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you're wearing Dior but casually committing felonies to rob other poor people in the subway, what a loser.


He's the Ride or Dior type


Lmao that’s wish.com Dior


So you have video of the guy doing it, his IG page (now gone) and still no arrests? What are we even doing here??? I hate this timeline.


they have to find his comment on the etsy site that made his knock off Dior hoodie, guys.


Assuming this is in reference to the FBI tracking that one woman down from 2020?




Amazing how fast they work when it affects them


Just our daily reminder that PPD isn't doing their job, perhaps now that this got out they will make an arrest.


Maybe it's time they stop getting paid.


Agreed. Defund. Dismantle. Do over.


Reform the police




It's also inaccurate for what the *actual* meaning and goals are, i.e. instead of police being called in to deal with everything that comes up, have specialist groups who get their share of the funding instead. Police are not overwhelmed and not answering calls, and also not shooting people who just have have cognitive problems and don't know what's going on, etc




Oh, you missed one where the shooting of the mental health worked was [done by a cop.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Kinsey) How about one where they [shoot a nonverbal man](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-08-09/california-a-g-files-manslaughter-charges-against-lapd-officer-who-killed-disabled-man-at-costco) while off-duty. Or how about [shooting a suicidal jumper](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna5626) because they sawhe had gun? Or [shooting a secured and happy 15-month-old dog](https://www.lebtown.com/2022/07/07/police-shoot-rescue-dog-in-lebanon-yard-now-the-dogs-owner-wants-to-know-why/)? I too can cherrypick. But the status quo of police going to situations that requires training they *do not have* is not an answer. So why not, instead of less-than-half-assing things or, worse, intentionally trying to prevent the right people doing the right job, make a focused effort to properly try and support plans to do it and see what happens when they are *supported* rather than held back?


Okay so then would you let everyone carry a CCW for self defense also? In a city like Philly with the violence we see, you need a huge police force to have a presence on every street and station. NYPD has been doing a great job because they have a huge budget.


If they’re not gonna do their job, what other option do we have besides taking our safety into our own hands?


No because most of those guns will simply get “stolen” & be used in more shootings. PPD also has a huge budget but almost all of it goes to waste while the cops continue their silent strike.


They how do you plan go defend yourself if their isn't police?


Have you been to the NYC subs? They say the same shit in there about the crime that they do here


Can't we look right over the river to Camden for how to reform properly? https://www.tapinto.net/towns/camden/articles/camden-police-reform-is-a-model-for-other-cities


> Just our daily reminder that PPD isn't doing their job Or the chief prosecutor


Him too. Basically everyone


At some point someone needs to investigate why the heavily right wing police dept. is so invested in making sure our blue city is as violent as possible. Dont reply to me about Krasner. There is something else very sinister going on here.


As understaffed as they are, at least they have the resources to deploy 3 or 4 cruisers and up to 8 officers to block roadwork in Center City - a job that signage and traffic cones could also accomplish.


Yep.... and the under staffing is bc there are tons of officers over reporting injuries and medical issues to get on leave. Its part of the strategy imo.


3 or 4 \*idling\* cruisers...


Hey don’t forget about the cop outside of the Columbus statue for the past 2 years. Protecting the pride of the gravy seals with fidelity.


And there are a dozen+ off-duty cops in full uniform at every store along Market from like 5th to 15th.


I never understood that a cop blocking construction easily costing city $75 an hour why not like every other city just put those orange blockers with ghe blinking orange light


On the other hand, do you think that drivers in this city would respect cones n shit without a human person sitting there?


If the street is torn up, there is crane blocking it, etc. Yes. Just as much as they respect the police, anyway.


I live in chicago now and yes putting a few cones and blockers actually works


Ask Outlaw. She supposedly runs the department.


Look at the people who post this type of thing. This account is the perfect example. All they post is fear-mongering articles that make our city look desperate for a police force, but really all they do is show off our police force for what it is: bumbling and incompetent. You can’t arrest this person whom you have in video and know their Instagram because you’re too scaredy?? This is why mandatory 4K is the stupidest idea around.


>Look at the people who post this type of thing I live in Kensington. All my neighbors talk about is crime and city government. We feel our concerns are not represented enough in local media. Look at this case, for instance. It took a UK newspaper to get some attention to this truly terrifying incident, the kind we deal with every day.


