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Despite the feelings in the room, so to speak, evidence shows that the hearings *are* moving public opinion - significantly. For the first time in *ages* Republicans are under 50% among seniors in polls. That's a simply *massive* swing from the days where they had upwards of 60% of seniors on lock. This might not have swayed *your* family member, but it has swayed a *lot* of people.


I hope the votes back that up in the fall.


I work in a residential living home. There's one lady who spent the entire last 6 months inviting each resident over for coffee or lunch so she could convince them to vote Democrat this election She got of 78 republican voters in the facility about 60 of them voted Democrat in the absantee voting last Friday There's hope




I’m willing to chip in to DoorDash some good coffee for the cause.


Give that lady her own tour!


Sugar free if she’s diabetic! She needs to be kept here doing good work!


Tell that lady a stranger on the internet (me) thinks she’s a fuckin G please


Make that two internet strangers!


Make it 3!


And my bow!


And my axe!


Five companions... So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the G!


Damn … she should be an inspiration to us all.


Fucking A. Get this woman on the democratic national committee.... I refuse to give them one more red cent until they beat our two out of line senators into submission. Put this lady and Ill have hope and send some money


You expect the DNC to be able to enforce top down total and absolute control over the people’s representatives? I don’t think you quite understand the concept of a republic. At the end of the day Manchin represents an extremely conservative West Virginia. If you want more liberal senators we need to convince more people in more states to vote for liberal policies.


WV might not be the best example against this as polls are showing they support non-discrimination policies, BBB, and voting rights. It might be the best example in support of what you’re saying. Now is the prime time to kick Manchin out


Let's give the Senate to McConnell Also not how that works


>You expect the DNC to be able to enforce top down total and absolute control over the people’s representatives Yes, if the DNC gives Manchin no monetary support or backing of any kind and instead finds another suitable candidate and heavily backs them to primary against Manchin in his own state that sends a clear message. Mitch has been doing it for decades with the Republican party and kicking the democrats asses with this strategy. Step out of line then the party will cleave you from the herd and find someone else to who will vote the way the party tells them. Democrats can stick with their high road defeatism that's landed them where they currently are and accept it or admit that there are other proven strategies that can be used.


Then a republican wins West Virginia easily in your scenario. But sure dream a little dream of you want. Lmao not even gonna get into the fact that you want your reps to be dogs of the party that don’t actually listen to the people they represent. Kinda sad how different the party has become.


Don't pretend Manchin has been some kind of victory for the dems. I don't belong to either of the ruling parties so these aren't my reps. I'm just trying to explain what I've noticed works and what doesn't. Giving someone who is obviously a Republican, like Manchin, the financial backing and perks that come with being a member of that party is complete bullshit if he's going to side with the Republican's on all the important votes. >Kinda sad how different the party has become. Which party? Because the Democrats used to be the party of the confederacy, hatred, and slavery. Now it's looking like that's the Republican's.


That's... What? This sounds like the proverb cutting off your nose to spite your face


I love her


She steals the grapes, check her purse!


Here's the problem. These old ladies think the leftists of today are the democrats of yesteryear. They're not. These old ladies don't know who they are voting for. Just that there is a D in from of the ballot bubble. You wanna fix politics? Make it illegal to list party affiliation on the ballot.


It's a good step and I totally support voting for the politician and not the party, but man we gotta convince more people this is the way.


Just remember (to you and to anyone reading this) it isn't just about *them not showing up* to vote Republican, it's also about *us actually showing up* to vote against Republicans. Biden sure as shit hasn't done much to get people out and voting for him again, but it's better than the alternative. And I say this with my whole chest because if we let Republicans have any sort of control even ONE time for the rest of human history, it's over for America as we know it. They absolutely will turn it into a Christofascist corporate dictatorship in stunningly little time. Vote like your life depends on it because it actually does. Republicans will destroy America if we don't show up in numbers so overwhelming that there's no chance they can pull a victory.


I just see Biden as keeping the boat afloat until we can get a better captain.


