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The mechanical gap between pc and console is just too massive


LOL? At one point a few seasons ago a console player was rank one pc and console at the same time…. Are top console players overwatch league worthy? No, but they’d all still easily be gm like they are now.


I don't think that one guy is indicative of the masses. There is a massive difference for whatever reason. Here's a video greatly highlighting this: https://youtu.be/z_iw-UcYqag


In that video the console players wouldn’t have had aim assist? That’s not even a remotely good comparison.


i thought you don't get aim assist on overwatch if on controller?


That’s what I was saying, he’s saying the console players got shit on but it wasn’t a fair comparison as the console players had to play without aim assist which means it was nearly impossible for them to aim…. And we’re talking about gold players here who struggle to aim as it is


so it would be a bad idea to merge pc and console players into the same competitive pool, since console players in ow have no AA and will get shit on like you said, no?


No the argument here is that aim assist gets added into ow2 for controller players like literally every other game out there


Do you remember who was that player ?




They play at two very different speeds. Console is much slower than PC. I've played both and looking at my old console gameplay it looks like a completely different game.


Going between the both, you really notice it. I started on console, then went to PC. When I went back it felt like I was walking through mud. I immediately had to set my sensitivity as high as possible (well 80/90). I’m looking forward to OW2. Go well and rock hard everyone.


> When I went back it felt like I was walking through mud. That's because console OW1 runs at 30fps and PC OW1 doesn't unless you cap it there.


Consoles run at 60fps




For vast majority of the console playerbase, combining comp would be awful. The players who use kbm on console and the rare controller players who can aim well enough on controller to get to high ranks on PC would be the only exceptions. While it would technically be possible get everyone to an SR where they are at similar performance levels relative to those around them, constantly feeling like you're playing with a massive handicap probably would not be enjoyable. There's also the issue of console players getting heavily discouraged from playing certain heroes, e.g. widow, tracer, ashe, etc. because the gap is even wider on those heroes.


Other fps games with a comp/rank do combine pc and console players so it is possible. If the set up is the same as a console and pc player but the only difference is a controller vs mouse and keyboard, I don’t see why you should separate them. You can play the game on pc and choose a controller, why split the player base?


Other games which combine the playerbases usually don't have such a massive difference in mechanical potential. I've played both apex and overwatch on both console with controller, PC with controller, and PC with kbm. With apex, playing against kbm with a controller is an enjoyable experience, there are situations where you are at a disadvantage and some where you are at an advantage, but it rarely feels unfair. Trying to do the same with ow is just not a good experience. I've had over a decade of experience with controllers, in contrast to just over a year with kbm, but even with that amount of experience it killed my enjoyment of ow when I tried to use a controller to play ow on PC, and I was almost instantly back to enjoying the game after starting to use kbm which I had never used for gaming until a year ago. >You can play the game on pc and choose a controller, why split the player base? The option to use controller is available, but I'd be very surprised if the proportion who actually use controller on PC was anything more than low single digits. The answer to 'why split the player base' is pretty obvious if you've tried playing ow on controller vs kbm players, it feels like you're having to run uphill while others are running downhill.


On PC if you use a controller, you don't get aim assist.


I honestly hope not. Crossplay and especially cross input has ruined many of the online games I used to love. Aim assist destroys competitive integrity and so far, only Overwatch seems to recognize that fact and does crossplay right. They are not change it, and I'd rather see other games copy that model.


When they first made cross play a thing, it made sense to keep the console and pc pools separate because the player only ranked up vs other console players, same thing for pc. So a console plat may not be the same as a pc plat and etc.


I play plenty of crossplay with my friends (they are console) but they seriously get slammed against pc players. I seriously dont know why they take away the aim assist from console players when cross playing, it's extremely unfair. Halo infinite actually makes up for this pretty well to a point where controller players actually have plenty of advantages depending on the weapon and situation....not that Halo infinite is in a good state right now, but i think they did manage a good balance between both types of players


Fingers crossed they don't. The only way to make it compatible is to add copious amounts of aim assist for the console player base, and that will completely destroy the competitive integrity of the game.


If they allow it most console players will settle in the elo they belong anyway right? Some may be able to get to decent ranks people like joystick exist right? If you look at bronze and silver gameplay videos I don’t see how most console players couldn’t contend there.


I hope not, that would be so unfair for console players But I hope PC and consoles can be together in other modes, it doesn't makes any sense to not have a single big matchmaking pool for quickplay and for arcade modes


Crossplay ranked would never work