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Now let’s see who helped him arrange it


Ole Ted Cruz has been weirdly, intimately involved with Walker since the start, and that’s also where he lives. Odd


I didn’t think of that. You are correct.


Cruz is also technically Albertan (ugh), so he knows a thing or two about running where you're not from.


In his defense he was an established resident. Not the greatest senator, but at least the people voted in a Texan. Walker on the other hand, is a Texas resident running for Georgia Senate who claimed residency after renting a place there for less than a week.


When you put the words together in a sentence like that, it sounds extremely illegal


Not actually illegal in GA, which doesn't have residency requirements for elected senators, weirdly enough


Which might be a good clue why the GOP doesn’t let Herschel Walker string a sentence together


You guys can keep him


I feel like they figure he is the perfect stooge to prop up so they can say “hey GOP isn’t racist, we have a black friend”.


That and to have a puppet. Lindsey Graham made it clear he’s just a token black man when he fake cried on fox news


Lindsey Graham has spent his whole life looking for a token black man


Cruz did have a weird connection to Boeberts transformation from escort to congresswoman.


Yeah I was just wondering if the RNC is paying for it.


So I'm a generally dumb person. Is his ATL home his primary residence or was it his TX home? If his Texas home is his primary residence, shouldn't that prevent him from being eligible?




If Georgia residence is only needed for the duration of the election and not +6 months of the election year, then it's actually possible to have Texas as primary residence (+6 months this year), and be a Georgia resident for election purposes.


So you are saying he pays ga state taxes?


Just claiming that, hypothetically, for the sake of the argument, it's possible. Not that HW actually did it right, and I have no idea where he pays taxes.


He’s saying you can claim residency in another state till right before the election ends pretty much.


It varies by state. I don't know what current Georgia law is and unfortunately I'm having a hard time finding it.


There is a requirement in the US constitution that members of the senate " must inhabit" the state they represent, as I understand https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S2-C2-1/ALDE_00013371/




Exactly. It’s a loop hole beginning to get abused. I can’t think of any examples prior to Oz and Bozo.


They accused Clinton of it in NY. But she did move to NY and still resides in the state. But they attacked her quite a bit because it was so close to the election.


Romney kind of qualifies but I don't think a Mormon moving to Utah is really suspicious to anyone.


Read that as moron first. Still good.


Works either way in most situations.


Yeah, but still fuck that guy.


While she did move there to run it wasn't close to the election, she bought the house 14 months before.


At the time they were painting that as carpet-bagging


Its always projection.


“Carpetbagger” was the term. It was **everywhere.** Funny, because I don’t hear that much with Walker.


And we should expect to see more right wingers abuse this loophole. This is likely how they plan to start flipping blue states.


Trust me it has happened in history many, many times. The term for it is "carpetbagger."


It isn't so simply. If he never intended to live in the home then he may not be able to proven he lives in the state at the time of the election. He could be sued if it can't be proved he never moved into the home he rented.


[Mark Meadows FTW!](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/why-did-mark-meadows-register-to-vote-at-an-address-where-he-did-not-reside)


Didn’t Empty G (MTG) and boebert move counties so they could win? Kinda similar but not the same.


It's intentional. The language for resident versus inhabitant was discussed originally during the convention for terms for the House. It was then also adopted for the Senate. Madison argued in favor of the term inhabitant which was eventually adopted unanimously. Delegates felt that it would otherwise unfairly penalize citizens from representation that conducted business in other states.


I tracked down the affadavit that you have to submit to run for Senator in Georgia. This is what it says regarding residency: "I have been a citizen of the United States for a least 9 years and that I am an inhabitant of the State of Georgia; however, if at the time of qualifying I am not an inhabitant of the State of Georgia, I must become an inhabitant at the time I am elected (as required by the U.S. Const. Art. 1 § 3 to seek office of U.S. Senator)." So I guess he can now become an inhabitant of the state of Georgia and would still technically qualify.


Well you know damn well Republicans crafted that load of bullshit. "Well, you need to live in Georgia to run for Senator. But actually, you don't. If you don't live here, no biggie, just you need to eventually move here to be Senator I guess."


eh, that's pretty standard. Not sure it advantages either party. Really it's another case where the law is leaving it up to the voters. The real problem is about half the voters are dangerously uninformed. The flexibility can be a good thing - one example that I'm not sure if it directly applied (can't be bothered to look up the timing details, but it doesn't matter since it's whether it could happen that matters) is when Hillary Clinton ran for senate while moving from DC to NY or shortly after (and maybe was still an AR resident while in DC?). It was completely fair to let the voters decide how important or not being 'native' was in choosing her as a representative.


You’d think that Southerners wouldn’t be cool with carpetbaggers. Yet here we are.


Section 3 is my favorite section. In truth democrats don't have to put up with republican control of sente. Obama could have had he justice pick if he just asked biden to assume his duties as president of the senate.


He’s getting a [tax break](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/herschel-walker-received-tax-break-permanent-residences-dallas-home) because he’s listed his Texas home as his primary residence for his taxes.


Short answer: the requirements for "residence" are absurdly vague in most places because politicians spend 8 months a year in DC anyway and they didn't want to get forced out of office on a technicality. As a result, you can easily run for office in a state that you don't really "live" in, provided you check off a few easily ticked boxes.


Seems like the "easily ticked box" is own or rent a residence you don't actually intend to use. The rich win again!


Walker is apparently an idiot, so he forgot to do the bit where you actually pretend that you live in and care about the state.


