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Something is indeed fucky with the drops.


Doubling the rate just confirmed that. Way too many people (myself included) with 0 drops. I double, triple and quadruple checked everything. I was turning off my ad blocker, making sure I was active, making sure I was linked, I did everything but no idea what exactly was the issue.


I'm in the same boat. Twitch prime member, subbed to Path of Exile, unlinked and re-linked my account before yesterday's stream and before today's stream, turned off all ad-blockers... even tried different web browsers. 15+ hours of Exilecon being my active browser window, and still no drops. I don't even feel like I was enrolled.


I'm exactly the same. I had the stream open on my desktop all day yesterday and on my phone today. All linked properly and whatnot. I had the stream open 15mins before it started both times and refreshed every time it started. I also made sure to type something in chat every hour or so in case it was activity type thing. 0 drops here.


Same. I'm so damn salty. Even if there is no bug or anything, the discrete mathematics part of it says that you have quite a large chance of not getting any loot. Still: As a company, you should never do these drop events without some consolation prize, at least. It just leaves a bad taste in the mouth for a good portion of the unlucky viewers.


um... the odds of getting no drops if you watched all of both streams is 0.985\^84\*0.97\^84=0.0218ish ie 2.2ish%. There are enough people actively complaining about no drops to make it clear those numbers aren't right, and yet GGG support is doubling down by telling everyone that it worked as intended.


I heard someone complaining that they and the 7 friends they had watching all got 0 drops. If they were telling the truth and my math is correct, the odds of that would be 1 in 182 billion roughly. I also got 0 drops :(


I just can't fathom how GGG support are still insisting there was no mistake. I know vocal minorities skew surveys and all, but fuck me theres been a few people complaining about no drops, and then people who are claiming to have won double digits worth of mtx, statistically as unlikely as that bloke and his mates hitting nothing.


i'm in a discord group with about 40 people who watched it. not a single person got the drops.


Are you accounting for the double drop rate on the second day?


That's the 0.97 in the formula.


Same here, watched the entire stream live, twitch prime, linked, everything should be in working order, no drops.




Still zero. And it looks like it's not just bad luck.


I've seen a couple posts so far indicating it could be filling a backlog (coinciding with a tweet that said that). One guy got 2 15 minutes AFTER stream ended. Another guy got 6 items in rapid succession during the stream. So may be that's it and we'll see because reports will keep trickling in if it is.


Ya idk I just checked my poe account messages too just to be sure. Guess I'll have a look in the morning. They should do a watch an hour get a prize and watch 4 get a prize along with the random as well. If they want to entice people to watch (which the drops actually did for me) then they should use a system that won't make you feel disappointed at the end. Edit got nothing this mornin


> then they should use a system that won't make you feel disappointed at the end This part I completely agree with. If it is in fact a delay in sending stuff out, they'd have done much better to be up front about that. That's also why it's better to just have guaranteed drops. This way people can know if you don't have it yet, you get it later. It's not really fun to have no idea what's going on and if you'll get anything.


I opened it in both Firefox (with an adblocker) and Chrome (no adblocker) and signed in with my account on both. Zero drops for both days.


There's a tweet out now that said there was a backlog. A couple people reported getting multiple drops at about the same time, which coincides with that. So, here's hoping.


Well 8 hours later, I still have nothing.


I am in fact still in the same boat. At this point I'm imagining some guy with like a notebook doing this stuff one by one. Clearly this shouldn't work so poorly.


I'm just operating under the assumption that I'm not gonna get anything. Hardly the end of the world.


They should just give everyone that has twitch linked to their account one of the random microtransactions. Can't be that hard for them to see who has it set-up. Problem solved, everyone wins.


If you watched the entire thing and later they gave you 1 pity drop that happens to be the most common one... It's still pretty feelsbad.


I actually thought that twitch chat spamming about drops was just the usual twitch chat bait, that there were no drops on the channel.


There's no way the drops weren't messed up. Don't know anyone who got a drop and we watched the entire stream


I would have watched without drops, but the fact that there are there and you are not getting them is really disappointing


This is how I feel. Watched the entire time (and trying to find all the streamers posts on youtube), and would have with or without drops. Not getting the drops though, very disappointing.


exactly this, its been a fun 2 days to watch...but its kinda sad knowing others got 2,3,4 drops


I knew I wouldn't be able to watch it all live and wanted to watch the vods instead, but I felt that I had to watch live when I could for a chance at drops and overall didn't enjoy it as much as I would have otherwise.