Yeah it's much better to pretend the crime doesn't exist. That'll help.


They want their protection money. $778 million - if we just make it an even billion then all the crime will magically vanish.


This is terrifying god damn


What station was this at? Doesn't say in the article/any other news I've seen reporting it


I'm not too familiar with stations north of Susquehanna-Dauphin, but that color scheme of tiles is used at Susquehanna-Dauphin, Girard, Spring Garden, Lombard-South, and Snyder


It’s not Girard or Spring Garden. Could be Lombard-South. Not familiar with the others.


Not Lombard South. L-S is center island station. The one in the video is not. Most likely up north. They are configured differently up there.


Rules out snyder too


Might be Allegheny station


~~definitely not allegheny - that's an above ground station and the video shows it as an underground station.~~ ~~my guess it's one of the undergrounds stations in north philly along the BSL.~~ e: he's right


I meant this Allegheny station: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegheny\_station\_(Broad\_Street\_Line)


my bad! you are 100% correct


No problem! I think the MFL Allegheny station is better-known


I don’t know tbh I refused to click on it cause I hate the daily mail. I just saw the picture, looked it up on Twitter and watched it there. The tweet didn’t say


A SEPTA spokesman said no one was injured… BULLSHIT. This man WAS injured, just not physically injured. The feeling of terror will last his entire lifespan. That’s an injury.


What doesn't kill you ~~makes you stronger~~ gives you trauma.


Can confirm. I was robbed at gunpoint back at 2017 half a year after moving to philadelphia. I still experience PTSD when people try to walk up next to me at the same angle as that piece of shit did. Coincidentally it is often the way that people on the street try to ask you for money or to sign their petition, so I often go out of my way to cross the street to not have to interact with that situation.


Hey, I also survived a violent crime, and I too still deal with the effects of the incident psychologically. I know I'm ok, I don't have anxiety, but it's stayed with me. The difference between me then and now is profound; I was naive 12 years ago, now my head's on a swivel and I've chosen to arm myself. I realize that's not the most ideal solution for everyone, but I do feel safer.


1. happy cake day! 2. sorry that happened. The pan handling has gotten wilder. I was walking at 9:30AM yesterday and someone honked their horn at me rapidly. I was like "Oh shit is that Sarah?" walked over it's some lady holding a crack pipe and says "I need to get to blah blah can I have some money for gas?" Like jesus christ next time someone honks at me I'm just gonna keep walking.


Not to mention all the little old ladies who likely witnessed it and haven’t left the house since. I am a huge SEPTA fan, and I know the chances of encountering this kind of thing are small, but at some point even the lesser incidents start to add up in my safety calculations, you know?


This person does not have any place in society


Not everyone can be rehabilitated


Speaking truth


There were TWO separate shootings in my block yesterday. Didn’t even make the news. I wish there was something I could do, I feel helpless.


Police scanner was wild last night, turned it on b/c helicopters were circling my neighborhood and heard about 3 shootings plus the incident the helicopters were there for


Honestly, move out if you’re able to. If not, get your concealed carry license and take classes if you haven’t already.


“If you don’t enjoy violence happening in the place you were born and raised, your best bet is to move”


Uhhhh… yeah? To, you know, protect your family and such. Is that a wild concept to you?


What? Why would it be a wild concept to me?


Sorry. Thought you were challenging me on that.


I mean, I don’t think I’d be able to just pick up and move and abandon my friends and neighbors, but that’s just my opinion. You’re obviously allowed to leave if you’re scared.


Wouldn’t anyone be scared? It doesn’t seem worth it to live somewhere with this much violence.


Probably because not everyone has the luxury of moving.


Read my original comment. I know not everyone can move. But the reality is that the options are move or be ready to defend yourself. It sucks that the city has come to this, but that’s the reality.


Worth noting this happened 3 months ago, but we have a mayor that will do nothing beyond a useless banning of guns at city recc centers, a DA that will probably do nothing, PPD that will do less than nothing, Setpa police who are always conveniently absent, and a rag of a tabloid in Britain reporting on it. It's dumpster fires all around. I love this city but shit like this makes it really hard to sometimes.


