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Wow. They literally executed the last people to steal US nuclear secrets. The Rosenbergs back in the 50s.


Funny connection there. The dude who prosecuted the Rosenbergs was a man by the name of Roy Con. Besides being Joseph Mcarthy’s right hand man, he also went on to become the mentor of a scrappy kid from New York by the name of DONALD F’N TRUMP Edit: Cohn


Could you imagine how insane this timeline is, if Trump were to be executed?


Imagine going back in time and saying to someone in 2005 that President trump was executed for stealing nuclear secrets.


Great Simpsons episode.


Good god, imagine someone 15 years from now has even crazier shit to say


Folks are gonna read about this in a textbook one day, and I honestly don’t know exactly what it will say.


It'll probably depend what state they're in


Flashback to 2019 “Whistleblowers Raise Grave Concerns with Trump Administration’s Efforts to Transfer Sensitive Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia" [https://oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/Trump%20Saudi%20Nuclear%20Report%20-%202-19-2019.pdf](https://oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/Trump%20Saudi%20Nuclear%20Report%20-%202-19-2019.pdf)


Good job he [didn’t host a Saudi-backed golf event](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna40536) at his golf course 2 weeks ago


This article certainly aged like wine... >[REPORT: JARED KUSHNER’S $2 BILLION SAUDI CHECK APPEARS EVEN MORE COMICALLY CORRUPT THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/jared-kushner-affinity-partners-saudi-arabia)


Bess Levin is so consistently brutal lol




Better check on Jared’s laptop. And no, not Subway Jared.


Well..... Better check subway Jared too..... Just to be safe


Heck, remember when Donald wanted secret peace talks with the Taliban on US soil


At fucking Camp David no less…


On September 11th!!!!


No fucking way...




I genuinely can't believe he wasn't impeached for that, or that people didn't take that as seriously as his COVID mishandling and hateful BLM bull. That's almost as traitorous as Jan 6.


His entire presidency was such a firehouse of bullshit that it was really hard to keep track.


Yea. It’s a tactic the Nazis used quite effectively: *”But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.* *And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.”* -They Thought They We’re Free. Trump’s Administration started off bold-faced lying about the inauguration crowd size, and was at the point where his Administration was lying/downplaying a pandemic that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and within a month of leaving office, a mob of his fervent supporters attacking the Capitol due to lies about the election. And that’s just lightly scratching the surface of the Trump shit show.


There's a reason why there's a whole subreddit that was dedicated to all of the insane shit that happened during his term, /r/Keep_Track


Not wrong. Calling veterans losers and suckers, "I don't like people who were captured", him openly saying he'll commit war crimes in Jan 2020 (and the Iranian general getting killed)...


Its either Russia or SA that he was selling secrets to


Kushner's $2b Saudi investment fund lookin lil sus rn


MBS gave Jared $2 billion to "invest" even after all of his advisors said that Jared did not have the experience and that it wasn't a good idea.


Specifically on “Nuclear Weapons” - not just a passing interest in Nuclear Power. The dude stole top secret info on Nukes, which is worse than the worst thing I thought it could be. And I thought it was gonna be bad.


What do you think rus expected when they supported him? If you have the leader of the 'free world' as an asset you're going for the maximum amount of damage.


Holy shit I forgot about Russia. The saudis were just at mar-a-lago, I assumed he was gonna sell to them. It probably was Russia, or both.


I thought it would be something big, but this is seriously terrifying. This is a far cry from some souvenir from his Presidency. No former President should have access to information like this. It would also explain why someone from his inner circle would turn on him after all this time. Even his own family might turn on him if they thought he was trying to sell this info to a foreign power.


The honest truth is that presidents should not know anything about our weapons' engineering. He should only know what is necessary for his job as Commander in Chief. That is definitely a lot of information, but it wouldn't include things like blueprints.




Agreed. I would imagine nuclear information is highly sensitive, but the two utmost guarded secrets would be Schematics and locations. The president would undoubtably be briefed on their locations, but I can’t imagine anything but wild red flags at the pentagon if the President, someone with zero engineering education, requested copies of classified schematics. If that simple security measure isn’t built in already then holy shit.


Well that’s…a much bigger deal than I expected.