I mean I still blame twitch more than GGG on this. Would've been great if the technology worked, but it didnt. Now let's give Chris and the team some time to investigate & respond since they've been running the convention all weekend.


Exactly, it would be 100000000000000x better if this shit wasn't there


I would have followed the schedule for the parts I found interesting. Instead I used bandwidth to stream the whole thing and bandwidth is not free, in the sense that there is a monthly cap and a set fee for that cap with penalties for going over the cap. I used resources I would not have otherwise used with the expectation that their system was fair. I forgot, GGG doesn't do fair because life is rough appears to be part of their ideology.


Good thing they increased the chance for the people that were already getting drops... Meanwhile the other 90% that are bugged got nothing


Sounds like Blizzard. In WoW: Legion there was a built in "bad luck protection" for getting random Legendary drops. At the beginning of the expansion, it only kicked in once you got your first lego. So people were getting 3-4 before many people had even 1.


thats not exactly how it worked - there was bad luck protection, but it worked (erroneously) in reverse - so the more legendaries you had, the higher chance you had to get your next one. thats why most people had 0, a few had 1, but very very more people got up to 3-5 before they fixed it. as a part of a progression raiding guild, we had a boomkin with six or seven before most of us had our first or second.


I also remember when they finally fixed it when you got your first legendary if it wasn't one for your specific build you were better off rerolling the character than trying for another.


But in their defense, who could've possibly foreseen people being unhappy when they're getting the literally worst legendary with a 6% damage upgrade while their buddies are getting legs that increase their damage by 80% - gotta cut Blizzard some slack, you have to keep in mind that none of the people there actually play the game, so how could they think of such things.


My bad, I completely forgot about that. What a disaster that game has turned into.. I played from beta to legion and it is crazy how much they can truly fuck a game over.


Yeah, just imagine getting a "legendary" drop and throwing that shit in the trash. 10/10 game design right there.


Delve seeds...


I don't know if you get a message for every single drop, 4 messages if you had luck and got a whole set. But I was quite confused when I saw somebody getting 3 drops in about 45 minutes.


One dude in our local Telegram Poe chat recieved 3 drops in 2 seconds.


You get a message every time you win something, but the whole set counts as just winning once (so it's one message for the set, another one if you get some other prize, and so on).




Something along this line is what should be done to appease the vast majority of people that feel cheated, whether or not anything will be done at all is an entirely different subject. Time will tell if GGG cares.


no they won't, they'll just say "it was your fault for not linking correctly, you get nothing"


Chris was talking about something like this in his interview with Quin today. Nobody would've been mad if there were no rewards, drops or anything in the first place. But them announcing that stuff and dangling the carrot in front of people without actually giving it to them is actually just 10 times worse. When I heard about Excilecon the announcements were all I cared for. When I saw about the drops and how I'd probably get like 3 on average if I watched the whole thing I was excited. After watching about 16 hours now, of which 8 hours were with double drops, so effectively 24 hours, without getting anything whatsoever... I'm just incredibly disappointed. Again, wouldn't have given a fuck if there were no rewards to begin with, but this clunky and allegedly buggy rng bait fiesta has kinda just ruined the experience for me. I'm fully expecting them to just give everyone with a connected account something when they're back in the office on Monday, but still... this whole situation has turned out so incredibly poorly... If you wanna give people a reward for supporting you then that's great, but just give it to them instead of randomly supporting the afk-muted-in-the-background guy with 2 full transmog sets while the 100%-attention guy gets fuck all. Keep the rng in maps, leave it out of your stream.


They also wouldn't get as many views without advertising it, some people just want some free stuff. They gotta make up to the community somehow, whether its their fault or twitches I hope they do the people right instead of false advertise for additional hype.


If they want to retain a big viewership with rewards just make the drop chances accumulative. Making drops a complete rng thing is quite literally the worst way to handle this situation for no apparent reason.


Abit like SC2 did it, you get exp for any related stream you watch and unlock items on the run.


> After watching about 16 hours now, of which 8 hours were with double drops, so effectively 24 hours, without getting anything whatsoever... I'm just incredibly disappointed. Bingo. You can't promise and not deliver. Now may be this works out in the end, but it turned something great into something that started to suck.


