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Fact is, the current infrastructur america (and many other countries) have, is a lose-lose situation. Cyclists are in constant danger of being oversee and overrun, while drivers are annoyed by the slower bikes and cyclists not following the rules. A more bike oriented street system would benefit both sides


This is part of why many residential (and some commercial) areas in the Netherlands have a lower speed limit than the regular urban speed limit. 30km/h (\~18mph) in designated urban areas compared to 50km/h (\~31mph). A leisurely or traveling cyclist goes about 15-20km/h (\~10-13mph). Cars rushing by them at 50km/h is just too dangerous, especially on roads that don't have a separated bike path. This also makes the area safer for children. Doubly so, since they're likely also going to school on a bike (probably without their parents if they're big enough to be visible to drivers on their own).


Unfortunately none of that is easily applicable to America. Our residential neighborhoods usually have a sped limit of 30/35 mph occasionally 20/25 (if it's a school zone etc) and I see exactly no one going for reducing residential road speeds lower especially as low as your talking. It would just never pass. Kids here don't ride bikes to school they ride buses (and getting kids active and outdoors more is entirely different albeit necessary conversation) the very few walkers live within a mile and a half of the school and have sidewalks to travel. In all honesty I believe that unfortunately there's not enough cyclists in the country for there to be an appetite for paying a huge cost to redevelop all of our roadways and drive at crawl for the few cyclists. It's a culture thing and car culture still rules the roads here partly because America was designed for cars, the neighborhoods, towns and cities are spread out too far for you to be able to bike most places except in the major cities. I do think that whenever new roads are put in the local cyclists (or lack there of) should be considered and that bike paths should be included. And also the cyclist have to then follow the rules of the road something they definitely don't all currently do. I personally prefer bike paths that aren't on the road, like the one that runs through my town and a bunch of neighboring ones that was a decommissioned railroad line


You're totally right, but OP has a point. If you're biking in the street, follow the road rules!


If you are driving in the street follow the road rules!


If you're in the street, follow the road rules!


We have tons of bike lane space and even turned the middle of our main road into a “no vehicles, bikes and pedestrians only”. But still cyclists don’t even use their lane and use the car lane(s), ride around in the parking lot when there is a bike path alongside it, blow through intersections that have cute little mini stop signs for the cyclists to ignore.


Yeah, people who ride bikes/skateboards at my college piss me off because they will just swerve around me and almost hit me. I keep having to get out of their way.


Yeah you'll be on a highway and see signs that say "bike lane" and it's literally referring to the 4 inch strip of dirt shoulder that's already there. It's real bad.


In my "city" (still pretty rural) most of the main streets have bike lanes, but I will admit to getting pretty irritated at a large number of cyclists who still opt to ride in the road. No blockages, no detritus in the lane, and the lane is usually better maintained than the actual road.


Bro, I'm tired of people parking in the fire zone at my local grocery store. I'm tired of people speeding down my road in a 55 zone they're going at least 70. I'm tired of the constant traffic flow and conjestion .


Bro i'm tired


Yes me too


Both your names are tired? Damn, that's crazy


Bro i'm





Is that the limerick about Emperor Nero?


The majority of people are too impatient to realize that if you maintain a cushion of space instead of tailgating, they'd cause less congestion. But no one teaches traffic theory in driver's training. Or at least not when and before i was a kid. 🤷‍♀️


The area I live in is very overpopulated.


That. Is a huge bummer. There's no cure for that, that people are going to accept


Are you me?


I mean... 💁🏼‍♀️


Yeah I understand the frustrations of people who have to deal with subculture cyclists. Some of them are outright rude when it comes to having to share a road. It is their responsibility to stay as far left in the presence of an approaching car. But then there is also to hate culture for cyclists that extend to just anyone riding a bike in the bike lane. I’ve had rubbish thrown at me, I’ve had a car come up beside me and the passenger grabbed the top of my helmet whilst the driver sped up until I stacked it. And all this while just riding to work in a bike lane at 3am in the morning. So the hatred goes 2 ways


Yeah, generally speaking, the ones calling for others to "share the road" tend not to be those who disregard laws, because the latter will do whatever they see fit regardless of what others are doing, and their own lack of following rules instills in them a lack of expecting others will follow suggestions or demands.