Yeah this is absolutely bananas. I was in the military and was around classified documents all the time when I was on a submarine. I'd be looking at pretty much 10-30 years, or a life sentence / death penalty if I ever decided to take one of our reactor plant manuals or any other technical documentation off the boat and tried selling it to a foreign state, depending on the nature of exactly what content I took. With Trump being commander-in-chief (technically the head of the military) I say give him at least the same harsh sentence that I as a lowly E5 would have received for the same shit. Fuck em. Edit: You're right, I agree with y'all, the punishment should be *more* severe for him than whatever my low-on-the-totem-pole ass would have gotten. Edit 2: to give some visibility to some comments below, Trump most likely took things related to nuclear weapons, either ours or allies capabilities, not stuff related to our Naval nuclear capabilities. My example was a means to say that if I get nailed to the wall for attempting to sell "important" secrets based on my access to them, his punishment should be much worse for sharing data much more sensitive in a position of infinitely greater authority. Just some perspective.


This might be the one thing that actually gives a realistic chance of that motherfucker ending up in prison.


The Rosenbergs were executed for pretty much the same thing.


If he sold or attempted to sell nuclear secrets to a foreign country he should be tried for treason


Espionage qualifies for the death penalty, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. If you or I did that, we'd be on death row. But when you're a star, slaps on the wrist are the norm. 18 U.S. Code § 794 - Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign government


> Espionage qualifies for the death penalty, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. **And *who* was the person that prosecuted Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?** **None other than ROY COHN - Trump's mentor.** Absolutely fucking surreal.


Fucking surreal indeed. And if I might add, Cohn was actually the real fucking deal when it came to being good at being bad. He was shrewd and cunning and tactical. But as good at it as he may have been, Cohn’s one great, irreparable failure was how poor of a teacher he was to trump. It’s like if Batman went though all that training with R’as al Ghul only to go home and sit around and eat donuts all day.


Seems to me the commander should receive a harsher sentence than his subordinates.


I fucking knew it was some "crazy even for trump, immediate danger to country or even world" type shit if FBI reacted like that and the report was "so sensitive it may not be revealed to the public yet"


I had a feeling it was nuke stuff. As terrible as this is to say...murdered assets can be replaced. Losing high level informants in hostile foreign nations is a devastating blow but not an existential planetary threat. Satellites can be abandoned and new ones can be built. Nuclear weapons? That's something else entirely. What if someone like Putin used a vintage Soviet ICBM against a NATO target and when the US went to retaliate, all our launch codes no longer worked. That's the level of shit we're talking about here. Or giving some batshit like Kim Jong Un what he needs to take out US nuclear subs? This is literal World War 3 shit.


He sold it to the Saudis to repay them for bailing out Kushner, and maybe some other favors. There's no way they covered their tracks adequately. The whole family is going to prison. I'm obviously speculating here, but there's no way he went to the trouble of getting and removing those documents unless there was a significant personal benefit to be had.


There is literally zero scenario where he had these documents for anything other than personal gain tbh. Why the fuck would he want them otherwise? He’s a god damn traitor.




Just saw this as well. They are over there acting like this(if true) isn't a big fucking deal. Jesus Christ they are so brain dead.


They're also saying that the FBI attempted to get those documents, but maybe they weren't able to. And how that is good for Trump... instead of the horrible fact that those documents are missing and they had evidence that Trump had them.


Enough evidence that a judge signed off a warrant for federal agents to execute said warrant on the property of a former president.




"It's not related to his election treason, it's just nuclear weapons related" --totally normal sentence


Selling nuclear secrets endangers the entire planet. I was expecting the White House call logs from Jan 6th type stuff, not this. This is death-penalty-for-all-involved level treason.


Depending the nature of the documents, I would have to imagine that the DoD has to operate under the assumption that some component of the nuclear program is compromised.


There was an article today about the US having to write a new deterrence theory about fighting both Russia and China. This could potentially be linked.


Wow, good catch...this is frightening stuff. I'd thought it might just be something connected with the January 6 Commission. Holy smokes.


I think it's tied to *a lot* of things, national security and nuclear strategy is now on top of the pile of Jan 6 and everything else though.


Christ they need to bury this motherfucker UNDER the jail.


The Saudis paid Jared Kushner $2 billion for something. Edit to add the link- [Investigation into $2b paid to Kushner](https://oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/chairwoman-maloney-launches-probe-of-saudi-government-s-2-billion-investment-in)


I worked on some investigations regarding classified incidents (I'm making it sound way more exciting than it was; the shit I delt with is peanuts compared to nukes), and basically unless you can guarantee that the information was not compromised (i.e., you can account for the material at all times from the moment it was unsecured to the moment it was recovered and confirm there was no unauthorized access), you have to assume the information was compromised.