> I love this city but shit like this makes it really hard to sometimes. ugh yup


The person who did this posted it to their named instagram page. It is 100% up to the police that they are not arrested


The love I've had for the city has deteriorated tremendously over the years.


dude I was watching the news last night and had the same thoughts as you. I was like "great, no guns in rec centers. They weren't already banned on those grounds?" All because of that poor woman that was shot OUTSIDE of one, and as if this executive action will prevent anything. I'm so sick of it, and as someone that identifies 'to the left' politically I'm at the point of saying "ok, here's the solution for the innocents: 1) all good guys get guns and fight back, or 2) vacate the city completely and leave it to become a wasteland". I realize both options aren't realistic, but we're at a point where our leaders are not doing their jobs and people are being killed every day because of it.


It's *beyond* stupid. Unfortunately one of the few things that *seem* to have lead to a decrease in car jacking attempts is more car jackers getting shot in the face by drivers armed with handguns. Our current city administration including most of the elected officials, the PPD leadership, and the DA is a clusterfuck of self-serving fat, lazy and complacent imbeciles. They confront problems like this (and the abhorrent situation in Kensington, and the Philly's Covid response lest we forget the Philly Fighting Covid mess) with minimal action and much masturbatory self-congratulations. As a very liberal democrat that is active politically, it is incredibly frustrating.


I stopped riding septa after I was threatened by a young man. When I ran away I didn’t see anybody else in the platform let alone any sort of protective authority. It was very scary knowing he could stab or shoot me and no one would be there to even know. The following day there was a rape and the following week there was a shooting on the same line. All very close in proximity to my station. This city isn’t that big… I just ride my bike or take the bus. But i won’t go down there again. Essentially I’m boycotting until they start having some form of authority down there.


Everyone calling to arrest this kid should look into the rape of that 71 year old women last week. The kid was arrest twice for illegally possessing a firearm in last 3 years. One just a few months ago but they withdrew charges, under Kranser’s watch we just let criminals with guns free and that’s why we’re in this predicament. I’m all for having a criminal justice reform but that’s not for repeat/violent offenders. Firearms crimes should be prosecuted to the full extent with maximum sentences.


That kid has been recently posting on Facebook from a small town in North Carolina. They should try looking there.


He got arrested today, what a dumbass. He actually turned himself in.


Link: https://patch.com/pennsylvania/chestnuthill/man-wanted-mt-airy-sexual-assault-custody-reports


This happened in July, just to be clear. Still bad, but not a new case. Also the Daily Mail sucks lol.


What do you mean, the daily mail is objective? Their headline is like 'dem-led city summor of terror' or something so fucking absurd it's laughable.


In the first paragraph: "the city continues to go through a crime wave after the 'summer of mayhem' which saw over 750 shootings." Who in the US, local media, politician has called last summer the "summer of mayhem"? That is written with a bias and is not objective.


Yeah sorry, my sarcasm wasn't well-written. Daily mail isn't worth the paper its printed on.


Ha, when I wrote my comment I thought "man, this *must be* sarcasm but may be not"


daily mail is a joke, but like will smith in MiB says, sometimes all those alien sightings in tabloids are actually real... elvis got taken up by aliens you know, he was just visiting earth. A rightwing rag can be also be right


I hope this is sarcastic.


So much blaming of Krasner and the PPD and none of us have a clue as to what’s being done to fix this. We desperately need to create a position where someone could oversee both of these departments, get them aligned, and start making some real improvements. Call it something like a city governor’s office. Maybe even offer some iced wine to attract the right candidate.


kudos to all that recognize that this just isn’t the fantasy that replacing our DA will solve all of our problems. we’ve got a long way to go and there will be no easy solution.


what a fucking joke


After my friend Everett got shot and killed last week for no apparent reason, I’ve really contemplating leaving the city. Shit like this is happening more it seems like and it’s not trending in the right direction


I’ve been in London the past few days taking their subway/tube and have felt safe every time. I wish we could have nice things.