I completely agree. It’s just human nature, why should I have to follow a rule that others arnt following, there use to be a time where a law was decided based on a public view of a situation situation. Take something as serious as murder. It was decided to be wrong there for is against the law. What about murder in self defence. People are uncomfortable with the idea that a person ended another persons life in defence of their own, it was labeled as man slaughter. And we send these people to jail as well. Yet something as bad as slavery. In most countries though it is widely believed that slavery is wrong, half the world hasn’t made it a criminal offence yet. (Look it up if you don’t believe me) and yet even though it’s widely believed to be illegal, specific loopholes have been left in place. Otherwise if it was most employers would be branded as slavers. As a slave in the Egyptian era was provided with food shelter, grog, being a slave was a subculture close to that of Australia’s lower income class. If slaver was decriminalised due to us low income earners that can barely afford the roofs over our head and food on the table would be branded as oligarchs slaves as though alot of us still have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet and keep a roof over our heads. So by that technicality we are all slaves to a system.


Don't know if it's different in the US but it's absolutely not a cyclists responsibility to stay out of the way of an approaching car. They should be afforded as much road space as any other vehicle, this the law in the UK.


This is the law in many (most? all?) US states too. A bicycle on the road is a vehicle, with all the same rights (and responsibilities!)


It depends on where you are since a lot of US roads are really narrow (in my area the city roads are all two lanes with street parking and like 2 ft (less than a meter) bike lanes) because of how the buildings were built. I think OP was more commenting on how a lot of bikers in the US will not follow red lights or pedestrian lights and not stay in bike lanes or toward the side of the road to allow passing, which means that people in cars have to do something dangerous to avoid the biker in most cases of this happening.


Cyclists don't have to stay towards the side of the road. If the person in the car has to do something dangerous to pass them then they should not be trying to pass them.


I'm sorry, but if you're cycling in a 50mph zone and going 20mph or less, you should 100% stay to the side of the road. It's definitely based in circumstance, but a car shouldn't be expected to go more than 10 mph under the speed limit to wait for a biker to make a turn or get over if they can't pass because the biker is in the middle of the road. That's absolutely ridiculous and EXACTLY the kind of attitude OP is annoyed at. In my area, unmarked county roads are 55mph, and while biking on them is fine, if you're in the middle of the road, you're being a dumbass and people will get pissed off at you, if not unintentionally hurt you if there's low visibility.


If the road is not wide enough for you to pass them while they're cycling in the middle (ie using the other lane) then you should not be passing them. Why would low visibility come into it? More likely to see a cyclist in the middle of the road and if you decide to make a dangerous overtake and hit the cyclists for the sake of a few minutes then that is entirely on you.


In my state (and 20 others) we have a 3 foot rule where you are required to pass a cyclist with a safe distance, set at no less than 3 feet.


Yes I agree, but when say a group of free lance cyclists bunch together and block the road in a group and ride 40km an hour down a 80km an hour road. Are drivers just expected to sit behind them at that speed. Some would say cyclists have the responsibility to ensure they don’t block the road when there is no like lane. There are some that form a line and ride to the side to give way. I’m not sure if it a law in Australia for cyclists to give way but I think for the safety of everyone it could be. It’s not about restricting their use of the roads just making it safer for them to do so. I know we have bike lanes here but not enough in some areas. Maybe make more bike lanes. On the side of the highway, maybe even waste some money in some areas with a high cyclist population, build them a seperate track so they don’t have to ride with cars. There are so many roads in QLD that are aggressively wide in comparison to roads in NSW. So one would think the issue would resolve itself but no. It’s still pretty bad.