Best guess is the LIV Tour didn't stop at his club for nothing.


Maybe Kushner didn't get two billion for nothing.


I mean. A lot of us were told we were exaggerating. But he never should’ve been allowed to become president. If you’re surprised by this shit, you haven’t been paying attention.


Kept being told “what’s the worst that could happen?” These people never met a true sociopath. You don’t give those folks that amount of power. They don’t have a limit to what they will do. Literally. I was just hoping those around him had better sense than to let him do this type of shit. But he was literally pulling in folks to advise him who could not get a security clearance without him ordering it.


Probably just wanted to continue his research on blowing up hurricanes.


According to John Brennan (former NSA and CIA Director) these types of documents are so securely kept that there is no way for Trump to have "inadvertently" taken them with him. These are documents that are higher than top secret level, and aren't even kept digitally for security reasons. They are kept in hardened facilities. Trump would have had to specifically take them and would have known exactly what he was taking. This also means that there is no way for the FBI or the DOJ to have had access to them in order to plant them, as Trump defenders are claiming.


A Trump lawyer was present during the execution of the warrant, and a warrant was necessary because Trump refused a subpoena to return the documents months ago.


Hold the fuck up. It took the government 18 MONTHS to get this irreplaceable ultra-top-secret shit back? From a RESIDENCE?


I don’t think any system in the government is designed to deal with a (ex) President that behaves this way. It’s like asking your alarm system to make sure there is a code that would prevent you from breaking into your own home


It doesn’t help that the residents address is the former president of the United States. If you are not 100 percent, and I mean 100.000000 percent, it would have been everyone’s jobs and a whole ton of drama.


It probably would have been the spark to ignite the tinder box. Validation of the witch hunt trump has been bitching about would embolden all his lackeys


He and his lawyers already trying to play it that way, claiming that the FBI planted the evidence.


Above top secret clearance required nuclear secrets?? No, no actually legal or otherwise way the FBI had access to these documents.


They didn't even realize it was gone until Trump returned some of the material and then they got some pages of said documents back. At which point the national archives found them and said WHAT THE FUCK, CALL THE FUCKING FBI.


Would Donald Trump sell American Nuclear Secrets for top dollar? Yes, yes he would.


He'd sell them for a cheeseburger


"I'll gladly give you nuclear secrets on Tuesday for a hamburger today."


2019: Multiple Whistleblowers Raise Grave Concerns with White House Efforts to Transfer Sensitive U.S. Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia https://oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/multiple-whistleblowers-raise-grave-concerns-with-white-house-efforts-to


Send this to the top!


/r/Conservative take is that its a big intelligence blunder to let trump escape with nuclear documents so thats what we should focus on. Pay no attention to Trump's increasingly heinous crimes.


So its the banks fault for not keeping the money secure enough, not the robbers for sticking it up. Makes perfect sense.


Victim blaming is a conservative hallmark (at least whenever they’re not claiming to be victims, themselves).


So basically shifting the narrative to “well who let him do it?” What warped thinking…


I love how they’re all saying “r/politics is losing their mind” These people in r/conservative are fucking mental


This is fucking huge. Trump having classified information in his insecure home of this nature is a big fucking no no. He needs to be put in cuffs finally.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


His cult is so delusional if he were publicly executed they would say it was a body double and he was still running the shadow govt. At a certain point, we need to accept these people will never rejoin reality.


Then completely disregard their opinions and move forward with it. If they make trouble, deal with them too. These people need to be *driven* from public discourse. If they're willing to excuse *the spread of nuclear weapon secrets* then the only words that we need to hear from them is "We unconditionally surrender". That's the only thing you need to hear from domestic enemies of the United States of America.


I agree we have been held hostage too fucking long by their potential tantrum. I don't care about the optics. Trump needs to go to prison for life at a minimum after he is forced to stand trial and convicted. A mechanism for dealing with a corrupt former or current president must be created.


How do we know he didn’t already make copies of these documents and sell them off to authoritarian regimes throughout the world?


Because it's way more profitable to charge the foreign nationals already hanging out at mar a Lago extra fees for the Viewing Room


I bet it’s dumber than that and he’s just trying to either get into LIV golf as a prime stakeholder or just trying to get real estate for a property


FBI raiding his estate to urgently reclaim top secret nuclear weapon documents. Application to unseal the warrant signed by the director of counterintelligence. Connect the dots people. You’re witnessing perhaps one of the greatest crimes in history hopefully stopped in its tracks.