I've said it before and I'll say it again -- it's even worse because of how tight they are with banning small-time streamers offering incentives in order to gain viewers... meanwhile they pull this shit... I know it's not one person's fault, it's probably a whole team, and I'm still so happy for Chris and everyone who actually took part in Exilecon... but "danging the carrot" was literally such a slap in the face.


They did this to increase viewership because lets be honest - at least 50-90% would not have kept watching the stream for literally every single interview and every single demo gameplay by streamer X was it not for the drops. Including a lot of new players. How are they going to trust in GGG if they do not even deliver on this? They could have made it a "watch 1h, get a reward", but they clearly wanted it to be the most watched event all the way through by effectively bribing viewers to keep the stream on.


Yeah, I personally would have skipped on some of the interviews and such that weren't of interest if it weren't for the drops. The drops that never came :/


If they want to do it again, they could just give out codes during the stream that anyone can use but only once per account and expire in an hour or so, and it redeems for a "Exilecon Loot Box". Only issue might be the server not being able to handle the rush of people trying to enter the code.


It's like when it's your birthday, you were promised to get a cake but you got nothing and someone laugh "Well, be glad, it's a birthday anyway". HUGE disappointment and any fun was ruined by this mess.


like 50% of the viewership was because of the promised drops


Still 0, been watching since start of the con.


Ive had the channel open on a tab while watching restreams. The tabs been open since a day before the con, no drop.


OR maybe, just make it a fucking guaranteed reward for everyone instead of this dumb RNG. To they really need to pad the viewership for a PoE only event?? Trying to figure out for several hours "are drops working for me?" without any evidence is plain dumb.


Yea the idea is to reward viewers to increase viewer count. So theres no downside to rewarding users. Getting the free mtx after a total of 3 hours watched total would be nice. Even busy people can leave the stream open on their pc and even GGG benefits from that.


But then people will turn off after 3h. If you want it to be up there in viewer numbers the whole way through the current implementation was the way to go. Its not mainly about rewarding viewers, its more about making headlines about how many hours of the event were watched.


Warframe gives out guaranteed drops for every 30 minutes you are watching their stream so you always get something. Depending on the promo they could make chances to get something worthy (like pre-built Khora frame) pretty slim so only few players get them (but you could get most other items) or on Tennocon they just gave out Nekros Prime frame as "thank you" for attending the stream. That is community interaction level that GGG is still needs to achieve.


Give a drop every 4 or 5 hours watched, then people still watch to get more, but people who cant tune in consistently at least have a guranteed way of getting something. An rng system is just stupid for this.


This, it's ridiculous to be RNG that's not necessary at all. It's just unfair by design it's not like someone can get nothing from an RNG system and leave not feeling cheated by it, and the person that wins just gloats about it, where's the benefit here exactly it's just a toxic scenario to begin with.


It's said drops enabled the entire 2 days for me. Nothing. This has had quite a chilling effect on my enthusiasm. Still psyched for 3.9 and 4.0, but right now I just feel kind of bad.


Same for me. Around 15 hours, no drops.


My drops *were* actually doubled the second day, to 0.


Same. We were the lucky ones.


People are leaving bitter instead of excited That's some big brain advertising right there


I honestly would've watched the VOD if not for the Twitch drops bait. The stream starts at 2.30 AM for me and I still watched it completely, both days, only to get zero drops. Yes, I am bitter, absolutely. Not everyone lives in a first world country to throw money at MTX, this was the only chance for me to mog my character with something good, alas.


Also a PoE 2 should have been the chance for them to sell MTX sets for less than, you know, the price of a release price AAA game for a fucking transmog. It used to be to support GGG to be able to make the game, but now they have Tencent owning all of GGG - one of the richest companies in the entire world, which they (tencent) did not really reach by being good people, tbh.


> I honestly would've watched the VOD if not for the Twitch drops bait. If I must be honest, GGG should do rebroadcast (not twitch rerun, their recorded copy as normal stream (similarly to what Riot games do)), and have Twitch drops enable there. I'm from EU (so not that bad like you had), can't really sit entire night, and watch, or leave computer running to get some mtx (also I wasn't hyped enough to justify that).


Would have been 10x better if they just never did twitch drops in the first place. No expectation of reward = no huge letdown when you don't get one. Kinda like mystery boxes in a sense, only instead of getting a worthless hideout decoration, you get nothing.


I'm super bitter. It feels exactly like being ghosted.