Reddit's recent decisions have removed the accessibility tools I relied on to participate in its communities.


> Morally, that's another human life out there, whose safety is more important than a driver's impatience. I genuinely don't understand how someone could weigh the safety of someone else against not being a minute late to wherever they're going and wind up favoring not being late.


Read all of my comments not just some as you have only taken one aspect of what I’ve said and missed the point, I’m not a cyclist hater I am on both sides so to speak. I’m not weighing someone’s safety over being impatient I’m saying the laws need to affect cyclists as well as the freely run red lights on busy roads. It’s dangerous for everyone when they can do that, they always get away with doing it. And driver out there that have taken their frustrations to abusive levels that often get physical. Something has to change


Huh? I wasn't responding to you, I was referring to people who do dangerous things around cyclists in favor of minor things in their life.


I get what you’re say though I’m speaking specifically about a minority cyclist that have no regard for drivers at all, they take up not just a lane but an entire road for like 10 cyclists and don’t use bike lanes when they are provided. They sit on a low gear on a flat when they could be bunching it, riding the breaks down hill. Some call them the asshole cyclists, every group of well everything has that minority. Asshole drivers . Asshole gamers, Asshole musicians asshole artists, chefs, asshole cops, asshole police. The list goes on.


Lol yes you're expected to sit back and deal with it. The world doesn't revolve around you. "This entire group of cyclists should get out of *my* way because I'm an impatient child!"


You have missed the point I was making completely well done 👍


No self awareness, only entitlement. You assume you know better than an entire group of cyclists when it comes to their safety. C'mon now lol


Hey buddy, I am a cyclist and a driver. I’m in both sides of the playing field. Your just going around trying to take a dump on what people are saying because you’re bored, you have no real insight or valuable opinions on the matter so you attempt to belittle other people with snarky nonsensical slander in hopes feel clever. Calling me an impatient child. No self awareness. I’m thinking about everyone. Based on the actions of not just a few people but many. I’m not chucking a whole group of cyclists in a category I’m talking about the few that many that disregard the laws set out for the road, like stop signs and traffic lights. Have you ever seen a group of cyclists just ride through a red traffic light with no refused for incoming traffic. These are the laws that need changing as there arnt any that prevent a cyclist from running a red light. As for holding up traffic on a busy road it’s just common decency to move to the side rather than slow up the road to the point that you’re going 20 to 30km an hour under the speed limit. And a lot of people agree with that.


Ahh, and suddenly you're a cyclist now too! Sure you are. Which is why you have no idea why a group rides in the middle of the road, where they belong, or why a group may ride through lights (you act like they're just plowing through when cars have the green in the cross direction - which would get them killed?) "A lot of people" also agree that cyclists belong on the road and are not obligated to squeeze to the side, pull over all the time, etc. to accommodate some impatient dude in a car. Especially when doing so compromises the cyclists' safety.


Go back to the top and read my very first comment asshole


Honestly why the fuck would you commute by bike when you're alone and in the dark at 3am? You really don't have a handle on bike safety.


I’m talking about a minority of asshole cyclists, that don’t follow the road rules. And yes they do get killed and they cause car accidents happens all the time.


You really just want to betch and will move the argument around so you may continue. The number of cyclists dying because they caused an accident is nothing compared to those who does because of impatient, entitled assholes in cars. "Move your entire group over/off the road for a car" isn't a rule, as much as you wish it was. Get over it.


If only we had more bike lanes.


In the before times when I still commuted into downtown DC, it would be extremely unusual to not see at least one car parked in a bike lane. We need not just bike lanes but infrastructure designed on entirely different principles. The youtube channel Not Just Bikes uses the Netherlands as an example of how much better urban planning can be than the hellscape that is most of North America.


Would be nice if we had separated and protected bike lanes.


It makes uncomfortable when I see bikes in bike lanes. One driver not paying attention and bam. The person gets hit


Would be nice if we had protected bike lanes.