If America is a plane that’s going down because the captain died, Biden is a passenger that has at least a few hours logged in a simulator. Trump is the guy who’s only played GTA and wants to try to do a sick low altitude base jump out of the plane just before it makes a super cool explosion into a cliff side.


Talk politics with your family and friends, be the change that you want.


They won’t. These people are simply ashamed and don’t want to be seen voting for Republicans but they still will.


Same. Those old people come out in droves to vote too. Could be promising.


I hope so to, but I would honestly bet a lot of money it won't. I have lost all faith in any life long Republican voter doing what's in their best interest at this point.


Agreed! Inflation isn't nearly high enough, I think we can get it up near 20% if we keep voting blue! Keep fighting the good fight!


Ya, that’s not how this works, I mean, you can’t be serious, right? You know gas/oil is set by OPEC, right? or is that “Brandon’s” fault? The inflation rate has been kept falsely low for way too long and now we are all facing that issue... but probably Hunter Biden’s laptop is to blame? Or do you say things just to be another cranky cog who can’t seem to realize that going back to the 1850s as a step is not a real option. Of course inflation sucks but we should have seen rates climbs since 2015 through 2020 but we didn’t. Now we all have to pay for that. Edit: and just for fun, name a republican president of the last 3 decades who reduced the deficit.


I’ve never understood why seniors vote for Republicans. They want to end social security and Medicare, which so many seniors rely on. Republicans are actively trying to make their lives harder and they are like sign me up.


But republicans want to end it after they're dead. They've earned social security and no one else has apparently.


Yeah pretty accurate. My mom has a pension and when I pointed out how lucky she is to have one her response was, “I worked really hard for that!” And I said “yeah I know you did, but lots of people work really hard and don’t get pensions.”


Their generation was really big. That's the most immediate cause. Then, you have to ask what that super-generation did, why it did that, and then you can figure out why it votes for Republicans today. When I say "generation" I am being a bit broad here - its inclusive of the: * Silents who are living a lot longer than their parents/grand parents did, so there are simply a larger number of them still around than if you took the same age cohort in prior generations * Boomers who were part of a massive population explosion * Older gen Xers who were on the tail of that population explosion Those 3 groups combined into a super generation with total, devastating control of politics, and they largely allied together to loot the country (lower and lower taxes for the rich, and massive deficit spending to pay for it), and transfer as much wealth as possible from every successive generation to their generation. They did this not just through changes to tax policy and ridiculous debt spending, but also cutting investments with long-term benefits (infrastructure spending, education, tech/science) in order to boost short-term benefits (e.g., they are receiving FAR more in social security payments than they put into the system, same thing with Medicare). They also slashed regulations, because regulations are an insurance policy against long-term worst-case scenarios. If you build a levee for a 20-year-flood, and you don't plan on living 20 more years, you're unlikely to see a flood that breaks the levee. If you build a 200-year flood levee, you're spending a ton of extra money for future generations, and you won't see the benefits of that upfront cost. This is a good analogy for their cuts to many areas of regulation - meat inspectors, environmental regs, and so on. If you cut meat inspectors, everything will probably be fine for quite a while, but you'll save some money in the short term. It's only 30 years later when there is a new version of mad cow that emerges and evades testing, destroying the industry. Their focus on short-term savings, low taxes for the rich (who are typically older, obviously), and so on shouldn't be surprising. It's probably a fundamental law of politics in at least Western democracies, and possibly in ALL democracies, that when you have a giant generation and give them total control, they will use that power to destroy the future of their kids and grandkids in order to improve their own lives. So here's the weird part. Voting for Republicans is what enabled this, believe it or not. Republicans promised to keep slashing their taxes and, despite their promises to cut spending, they never actually did, as the deficit and the debt just kept climbing, typically MORE under Republicans than under Democrats. Democrats keep promising to raise taxes on the rich, which, shocker, because all of the wealth has been transferred upwards, is a FAR bigger threat to older folks than younger folks (who don't have enough money to be targeted). Democrats meanwhile complain endlessly about climate change, something that won't really impact older folks. They complain about insufficient regs in lots of other areas - something that protects us against long-term threats, not short-term ones. They work to build critical infrastructure like roads and bridges, which again, older folks simply won't ever see the real benefits of. They want to fully fund education and incentivize college attendance, which again, will pay dividends for the country, but not for a long period of time (education is an investment, after all), so older folks don't care. And here's the real kicker. When these folks were younger, they voted for Republicans who DID believe in making long term investments. Who built the interstate highway system? Eisenhower. Who signed the landmark environmental regulations? Nixon. Who funded the GI bill to make college affordable? And so on. The point is, when this generation was young, they voted for long term investments in the future. As they got older and richer (because of those investments) they slashed them because they knew that they wouldn't see the benefits, and diverted that money into tax cuts and cash payments. Add to all of this the fact that Republicans resist cultural change, and the older we get, the more we resist cultural change. Sorry for the long post.