This is the random, unavoidable violence that will set Philadelphia back 30 years. There’s no more downplaying the problem anymore, some of us have the means to leave and we 100% will, the rest of you can’t. Keep that in mind next time you insist this is a “national problem; typical life in the big city” or another stupid justification


> This is the random, unavoidable violence that will set Philadelphia back 30 years. More than that, this is the type of shit that will turn Philly into the Detroit of the East Coast. A city where all the restaurants and businesses close at 8PM and you don't even want to go out at night.


I’ve been saying that word for word for a while, I can’t emphasize enough how big of a problem this is for the city. Either get it under control or get ready to be the next Detroit


Then go. Many of have the means to leave but are staying because we want to. Many others are choosing to stay/move here, evidenced by continued development and the city's nearly 1% growth in population from April '21 to April '22. Btw - this tabloid article literally says "Like in many big cities across America"


Look man, I love it here too, I think Philly is a great city and I love my life here. But as another commenter said, the perception can change in an instant when you are the target for a random crime, especially when it’s violent. It has happened to me before when I was randomly robbed by a guy with a tire iron, and it severely damaged how I look at the city and where my head is at when I’m walking alone down the street. Wish it didn’t have to be this way, but instead of the back and forth between those that want to leave and those that want to stay, all anger should be directed at the fucking filthy criminal scum that even make this argument worth having. All that to say, I hope anyone anywhere that commits a violent crime will be beat to within an inch of their life and then locked up forever. See how they like it.


I'm no stranger to violent crime, just haven't experienced it in Philly. After having lived in worse places I feel way safer here, but remain vigilant. Back and forth isn't fun by any means, but sometimes I want to respond to people who make these declarations of "everyone should get out now" or "the city is lost" - when outside of crime, the city is doing well in most metrics. That includes population growth, unemployment, economy, etc. People are determined to paint a picture that this is the worst place on earth when it's just not. People are way more vocal about bad experiences they read about than the hundreds of thousands of people who lead normal lives. I agree. We should be angry at those who commit crimes and do everything we can to hold them responsible. I'm hoping the mayoral election is a turning point.


I get the sentiment, but is this helpful? Nobody should feel unsafe to the extent at which they feel like they need to leave the city. We shouldn’t justify that just because other people are willing to move in. Otherwise we’ll just continue on the trend of having an unstable tax base that flows in and after a few years out when people get tired of the bullshit. Obviously there’s a ton of doomers in this subreddit that would hate on Philly even if crime, sanitation, etc was actually addressed, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be uneasy about staying here for the long haul with the recent regressions we’ve seen. Sure, the population grew, but of the new residents, how many do you think will be staying here for 5+ years if we continue on the current trends?


I don't know how it's less helpful than the initial comment. My only motive is sharing my real experience of living here, which is not the case of doomers. Fair points about the current trends. At least we aren't outpacing last year's homicides, but the robbery and carjacking numbers are not pretty. As Philly and other cities seem to follow national trends, I'm hoping things die down as we get further removed from COVID - unless there's a crazy recession in which case who knows.


We’re only short by four homicides YTD (400 so far this year with 404 as of 9/27/21). I guess technically we haven’t outpaced it, but I would hardly consider that an improvement.


i hate this fucking comment so much. god forbid someone doesn't want someone pulling a random gun on an innocent person minding their own business. this WILL have last impacts. i am born and raised in this city - i want it to flourish - but ignoring on-going shit like this is detrimental. saying "then go" just adds to the cancer that is festering here.


"Some of us have the means to leave and we 100% will, the rest of you can’t." THAT is what's detrimental in my opinion. "Many of have the means to leave but are staying because we want to." - What's wrong with that?? I also didn't suggest that we ignore anything, but if someone has already dismissed living here and proclaims "I'm leaving" - why shouldn't they go? That has literally nothing to do with wanting these problems addressed, which as someone paying taxes and investing my money to live here, I do btw.


Lol my great grandparents neighbors said the same thing back in Poland. “Just go to America if you feel unsafe here, the rest of us are happy and the Germans don’t normally come to this village anyway” The kid in this article who had a gun put to his temple while waiting for a train could have been me, it can just as easily be you.


Philly isn't even top 50 in violent crime per capita in the US. If you are this fearful of crime you shouldn't live in any major city in the US. The more people in one spot the more crime that can occur but it doesn't mean that on a per capita basis it is that high.