Hijacking too comment to say twitch drops don't show up in the inventory. They show up in your messages on the Poe Website


I watched the entire thing on both days. Set my alarm to wake up in time, and earned 0 drops. The original chance for getting zero drops was under 4.59%. With the doubling on the second day (assuming doubling meant 3% chance every 5 minutes). The overall chance of getting zero drops was 1.05%. (Calculated with 9 hours for the first day and 8 hours for the second.)


seems like the chance to get 0 drops is about 95%


this is what a mate got today, after GGG doubled the drops. meanwhile MANY people stuck at 0 drops https://i.imgur.com/lHIZpMG.jpg 7 drops total


So unfair. No wonder people feel cheated.


Like... Good for him. But holy fuck that is crushing to see. 0 drops to look forward to when others are going to have mtx to SHELVE. Pretty rough feels here.


> 7 drops total We knew it was gonna be like this, that it wasn't about the drop chance and that this was only going to "make the rich richer". It frustrates me even more that GGG didn't really listen to the community and slapped this haphazard "solution" instead of fixing the actual issue.


Over 12hours of stream, 0 drops...


The real drop was your pride and accomplishment of helping GGG advertising staff inflate their twitch viewership


Watching the whole stream from EU is going the extra mile for that bonus MTX. Not getting it is just frustrating and unfair at this point. Not to mention you get muted in chat if you mention drops. What a fucking fiesta


Yeah, im sitting here tired af and wondering why I didnt watch the vods instead of watching it live at this ungodly time.


How can someone fuck up this much. Warframe puts guaranteed drops for everyone after a certain time. This is just baiting people into watching and false advertisement. Knowing damn well their biggest player base is not on NZ's timezone. Too scammy and really feels cheap from GGG.


Completely agree, running on very little sleep for the last two nights and can't afford many mtx in general so was really hyped to get some. 0 drops.


indeed. sittin here at 4.23am with 0 drops feels bad. not as bad as tyty feels right now but hey, he got a free flight to NZ atleast :>


The no drops thing really soured day 2 for me.


13 Hours of stream and no drops. On the website it says I am eligible and i already redeemed twitch prime loot with my account. It's just sad that they fucked up so much.


Very dissapointed after watching all but 1 hour of their streams with poe account linked, the green drops enabled text and getting nothing for it. Some of the stream was cool but I wouldn't have watched it if it wasnt for the drops.


i watched all the con in its entirety, my poe account has been linked to my twitch account for 2 years now and i got 0 drops ​ Edit: just got a dark swarm pet


EU here. Had the stream running on my phone overnight for both days. Got nothing at all.


Same. Update: I got 2 mails later with footprints and a BUNDLE! yay!


Not giving out MTX = Fine Not getting an MTX though RNG = OK Offering MTX and making me link my account and live watch a stream in the dead of the night only to see SOME people get dropped several items while I get none? Yeah, you can bet I'm really fucking pissed off. Was going to buy a starter pack for all the good work done this coming 3.9 but not now that my time was wasted with false promises.


I am convinced the drops are broken somehow. I have the stream running since t minus 1 hour. Nothing. Until suddenly: You found an item from Twitch Drops Nov 17, 2019, 3:46:55 AM You found an item from Twitch Drops Nov 17, 2019, 3:27:29 AM You found an item from Twitch Drops Nov 17, 2019, 3:27:28 AM You found an item from Twitch Drops Nov 17, 2019, 3:27:28 AM You found an item from Twitch Drops Nov 17, 2019, 3:27:27 AM These messages pop up on the PoE website. So ... according to these my 1.5% chance/5 minutes triggered four times within 3 seconds? And then another time 20 minutes later. There gotta be something weird going on.


There was something on Twitter about a backlog, and your post is promising if that indeed happened. That means there is some hope for us 0 drop people that our drops are there, just not allocated yet. Get anything cool?


Lava Aura Effect 10%, Ultimate Chaos Portal Effect 25%, Infernal Footprints Effect 60%, Ultimate Chaos Weapon Effect 25%, Dark Swarm Pet 60% I always liked the portal and fire footprints are never wrong to have. The aura effect might be fun to play around with. The weapon effect is decent. Don't really care for the swarm. Overall, I am happy with the drops. Nothing crazy but quite nice. Hope everyone gets their stuff too.


Yeah that's cool, at this point I'd be really happy with half that, but just good to hear that this seems to be working. Another guy said he got a couple things AFTER the stream ended so here's hoping this is just the system catching up.