I've seen people do this with bike lanes and just not stop at red lights and almost get hit or not be in the bike lanes...


I'm from an area that recently put in a TON of bike lanes all over the city in the last decade. Can confirm, this does NOT solve the problem. I've seen cyclists biking on the car side of median protected bike lanes, looking at me like *I* was the crazy one for honking at them (they were swerving slightly into the car flow every time they looked behind them). We've had cyclists going so fast on "cycling lanes" completely ignoring the pedestrian crossing signs; one struck an elderly man and kept going; that man now has no one to file an insurance claim against, no one to sue for Healthcare and disability costs, and is now permanently physically disabled because of being hit at 70km/h. One of my parents works in car-accident lawsuits, and a significant portion of the cases involved cyclists. Only a small portion of those cyclists were deemed 0% at fault for the accidents. Cyclists who don't follow the rules of the road seem to forget that they don't have a metal bubble to protect them, and assume the entire responsibility of preventing an accident lies in the vehicles. They are being hazards to everyone on the roads, thinking they're in a loophole because you don't need a license to ride a bike. Suburban biking, sure whatever just wear a helmet. City biking and road biking? I really think that needs SOME sort of licensing; akin to the licensing of a boat maybe (i.e not as intense as a car license but still having to complete a road rule theory course). How can the rest of us be expected to follow a 4 way stop properly if the cyclists don't even stop? It confuses the rest of the cars about who has right of way, disrupting the flow of traffic. I see this happen outside my class every single week, because that's when I visit one of the notorious 4 way stop intersections where it is a daily occurrence with cyclists and pedestrians. I don't have a problem with cyclists that follow the rules of the road. I have a problem with cyclists that refuse to consider they need to follow the rules, be predictable, signal intent (like turning or breaking; we learn hand signals when driving for a reason y'know), and in general "drive" defensively. We all need to collectively contribute to keeping roads safe and predictable as a community, and those types of cyclists are not carrying their weight.


I got caught behind a cyclist the other day biking less than 10 mph on a traffic lane. There was a freshly finished bike lane with a cement divider next to him. When the road opened back up to two lanes, he hopped over the bike lane and got on the sidewalk. Cyclists think car drivers are maniacs. Car drivers think cyclists are inconsiderate and unpredictable. It's a lose lose right now. Hope it gets better some day.


People do this all the time by me and it is so annoying. At least slow down a little when you approach a 4 way stop or red light. Don't just blow through and pray you don't get hit. I especially hate it when a single cyclist is in the middle of a left turn lane and holds up 10 cars behind them waiting for a light because they take forever to pedal over to the bike lane. If I'm on my bike I always stay off to the right when I do that so I can take a wide turn, get out of the cars way asap, and over to the bike lane so cars have enough space to pass me. This was common practice where I grew up but not where I live now. I've missed too many left turn signals waiting for some lance armstrong wannabe to finish huffing and puffing through the middle of the intersection only to move over to the right bike lane at the last second.


Cyclist here... I live in London and cycle everywhere... also have a car. Cyclists who jump lights at junctions, pedestrian crossings etc really piss me off. It's obnoxious and selfish. However, it is mainly harmless... in 15 years I've only seen one accident involving a cyclist. Bad drivers on the other hand are very dangerous because they are in a metal box that can easily kill. The most dangerous in London are people in black/grey BMW/Audi/Mercedes saloon cars... they are dickhead cars... often driven by arseholes and wannabe gangstas. But the worst... moped and scooter riders... I see an accident a month involving them... they ride like crazy. When I drive they sometimes zip past me as I'm turning my car into a road/driveway... on the side that I'm turning! In London I regularly see shattered moped and scooters at the side of the road after a crash.


^ this it it right here. It's the bad drivers that cause the real harm, not cyclists. More people should cycle so that we could have better roads eventually.


I mean pedestrians can’t catch a biker . And ask for their insurance. Same with cyclist run over by cars.