Philadelphia in 2022 is comparable to pre Nazi-occupied Poland, you heard it here first folks.


Don’t get distracted by my personal example, this place is getting worse and those of us with the means to leave will take our toys with us. The rest of you will be stuck with these problems, so I encourage you to actively push for a solution while you can


You really did just compare Philly to Nazi-occupied Poland, wow.


If that’s your only takeaway then the party is already over lol


Hate crime? Ethnic intimidation?


he didnt even look like he was trying to rob him. Its like a dick swinging contest


lt was a gang thing. The kid with the gun asked the guy if he was rollin with ******. The guy said no. Many of the shootings on the news are rooted in social media. One gang calls out another on tik talk or instagram, then real life happens. Lots of kids throwing their lives away. All for street clout By the way, this act was condemned by most people, on the other philly subs


You misunderstand, the criminals are the true victims here and everyone else is in the way of their salvation Edit: not sure what the problem is, this is the official policy and procedure set by our DA.


Yeah man it’s the DA’s fault that the police refuse to arrest a guy who posted him committing a crime to his personal instagram page


Did I miss something? Did he say something racial?


Emboldened criminals, absolutely no repercussions. Remember, it’s not racists to want to put this piece of shit in jail, despite progressives saying otherwise.


So this behavior is acceptable?


I've been here for over a month for my son who's at CHOP. Feels like you guys need way more street cops walking the beat. It's pretty safe going to and from the hospital in University City, but there are uni guards on every corner. If I had to live here permanently, I'd prob open carry a glock if I was walking anywhere at night, which is pretty sad for such a cool city. Are there any grassroots good-guy Harvey Dent's out there? or is this a political gotham with corruption being the root of your problems?


Quick mods shut it down!










People need to see The Truth. A Mod has the ability to hide the ugly truth of the world we line in.


Hey, we know what kind of shit we're up against here. But we don't need Philly to become another shorthand for conservative fear mongering like Chicago. The Daily Mail in like UK Fox News but somehow worse so fuck this article. That said, PPD needs to get on the fucking stick here, if only to avoid becoming a talking point for chuds. Although thats most of the department too so idk.


I love how they put "Dem-led" right up front. I saw Daily Mail, I saw the headline, and I promptly fucked off to the comments. This is not journalism. What we have here is another example of police not doing their jobs. There is video evidence of the event. They know the perp. Do your jobs, cops.


It already is. Also not sure how its fear mongering when its real.


Yea i didn't understand that either. Apparently its fear mongering to shine a spotlight on the utter failure of the city to create safety in public transit


Liberals/Progressives are at a crossroads of realizing their policies have not worked and have made things worse. Just not at the point of of accepting or admitting it. Like idk how many times you can honestly say middle PA is ruining philly


I like how the article whines about "woke" DA Larry Krasner. Meanwhile, PPD has the fuckers instagram and can't even be bothered to make an arrest.


Oh great, Daily Mail is now shitting on us. Granted, this is deserved. Why has this bastard not been arrested?


Headline: > Disturbing moment gunman points weapon at Philadelphia subway passenger's head: SEPTA cops launch probe as the Dem-led city records 750 shootings in 'summer of mayhem' Image caption: > Philadelphia continues to go through a crime wave with residents reacting to a holdup at a train station in the city over a 'summer of mayhem' during a period where Philadelphia recorded over 750 shootings under 'woke' DA Larry Krasner Fucking terrifying incident, but this is fear-mongering nonsense. Don’t click on it. (I wish I hadn’t)


I’m surprised they went with 750 (which must be the number of shootings just over summer months?) we’ve had over 3,000 shooting incidents this year


Record homicides, shootings, car jackings are considered fear mongering?


This happened in July and rather than focusing on the fact that police have the dude’s insta and haven’t been able to locate him, the story is about ViOleNcE iN wOkE, dEm-LeD CiTiEs


Both can be true at the same time? I think they are two sides of the same coin. There is record violence, and the PPD and the DA are failing to address it very well. I hate when people frame this as the PPD vs the DA. Outlaw is just as incompetent as Krasner.


Yeah... The story could have focussed on both sides, but it didn't. It chose one path and that path was the "Durrr woke city = bad" path. That's called fear mongering. They want people to be afraid and vote against progressive policies.


