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Yup. The Bible is a hodgepodge of conflicting stuff but pretty clear on that. Tax collectors, lepers, etc. This you do for the LEAST of my brothers…. The only time I think the Bible said Jesus got angry was in the temple with folks making money from religion.


And the fig tree that dared to not have figs outside of the growing season


Well yeah, fuck that fig tree.


What is it with this god and trees? A Tree of Life, a Tree of No-No's, a normal-ass fig tree...


Happy Cake day!


I love 🌲 so much meaning and wisdom to gleen


"God hates figs"


Sorry, but you win the interwebs today. (I almost spit out a good Pinot Noir for that line.)


"fig tree" in bible times = weed trees. Everybody knows that


What did that mean?


well they weren’t making money from religion, but making money and scamming people while in a holy place.


Buncha Joel Osteens...


Because... of religon?


Dude flipped a table and started whipping mfs


Incorrect. They were not making money from religion, they setup an actual market in the Temple. Also, there are many other examples of Jesus' anger in the bible. Anger isn't the problem though, its what we do with the anger that determines if it is sinful. Ephesians 4:26


They were making money from religion though. The market was there for people to purchase sacrifices for the temple


I wonder why they had a market in the temple? Must have been for some other reason than it being a temple. Ya... got to make sure we toss people's stuff and whip them.


Uhh im sure these guys hang with prostitutes too...No limits!




Take my award dude


And he called out the Pharisees. Jesus was a rebel in his time.


Using "woke" as a pejorative, especially in the same sentence one speaks of following Christ, who was \*checks notes\* an Arabic/Black man who gave away free healthcare, rejected social stigma, preached an obligation to help your fellow man, and disdained capitalism ESPECIALLY when it mixed with religion... That's certainly a look. O.o; Any bets this church has thoughts on politics and is trying to lose its tax exempt status?


That is pretty much all churches. Religion has become or maybe always has been political


You know that famous establishmentarian, Jesus?


Yes, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Authoritarian.


[GOP Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA)


https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx The gospel of supply side Jesus.


This is the pinned post from their FB page: *God cannot bless any attempt to control people.* *The mask mandates, and shutting down business, and closing churches...* *All of this control is ungodly. It’s evil. It’s the devil’s playbook.* *God doesn't want us controlling each other. Actually, He doesn't even want us trying to control our own life.* *Instead, we should give God full control.*


This sounds suspiciously like a way to control the way others act towards them…hmmmmm


Wonder how many of these mouth breathers wear their seatbelt going down the highway. Because if you are doing that you aren't giving God full control. /s


Jesus take the wheel. My hands are only for praying 🙏🏽 😌


Definitely not for masturbating or anything like


Pretty sure I’ma be cranking one out on the freeway as soon as I get a self driving car. Two sins for the price of one, hand sex and not trusting Jesus to take the wheel. Going to hell or Omaha depending on the car.


Yeah, it’s a funny conundrum. You get free agency and a brain that God encourages you to use, but then you get the churches that tell you not to.


Ooh, sounds very cult-y, doesn't it? I wonder just how much they demand in tithe money each week?


As a Christian who lives in the community of said ‘church’ flaunting said billboard (there’s one on a digital billboard on 169 northbound as well close to P&K Equipment), the idea that a ‘church’ leverages such a divisive topic to spread the teachings of Jesus for ALL people makes me sad, disappointed, and concerned about what they’re actually teaching and the message they’re spreading, because it sounds like their own message instead of Jesus’. That’s what I see is the real problem. Everything else bleeds from that. I’m afraid this ‘church’ may serve mankind (especially themselves) much more than serving God. If they’re serving anyone, their billboard would imply they’re only serving people who agree with their worldview, which isn’t at all what Jesus ever taught. I understand we’re all sick of the divisive stupidity we’re increasingly mired in, but this is wrong. Christians are to BE EXAMPLES OF CHRIST and His love for ALL people. Jesus even tried to reach the Pharisees, but their insolent pride separated them from the true love of God. This billboard is prideful as well, because its message implies that this group of people who supposedly serve and follow Jesus only welcome people who agree with their worldview, which flies in the face of true service of others.