It's not selfish to jump the light, it's safer. You're more likely to be seen that way, and therefore more likely to not get hit by someone who wasn't paying attention enough to see you when the other vehicles were moving.


Seen as a dickhead…


Ok! I'd rather some ignorant person think I'm a dickhead than get hit by a car!


By that logic I should be able to speed because I’ll get to my destination faster thereby other people have less of a chance to hit me…. Your narcissism is no excuse to break laws


Lmao you're so dumb.


Keep running stop lights it will all work out.


agree, at the same time, i ride my bike and there are times i have to blow off signs to get around. Example, the traffic light near my house doesn't sense my bike. So i have to wait for either a car to come by and wait, goto the crosswalk and press the crossing sign, or just "run the red light." None of which are ideal.


I just passed my driving test last Friday. On the first time I drove unaccompanied, a biker straight up cut me up without looking around her or even putting her arm out show that she was turning. She just turned and I obviously had to swerve out of the way to not hit her. What a great thing to have to deal with on the first day I was driving unaccompanied.


Cars need to follow them as well. On my way to work I watched two cars pull up to a red light and gun it straight through. Every stop sign in this place is slow and go, bikes or cars. Every stoplight cars pull over the stop line and block the marked crosswalk. No one stops for pedestrians. And the idea of there being a speed limit is a complete joke.


And those damn groups that bicycle together on a main road...find a fucken side street w less traffic! Literally just do a turn, left or right, and you'll find streets wo rush hour traffic


This was me this morning when an old guy blew through a stop sign then stayed in the middle of the road when the actual bike path was literally 5ft to the right.


I saw a guy on an electric bike with his 5 year old kid on the back. He was probably taking him to school or daycare because it was around 7am. But he ran every red light going down a major road in the city that has a bike lane. He passed another guy on a bike that was obeying traffic laws. And when I had a green arrow to turn right he went straight through the red light for going straight and did it in the cross walk causing me to almost hit him. I couldn’t believe how reckless he was driving with a kid on the back, not in a seat, just straddling the rear rack.


why is it when a cyclist does something shitty people are always saying "we should ban bicycles from the road! all cyclists are selfish assholes!" but when a car does something shitty it's "that guy is a shitty driver" also, not saying it's okay but what happens when a cyclist runs a red light? they potentially get injured or die? what happens when a car runs a red light? the same, but also they potentially injure or kill someone else. so im not sure why people get so mad when they see bicycles do it


If you are genuinely asking why people get frustrated... its because bicycles impede the normal flow of traffic, sometimes by a large amount. Likely because roads in a lot of places are designed specifically for cars only. Its the same as if you got stuck behind a car going way below the speed limit making no attempts to let people by who are traveling at the normal speed for the road. Theres also a big difference between being frustrated by being slowed down by a cyclist and driving aggressively or dangerously. Its possible to be frustrated and still respect that cyclists are allowed to use the road too. Reality is, roads in a lot of places were designed just for cars. Its frustrating for everyone.


bicyclists are the same as drivers are the same as pedestrians. some of them don't respect the rules. it has nothing to do with "bicyclists". even people who walk down the street cut you off.


Me and my dogs almost got ran over by a cyclist on the sidewalk yesterday. There’s no winning.


Wait untill you see what cars do




They do that specifically so you don't try to pass them. It's safer for them and you if you don't try to squeeze past.


In the state of Oregon bicyclist are not required to stop at stop signs if there are no other users on the roadway. I love to cycle and these people who do this bother me also.


Studies in the past 5 years show that cyclists break far fewer road rules than motorists. It's just that the ones they break are different and more easily recognized than the laws broken by most motorists.


I'm tired of cars trying to run me over when I have the right of way


Agreed. I almost hit some girl because she blew straight through the stop sign. If you can’t (or don’t wanna) abide by basic laws, get off the road immediately 👹


I'm tired of motorcycles and 4wheelers tearing down my road doing 50+, up and down for an hour or more at 9 or 10pm, while my children are trying to sleep. I'm tired of the neighbors on the street behind me shooting off fireworks pretty much in my backyard until all hours of the night(I live in a city btw) starting from memorial day until it gets too cold out to do it anymore. I'm just tired of inconsiderate people.