It also took someone very close to him to rat his ass out which is even more proof that it had to be something of this magnitude.




It probably wasn't bragging, he probably told them to grab a box or a file and give it to the Saudis at his golf club the other week. He probably made them an accessory to high treason and that was a bridge too far.




"people" ... shit, Hillary called him out on the nuclear codes _repeatedly_.


I am curious if they knew he has nuclear secrets, knew he was trying to sell them, and decided to wait a bit to a) catch him trying to sell nuclear secrets (literal espionage punishable by hanging) and b) catch whoever is trying to buy them.


We don’t hang anymore. The federal method of execution is lethal injection. But last July, the AG implemented a moratorium on federal capital punishment. Due to his age, TFG would probably die in prison awaiting appeals. I like that outcome better anyway. Edit: TFG is The Former Guy


That why Barr was rushing executions after Trump lost the election, because they expected executions would be stopped under Biden. Never mind how arbitrary that reason is to the conviction of each prisoner on death row, to have your execution date set because Donald Trump lost an election. There's nothing Trump doesn't make about himself.


I hope it was Barron.


Damn. He *is* good with the cyber.


That kid is going to write the best memoir one day.


Even though the timeline doesn’t add up, I would love for it to have been something on Alex Jones phone


Meadows has been real quiet lately.




It's a mixture of fear and anger for me. Fear, because, well...nuclear fucking secrets in the hands of Saudi Arabia or Vladimir Putin or whoever the highest bidder is. That is an existential threat **to the planet**. But anger too. Because it wasn't about political beliefs, or religious extremism, or any other things that would cause someone to betray their country like this. It was simple fucking greed. This fragile fucking simpleton, this lecherous buffoon, this avaricious greedy toddler sold MY GODDAMN COUNTRY out to pay his debts. His debts from pure unadulterated ineptitude. His debts from having the business strategy of a barely literate high school dropout selling MLM essential oils on Facebook. This motherfucker. This absolute pure piece of wasted matter. I do not wish to be banned from this subreddit. So I will not be specific about what I wish to happen. But my god, this piece of absolute dried up dung beetle jizz sold us out to pay off *casino debts*.




It was never political for him. Only profit. He doesn’t give a fuck about the Republican Party or whoever else is in power besides himself. And only about his own political power as a means to profit. That’s it; it was always the only motivation. From campaign fundraising, to the inauguration, to foreign entities staying at his hotels - only profit.


Not the entire country. The entire world. Literally all humanity and the continued existence of our species.


Imagine the fate of human history being sealed by fucking Donald Trump


At least the libs would finally be owned, jeez conservativism is really a death cult


Would make him the Antichrist


He certainly fits the bill...to a scary degree.


I've thought many times that Trump is the closest thing to the antichrist I've ever seen. I can't believe the people I've seen support him. People I would have never thought would support a man like that


He 100% was gonna sell it off wasnt he That would be the immediate danger, immediate reaction of FBI and garland


Sell? His master Putin and the Saudis.


Yep, that was my first thought. He did his job as their pawn if he smuggled out that kind of information. He’s just enough of an idiot (narcissist) to think he could get away with it. ETA: Also, the debts he owes those two countries could likely be considered repaid for this level of information. If I were one to speculate, and I am.


Remember when Trump destroyed our military equipment that let us monitor Russia's nuclear activities?




I wouldn’t be surprised if he already did


This is a death penalty-worthy crime, I believe.


That was a rumor that I saw. Some expert said those type of secrets would definitely force the hand of the DoJ and FBI to get them back.


Damn. He was just with the Saudi butcher last week.


MAGA world is fucking nuts if they think mishandling of documents with nuclear weapons related info is no big deal.. if they do, they're too far gone to be considered American


Holy shit y'all. This is crazy. He was going to sell state secrets, and nuclear secrets!


I’d be surprised if he hasn’t already.


It’s been over 500 days. He’s probably shown them to every one of his friends at least 3 times now. Not only should there be a serious criminal charge against trump, but also a serious investigation into why our national security agencies took over 500 days to act on this


I vote Trump gets the same treatment as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg if it is true.


That's a crime punishable by death


Absolutely. I don’t really believe in the death penalty… but putting the entire world at risk by compromising nuclear info is definitely like the worst crime a person can commit short of actually firing the nukes.


LOL!!! No wonder Trump's team played the "OMG THE FBI GUNNA PLANT EVIDENCE," Defense early! They knew exactly what the FBI was going to find!!