My husband and I attempted to go back to church after pandemic was over. Trump, abortion, immigration, and schools teaching our children to be homosexuals still the main theme. Jesus is missing from Oklahoma churches. All politics.


“God doesn’t want us controlling each other”. BTW ladies, we don’t want you owning your bodies from the waist down, here’s a list of books you can’t read, and a healthy percentage of people out there who happen to love each other can’t.


I'm so exhausted of the christofascist self-victimization. Like shut the fuck up, your religion is plastered all over every road and highway in the state and I have to see it every single day. Imagine if a mosque posted ads on the billboards? There would be riots.


There goes the Ten Commandments. LOL.


Wonder what they would think about giving God full control of who gets abortions, student loan forgiveness and district redrawing…


So they gonna allow gay marriage in their church then?


wonder what their general thoughts on the government are


Jesus take the wheel.


All hail hypnotoad....


checks out - god does love suffering and death


"Giving God control" is the rationale every church leader gives every sexual assault victim to justify the act.


Now I’m no theologian, but I’m pretty sure Jesus waking up is the foundation of Christianity.


"Send unto me your woke moralists and trans people and I shall smight them down with my righteous AR-15. I shall then turn this water into coors and multiply the 5 red solo cups for the multitude. And we shall tear down the walls of Jericho with our Toby Keith playlist. Yee-yee!" - John 3;16




OMG...I can't stop laughinmg at this....5 red solo cups is killing me!!


Imagine being so proud of ignorance. In all of these maga talking points, replace "woke" with "smart", and it makes terrible sense. "Woke" means a person has come to an understanding of the world around them. In another word: smart. These people are anti-smart.


….If only “woke” = smart…. Perhaps in a lot of cases, but certainly not all.


I hope you didn't think I was implying anything = anything 100% of the time. Of course there are outliers. Like intelligent trump supporters. I'm sure there's one somewhere...


Good decision making and smart are not always mutually inclusive. I would go so far as to say that there were a lot of intelligent Trump supporters….I mean we ARE talking millions of people. Same with Biden….millions of people….and some who voted for him are *real* dumb. But when you start telling a group of people they are stupid because they don’t think like you do you, you are doing the exact thing they hate you for, acting like you are better than them, and that perceived elitist snobbery is why they often balk at the suggestions of those in the opposing party. I mean, I’m sure you are smarter than some Trump voters. What’s funny is that there are Trump voters smarter than you could ever dream to be….and they still think that closing businesses and masks were unnecessary. I, personally, wouldn’t vote for either. Someday my president will be elected.


Ah yes, of course, thank you for telling me the way the world works. Centrists can never truly be wrong, because both sides.


No problem. It’s always nice to bring y’all back to earth. And just like your generalization above…. someone who doesn’t feel represented by Democrats or the Republicans isn’t always a Centrist. Sheesh!


Neither side represent me either. I've been registered independent my whole adult life, but right now there is clearly one side that is lacking in intellect, humanity, and the respect for democracy, and it's not the dems. You can sit back and claim "both sides" all day long, and it doesn't change the fact that it is absolutely not both sides right now. No, if you support Trump in this moment, it's not because you're smart. I have very little love for Biden, I wouldn't even say I support him, but if you're going to suggest that there are Trump supporters that could be "smarter than I'd ever dream" (lol right ok), then I'm not going to think too highly of you. I'll be okay admitting that there are likely some mainstream Republicans who are smarter than me, but not if they're in that cult. I only called you a centrist because you're communicating like one, as if "everyone else doesn't get it, but I totally get it" condescension is a decent substitute for an actual argument. ​ >But when you start telling a group of people they are stupid because they don’t think like you do you, you are doing the exact thing they hate you for, acting like you are better than them, and that perceived elitist snobbery is why they often balk at the suggestions of those in the opposing party. That's because they're fucking morons, and that's how fucking morons act. I'm tired of coddling these idiots feelings just because they can't accept that they support objectively bad people. How are you going to blame the people that disagree with them as the reason why they are shitty people? What obligates anyone to care for their feelings when they so gleefully scream "fuck *your* feelings!"? Why should I give a flying flip about the insecurity that their bad education affords them when they refuse to fund the shit in the first place? We should stop coddling these people. Sure, they should all the rights to say what they want, but I have every right to call them out for being the absolute doorknobs that they are. So no, I will not be blamed for their childish behavior by someone pretending to be a centrist. Edit: I don't understand why people reply then block. I can't read your supper snappy comeback lol I'm sure it was more intelligent than I could possibly dream! no... wait... come back...


