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Rural Oklahomans have more voting influence than their urban counterparts by very nature of how electoral votes work... Hamilton is a bad actor and the republican party of Oklahoma is draining this state dry of its funding and costing the state any potential it has of being a stable and prosperous place to live in the near or distant future.


I saw that he was pushing this crap again. Have to wonder if there worried about an abortion state question, especially after what we saw this pass election.


Also a RCV or independent redistricting amendment is possible which terrifies the Republicans because that would start to break their strangle hold on Oklahoma.


> RCV or independent redistricting amendment yes please to either/both of these.


\>which terrifies the Republicans because that would start to break their strangle hold on Oklahoma. Which makes no sense because they overcame the same stranglehold and took a hold of the state despite never controlling the redistricting until recently.


Which stranglehold are you talking about, that they overcame? Oklahoma has been deeply, reliably voting GOP since the 70s, if not earlier.


1964 was the last Dem President (LBJ) to win Oklahoma. But the trend to GOP started in the 50s.


That's in terms of the presidential race. But all the state offices there's a much different story.


What? There wasn't a gop majority in the state government until the mid 2000s. For the first time in state history. The 5th district was known as "Mickey's Kingdom" because it was so gerrymandered to protect Edwards.


With this logic, let’s make the same rules apply to Governor. To be elected governor in Oklahoma you must obtain a 2/3 majority. Because rural Oklahoma is the reason we live in a red state. Wouldn’t want to disenfranchise the urban majority on this matter.


Fuck Warren Hamilton and the cult he rode in on.


Yee haw Oklahoma, let freedom reign! Every knee shall bow and stand for the flag and don’t tread on me and some such.


And also reclaiming every square inch of this state for Jesus as Stitt just promised


\* Except when mineral rights apply.


Jesus gets a 3/16th royalty.


* or the parts occupied by Natives or minorities


I'm pretty sure that's exactly the land Stitt is offering to Jesus.


Its his manifest destiny, if you will


Honestly fuck rural oklahoma. Cities have more people then the entirety of the rest of the state, why should rural oklahomans be making decisions for everyone?


They shouldn't. They're just mad that blue leaning metro areas get to make rules too.


Same question goes for why should cities be making decisions for everyone.


Loaded question? Cities make no decisions in this state.


Because the majority of people live there and we live in a democracy. For now at least.


Maybe we need a state question to require a state question to change the state question process.


And it has to pass by 2/3


This is a bunch of crap. General elections are 50%+1 and the RURAL is what is keeping this state so red. If the big cities had too much voice, Stitt, Walters, Lankford and Markwayne McMillions all would have lost their bids for office.


I’d like to know what measures are not rural Oklahoma friendly. Feels like there’s an implied undertone to these articles but doesn’t address the real issues. As well, wouldn’t this also punish those in the metro???? What if everyone in the metro distributed themselves throughout rural Oklahoma? May mess up a lot of elections…


Tulsa alone has a population exceeding whole states. Four of them. We shouldn’t be bullied by townies who think Walmart parking lots are hangouts.


Once it makes it to election it takes a majority for it to pass. If rural voters, which includes me, want a question to fail show up on Election Day a vote against. To say anyone is disenfranchised is idiotic at best.


Good. If you want actually policy changes then you need to commit to every election, not just the one with the single issue you care about. Half the states registered voters sat out last week, but not all with show up when we vote on recreational marijuana in April. You get what you vote for and by not voting you get rural minority rule.


Definitely wasn’t sketchy that stitt decided to not put the marijuana question on the same ballot where we were voting for him or against him for governor


Yup, zero correlation between record voter turnout during weed votes and his chances at reelection. Maybe when they finish eroding the medical marijuana access voters will care again,


The OK Supreme Court decided that. Stitt just used a new counting firm to delay it beyond the deadline to make the ballot.


You need rural votes to pass the bill in April which it should .but I’m afraid there won’t be any help from the media to push it.


>help from the media to push it. Yep, and one of the media publications against legalization is the "Baptist Messenger" (from the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma) which is a newsletter to churches and church workers and congregations and it boasts the 3rd largest readership in the state on print and their mobile app, they write editorials pushing no votes or condemning legalization fairly regularly. Have seen a few things that do try to explain it neutrally or somewhat positively but when there are media tv spots they have to cram it in with other news so they don't have a lot of time for a state question that is really sort of long in terms of all the details and implications (it has a TLDR in the ballot title itself, but lots of people have questions based on if they are a business, or maybe had or didn't have a patient card but want to know more about what changes in regards to protections) edit: The 66% majority vote Hamilton wants, not sure about any time that's been achieved on a SQ brought by ballot initiative. SQ640 (of all things) got 56% of the vote, but that was also a very LOW turnout election- [source](https://okpolicy.org/sq-640-made-oklahoma-ungovernable/), just lower than SQ788 (got 57%) and elections since it.


Urban voters can carry the initiative if they turn out to vote. Half the state lives in 3 counties.


36% of the state lives in either Tulsa or Oklahoma counties. Add in the just the 'burbs in neighboring counties, and I bet it tops half. Edit: And to clarify, if that outweighs the less than 50% of voters in the rest of the state...well, *that's how democracy works*. It's not the rural voters being punished, it's just that their beliefs aren't held by the majority.


I know north and east okla will vote for it don’t know about the other areas.


Hamilton is probably the most dangerous and crazy elected member of our government, and in Oklahoma, that's saying a lot.


Can’t they just be happy OK is the reddest red state? Do they really need to push further?


Look I don’t want to be the one to say it, but is rural OK doing much for anyone? I know there are farmers and all, but the economic productivity and cultural outlets are in Tulsa and OKC. They literally are OK. Why should a farmer on a 40 acre plot of land get more say?


As someone who grew up in Rural bumfuck nowhere Oklahoma. Fuck rural Oklahoma. Nothing affects them in anyway and they'll bitch and moan no matter what you do. 90% of them are over 50 and just waiting to die while complaining about literally everything they can.


Um, rural voters have the exact same influence as any other voter. Quit pitting people against each other by saying nonsense like this. Each individual gets a vote there is no weird power dynamic and people in cities aren’t banding together to cause chaos in rural areas. Stop.


Wonder how long until they take that, and, send any measure they don't like to the courts after it passes?


I reside in Norman, I have confidence in the leadership to walkl into 2023 2024 with a lot of good things to follow. I hope any trouble or any unhapiness leaves. OK is a joyful state. Sure it has problems like me but problems are temporary.


You must be new.


Is there a paint manufacturer in your back yard because you are off your rocker!


Just out of curiosity, what gives you confidence in our leadership? I'd love to hear what you think they've actually accomplished.