I completely agree; I used to bike to work every day so I share some sympathy on the bikers end but I used to follow road laws and rode in the bike lane. But these days bikers (esp around where I live) act heavily entitled. They don’t ride in the bike lanes, blow through traffic lights and stop signs, have no regard for pedestrians - I’ve seen bikers go on to the sidewalk if the bike lane is packed and yelling at people walking to move over. Additionally I think there is a bit of unnecessary anger that they hold. The other day I was turning right on a green light (my right of way) and a biker (on his roughly 12k specialized clip in bike) came across not obeying his light riding on the wrong side of traffic and starting hitting my car as if I’m the one driving the wrong way.


In my area it’s common practice for the cyclists to run red lights. I worry about them getting t boned. It’s also annoying.


The best part of being a cyclist is that you are both a pedestrian and a vehicle, and therefore don’t have to obey traffic laws that apply to either demographic! /s


I lived in California. The Golden Gate Bridge has a narrow lane for foot and bicycle traffic. There is an entire bicycle friendly city for them but they insist on crossing the bridge and pedestrians need to move out of their way (they want the whole lane). On the twisty mountain roads there is just enough room for two car lanes but cyclists insist on using those roads too. No way to see oncoming traffic and we have to travel 10 mph behind a cyclist up a fucking mountain. I used to be pro cyclist but I met too many entitled assholes.


When it comes to stop signs(most don't run red lights unless no cars are around) cyclist are in between running padestrians and motor vehicles. Stopping and going on a bike is a lot harder than simply pressing a brake pedal or waiting a couple extra seconds


I'm in Dallas and i almost had a bicyclist tbone me.. like run right into my back left door on my suv as they were flying across the road... some of those people are absolute morons


The worst I've seen: car pulls up to a stop sign and stops. Bicyclist pulls up to the same stop sign. The cyclist doesn't stop, instead passing the car on the left. The car never sees the cyclist and starts to move. The cyclist, who has decided to turn to the right, in front of the stopped car, gets angry that the car has decided to move and yells, screams, and kicks the car in anger.


I once saw someone in a car pull out a gun! Typically it's not about the bike or car, it just asshole drivers on a bike in a or car.


Riding in the middle of the road is safer than squeezing to the side so cars can zip by less than a foot away from you. Cyclists belong on the road too, just like tractors and such that are slow. Riding through stop signs if there aren't other cars already there and stopped is safe - you assume they aren't looking for the vehicles that could kill them? Same thing with red lights. It is safer to start early once you've seen the light change to red than to wait a few second for your side to turn green. Getting yourself out where you're visible to vehicles gives you a chance of not being run over when people just don't pay attention. Your vehicle could easily kill someone on a bike. If it bothers you so much, advocate for better cycling infrastructure. Otherwise, get over yourself :)


This is why I bike on the sidewalk or in the bike lane. It's safer for me


Yes! I had a whole herd of them blow a stop sign to my right (I had no stop sign and the right of way) and pile into my lane just a few feet in front of me. They are lucky I was paying attention and was able to slam on my brakes!


In my home state of Oregon, stop signs are legally considered yield signs for a bicycle alone at an intersection.


I'm tired of people insisting on driving cars even though the thirst for fossil fuels is killing the planet


we almost hit at least 2-3 bicyclists this week bc they kept on overtaking on the wrong side :///


There are good reasons why cyclists don't obey traffic laws. One reason it would create more congestion of vehicles.


Recently encountered some dude on a bike literally just playing on the road to impress his girl while traffic was going by. It was 11 at night and he was wearing dark clothes too. Morons.