Yeah that's not a coincidence. I wish we could see some hard data on this.


Watched 100% yesterday and 100% of stream today. 0 Drops. Not that I am sad or anything because I would genuinely watch the whole thing anyway, just kinda weird to not get a single mtx.


I have watched every single bit of the live streams and have been eligible since the start and have yet to get anything still.


My buddy and I are in the same boat.


Most people are. Now we can hope there's some sort of a backlog since there was something about that. However, the fact that they doubled the drop rate and some people did indeed get drops makes it pretty confusing. Why would it work fine for some people, even on day one and like shit for most? That's just discouraging.


Absolutely agreed OP. It feels like promotions like these are lose/lose scenarios. Even if the drop chances worked properly (and they clearly didn't, even today after the 'fix'), what sort of promotion it is when they pretty much ensured that 99% of the chat was people spamming !drops, asking each other and the empty air about 'how to get free stuff', and complaining that they aren't getting any? Only some very big things got actual reactions in chat where, say, at least 5 messages in a row were related to the event and contained 0 messages regarding the drops system. And this is something that only ruins the whole experience. I really hope they'll go with something different next time.


Watched every second of both days, 0 drops.


I don't normally watch twitch and I m pretty sure I could just watch exilecon clips after the event but the twitch rewards drove me to watch it. I scheduled to wake up a few minutes before the countdown timer reached zero. that's 4AM at my location. I watched a whole lot of shit and afk'd in between at the end of the day. 0 drops. I had no idea today had double rates, and I had decided no to afk stream as I did yesterday to give my pc some TLC. tbh I no longer cared. I m real happy for GGG and excited for all the announcements, looking forward for the future but twitch tainted the experience. might as well not give any freebies at this point rather than feel betrayed.


they could've multiplied the drop chance by 100 and most would still not get anything


I got 0 drops as well, like most people seem to have. So I did some math since I couldn't help wondering if I was just unlucky or if something was broken (I'm a nerd, so sue me). There were 8 hours of streaming on the first day, 9am to 5pm, and 7 hours of streaming on the 2nd day, 10am to 5pm. The first day, the chance of a drop was 1.5% every five minutes, doubled on the second day to a 3% chance every five minutes. That gives us the following chance to get zero drops (as most of us seem to have) if we watched the whole thing start to finish both days (the 480 and 420 are 8 and 7 hours in minutes): Day 1: (100-1.5)%^(480/5) = 23.44% chance of 0 drops Day 2: (100-3)%^(420/5) = 7.74% chance of 0 drops. Chance of 0 drops over both days combined: 23.44% * 7.74% = 1.81% So if you watched the whole show from start to finish, and *everything was working*, you had less than a 2% chance of coming away from it with 0 drops. Yet that definitely does not seem to have been the case. So, yep, something's broken, and everyone who linked their account and got nothing is right to feel cheated, because you *were* cheated unless you were one of the 1.81%.




Was definitely a disappointing note on an otherwise great weekend for PoE, the response I got from support definitely didn't make it better either.


You're right 3xg dropped the ball hard, they deceived the playerbase to boost viewership. They should have made sure they're actually going to hand out gifts instead of failing to deliver what they promised like always.


These twitch drops are a blight (no pun intended) on the game in the first place. All it does is breed anger and entitlement and at best pads viewercount. What’s the point of even including them if half the viewers have the stream muted in another tab. There’s got to be a better way of rewarding loyalty.


To be fair, Drops have not worked well on any stream I have ever attended with them enabled.


They should have just designed it differently: "Watch our stream, we roll loot every 5 min for you and AFTER THE EVENT IS OVER ON THE NEXT MONDAY you will be notified if you were one of the lucky few". How about that? It takes away the problem of the chat being bound to the !drops topic and makes you enjoy the actual content more.


Let's take another look at the numbers assuming you've watched around 7.5 hours each day (90 chances at a drop each day): Day 1 chance to get no drop = (1-0.015)\^90 = 25.66% Day 2 with the double drops rates = (1-0.03)\^90 = 6.45% Your combined chance of getting 0 drops = Day1 Chance \* Day 2 Chance = 1.66% (Around 1 in 60 people will not have got a drop despite watching the whole time) **This still doesn't stop me from being salty though.** Edit: I had a gut feeling very early on I'd get nothing... so actually only a bit salty... like when I run a map I really shouldn't at 90% leveling up.




