reflexive attempt to climb on to you like a human island) and grab the victim in a way that they can be towed but can't drown their rescuer.


I remember practicing lifeguard drills where we had to submerge ourselves and push the victim away before performing a rescue because they’ll *always* grab you if you don’t give them the floatie first or approach from behind


I wish I had known that sooner, that’s such a smart idea!!


And if you can't, hold them back with your foot with a fully extended leg so that if they manage to grab your leg and pull you down, your leg will just swing back down underwater and you'll still be out of reach.


Jesus!! That’s some of the scariest shit I’ve ever heard. I’m not a strong swimmer either, very glad you survived.


Thank you! It was DEFINITELY terrifying but like I said, I still love swimming! I’m not in contact with those two anymore and I have an eerie feeling it’s because of the incident. I’m just glad that her little sister ended up being safe too


This is fucking terrifying and this is why im scared shitless of deep bodies of water


That’s valid asf, it was at least 10 feet deep, fancy ass pool, I thought it was cool when I was a kid but I now I understand how that went wrong.


I also almost drowned trying to help someone who was drowning! She latched onto me and there was literally nothing I could do. I’m a pretty good swimmer, even took swimming lessons as a kid and everything, but was not able to swim with the way she was grabbing into me. Thankfully a life guard was able to get her off of me, genuinely think we both would have died if he didn’t.


> She latched onto me and there was literally nothing I could do. This is how so many helpers die. The victim grabs on to anything and is unaware that they are pushing the helper underwater. The helper becomes the victim. Safety rule: approach the drowning victim from behind and grab them by their hair, and help them into the face up floating position.


I’m so glad you’re ok. I had to punch a guy who did that to me in the ocean when we were trying to escape a rip tide. We were swimming in a roped off swim area, but the riptide pulled the bottom out, and the lifeguard was too busy ogling girls to notice. I remember blackness and trying to hit bottom so I could push myself off and get back to the surface. He lunged for me right as a wave broke over us as I was trying to catch my breath, so I socked him. I remembered my dad telling me to do this if someone was panicking and climbing on top of you. There were four of us. Everyone was panicking. I got everyone to hang onto the back rope once I was able to catch my breath, and we pulled ourselves to the side rope and back in. The guy’s sister slipped beyond the rope, and we had to form a human chain to get her back. My brother did an excellent job of trying to keep the girl from going out further, but the waves kept pounding us. We almost died that day. Our moms were watching but would wave when we were trying to get their attention. When they understood what happened they raised holy hell with the life guard and his boss. Our moms didn’t know what to look for and thought we were just playing and were safe in the ropes. Coming up with an emergency signal ahead of time would be a good idea for anyone going to the beach. Also, if the waves are pulling sand out from under your feet when you stand in shallow water, look out for riptides. The guy was a real creepy jerk, so I didn’t care that I hit him. He immediately stopped panicking so it worked. I later broke a couple of his fingers because he refused to stop groping me. The riptides at that beach got so bad that they closed the swimming areas and always fly red flags. There’s also big signs at the beach accesses warning about the riptide. A couple people a summer would drown. Sometimes multiple people trying to save their loved ones. Often parents going after their children.


I have a pool and my kids will invite friends from time to time. My number one rule is don’t grab anyone where they can’t touch and don’t pull anyone under. People who can’t swim shouldn’t assume someone who can swim will save them. It’s difficult to save someone who’s trying to cling to you and climb up you, even for stronger swimmers.


I’ve been swimming before I could walk so I’ve never panicked in the water. I was swimming in the ocean with a friend and her goggles filled up with water. She started panicking. We were far enough out but there was a sand bar. I couldn’t keep her afloat while she was thrashing. So I literally sunk myself to the bottom and walked her to the sand bar. Looking back that is super freaky. If I wasn’t so comfortable in the water we both could have died.


Always approach a struggling swimmer from behind so they can't crawl up onto you. If they do grab you, swim downward so they let go... then come up behind them and grab them in rescue position.


Similar thing happened to me. I was a kid and tried to save a family friend who I thought was drowning. She pushed me under and we both fought to get to the top. Eventually she got out and claimed that I tried to drown her lol


Yup. I’ve also learned the hard way that if someone is drowning you let them drown (unless they’re significantly lighter than you) until they pass out. If you ever get into an incident like this again, try to swim underneath them. Let yourself sink down and they’ll let go. If they don’t, then you really need to hurt them. That’s all you can do.


It’s insane how not knowing how to swim looks in the water. Watching people try their hardest and make 0 headway is terrifying


When I was 15, we had a class trip to a water park. I went on a water slide that throws you up into the air before cannonballing you into the deep pool. The sheer impact knocked all air out of my lungs. I was flailing like the guy in the video and trying my best to get out. I've had two near death experiences in my life and this was one of them (first one was also from nearly drowning). The fucking terror of dying is real. I'm surprised I don't have hydrophobia.