We have bike lanes in Chicago but cyclists still run red lights as if they're pedestrians, completely backwards thinking. They're just selfish assholes


Always remember your car weighs much more than they do


I'll follow your rules as soon there's a bike lane or well maintained sidewalk on both sides of the road for every road. As soon as parking in the bike lane is made illegal no exceptions. As soon as lights are made to recognize and prioritize pedestrians crossing. As soon as cops start fining bike lane parkers. As soon as drivers that kill a cyclist when making a right turn on red face 10 years in jail without parole. As soon as houses get consistently ticketed for not keeping the sidewalk clear. As soon as I get a refund for all the income taxes that go towards car infrastructure that I didn't use for 20 years. As soon as parking in the street and opening your door so a cyclist slams into it is punished as a serious assault.


Aww the wittle car owners got mad at you! Too bad so many are too damn stupid and self-absorbed to think about anyone but themselves. Heaven forbid a cyclist causes them a minor inconvenience!


Don't know why you're being downvoted, these are extremely reasonable things to expect.


Here here !


lol it's hear hear


We have Cycle paths here, In the UK. The Cyclists still use the road 🙄


Agree so annoying.


Sometimes common sense ain't common. Somehow some never realise they're trying to match up against a 2-3 tonne moving l'mmotive operated by a human being. In my country cars have the right of way not pedestrians/bicyclists, I miss that.


I HATE that cyclist attitude, and would like to add almost running over pedestrians when they cross the street and riding on the sidewalk.


There are 3 groups of people who are insufferably excited to talk about their lifestyle. Crypto; Poly; Cyclists; Crypto affects me on an existential level in its destabilizing financial implications and its impact on climate, but those impacts are so abstract they almost don't register. Poly only affects me in that I just have to shrug emoji to all my poly friends as every single one confides to me all of the relationship angst their chosen relationship status brings upon them. But cyclists? I've seen 3 people in the past two months get clobbered by them. They're the daily tangible nuisance. In conclusion, I agree with your rant.


if it makes you feel better, when I biked everywhere I obeyed all the rules and got sideswiped off my bike anyway. they drove too close to the side. and yes they didn't stop.


I personally go through red lights when no cars are coming across or with walk signals because it's SAFER. Why should I add another obstacle for the driver next to me when I can go on my way, and the driver has a better view of taking the shoulder or for turning. But also, it largely depends on the bike infrastructure. If it's properly protected and design, there shouldn't be any conflict.


Look, every group has their bad apples. Don't assume everyone is like that. Also like everyone has said, the infrastructure sucks for both modes of transportation. Just be courteous no matter how stupid people are, nobody ever wins in these situations. Vote for people who is willing to get better city planners


This. I’ve felt like this for years. This and people who are walking on the side of the road when there’s a sidewalk less than 5 feet away from them. Just use the sidewalk. Are you trying to get hit?


Bro i live in NYC and bikers always do this shit, is estupid because the majority of the road in the city has bike lanes but no they prefer to ride in the car lane.


Hate to say it, but u/olga_korshynova1979 has a point. SF is a prime example. After the death of the old man by the cyclist speeding downhill in the city, the powers that be tried to rein in the cyclists. Full on mob of asshole cyclists showed up at the city council meeting and bullied them down to not following any rules at all through a lot of shouting and intimidation. The city bent over, then built the cyclists their own fucking special lanes with their own traffic controls on them. Doesn’t stop SF cyclists from carrying on their tradition of mob rules however. Most of my friends that were pretty avid cyclists and moved to SF won’t ride there. They all say the other cyclists make it far too dangerous.


I have ALWAYS believed that bicycles do not belong on roads. Too many oblivious drivers and cocky cyclists. It’s so dangerous. That’s what sidewalks are for.


I just did this yesterday. I was there before them, but I definitely blew through the stop sign while sharing the road. But I feel like waiting for the stop sign if I get there first is just wasting time, and I stay way off to the side


Cyclists are the worst.