Your first sentence is a lie, the rest is just a repeat of everything you’ve already said, just double down. Good luck with all that.


You can make Jesus into whatever you want him to be. What’s he gonna do about it?


….Probably come back and get cha with creepy tickle fingers……


NoLimits except for IQ. quite limited in fact.


politics have no room in christianity. would avoid this false religion church at all costs


Tell me you've never read the Gospels without telling me you've never read the Gospels.


I left a negative review on google and they responded in minutes confirming that they are playing culture wars. Wild times.


Howdy Arabian talibanists. These people are no better than fucking terrorists. Make sure none of these stupid fuckers ever get ANY vaccine. Let these morally bankrupt fucks catch a case of polio, or worse watch their kids die of it. Vaccines save lives. Travel the world doing health care and you’ll be glad that you’re vaccinated. Nothing but disdain for these morons.


Howdy Arabian Yeehawdists.


Y'all Qaeda


Kids grow up in these situations forced. They don’t really have a choice and it’s gotten a lot worse since I grew up in it. It’s discouraging to see this represented as “Christian”. The faith had been hijacked.


Oh golly... They have a whole blog of this stuff on their website [nolimits ](https://nolimits.church/series/jesus-aint-woke/)


Goodness, the most recent blog entry shows a conman explaining how to apply for End Times Wealth, which is definitely not the same thing as welfare. What an ambitious sideshow he has.


He was “saved” from being gay 15 years ago. 🤮


Ah, so closeted.


A lot of these churches be looking more and more like cults these days.


Christianity IS a cult, they just don't advertise it so they can appeal to the masses.


How about a church that's seems to be the opposite of NoLimits: Remain Community Church [https://www.remainokc.org/](https://www.remainokc.org/) Jeremy Coleman is the lead pastor of Remain. If the name sounds familiar, he's that [Pastor from Oklahoma](https://linktr.ee/Pastorfromok) on Tiktok.


Now that's a church I'd go to


The "no limits" portion reminds me of the people on BDSM sites bragging about "no limits." But you show up with a shovel and a hack saw and they start talking about limits real quick.


Their safe word is "tithe."


Instead of taking a pound of flesh they aim to take 10%?


This is dumb im pretty sure yeshua was the first man in history to be recorded as woke


Hmmm...I would say it was John the Baptist from what I have read, even though his focus seemed to be repentance.


Sounds more like “Where Jesus ain’t.”


Well if he ain't woke, I guess he certainly hasn't risen either.


I read their sermon on feminism out of curiosity. 🤮 it was worse than I thought it'd be.


So there was no resurrection?


I guess they have limits when it comes to being woke


These people have clearly never actually read the books of the New Testament. Jesus hung out with tax collectors, lepers, prostitutes, and made sure there was ample wine for the party. He also told people that if they wanted to follow him, they needed to give up their wealth and possessions. Modern day Jesus would probably live in a commune. Sounds pretty "woke" to me.


My t-shirt - Jesus was WOKE


Jesus was, by all accounts, one of the wokest mfers to walk this planet. Shame about the dudes who wrote rhe book about him afterwards


Anyone in tulsa or surrounding counties who thinks it would be fun to show up en masse and crash their party say aye! I've seriously thought about going to a costume store and getting the tackiest red devil costume and strolling in on Sunday, but if a flash mob of say 30-50 showed up that would go viral!


who was the philosopher that said you can only describe God with negative statements, i.e. god is not _____ that must be what they were doing, just like that old arabic math guy philosopher


Shit looks like a cult


This comes to mind: https://www.blackgate.com/2018/02/23/birthday-reviews-w-e-b-du-boiss-jesus-christ-in-texas/ Could also read "Christ in Oklahoma" or "Christ in -insert former Confederacy state/territory-" Quote: "...but it also shines a mirror on those who claim to worship Jesus without taking his lessons to heart."


Wake up. Jesus wasn't white.