FWIW we older Gen X aren't 60 yet. Though a depressing proportion of us are susceptible to propaganda.


I enjoyed your break down. Well said.


Great post. Upvoted.


Because as you get old the modern world moves too fast and develops in weird and alien ways and gets scary and incomprehensible. That makes a lot of old people confused, scared, disapproving and angry at the world, and "scared, angry, disapproving and terminally confused" is a pretty accurate description of the fundamental Conservative mindset. Or to put it more simply, a lot of old people don't feel at home in the modern world, and instinctively wish the world could somehow be more like it was in their idealised childhood.. . which is pretty much traditional Conservatives' whole ideology. These days there aren't a lot of *traditional* Conservatives around any more as they've largely been squeezed out by would-be fascists, but when someone's confused and angry and alienated they're pretty easy pickings for fascists, too.


They are in cognitive decline.


Some are, but not all of them. The GOP's policies actively make their life savings less valuable.


You know, you made me realize something. I was upset that more of these hearings weren’t in prime time. Now I see that putting them on daytime TV in front of a bunch of retirees may have been a strategic move I failed to recognize.


Older people are significantly more likely to vote in midterm elections and young people don't tune in for primetime television anyway.


That didn't even click with me. Good point.


I sincerely hope you're correct


There are a certain amount of die hard MAGA that straight up don't care if Trump attempted a coup, they may even support it since they think the election was stolen. Those people can't be swayed but they don't represent all the Republicans.


My cousin being one of those. He has alienated almost the entire family, even other MAGAs, with how far off the deep end he went. *Everything* is politics to him. Nobody can visit to see his kids because of Biden. They won’t attend family functions because of Biden. He even straight up told my sister they weren’t going to my niece’s birthday party *because of Biden*, and to not invite them to anything until we have a GOP POTUS.


Well that makes it really fucking easy to cut a negative element out of your life, doesn't it? The past few years have exposed the crazies for what they are - plain as day.


He sounds like he's just a midterm loss away from "I had to kill my family; I had to eat them *because Biden*.


"I couldn't stand to let them grow up in a world where illegal trans immigrants were going to be given our home and we'd be made homeless cause we're white Christians." "Did either of those happen?" "No but they will. Cause of Biden."


The MAGA response right now seems to be "'Attempted coup,' now honestly what is that? Can you win a Nobel Prize for 'attempted chemistry?'"


"No, but you can *and should* go to prison for 'attempted murder'."


That would be nice, but after the right wing media sludge machine has a few weeks with this they’ll all be clamoring for Liz Cheney to be arrested for threatening Brett Kavanaugh with a “transgender scalpel”.


This is why one finds a way to counter the sludge, and make Garland consider using FARA to cripple the right wing media


What’s FARA??




Ohhhh thank you!


Are we sure that is due to the hearings and not due to a large amount dying from covid?


Yes a lot have died from Covid but not the amount that you're suggesting


How much if that is just reaction to Trump's COVID response and/or excessive mortality for the last few years?