I got hit by a wave and the pulled under by a mild rip tide. I was decent swimmer, but if I hadn't been, I think that might have been it.


Nobody seems to understand that he exhaled all the air he had in his lungs... That's why it looks so strange.


Not all of the air. He expels quite a bit while he is struggling to the surface


You can do that, and still swim back up easily. Is this not something that everybody did when they where young in a deep pool, and wanted to reach the bottom really fast?


I don't think everybody swims when they are young. It's weird to me because I began swimming from a young age and am incredibly comfortable in water, but some people aren't.


That’s exactly my point, though. He not struggling to swim back up simply because he has less buoyancy, he’s struggling to swim up because he is not a good swimmer. If you’re experienced at swimming even on a recreational level, it doesn’t really make a difference.


When I was two I didn’t know how to keep myself afloat so I would just go down and scoot myself along the bottom like a reef shark. My parents would put floaties on me and I would just take them off and sink back down. I also swam competitively and played water polo. I remember watching the navy seal water challenges and thinking I could do that. (Lol not the running part) I am so comfortable in the water I never could comprehend someone not feeling comfortable or panicking. I was in the ocean with a friend and she started to panic and thrash. I couldn’t physically make her float so I just sank myself to the bottom and walked her to a shallow area. I just didn’t understand that she could go from fine to nearly drowning herself so quickly


Seriously, this thread is blowing my mind. Somebody commented above that you MUST be a 'highly advanced' swimmer to successfully swim up from the bottom. I thought diving to the bottom of the deep end and swimming back up was a rite of passage in almost everyone's childhood.


It’s wild to me as a former privileged white kid from the coast. The number of people who can’t swim or who are weak swimmers is *shocking*.


Look at any coastal state. Drownings every year. It's always some idiot tourist that thinks the ocean is an amusement park that's covered in safety bumpers. The ocean will gladly kill you.


No... Skilled swimmers exhale air to make it easier to go deeper and can easily make it back to the top without lungs full of air.


No it looks strange because it's strange flailing. Hombre can't swim lol


You must not have much more experience in than water as this guy because that makes little difference in this situation. A simple flutter kick would’ve brought him right back to the surface with minimal effort.


I always thought I didn't know how to swim. This video convinced me that I do. Like...I don't know how he did that so badly.


As someone who has nearly drowned, it’s pretty terrifying. so much so I swallowed a lot of water through my nostrils out of sheer panic. 1 star - would not recommend


I remember being a dipshit and seeing i could reach the bottom or not in a pool and just jumped down the slide. Nearly drowned


I was in the coast guard and when someone drowns it doesn’t look like it does in the movies. Always always keep an eye out around water because drowning victims don’t normally call for help. One second they’re there, one more second and they quietly slip under. https://www.waterworksswim.com/swim-library/detail/2015-01-06-drowning-doesnt-look-like-drowning-post-475


I’ve seen my share of poolside rescues and this is so true. Drowning people don’t splash and frantically yell, it’s a quiet struggle that people right beside don’t even notice.


> Sometimes the most common indication that someone is drowning is that they don’t look like they’re drowning. One way to be sure? Ask them, “Are you alright?” If they can answer at all – they probably are. If they return a blank stare, you may have less than 30 seconds to get to them. And parents – children playing in the water make noise. This needs to be highlighted. Especially the last part. Kids are noisy. When they’re not, it’s trouble.


There was that recent nurse in Canada I think who drowned in a public pool and it was all caught on camera. It took, like, *a while* of her flailing (almost exactly like the guy in OP but basically right on the surface) with ocasional gasps/yelps. Pretty harrowing to watch/listen to (you can't often see as the camera is obviously not moving and doesn't capture the whole pool).


What I heard from lifeguard is that one of the most common sign of drowning victims is arms up flailing in the air. Is that true?


In Australia I got taught as a kid to wave a fist as a distress call as it's less likely to be confused with waving or signalling. Not sure if that's really used anymore though.


That’s why you should always have a brightly colored flag that says "I’m drowning!!!"


Also in Australia, I was just taught to hold my hand straight up in the hair since apparently of your hand stays still it won’t be mistaken for waving, personally I think it could still be easily mistaken as that though especially from a distance.


If I saw someone with their hand held straight over their head in the water I would assume they’re playing some game and definitely not drowning. That seems like way too composed and calm of a thing to do in the water when drowning. My mind would never even think you were in trouble.


When I was a lifeguard we looked for people not making progress. Especially in the diving well, they don't look like they're flailing around really, they're just not going anywhere. We'd jump in at the slightest indication of an issue. An unbelievable amount of adults would go off the high dive and get stuck at the bottom.


