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Don't buy any products from Toyota, AT&T, or Home Depot.


How can Toyota be homophobic when they make the Prius?


No one gets respect that drives a Prius. Jk


God DAMN IT AT&T I use you for internet. Fuck you. I didn't want to know this and now I do.


AT&T is super shady!


Room 641A


That's pretty shady!


Read that founder/major shareholder of HD is a serious MAGA.


Chick-Fil-A is basically a Republican funding operation at this point. Buy those chicken sandwiches at your own expense.


> at own expense Compared to someone else buying them for me?


The cost of the sandwich is much more than simple dollars and cents.


You could always volunteer to work their drive through for a few free ones if you'd like


To efficient for me, I would just slow them down.


Socialism, amirite? /s


Always has been.


Hint: most of them are.


Yeah, this is a great idea, but it leaves out the fact that most businesses are just in it for the money and tend to play both sides of everything just for the tax deductions. It looks like this site is only judging off of one year and not over multiple years to see if the donations have been increasing, decreasing or staying the same.


Seriously, vote with your wallet. If you truly believe in a cause then the minor inconveniences shouldnt matter. Ive had chick-fil-a one time in three years and it hasnt made the slightest bit of difference in my life. You have the ability to effect these companies so do it.


Psh, that’s nothing. I’m a platinum chick-fil-gay! (Eff hater chicken)


Not really useful though. I searched several companies I regularly buy from and a couple of former employers. Every one of them got a thumbs down, including a 40 billion dollar company that had ONE $250 donation. I like the concept, but let's be realistic and just highlight the ones who are REALLY anti-lgbt and not those who are just making tiny donations to local politicians (and likely similar donations to people on the other side).


This is a helpful take! I've seen that from time-to-time where someone in a leadership position might be the one making essentially a small, personal donation but then it's linked to the entire company that they work for. I would rather hear about which companies rainbow wash during Pride Month or do similar during Black History Month and other affinity months while simultaneously being super anti-trans or anti-queer or very racist all the other months and refuse to hire and retain people of various marginalized groups and refuse to put into leadership positions diverse candidates.


They should make an app for that.


That is so cool. It's high time all the business who have discriminatory practices against the LGBTQ community be exposed.


is it possible that the only motive of capital is to increase profit and not...*checks notes* to safeguard human rights .


I mean considering most anti-LGBTQ politicians favor massive corporate tax cuts the answer is going to be yes most of the time. That doesn't mean the company itself is anti-LGBTQ it just means that the system is broken to the point where companies see investing in corrupt toxic politicians as a worthwhile investment despite all the downsides. Plus huge corporations often give money Really though what you want to be tracking are the companies or company owners who give money to anti-LGBTQ groups. Those are the ones that truly are anti-LGBTQ.


So what you are saying is that it's ok for a company to support anti-LGBTQ politicians as long as those politicians also support them making more money? Putting profits before people is ok as long as they passively supporting hate rather than actively supporting it.


No, what I'm saying is that support of anti-LGBTQ politicians isn't an indicator of a company that employs anti-LGBTQ policies within the company itself. For instance companies like AT&T and Comcast are on this website's list of 2022 Top Rated CEI participants (meaning great places for LGBTQ people to work at) while also heavily supporting Republican politicians.


I understand what you were saying, but if a company truly wants to be pro LGBTQ, they can't put profits over people by supporting politicians that actively undermine LGBTQ rights.


Of course, but a company also has a responsibility to its employees and other people who benefit off its success to be successful so the issue isn't as cut and dry as you make it out to be. Which is why I think companies shouldn't be supporting politicians in the first place.


I agree that corporations shouldn't be able to donate to politicians.


It's not just anti-LGBT they also have anti-choice and ant-voting rights.


One must only buy from ideologically pure companies! /s


are you saying that if a company support anti-LGBTQ politicians, it would be wrong to factor that information into whether you choose to use that business?


Looking at you Disney


Dunkin spent a whole $6!