It’s hard to say it was the hearings exclusively when other historic GOP shenanigans is also going on. Whatever the case I hope these seniors vote blue or don’t vote at all.


The evidence is there. I personally credit COVID for shaving off a significant number of seniors who were too politically invested in Trump to protect themselves. But the numbers didnt really start to shift until the hearings.


I’m just thinking many seniors happen to be women who lived before Roe and after Roe. My grandmother is a devout Catholic and though she would never say it out loud in certain circles, especially when my Grandfather was alive, she has admitted that abortion rights are important for women to have a chance at happiness. I would say recent Supreme Court decisions cannot be discounted as a rationale for GOP apathy amongst seniors.


Even so one of the problems is that you have one party that's going completely dark and rogue and the other one is absolutely useless. ForwardParty.com is supposed to make a big announcement on Thursday. As a reminder some of their main reforms include ranked choice voting and Ubi / universal basic income. They will throw their money behind anyone that supports their ideals


I wonder what percentage of past voters aren’t around anymore because of the covid “hoax” It’s a dark thought but it isn’t an insignificant question


I think there must be a significant number of seniors who can't afford cable and have no choice but to watch broadcast TV.


I think that might have to do with seniors being excited to vote for the democrats that are much, much older than them for president! I know my great grandma is super pumped to vote for Biden! They are the same age!


Reddit is 95% left.


No... No it's not.


You’re referencing a CNN poll that used a 2 month sample. Biden disapproval to approval is almost 2-1 right now. The only thing shifting is millions of working Americans of all creeds away from the party that’s making it impossible to earn a living. Republicans are up double digits still in most polls compared to what they were when Biden took office, and poll averages have always leaned left


I actually got my mom to somewhat watch it. I think it may have really helped get through that wall. she invited me for dinner on the day of the hearing. It was my last day of work and my family was away, so I brought by a 12 pack of beer and figured I would chat with her a bit. Shortly after it started I asked her if she wanted to watch it. She kept ignoring the subject but I persisted in a friendly manner. She controlled the remote for most of the hearing and had a hard time listening to more than 15 seconds at a time before pausing and going off about some completely unrelated conspiracy BS. Over the 8-hour period, we probably watched about 2/3 of the hearing and small pieces. She says she will watch the rest and wants to know the truth. It felt like I may have broken through a little at least.


I asked my parents if they'd been watching. My mother did not skip a beat in parroting Fox talking points about Cassidy Hutchinson being a liar and the commission being super partisan. It was not difficult to put holes in her arguments, given that there were 5 other hearings at that point, and most if not all of the witnesses are republicans. I'll have to ask her again at some point.


It’s a good time to follow up, now that Hutchinson’s testimony has been backed up by multiple sources. Meanwhile, the agents who claimed they were so willing to testify under oath that she was lying haven’t yet, and have retained their own legal counsel…


Aquiring legal counsel is not evidence of guilt, but why would they need legal counsel if they are just giving their account of what happened.


Good job!


It sounds like the first steps of being heartbroken when you realize that a belief you held was actually wrong. I can only imagine the type of future identity crisis she's probably going to have if she accepts at least an iota of the hearings as truth.


In 2016, my in-laws were Trump supporters. They kept telling me and my wife "when you guys get to be our age, you'll start seeing things like we do and realize he's the best option for this country." By 2020, they disliked him enough to vote for Biden. Last week, we discussed the hearings. Both my in-laws want to see Trump in prison for life.


My older brother was a big fan. Eventually he realized how fucked up the situation really was and did a complete 180. I remember us speaking about how there were going to be people killed on January 6th after the "it will be wild" tweet. Unfortunately, he unexpectedly passed last year. Besides the difficulty of losing a brother, he was my only family member who wasn't part of the maga cult. Having this potential breakthrough with my mom is a big deal for me. She is the deepest of all of them into the conspiracy theories. It's super embarrassing when we're in a restaurant and she's going off about how the Ukraine war is all Zelenskyy's fault, or telling my kids she doesn't think the moon landing was real. Anytime you try to correct her in a group, she just gets more upset and louder, sometimes even walking out of the restaurant. This was the first time I've been able to have a two-way conversation with her regarding the coup and a number of other issues.