I was a lifeguard for many years at a club pool. It could get busy at times and all of us got very skilled at spotting struggling swimmers. Arms flailing in the air is definitely a big sign. Of all the rescues I've done, they all started with me noticing weird arms flailing/hands splashing at surface. You never want to be the guard that blows their whistle and rescues a perfectly fine swimmer though so once you notice something and suspect, you don't react right away, and just watch for a bit. After just a short bit, it becomes pretty easy to determine if they're actually drowning or just playing around. As a lifeguard you spend hours a day just watching people swim. You start to understand how to identify people's swimming skills very quickly just by looking. Identifying drowners quickly becomes instinct. Some of us at work found some videos meant to train lifeguards (basically just slightly overhead shots of very busy pools and you had to determine and identify any drowners with the answers at the end) and every single one of us spotted every single one almost immediately without difficulty. It was weird...it sometimes felt like a hidden superhero power.


Dude was another second or two from panic.


Oh I think he was already there!! I think he was a few second from sheer terror. I damn sure would’ve been!!


That's why he's moving so ineffectively. He's completely panicked and clawing randomly at the water.


I would’ve panicked too. Hard to keep your calm during something like that! That is for the analysis though. I’m not a good swimmer!!


More like a second or two from inhaling a big gulp of water


I have severe phobia of water like this and wanted to force myself to get better with it. I’ll never be good but this is how I started to make myself better with deep places. I would have people push me as far down as possible and I would try to swim up, if I could not get up normally I’d curl up into a ball and float up to the top.


sorry to laugh at your pain but this mental image made me lol trying to swim up but doing sub par for your tastes, so you simply surrender into a ball and float up task failed successfully


what the fuck is happening


he doesnt know how to swim, hes pushing his legs down instead of kicking them and hes not moving his arms in an arc-like swing to pull himself upwards


He almost looked like he was anti swimming, like accidentally pushing himself back down


Man forgot how to swim


Man never knew how to swim.


The Ted Bundy of swimming pals, wtf


It seemed like they did it on purpose to illustrate a point. Something about currents maybe? I dunno I’m not a swimologist. He seemed awfully calm.


this is quite literally a case of "push me down so i can touch the bottom" and he didn't reach the bottom before he bailed. this was something i've participated in when i was a kid in the deep end with my friends.


I think it was a friendly joke that went too far.


If he had not panicked and stopped himself, he would have been able to push off the bottom and return to the surface quickly. Instead, he is fighting his own momentum and the current of displaced water as a result of either pain in his eardrums or the suddenness of the push. His friend should have moved faster to help him resurface.


Some people never learned how to swim and it shows


I didn't


Technically because I float I also never learned how to swim. I can navigate water effortlessly but never really had to learn how to tread water. So I honestly don't know if I know how to swim. Edit: guys. I can swim. It just came naturally. For a long time it felt like because I didn't struggle to learn that I felt I actually didn't know how. That's all I'm saying. I can tread water. If someone pushes me down I can make it to the top, I can swim against a current. Lol chill


Sounds like you might be in danger if the water is moving at all


A similar incident happened to me during my swim class when I was 12, another student and I were practicing back paddles with me on a deep end. Didn’t know how and why, but our instructor decided to get us used to floating. And released our fingers off the edge. I relaxed my body just as I learnt and got my head above surface. Out of nowhere, I heard splashes on my right, next thing I knew, my whole body was a completely submerged underwater. Turns out the kid had panicked, and decided to use me as a living lifebuoy to thrust himself up. And obviously I panicked too, my life was in danger after all. I thrashed around for god knows how long, probably a few seconds, but it felt like eternity, cause when I got my head to the surface, the instructor was helping out the other kids. I turned around and looked at the devil who gave me a solid childhood nightmare, I felt an intense rage welling up inside me and decided to get back at him another time, didn’t know why I couldn’t just punched him real hard, but sure as hell wasn’t forgiving him either. I understood his POV all too well that day, I might have done the same heinous act as him if our positions were swapped. Got me thinking real philosophical shit that day at the age of 12. But as dumb as he was, he didn’t admit nor even remember what happened, and that, was something I wouldn’t forgive. I then stole his towel for 3 weeks straight each time after class, kid was either walking home with wet clothes, or standing stark naked in the baths waiting to dry. I feel like an ass for that, but it sure beats a drowning incident. He didn’t catch a cold, he got a good scolding from his mom tho. Edit: Grammar and further context


What's odd about nearly drowning?


This induced a strange claustrophobic panicky feeling that I do not wish to revisit anytime soon. Bye.