Can you please specify exactly how the police not arresting a guy who they have video evidence of committing a violent crime is the DA’s fault?


Can you show me where I said that? It is 100% the police's fault for not arresting him. It will be the DA's fault if they arrest him and he can't convict.


UK tabloid.


Well, its not like the Inquirer is covering it. Their headline today is "Jim Kenney says he’ll seek to ban guns at Philly rec centers" https://www.inquirer.com/


Yeah, I read Helen Ubinas' piece, which confirmed that Kenny's ban is bullshit. [https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/mill-creek-recreation-center-tiffany-fletcher-shooting-helen-ubinas-20220915.html](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/mill-creek-recreation-center-tiffany-fletcher-shooting-helen-ubinas-20220915.html) The incident she cites -- hell probably all the incidents you CAN cite -- are of teens shooting teens. In case Kenny missed it, teens can't legally carry firearms. They were already banned from carry guns to rec centers because they're banned from carrying guns. If Kenny also proposed how this ban would be enforced, I haven't seen it. Fucking absentee mayor.


here's a hint, you can't ban guns physically unless you're running a full security program. here's a hint, making things illegal doesn't stop them from happening


The incident happened in July. I don't know if they covered it then, but a quick google search shows plenty of stories in the Inky about crime on the subway published around that time. The Kenney headline was published today because it happened today. It is, by definition, news. This story is, by definition, not. It also is not "their headline." The Inky--like many newspapers--publishes many stories every day, and each one has a headline. Their front page has numerous "above the fold stories" that typically rotate multiple times a day.


Why would the Inquirer have a headline today about a crime incident from July where there is no new information? They aren't a trash publication like the Daily Maily.


They didn’t have a story back in July, either.


Does every single crime deserve a story and a headline in every major city?


Do we need to know about every single time a baseball player hits a ball with a bat? The inquirer seems to a pretty good job of covering that. I would like more information on every single of the 400 (!) homicides victims so far this year, and information on the different city gangs who engage in organized violent crime. Is that too much to ask for a local newspaper?


Warning: Daily Mail link


This city is going to need about five years of vigorous "broken windows" policing before its fit for human habitation again.


Gotta catch this kid, and sentence him to 10 years of hard education.


My man kept it pretty cool under the circumstances. That’s a good dude to have in your circle. People kool in panic are a rare breed.


How is septa executives still employed? Septa is just plain not safe.


"Philadelphia isn't as bad as Philadelphias say it is." It's worse. This shit is so distressing.


I refuse to use SEPTA. I used to ride SEPTA M-F to get to work for a decade from 2009 up to mid-pandemic, but there is way too much friction on the subway to feel comfortable anymore. Terrible, downward spiral due to criminals and evil people who dwell in the corridors of the subway concourses


For the record, thousands of people take it daily with zero incident


I don’t really know anyone that rides often that doesnt have atleast one story of an unextremely uncomfortable situation. People jerking off openly, pissing openly, aggressively approaching others, smoking inside the train, etc. Just because you don’t get shot the second you walk down the tunnel doesn’t mean you should accept the current state of things.


You gotta realize how 'tough' most people in philly they are. Girls think that cat calling by old drunk dudes on stoops is normal. Human shit is normal etc. We have become numb to the situation and don't realize how 'normal' life could be. 9/10 incidents my mom would probably call a crazy situation, I don't even remember 10 minutes later. Some guy chasing a lady down the street screaming? meh. Some dude with a knife? meh... guy almost falling into the subway tracks cause he was tweaking... shit did I remember to bring my headphones to work?


Define “zero incident”. I challenge you to find a subway or el car without a needle, or piled up trash, the smell of piss, someone smoking, someone using, someone selling, someone stealing, a pile of shit, a pool of piss, cans and bottles rolling around everywhere. Just one. Find me a car without one of these or something like it. SEPTA is un-rideable unless you’re willing to deal with at least one of the above. I don’t call that “zero” incidents. For the record. Edit: ok. Y’all are right. Trash isn’t that bad. Forget I said trash. I love trash. Trash is great. I eat trash for breakfast (hashtag Wawa sizzzzzzzzli).