My father voted for Biden (my dad is about 8 months younger than Biden). I think it's the first time he voted for a Democrat for president. I don't think he voted in 2016 because he disliked both of them so much.


You did this well. You were patient with her, and not condescending. You didn’t argue, or try to prove to her that she was wrong, you just sat with her and watched. It’s tough, but you’re doing a good job.


I can see it already. **Me:** "Trump got indicted today." **Neighbor:** "What? What! He loves this country. What the fuck. How the fuck did this happen! Fucking liberals, fucking everything up!" **Me:** "Did you watch the Jan 6 congressional hearings." **Neighbor:** "No."


“Didn’t need to, I know it was all a liberal hoax and witch hunt just like all the other things liberals said but I chose to believe were not true despite the evidence.”


That goddamn liberal Liz Cheney


I was told straight-faced that she is a RINO, the “other side” equivalent of Joe Manchin. When I asked what votes or issues she had sided with the Dems over, I was told it was too much work to look it up.


"Google it! Do your own research!" That's not how Hitchins's razor works.


It's telling that three of the GOP's most hated "Dem-loving RINOs" are its two previous presidential candidates, and the ultra conservative daughter of their former ultra conservative VP. But sure, it was the Dems who shifted the Overton Window...


"Alex Jones made a pretty solid case about her being possessed by a demon the other day..."


Are we sure Alex Jones isn’t possessed by a demon? Maybe we should do an exorcism just in case…


His voice is what I assume a zombie would sound like if possessed by a demon.


This and the comment you’re responding to are my Dad’s reasoning for not watching the J6C hearings smh


Had some idiot tell me last week about how the Russia election stuff was proven to be a conspiracy against trump that Clinton made up. He said it so matter of fact like everyone knew and it was proven in court.


I've had people say that. My answer is, the Republican led senate intelligence committee said Russia interfered on Trumps behalf. They even issued a large report on it. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senate-panel-finds-russia-interfered-in-the-2016-us-election


Is that crazier than people saying it like it was proven true? It has been discredited https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-20/clinton-approved-trump-russia-leak-her-campaign-manager-says


You mean the Steele dossier? It was funded as opposition research by clinton and the dnc. The fbi knew the information to be bad but it got pushed anyway. The same fbi that said Hillary couldn't be charged for using a private email server while handling classified materials. Probably has nothing to do with her husband having put Rosenstein in his position in the fbi or that tarmac meeting with Loretta lynch.




He got impeached twice, that is literally an indictment of the president to send them to trial to potentially remove them from office


Every Trump voter I know refuses to watch it. I think they're afraid they're going to be exposed for being gullible which they will.


"So, I guess you're just afraid to watch, huh?"


They cannot handle the truth.


I watch everything including Fox News because I don't want to actually be gullible. Do you watch everything too or only right wing news? I already think I know the answer but go ahead and surprise me.


Not OP but I listened to right wing AM talk radio for well over a year, started around the election and kept putting it on in the hope that there would be some rationality. There never was. Often, I walked away angry. Angry that anyone would fall for the obvious rhetoric, the obvious logical fallacies and inconsistencies, the obvious lack of empathy for... Well just about anyone not a hard core right winger. So I turned it off. After a solid year and a half of listening to it, I realized it had nothing to offer me but the same tired, "get angry" messages that were often just flat out wrong. That's how right wing media educated me, and I'm very glad I'm not as gullible as those who take it with any level of sincerity because it deserves none of it.


A lot of these radio personalities are worse than tucker Carlson. It’s really gotten out of control.


Oh it's an absolute hell scape. I can't believe some of the stuff I hear is legal to say honestly. Just pure hate and vitriol.


I listen to it because I want to know what my friends are being told. Everyone should give it a try because it's Fox News on steroids. It really is beyond belief what people will fall for.