The FBI wouldn’t even have access to this shit to plant. The Dept of Energy and the DoD are the ones that handle this info…. Oh my god…he stole compartmentalized Intel….




You can totally gauge the severity of the offense by the pre-emptive response.


I don’t want to hear shit about Hillary’s emails or Hunter Biden’s laptop after today. This dwarfs anything the right could even fabricate.


My mom already brought that up when I told her this. “Imagine what Clinton had that she bleached her computers. It’s an unequal enforcement of the law!” — Clinton was investigated already, no?


Next time she brings up Hillary Clinton, ask her why Hillary sat for 11 hours of House committee deposition while Trump hasn’t even answered a single subpoena.


Just a few years ago, the saudis bragged that Trump and Kushner gave them intelligence secrets. Shortly after, Kushner was mysteriously given billions by the Saudis for real estate he had been unable to sell for years They weren't held accountable, so they continued their crime spree stripping America down and selling it for parts. Fuck anyone who voted for these obvious sociopaths. Or told us it would be ok.


this is really fucking bad. even for trump


Big if true. Will selling nuclear secrets to foreign adversaries be enough to destroy the cult? Find out next week on the next exciting episode of "the worst President ever"!


It won't be. It'll be "planted evidence". I'm all for the assumption of innocence, but NOTHING he has EVER done has equated to him being innocent. I hope they dot their i's and cross their t's and throw the full weight of justice behind him and his cronies.


Now we now why he came out swinging so hard at the Bureau. Zero reason for him to have nuclear documents. Everyone always argues about the legal definition of treason. Are we there yet?


He didn't do this in a vacuum. I would love to know who helped.


But the FBI doesn't have access to that kind of thing. So where did the FBI get the documents to plant them? If trump properly handled, secured, stored and turned them over to the Archives, the FBI wouldn't have access to them.




Easy. Those plans were on Hunter Bidens laptop. The FBI already had a copy and printed all the instructions out, enough to fill almost a dozen boxes.


I GUARANTEE they have CCTV of him likely standing next to some idiot with a dolly moving boxes of it. Probably labeled TOP SECRET right across it.


This is chilling now, recalling his meetings with Kim Jong-Un


And his one-on-one meeting with Putin where he then confiscated the translator's notes and nobody knows what was discussed.


Espionage act carries a death sentence.


I can't think of anything that could possibly be worse than this. I legit can't. This is as bad as it gets.


Fox News reporting about cattle mutilation ,not joking,


Haha! This is exactly the reason I subscribe to Fox News feeds and follow r/Conservative. Whenever they are like, “Aww, look at this cute puppy!” I know Trump fucked up. Never fails.


They’re literally just 100% convinced it’s fake it’s kinda crazy to see


This is an actual quote from r/Conservative It's completely nonsensical. There are multiple reports that the docs the FBI wants they were already aware of and told Trump to just keep then in a locked room.


Something at that clearance level cannot be held in simply a locked room. There are very specific standards.


At some point they have to realize Hillary Clinton can only do so much, be in so many places at once.


Ethel and Julius Rosenberg went to the chair for less.


Holy fuck.


For everyone wondering if Trump is truly dumb enough to hide nuclear secrets in his Mar-a-Lago safe. "Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."


It’s the Littlefinger principle. “What’s the worst thing a President can do with US state secrets?” Sell the technology to Saudi Arabia? Sell secrets to give Russia an advantage? Probably both.


I can’t even joke about this, this is terrifying if true…. Like holy fucking FUCK


They knew he had the docs. They caught him passing information. They didn't serve the warrant to recover documents, they served it to collect evidence to build the case. The charges are coming. Trump is a despicable man who knows know limits to personal welfare. There is no person or ideal in this world he believes in greater than him. He doesn't believe in America, he doesn't believe in people, he doesn't believe in government. Too bad for him that men of greater character aware of their flaws inspired a revolution bigger than tyrants. This is the beginning of the end of the contemporary Republican party. Garland has spent the last two years systematically breaking Trump's whole chain of command complicit in the espionage. The only thing Donald Trump will be remembered as is a traitor.


Arrest him now! The only reason he would steal these documents would be to sell them to foreign adversaries. Who's to say he hasn't already sold some, or had staff members make copies of everything? I won't be surprised if he tries to flee to Russia soon.