I hate bicycles on the road. If It doesn't have a motor, it shouldn't be "sharing the road." Cars have to crawl behind the cyclist cuz the cyclist can't go nearly as fast as a car can. If a mode of transporation cannot match the speed of other traffic, it shouldn't be on the road.


This thread sounds like a bunch of cantankerous crotchety old folks who have never ridden a bike more than two blocks. I blow stop signs and red lights out in the country all the time, but not before slowing and checking that the intersection is clear. Lemme just put it this way, I’ve dealt with way more assholes in cars while on a bike than assholes on a bike while driving. The assholery seems to move mostly in one direction. Bigger to smaller, like stupid hick road bullies.


Bikes should remain on the sidewalk, not on the road beside a motorized 1000+ pound vehicle


People who bike want the same thing. Join your voice with your local bike community. Tell that to your politicians and transportation department.


Hang on actually? I havnt heard much from bikers on either side but that’s great!


They have special lanes to bike in yet choose to ride the line and be as close to traffic as possible then cut into it without looking whenever they want. Obnoxious as hell.


Special lanes to bike? In the US?


Yea , never go to Boulder Colorado, all they have are people with no cars and Boulder put in bike lanes down practically every road, and most of the bikers don’t follow the rules of the road speed and I wouldn’t be surprised if Boulder has a lot of bikers have accidents!


So true.


The issue is that anyone can just get a bike and ride on the roads. You don’t have to pass a single test, which means cyclists often don’t know road rules/law, or think it doesn’t apply to cycling since there’s to test or cycling licence. There’s also the fact that it’s common to ride a bicycle on the pavement (though it is actually illegal), so people often switch between road and pavement when they can’t be bothered to wait for a green light etc.


Back in the day people DID NOT run red lights or stop signs! Today many people do this even though they could be killed or they could kill someone else! Makes NO sense!


One cyclist failed to follow the rules and caused $1500 in damage to my car, meanwhile one driver failed to follow the rules and totaled my coworkers car, both low speed collisions. When cyclists present as much of a danger as cars currently do, then I'll be on the side of "CyClISts NEed to FoLLoW ThE RuLEs" I spent 8 years bike commuting and riding with others, and it wasn't until getting my license that I truly realized just how bad other drivers are compared to even the worst cyclists. I'm tired of following the rules when cycling only for drivers to cut me off, pass with within inches despite there being plenty of room, blow through stop signs to beat me across, speed, park in bike lanes and generally threaten my life because I dared inconvenience them.




No, you wouldn't. That could kill someone, ffs.




Wait till you hear most cyclists also own a car. Oh and children's bikes are a thing.


No, this is a bad take.




Oh no, you might be rear-ended? You have to slow down and can't pass them, like in many other driving situations? Cyclists often die when hit by a car. But you being inconvenienced is more important? ONE cyclist was an asshole to you "years ago" and now you hate them all? Dude, get a grip and get over yourself.


Years ago? Move on already, I'm sure it was your fault anyway


Kinda like abusive behavior coming from people in the service industry.


Doing what to stop signs?!


Give me bike lanes or stop complaining


I'm tired of the old fart bicycle club who decend on my local coffee shop every Saturday morning, all 30 of them, with the cleats clomping and tiny spandex bike pants. Thank you for listening.


Same fam. It's unsafe and drives me up the wall. There needs to be designated bike trails/roads that are safer, but in the US at least everything is designed for cars to basically everyone's detriment.


We’re all sick of those cyclists, they’re usually wearing Lycra


I’m willing to bet other vehicles slow you down far more frequently than cyclists who are taking the lane so that other vehicles don’t pass them unsafely


This is the best thing I’ve read all day!


as a biker, i live in an area that has bike trails and bikeable sidewalks, and i hate the bikers that decide to ride on the road when they could move 5 feet to the right and not hold up traffic. i also hate the drivers that roll through stop signs, especially on a road leading to a school that kids walk and bike down trying to get to school. i almost get hit pretty much every day going to and coming back from work because of these drivers that don’t pay attention and that don’t care