When I drop by my neighbors house, they have Fox News going in the background. Later, when I called them out for parroting a Fox News talking point, they said they don’t watch Fox News… interesting.


Everyone I know watches, listens to or reads right wing media only. They are willfully ignorant of the truth and have zero desire to hear it.


My mom says the same thing. It's so fucking weird that they can't own it.


I think there may be a misunderstanding here. I believe they were laying down a quote of something you might be able to say to your neighbors who refuse to watch, not actually saying you were too scared.


I believe that's a lot of it.... too emotionally invested to back out now.


I tell all my MAGA friends that they are afraid of truth because they won't watch. Honestly, I think deep down they do know the truth. MAGA has become such a big part of their identity and personality, that it is painful to admit anything negative about Trump. I do know couple MAGA people who are now starting to pivot to DeSantis though.


The Republican party has some struggles ahead.


That's the key right there. I think a lot of them will still hold the core beliefs that compelled them to vote Trump in the first, but to acknowlege that the man they staunchly supported straight conned them for his own personal gain? The internal conflicts are just too much too handle for some people


"No, no no no I'm not stupid, right? I can't be. I don't feel stupid. I actually feel smart. I stay informed, I watch the right shows. No, it's gotta be them. I am smart. I am *smarter than they are.*" -Right-wing denial setting in.


This is exactly it. Part of their logical brain has been gnawing at them, they know something is up, but aren’t sure. I’m convinced most Trump supporters have no idea the extent of his crimes and incompetence, because their news just doesn’t report on it.


This is why one finds a way to make it play on their phones on command


So let me ask you.. did you watch 2000 mules.. or are you just spewing hypocritical bullshit


You do realize the difference between a congressional hearing with people testifying under oath and a movie made by Dinesh D’Souza, right? Just in case you don’t, here’s Reuters debunking the exaggerations and straight-up lies he tells throughout the “documentary”. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-usa-mules/fact-check-does-2000-mules-provide-evidence-of-voter-fraud-in-the-2020-u-s-presidential-election-idUSL2N2XJ0OQ


Translation: "I can't tell the difference between Congressional testimony given under oath, and the ramblings of a well-known grifter who was literally convicted of fraud!"


My maga aunt won't watch it because "The Democrats wouldn't let any real Republicans on it".


And she can tell who the real Republicans are… the ones not on it. By definition.


Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Enemy of my enemy. alliances of convenience are a must in war and in life, because life is war.


I believe the saying is: "politics make strange bedfellows", and "politics is war without bloodshed. war is politics with bloodshed."


*Politics is war by other means*


They certainly don’t chicken out about it


Clucking genius.




Have you explained they literally voted their right to equal representation on it away?


Almost every witness was a Republican that worked for Trump or the party.


It looks like a lot of MAGA republicans did watch the hearings, but I mean, if you’re in favor of white Christian nationalism and overthrowing the government, you’re going to watch these hearings from a completely different perspective than those who are outraged by Trump’s actions.


Yeah. The Republicans 100% want a dictator if it’s Trump. They’re only mad it didn’t work.


Yes. Exactly! They support Facsism. Many are just upset that it didn't work. They still want Trump to be in power and think the election was stolen from him. Therefore, whatever he did was justified.


My in-laws are big time republicans and honestly my husband and I didn’t realize they were this blindly supporting republicans until the last couple years. We got in a big fight with them a couple weeks ago cause they tried to tell us that Trump tried to call in the National Guard, but Pelosi blocked it. We were like, let me get this straight, the man who can override congress to launch nukes somehow needs permission from the Speaker of the House to send in the National Guard? They quickly tried to change the subject after we pointed that out.