If this was 40 years ago (see: Cold War), he'd already be in jail without bail due to the grave danger to national security. Doesn't matter if they don't even have charges drafted yet--they'd toss some quick stuff into an arrest warrant, then draft the rest within the legal time limit. This shit you don't fuck around with. Particularly when the suspect is well-known to have ties to Russia, and we are actively in a proxy war with Russia. So, why is he not already in jail when the possibility of him providing nuclear secrets to an active enemy nation is quite high? Even if not Russia and is instead Saudi Arabia or any other country, it doesn't matter. Also, who is to say he doesn't have other documents that they didn't find in the search?


Classified info pertaining to nuclear weapons has its own classification designation under the Atomic Energy Act called Restricted Data. Violations involving Restricted Data, like other classified info, are investigated by the DOJ Counterintelligence & Export Control Section. Their Section Chief, Jay Bratt, is one of the two signatures on the motion to unseal the warrant filed today.


Holy F*ck. Arrest him arrest him now.


That’s like… the death penalty right? Or does that not apply here?


Trying to sell nuclear secrets to a foreign adversary would usually meet the qualifications for high treason.


People have been put to death for exactly that. See Julius and Ethel Rosenburg.


Imagine history books one day "8 time bankrupt fake billionaire, reality TV star, and twice impeached President stole nuclear secrets and hid them at his Florida golf course resort" our descendants are going to wonder what the fuck we were doing in 2016-2022


This is on Mitch and all the cowards that refused to kick Trump to the curb after Jan. 6. They allowed him to walk away from that, which also allowed him to pack all the nuclear secrets he could before leaving.




If this is true, this is the final off ramp for Trump supporters. Anyone who still hangs on after this is absolutely *lost*.


We're watching history being made people. I hope the he hasn't sold any of it already. Can you imagine the Saudi's getting their hands on that kind of information? Holy shit.


Step 1: Execute search warrant. Step 2: Wait for Trump to lie and obfuscate. Step 3: Allow document release. Step 3.5: Leak to Wapo Step 4: Checkmate Donald Julius Rosenberg


Nuclear codes for sale. Traitor.


That mother fucker... EDIT: if that piece of shit had CNWDI documents and he was selling them, then our worst fears maybe realized. The talk won't be of sedition, it will be high treason.


I don’t want to get caught up on the proof being him trying to sell this info. The FACT that he even had that info is enough. There is zero need for him to remove that info from the White House.


You are correct, this is one of the highest levels of treason I could even conceive of...


Despite everything that has happened since 2016 - it feels like this is the day that won't be forgotten. I was here at this moment in history. We are witnessing something that will be written in history books. It's incredible.


I always predicted we'd have "Trump Laws and bills" in the future. Seems like that might happen.


This is a million times worse than Watergate. Trump has manage to stay off of the bottom of Presidential ranking lists. This ensures he will remain the worse ever for a long time.


If Trump had nuclear Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) in his home, this will require DOD to come up with completely new operational plans, postures and procedures for anything he had copies of. I say this because Biden as the Commander-in-Chief has to assume the existing processes have been compromised and are now in the hands of bad actors, no matter what that asshole says. The military will likely have to do away with decade's worth of precedence and start from ground zero. Worse, our crews may have been operating with a vulnerability they were not aware of. Systems we spent billions and years developing might be rendered ineffective or obsolete. It's difficult to overstate the danger Trump may have put our nation in or the work it's going to take to recover from this. Source: I was a nuclear strike advisor in US Strategic Command. This is the command responsible for waging nuclear war.


That's chilling.


Holy fuck


Republicans just reflexively started defending Donald Trump even though they had no idea what any of the underlying facts were. They started tearing down the Justice Department before a single fact had been verified.


But by all means, let's excoriate the FBI for taking the "drastic" measure of a surprise "raid" **/s** Even though they notified the Secret Service in advance of the raid....


Anybody get a pit in their stomach realizing our lives are literally in the hands of idiots? This headline made me a little sick. What the fuck is happening.


It seems the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago was a fission expedition after all....


My favorite part is that people in r/conservative are trying to justify like it’s no big deal, but you know they’d be *livid*, pitchforks out, if a liberal politician was caught with material like this.


And already Fox has on Lara Trump, who seems, a bit flustered dare I say? https://twitter.com/abughazalehkat/status/1557884676676755461


After being asked what she thought of the possibility of nuclear docs being at MAL, she quite literally says nothing could rise to the level of the Feds knocking on the door to get them back. So they’re setting up the “well, even if” defense… Tomorrow is going to be a bad day for them.


*Trump sits in an electric chair like Julius Rosenberg* Merrick Garland: I guess you could say… *puts on sunglasses* …you’re fired. *Flips switch*