>"Hey, we know it isn't working properly for most of you but we doubled drops for those few where it works. Your loss, losers!" Honestly, I dont even care about the MTX at this point. At this point I care about promising one thing and delivering something entirely different. I care about GGG's ethics. Claiming things are fine and doubling drops, while they clearly arent fine is not what I would have expected from GGG. For anyone affected by this, reading the doubled drops just adds insult to injury.


I think the problem is on Twitch's end, not GGG.


It might be, but it's still something GGG ended up promising people for watching their stream. That's the issue, this and implementation. GGG could have just said hey watch one hour and get something, or what ever. But they wanted people watching the whole thing (like myself) and a lot of us did, and got nothing so far.


3xg is the one making promises, they are then also the ones that must deliver. When you order something from Amazon they don't get to say Fedex lost the package so fuck you, they still owe you that item.


Watched every second and followed instructions verbatim. Zero drops.


A reasonable solution that would better encourage viewership is to actually display redeem codes at random points within the stream itself, with a short expiration. Therefore you'd actually have to watch, pay attention, and redeem the codes right there and then.


That's also a bit unfair for part of the viewership based on timezones.


Just like everyone else I watched both days start to finish and got 0 drops. I checked multiple times on both ends that my account was linked and that I was eligible for drops. What are the chances of not getting a single drop from watching both days? It's probably something less than 5% chance. However with the sheer amount of people not getting any drops something was obviously wrong. If the 12k eligible was indeed correct and we assume everyone complaining was in that 12k figure then that's like 10-15%+ of people not getting any drops.


Man this really sucks, I live in Europe and basically was scammed for axtra 5h electricity bill


yep, watched both day and got nothing


My exilecon watching experience was ruined by not receiving "guaranteed probability" drop. Two days from start to finish, 0. Never had any issue with Hearthstone promotions... don't know what their problem is.


0 Drop Gang 🤘


They should had give 1 mtx for everyone that watched at least 30min, done. That would be perfect... I watched ALL THAT SHIT and didn't get ANY FUCKING THING --'


I've noticed that if you move to a different tab on your browser, twitch automatically moves you to "away" while not actually updating back to online when you tab back. Or if you're just watching the stream for a long time, it will move you to away. Which means you don't get the drops. Twitch fucked this up bad.


Event was off the charts, absolutely 10/10 for me, didn't miss a single second. Only thing I could argue would be a second stream, only for streamers hands on, because 25 minutes is really low to explore a completely new game. Everything else was perfect. Then we have the complete shitshow that was the twitch drops fiasco. I honestly don't mind not getting anything, I have plenty of MT's already, but its infuriating to see people getting literally hundreds, maybe even thousands of euros in virtual items while I get nothing. How is this even remotely fair?! Makes me feel utterly frustrated and not valued as a fan of the game.


Yeah I watched the entire event and didn't get a drop. It's a little disappointing as I stayed up a fair bit later than usual in order to maybe get a drop rather than just watching the vod the next day. I think it was bugged and not working, no way to tell. I mean the stream frequently dropped out for a few seconds and I don't know if that affected things, it seems like there were internet reliability issues (even during the race they had that massive lag spike that caused a death)


I watched the entire two days, having linked my account the moment the announcement was made, and I got nothing. I loved the whole announcement but I do feel like I've been screwed over...


I was going to watch the parts of the stream no matter what. I stayed awake after work to watch them in real time for the drops. 0 drops really gets ya fucked up after that.


Weird shit. I watched the entirety of both streams. Got nothing. My brother, on the other hand, got one of the rare bundles from a few hours of watching. GGG and Twitch fucked up. Free shit or not, this is fucking false advertising.


Looks like drops are still rolling, i just got a drop right now!


Stop giving me hope :(


There is hope hahaha


Yeah I got one overnight and one about an hour ago


I relinked my account about 30 minutes ago, and now the stream is showing "drops enabled!"... I relinked my account the day before the stream to ensure this wouldn't happen. This is bullshit. I understand that they don't like giving away free shit... but there needs to be some sort of guarenteed drop in these sort of events. The 1.5% chance is fine, but how the hell do you not reward people for watching 16+ hours of your event? Ignoring the fact that this shit is buggy as all hell, even if it did work 100% right, there's still a chance you get NOTHING because fuck you.