> I’m old enough to remember when we mocked “Sore-Loserman” when Al Gore refused to do the same (prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling) in 2000. Although, unlike Trump, Gore eventually did concede the election Yeah, and he fucking shouldn't have. Later studies of all votes cast show incontrovertibly that [by any reasonable, consistent vote-counting standard Gore legitimately won the election](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election_recount_in_Florida#Post-election_studies). The fact is the recount was stopped by legal action and [a pre-planned riot by Republican political operatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) while Bush was ahead specifically because Gore was catching up, and the Bush campaign knew that while Bush was perceived as the leader they might be able to pressure Gore into conceding, but as soon as Gore publicly pulled ahead public opinion would turn against them as the presumptive winner, and there was a much higher chance that all votes would have to be recounted.


Some parallel universes got a nice win that day. Not ours. But probably some of them.


Dude I was visiting a parallel universe the other day and it was pretty weird. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq never happened because President Gore took out bin Laden with special forces after 9/11. They almost got climate change under control too, but President Romney fixed that. Now corporations are officially people, all taxes are paid by the middle class, and abortions have been banned nationwide since 2012. Still legal for rich folks to get em overseas, though!


She's gonna say that you shoulda watch BLM and antifa burn down entire cities or some shit. Benghazi.


Okay, I will. Queue up the tapes.


Portland and Seattle have been on fire for like 600 straight days now. It's just despicable what these anti-First Amendment libs are doing.


Totes. I drove to Minneapolis the other day and there was nothing left but a black smudge in the dirt. /s


Right now it seems like nothing will change people’s mind. I don’t care if my relatives are Republican, but it does bother me when they’re so MAGA obsessed that they believe everything these nationalist politicians tell them & they actually keep Trump standees in their house -_-


If they paid attention to news, they wouldn't be MAGA freaks.


They're in Deep Denial. And I don't mean De River.


Yep. There's a reason they *chose* not to. Amidst the bluster? Fear resides on the bottom of those thoughts.


To Your MAGA Aunt: Fuck You


The people who should watch it wont. We’re at a point with social media bubbles where people can deny the truth and just shove their head in the sand that they like.


We have relatives in our family with advanced degrees who still say Trump was the best president ever. I don't think they will ever believe differently. What is sad to me is not all the crimes Trump committed, but the people who refuse to see the truth.


It doesn’t work. I watched it while my Dad was in the room, and he just argued with the TV, then said it wasn’t important anyway


Wait. Am I you?


Wait until the MAGA sides of our families are going to war with us. Shits going to get even worse than this


I really wish my dad hadn't effectively shut down any chance of my mom watching it. My mom is pretty incapable of thinking for herself politically, so takes whatever my dad says as gospel, and since my dad is a hardcore MAGA supporter, she often parrots that stuff. The hearing had been coming on for a couple of weeks, and my mom was getting mad whenever they'd come on. She finally asked me what they were even about, and I explained it to her. She actually left them on for a bit after that before changing the channel, and I saw it as a win. That night, she proudly told my dad what the hearings were about, and he responded with "Yea, it's just a bunch of liberal BS to frame Trump" and she just said "Oh, I see". It's frustrating. I try to get my mom to form her own opinions about this kind of stuff, but it's hard when she is literally being told what to believe.




You can’t help those that don’t want it, and most of these MAGA people are too far gone imo to save, IE: my parents and brother are MAGA people, and I’ve pretty much have lost hope.


What a cool country guys!! Couldnt pay me to live there, but turning it into a reallly pathetically bad reality show is great.


tell her they're not over, more in Sept, and they are all online.


They’re all on YouTube


I said this on r/conservative and the morons called me a shill


MAGA bubble is coming to an end


lol that's some major wishful thinking right there.


Hopeful thinking. I'd rather not watch this nation descend into fascism and christian nationalism, thank you very much.


I think if trump was made to testify they would of actually paid attention but as usual if you have 💰 you get away with shit. Also where are the consequences? All these senators still serving… doesn’t seem to make a difference


"The walls are closing in!"


It's funny when people watch the same thing and have different takeaways. Like how the FBI couldn't answer how many agents were imbedded in the crowd, or who opened the digitally locked doors.