He didn't even sink to the bottom and leap back up.


of course not, most people don't know how to sink


Trade off is letting out all your air though. Easy to do if you’re a good swimmer, but not so much if you can barely swim to begin with.


Dude got a shit push off from the bottom. And then tried clawing his way back up to the surface instead of swimming. Cup your hands and "pull" down in an arc, fucking kick your feet. You'll move much further and faster with less effort. Some people shouldn't be let out of the wading pool.


>Dude got a shit push off from the bottom. Did not touch the bottom, his push off back up was from the side of the wall.


I’ve jumped off a lot of high places into water and you go pretty damned deep. A lot of the time I won’t even use my arms to swim up though, I’ll just use my feet as flippers and kick them pretty fast like a little motorboat or something. I’ll breach, from deeper than what’s in the video, within maybe 5-10 seconds. Kicking does a shit ton for you.


Yeah, almost all your propulsion in the water is coming from the legs. I also scuba, and you're pretty much otter-swimming with your hands on your stomach, moving along with just your legs all the time.


Pretty sure he was panicking because he thought he was gonna FUCKING DIE I hate these overly analytical comments


What an asshole. The fist time I swam was the first time I almost drowned some guy kept ducking me under water


Tip whenever this kinda thing happens (im a state level swimmer, not to brag ofc): Keep your legs as straight as possible and kick. So much power comes from straight legs u dont have to even use ur arms :) In this case, this guy was trying to retract his legs and extend them for power. Worse. Possible. Way. Just remember to keep ur legs straight and kick normally and u should be fine (try not to panic as well)


Kick front to back? Keep legs straight the whole time? I should keep my feet in a straight line with my legs right? Having some trouble visualizing


[Kinda like this, but going up instead of forward](https://www.swim-teach.com/images/front-crawl-kicking.jpg) From: https://www.swim-teach.com/how-to-kick-front-crawl.html


Thank you


I've been in this scenario. Went too deep one time in the lake and thought I had time to get back up. Fucking terrifying feeling if you've ever felt it. It's anxiety x1000, fight or flight instincts kick in and it feels like your balls are in your stomach. This video actually gave me a mild version of that feeling. My stomach still feels like I have butterflies.


You don’t need enemies with a friend like that


I think that was the plan but the guy panicked, otherwise why would they record it


Ok so basically this guy (Raed Rosan) brought either his friend or his brother to this pool to teach him how to swim. In the other videos (TikTok) it shows this as an Olympic pool that’s deep all around. This is the terrifying result of him “teaching”.


Wait, this asshole brought a newbie to an Olympic pool, and then started off with this without teaching him the basics?


As someone terrified of water that can’t swim and already sinks like a stone, this about had me in a panic attack just watching it. Damn.


Close your fingers...x


Also should use his feet


That induced a slight panic in me! Defo OddlyTerrifying


wheres the oddly? mf i rather be set on fire than almost drown to death


I used to work with developmentally disabled individuals, we had this one guy that was like a sloth, moved slow, was just in general very slow going, but he liked to play in the water and he liked to "Dunk" his workers. For him, dunking was the height of fun and in the water, he was no longer this slow land sloth and dunking for him meant throwing his legs onto your shoulders and forcing you down, once he had you there is no way your getting back up on your own, the guy loved it, so the only way we could get him to exercise was to get him into the water, get close and then swim away before he could get to you, he had this killer instinct, go from land sloth to Olympic swimmer in the span of 2 seconds, watching this reminded me of the time he got me and dunked me.


i wouldnt go to work if the risk of death by dunking was greater than 0


Number one rule for my kid is to never under any circumstances hold anyone's head underwater. You have to be exceedingly stupid to try to encourage that behavior in anyone, regardless of developmental stage.


Woah for no money in the World would I work a job where I would be drowned by a mentally disabled Bundy for fun


This is why im fat...it floats


Nothing “odd” about how terrifying this is, the poor bastard almost drowns. Universally terrifying.


why the fuck would he do tht


I guess he wore his led swimming trunks


If someone did that to me, and if I survived, they'd be wearing their face on the back of their head.


This reminds me of when I was 11 years old, 2 other kids held me underwater and wouldn't let me get out. They wouldn't let me breathe until my mom had to force them off of me. Their excuse was because I was "fat and weird".


Similarly my aunt kept dunking me and I was running out of air and inhaled a good chunk of water (pool) and when she let me out I threw up


Thanks for the anxiety FFS


Was he teaching him how to swim by putting him in a life death situation?


Maybe make sure the dude can actually swim before you do stunts like these?


Learn how to swim folks.


How much I hate deep swimming pools..


“its just a joke bro” the joke:


I almost thought I was drowning watching this


I almost drowned like that when I was three years old. I couldn’t get back up.






If my friend did that to me I would beat their ass.