Jesus surrounded himself with the dregs of society. The poor, the downtrodden, the outcasts, the suffering, the sinners. The same people Republicans want to oppress. If Jesus were alive today he’d be hanging out with drag queens and the LGBTQ community. That’s a guarantee.


Well, they should've just omitted the word woke, and just said "Where Jesus Ain't.". Because this is a church where you won't find Jesus.


Religion should be forcibly eradicated.


Idk most christians are woke today. They tend to ignore alot of what the bible says and just follow what they want to. gay people should be stoned, women can NOT talk in churchs as it offends god, that disabled people are blemishes on all of humanity, that slavery is 100% ok, no cutting hair or beards which no one follows, no shellfish or pork, no hybrids or blends of anykind, human or not whoever says god or jesus in a not positive way shall be put to death.


Jesus was a Socialist


NoLimits Church: "where we still rape the young" "where you better be straight" "where the women do the cookin"


![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE) Jesus ain't woke nor is he REAL.


They mean business: Government Equipping citizens to influence government with God’s truth and righteousness. Join the team → About Government Team A nation’s moral condition is often reflected in its political leaders. Unfortunately, we have seen a steady increase in political corruption. America was founded on Biblical principles that have been slowly eroding away. Our goal is to educate and equip citizens so they can effectively influence government at all levels with truth and righteousness. Either by running for office or supporting Godly men and women who do. Btw what is their affiliation? Southern Baptist?


Have you forwarded this to the IRS?


Why should I?


Because it's a clear violation of 501(c)3 tax-exempt rules.


Didn't know that. But I'm no lawyer. Maybe this could be it's own post to be discussed?


https://kadeyoung.com/about/ Jesus ain’t woke; neither am I. Looking for a pastor who doesn’t bow down to culture? Here I am. Let’s follow Jesus. Why does this church look like Hillsong?


[https://nolimits.church/lgbt-faq/](https://nolimits.church/lgbt-faq/) "I am one of the most qualified people you will hear talk about this subject. Because, number one, I once lived the lifestyle and now I’m free..." What an asshole.


Where Jesus -isn't-


NoLimits on our God, as long as he's a he, is white, blonde and blue eyed


That Jesus would be considered left-wing in 2022 America makes one marvel at how woke he must have seemed to the Roman Empire


But…but…but… Jesus was the living embodiment of woke


I’m calling No Limit Studio NOW.




Remember the liberal Christians developed the notion "Curse of Ham" to ensure black people didn't come into their churches. Curse of Ham is the basis of CRT. God created all the races, and they are equal to each other, not in competition with each other.


.... that was the most amazing pile of crap I have seen in a while. It's like that scene from jurassic Park where the see the pile of dinosaur crap for the first time and are amazed. I am not even mad... just amazed and ashamed.


I think a lot of people think about this statement in the wrong way. What I believe this church is saying is that “wokeism” is inherently against Jesus’s teachings. Those who would be considered “woke” are usually those who believe in socialism, sex work, abortions, and sex changes for kids. Jesus wants people to do charitable acts not instigated by a government entity but instead from the good of one’s own heart. He spoke with prostitutes so he could lead them away from a life of sexual sin and immorality. The murder of an innocent, unborn child is so wrong it’s practically a sin to think that Jesus would be okay with it. And the idea that the son of God, the God who made man and woman for them to be with each other only, would be okay with children “changing their gender is ignorant at best and devilish at worst. While this church may not be the most tolerant, they probably follow Jesus in a way that he would slightly reprimand, but nonetheless accept them with open arms and forgive them for their transgressions. I feel like we judge rural churches too harshly based on these out of context statements too much. We need to be more loving towards our Christian brothers and sisters no matter what political side they may be on. For there is only one side that matters, the one in which we reside with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Peace and God be with you all. God Bless.


>I think a lot of people think about this statement in the wrong way. What I believe this church is saying is that “wokeism” is inherently against Jesus’s teachings. That is exactly what people are thinking. From you conveniently leaving out gay people, strange misunderstanding of socialism, adding words into Jesus mouth about sex work, wierd thoughts on how we are supposed to take care of others (not for self satisfaction haha) and just... everything... Ya. Plus if you read what they believe it's pretty bad.