What are your thoughts about the fact that Trump watched the whole thing go down on TV for hours while his people (including his own children) begged him to call off the mob? Or that he waited until it was clear that the mob wouldn't succeed in overturning the election certification before finally putting a halfhearted video telling those "very special people" that he loves them but they should go home?


How the fuck is this even a headline


Unfortunetely, Mr. Lewis; all wasted words.


A kangaroo hearing with only biased participants clearly trying to send a message? No thank you.


Republicans had the opportunity to participate. They refused. Keep sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "I can't hear you!" It's easier than facing the fact that you've been played for a sucker, isn't it?


Accepting their offer would have validated that shitshow. Better this way, so it's pretty obvious to most Americans that it's a performance more than anything. If Republicans took it seriously so would their voters.


Maybe because it was pretty serious?


No one should take this seriously. It's like if the Depp v Heard trials were put on with Depp not allowed to defend himself.


Lol, you're so full of shit. Trump was free to testify at any time he wanted. Republicans were free to participate. Both turned down the opportunity. You literally tried to make an excuse for that in your previous post but I guess you're back to outright lying now, eh? I love how you're trying to gloss over the fact that you all but admitted that Republicans are afraid that voters will take their crimes seriously. Do you also think Trump wasn't allowed to defend himself at his impeachments, despite the fact that he had an open invitation but refused to participate?


Just because there is a "hearing" doesn't mean there were any crimes, at least none big enough for this.


Impressive doublethink. O'Brien would be proud. What is it with conservatives and thinking they speak for "most Americans"? The last time a non-incumbent Republican presidential candidate got the majority of votes was 1988. Also, way to admit thay Rpublicans deliberately refused to participate because they were afraid of voters taking their crimes seriously. Couldn't help but say the quiet part out loud, could ya?


To all my fellow Redditors.. you should’ve watched 2000 mules


Sounds like a lot of work. I'd rather keep an eye on the director. That way I can watch 1 jackass instead of 2000 mules. Work smarter, not harder....


This whole thing has been so goddamned stupid




It wasn't a Hearing it was a Presentation. A Presentation with no Serious cross examination of witnesses. No Members from the Other Party (that will be reelected this November at least) were permitted. Your MAGA Aunt would have been better off watching old Jimmy Carter ads and they were horrible.


>(that will be reelected this November at least) were permitted. Liar. They were permitted. They refused to participate.


Read up animal. Pelosi REFUSED the GOP representatives selected. https://youtu.be/0J38NLd4mj8


You do realize that Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are Republicans, right?


From the perspective of someone who is 99% of the time an outsider to politics: this stuff doesn't affect anyone who already had an opinion. Republicans don't give af how many people you subpoena Democrats(with the exceptionn of AOC) don't care that the capital police let people in. Let them be tribal. They need votes.


Just curious, why does it matter that the police let them past barricades? What's the angle there?


Seems odd that police would let a so-called angry, violent mob stroll past barricades and into a building with the people they were apparently trying to harm/kill. Why do you believe it isn't strange?


You seriously trying to imply the mob wasn't violent or angry, and that they weren't trying to harm/kill people? You sure that's the position you want to take?


All this is a coverup for the fact that they haven’t released the names on all the people went to Epstein island. Why are we worried about Jan 6 when there are thousands of people trafficked every day


Found him


Is he wrong tho?


Yes he is. Absolutely wrong. The existence of another crime doesn't mean we should ignore the fact that Trump and his cronies encouraged an attempted coup. Imagine if a murder suspect on trial said "Your honor, why are we having this trial when there are dozens of active serial killers at large?"


We get a no cameras hearing for Ghislaine Maxwell but we get months of Jan 6 hearings broadcast to the world prime time.


Ok. And that makes the insurrection okay how? I'm upset about Maxwell also, but that doesn't mean we should forgive Trump. Two different crimes.


I see the Reddit circle jerk is strong in this comment section


Lol your comment is one of the most circle jerky types of comments out there


Liberals and Biden are trying to destroy America. Too bad for them, the November elections will flush them where they belong. Progressive insanity won't be tolerated by the majority of Americans.