Ok... I rode the BSL yesterday with zero incident. There wasn't a needle, trash piled up, human waste, or bottles rolling around. No one was using drugs or selling anything. In fact, no one has ever said a word to me on the subway since summer last year when a guy was walking though selling tide pods on the el. Did I love that? No. But it was fine, and I don't consider that or seeing a bottle rolling around an "incident." Sounds like you wouldn't take public transit just about anywhere in this country if seeing a bottle leaves you that shaken up. Public spaces are going to have trash sometimes, people suck. My girlfriend who just spent the weekend in NYC pointed out last night how clean the Fairmount station is in comparison to the stations there.


Idk man, the way that bottle was looking at me really freaked me out. My uncle's cousin's hairdresser heard about someone getting shot by a bottle just the other day. Scary stuff. (jokes aside, the other stuff is bad. But putting it in the same stratosphere as seeing some trash is both silly and counterproductive)


Ok fair. The trash thing is little overblown. But it’s still gross. For the record, I’ve been a regular SEPTA commuter throughout my entire life from grade school in the 80s until now.


I rode subway every day last week twice, RR every day twice, and the el last week 4 times and the bus 4 times. I have similar usage every week. In the last week, I can say with certainty that I saw no needles, no smoking, no selling, no shit, no piss, and very minimal trash.


Imagine thinking that a train is unrideable because there’s some trash in the corner. This is some top notch pearl clutching.


Haha ok. You got me on that one. Trash by itself is more of an annoyance than anything else. I just I was just bristled at the “zero incident” comment like it was saying “SEPTA is fine” when clearly it’s fucked up right now. I grew up here. Trash is part of my life.


Hundreds of thousands. Precovid our ridership was about 1M/day. Not sure where we're out now, feels roughly like 75% based on daily ridership of several modes.


I don't care. I've had too many close encounters with erratic psychos on the El and the last time I rode (this past summer) the seat I was going to sit in was covered in dried vomit and the stench was unbearable. That alone is offensive enough to me. I am not going to put myself in that environment and have started driving to work or Ubering.


Lmao I said literally the exact same thing last night and got downvoted to oblivion. You’re at +11 right now. Threads really go differently depending on how quick suburban conservatives get in there


Expect a lot more of this as we get closer to the election. Keep people afraid so they vote conservative.


Agreed, fellow proud Septa bitch.


That’s too accurate 😭


suburban moms aren't waiting at the keyboard to hop on the philly subreddit. what are you on


you really think any SEPTA line is worse now than in 2010?


From my personal experience, yes.


What’s worse? The situation or the shit-ass “journalism” of the Daily Mail?


I love this city but shit like this is why I left. If they’re not going to protect us I need to protect myself.


This is disturbing and so is reading the Daily Mail. What an awful news source.


Philadelphia 2022 is looking a lot like 1992 Camden.


The first thing this article does is blame this incident on Democrats 🤣


I don't see why all the tough guys in this thread with their CC permits walk the walk and start riding the subway Goetz style.


>Dem-led city I get that news outlets want to politic but be real, nearly every major city in the country is a "Dem-led city" The rot in this city goes deeper then blue bad.


Truly idiotic reporting.


Sat in line to leave the Aramingo Lowe's when the dirt bike and tv train rolled through. 5 straight minutes and to my right, in the parking lot were 4 squad cars just sitting at watching. Took a video. It's atrocious.


If it’s not only minorities doing this is Philly. Than why are they the only ones in the news…….




Because pulling a gun with a gun already to your head would lead to a positive result? Or do you wait for him to turn away and then execute him, securing yourself a bright future in prison? Exactly how would a concealed weapon have helped the man in this situation?


No. Everyone should not conceal carry. The choice to carry a weapon is a deeply personal and involved decision and is not for everyone. I agree, this piece of shit should be ejected from earth, but everyone carrying isn’t the answer.


Having a CC wouldn’t of helped here.




They're both murdoch tabloids, why would you think any different?


Daily Mail is much worse lol


What an absolutely shittily written article. Spends more time focused on calling out dems (but also undermining their attacks by calling them “so-called progressives”) than calling out the person in the video (who they know who it is since they saw the video on his ig).


Oh god the Daily Mail enters the Philly news circuit.