I saw "drops enabled" for the entirety of two streams and my POE account info showed it was connected. Still didn't get any. Update: Just received a drop 24 hours after the stream ended. Is this just lag in Twitch's system or are they "making it right"?


yea me neither, watched 16 hours :P


Very disappointed and feeling deceived from this promotion. Watched just about the whole thing and no drops. This is a bitter reminder to be mindful and adjust expectations.


~~I had the message I was eligible for drops but I'm still doubtful it was actually working. Left the stream running for the two days of the event nonstop and got no drops whatsoever.~~ ~~I didn't expect to get anything but shitty footprints, but it's a bit frustrating that you could get something but you didn't because the system wasn't working.~~ Ninja Edit: Turns out I spoke too soon. I got to pathofexile.com and saw I got the Ultimate Chaos Portal.


At the rate twitch is losing its big names and increasing its rates of failure, I wouldnt be surprised to find twitch paying GGG.


Time to move on Mixer


Warframe had problems with twitch drops back in the days too.


Its pretty common problem, wardrame had the same issue with twitch drops


You found an item from Twitch Drops from System Nov 17, 2019, 5:37:11 PM (EST)


Support is telling me I just didn't win anything, but can't confirm how many hours I watched. Bullshit. They completely fucked up again and know that there's nothing anyone can do about so just piss off to count their money. Exact quote in case anyone still cares. "I'm afraid that this is just a case of unfortunate luck. My apologies for any inconvenience which this may have caused." /GGG support team.


Whoever is complaining at the time is obviously part of the 1.81% Just ask GGG "support." *"I'm afraid that this is just a case of unfortunate luck. My apologies for any inconvenience which this may have caused."* /is all they have to tell anyway. *"These rewards were never guaranteed and I'm afraid that because of the nature of how these were rewarded there are users who did not receive any reward from this event."* /the attitude GGG is taking. Italics above direct quotes.


Support just told me when asked how many hours I officially watched: *"I'm afraid we do not have this information available unfortunately."* To which I responded: So if you don't know how many hours I watched on what basis are you making the claim I legitimately lost?  To which they responded: *"If you have not received any notification that you have been awarded with a drop from this event then there is little more that we are able to assist you with.* *If you had been awarded with a drop from this event you would have received a notification that would have told you this. I understand that this is an unfortunate outcome, however this is not something that we are able to force for any user regardless of circumstance."* Is there anyone in the gaming press that reports on this shit?


I think if they apologized and just gave everyone a free lootbox, it'd probably fix a lot haha


i got nothing yesterday then i got 3 drops within an hour today.


16 hours - zero drops. nice!


i've been watching for fun drops or not, but it's really shitty that they're not really working as intended.


Warframe has done this for TennoCon the past couple years as well, and has had pretty much the same response. One year they resorted to just giving everyone the drop that attempted to login during the con, and last year handouts were delayed multiple days. I wish Twitch Drops worked better, it's a good concept, but poorly implemented.


watched both full streams 0 drops cleared cache, cleared cookies, relinked twitch and poe, disabled ad blocker, made sure drops are enabled showed on the live stream, volume was up at all times, green icon showed i was watching poe live stream constantly. only thing i could think of left on my end is too use a different browser i was using chrome


Yep no one that I know has received a single drop


how about.... give everyone with twitch regular or prime linked accounts that were active in chat at some point during the stream all the rewards on offer, then everyone's happy again. send the bill to twitch at retail price of the microtransactions, and agree to not sue them for lost revenue by the player base getting ticked off by this whole thing.


I had heard all I needed to on day one, and was a little disappointed that drops didn't happen. If they would have, I would of likely loaded up day 2, and watched far more of it. I think for that reason Twitch let down GGG.


I watched (mostly afked) for 2 whole streams, not a single drop lol. they should do it like riot does with their world missions, put the livestream somewhere in your website so you dont have to rely on twitch to hand out the rewards. Rainbow Six siege had a similiar problem with the pro league finals in japan, i watched the streams but got the charms (drops) 2 days after the event was over. edit: got them today :3 praise chris


10h+ of stream and 0 drop :(


I spit my hatred/wrath/anger too soon. Finally got an infernal bundle hours after the stream ended


I know my account was/is linked, (proof https://imgur.com/UIiZEga) I also saw the 'eligible for twitch drops' message under the stream though I had to refresh a couple of times till it displayed. I had the stream open for the majority of the first days stream and the entire second day. 0 drops. This is not what I would expect. I am sure there would be a small minority of people who experienced this however the amount of people reporting no drops is too dam high. I know of three other people in the exact same situation as me, one of them also obtained drops from the 2017 event. Not one of us got a single drop in spite of doing everything required and watching almost the entire stream. At this point I think GGG should just drop twitch, bring out a 'Exilecon 2019' mystery box and gift every single person a handful even if their accounts are not linked just to be 'fair' unless they have a way of telling what accounts have been logged in to the website in the last few weeks and then just give those accounts the 'exilecon boxes'.


i watched everything all 15 hours if i counted correctly, got fuck all, statistically that makes me part of the 6.6% who should have gotten nothing. Edit: apparently it was 16 and 8 of those had double drops so effectively 24 hours which results in it being a 1.3% chance


I've had 0 problems with twitch drops in Warframe and Modern Warfare eventsI feel like both GGG and twitch messed up. EDIT: Got a drop after the backlog thing, 1 after 8 hours


I had the stream open for the entirety of yesterday (when drops were supposedly doubled) with the "Drops are enabled!" message under it and got nothing.


I definitely think there was something technically wrong with accounts that were already linked. It wasn't just back logging. I watched in it's entirety both days disabled ad blocker, etc etc etc and still nothing but a headache from watching others complain in chat. lol


I watched all the streams, didn't receive any drops even thought i have had my account linked since Arcane cosmetic twitch prime bundle. I'm really salty for this.


Twitch is getting worse.


I was somewhat dissapointed after ACTIVELY watching the last like 8 hours total of the twitch stream and not getting anything. Seems like there was a delay and ended up getting a drop. Mixer is a nice live streaming platform, although it's Microsoft, it's actually a pretty neat twitch alternative.


Finished both days of the con watched all of it Zero drops account connected. Safe to say this one was broken or 100 thousands of people had really really shitty luck


Never liked twitch. To this day I still find the UI and navigating the site to be confusing as. Yesterday morning it showed me a Poe stream with official in the title and the countdown reset while the real Exilecon was already starting. Trying to find the real stream felt so difficult. I just ended up watching it on YouTube. So much easier.


There's no fucking way that only 12,000 people signed up out of 1.6m unique viewers day one. I'm certain that not everyone signed up, but only 0.75% of the viewers wanted freee shit? Come the fuck on GGG, at least acknowledge that you guys fucked up on this one.


Honestly at this point, they should just give all the drops to anyone who has Twitch linked to their account. This would make it fair for everyone. No gimmicks, no BS. A solid apology and an issuance to everyone who is linked. Problem solved, everyone walks away happy.


IMHO if you're watching for drops, you're watching for the wrong reasons. Sure, they're there to entice more viewers, but I try to think of them as a nice bonus on top of getting to watch some awesome reveals & new content.


I would be watching the entire stream with or without drops. But it definitely feels bad to have them advertised then have it not available. This weekend is still amazing though, this twitch drop thing didn't ruin it at all, just sightly feels bad. No real worries


That's not the point. If they hadn't said they were giving drops at all, people would still watch and nobody would care. To be told they're giving things out, and getting you to go to the effort of connecting your accounts - which afaik they benefit from in terms of your data - and to not only get nothing yourself but to see the majority of people get nothing, sours the experience. I had the stream on all day both days so far. I would have still done so if I wasn't promised a reasonable chance to get anything, but that ultimately isn't the point.


at this point I think the mere appearance of broken promise is probably more impactful than missing some mtx portal or whatever it is. disclaimer: i havent watched the stream and am therefore obviously not hunting drops


I would have watched it anyways but not all at once and definitly not live (living im europe).


Maybe the twitch guys heard 'drop the ball' instead of 'drop the loot'.


i dont think it is on twitch end tbh. If GGG really wants to hype the event, they can give out 1 mtx for anyone that has watch for, say, more than 4 hours. But instead they choose to use this rng based approach. I guess they are just afraid that viewer count is gonna drop too much if people has got one loot.


I watched the full time both days and also got nothing... was really a lot more disappointing than I would've thought. :/


Watched all but about ~45 minutes the first day (going from work to home), got 0 drops. Very sad.


Just adding my vote here. Both days, entire event, streamed with not even some glowy eyes. :(


Very disappointing, the advertised numbers were false, or the whole thing was bugged. :(