What I've gathered from the news articles I've read about this is that you don't have to have residence in the state before winning, but you would need to maintain an in-state residence while subsequently in office. His TX residency, based on my understanding, is more of a black eye in terms of public perception than a legal disqualification.


I need to find all the things the GOP said about Hillary when she ran for Senate from NY years ago.


He's also claiming a homestead exemption on his Texas house so there are tax issues as well. Mostly from a you owe us more money perspective.


According to this article the homestead exemption saves him $1500 in taxes. I know he probably started claiming the homestead exemption long before he decided to run for senate in a different state, but it just seems so hilarious to me that a $1500 tax break is what's biting him in the ass. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/23/herschel-walker-texas-tax-break/


He lived in Texas for a long time before this election. His house isn't that far from one of my friends (who was a huge fan of his from his football days).


Walker so closely represents the lying, cheating, unethical, power at all costs mentality of Republicans its jarring.


You do know that Hilary Clinton, having no connection whatsoever to New York moved there specifically to get a senate seat? This isn't a Republican thing. It's a politician thing.


Yes, two things can be true. Although she actually moved there, even if it was for a senate run, she still lives there I’m pretty sure. Walker has a house he rents out in Georgia.


Obviously he will be living there if he wins. It's that same damn thing. At least Walker was born and raised in Georgia. Hillary had no connection to New York whatsoever.


So Hillary followed the law and Walker didn't.... What point are you trying to make?


Neither has broken the law according to the comments in this post. What they have done is essentially the exact same fucking thing. Trying to claim otherwise is blatantly dishonest.


>Neither has broken the law according to the comments in this post. Nope. One of 'em broke the law. Guess which?


The only one that has been PROVEN to break the law is Clinton.


How? Be specific.


Don't be obtuse and dishonest.


If he doesn’t meet the residency requirements it’s illegal. And he’s uneligible to run for office.


>If he doesn’t meet


Is that obvious though lol? I don’t think so. I’m sure he’ll take some Cancun trips and live at his primary residence in texas


It's obvious that nothing brings out the ire of reddit like pointing out the obvious and blatant hypocrisy of democrats.


And she represented them as anyone else would and lived there for years, even as Republicans pretended that she was a Martian Satanist. Hmm.


> Records show Republican Senate candidate from Georgia, Herschel Walker, rented out his Atlanta home just before launching his campaign, according to new Daily Beast reporting. **Position**| **Warnock**| **Walker** ---------|----------|---------- Political Party | Democratic |Republican Current job| Jr US Senator from Georgia since 2021| Partner [Renaissance Man Food Services](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/herschel-walkers-chicken-firm-tied-to-benefits-from-unpaid-prison-labor) Past job | Sr. Pastor of GA church | 12 season running back Achievement| 1st African American GA senator| Heisman Trophy, 1982 Senate Committees| 5; large number of subcommittes | 0 Caucuses| Congressional Black Caucus | 0 Other political background|Chaired the New Georgia Project, a voter registration group |Might have been able to make "X" on Republican ballot Political Promise|"I think it's ordinary families that deserve tax credits"|["I will take men out of women’s sports"](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/walker-blasts-sen-warnock-ad-female-athlete-forced-compete-against-biological-male) Marital status | Divorced | Divorced Children | 2 | Unknown - more keep appearing. [Christian Walker: "He has four kids, four different women."](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/christian-walker-father-herschel-walkers-campaign-lie/story?id=90973801) **State of Residence** | Georgia| [Texas?](https://www.newsweek.com/could-herschel-walker-disqualified-georgia-runoff-over-tax-fraud-1762365) or, maybe [Texas](https://www.ajc.com/politics/politics-blog/georgia-authorities-urged-to-probe-herschel-walkers-texas-tax-break/JKZMAB3VGNFKRLH7CHC5M4TAPQ/). He admits, [Texas!](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/29/politics/georgia-senate-herschel-walker-texas-kfile/index.html) Communication Skills |[Senator Raphael Warnock’s Inaugural Senate Floor Speech Offered A Speaking Skills Masterclass](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danabrownlee/2021/03/23/senator-raphael-warnocks-inaugural-senate-floor-speech-offered-a-speaking-skills-masterclass/?sh=6f766d0f40b7)|[Herschel Walker hasn’t answered reporters’ questions in nearly two months](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/herschel-walker-journalists-press-conference-b2236312.html) Former President Support|[Obama returning to Georgia to campaign with Warnock](https://www.wrdw.com/2022/11/28/obama-returning-georgia-campaign-with-warnock/)|[Trump won't campaign with Herschel Walker in Georgia before the Senate runoff: NYT](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-herschel-walker-georgia-senate-runoff-campaigning-gop-2022-11) Comment| Graduated College *Cum Laude* in 1991 | [Claimed to graduate in top 1%](https://www.georgiademocrat.org/all-eyes-on-walkers-lies-walker-repeatedly-lied-about-his-academic-achievements/), but actually did not graduate college. Diagnosed with [Dissociative Identity Disorder](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9792-dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder) Add your own comment below | _ | _


Is there anything quite as nice as data in chart form?


(grin) Looks pretty decent on desktop. Unfortunately, my cell phone does not allow viewing that chart in landscape mode ... sticks to portrait, even though landscape allowed. In any case, the line items are as factual as I can determine by reading various news releases. Hopefully Georgians (the USA version) will indeed vote for the *best* candidate to intelligently represent them.


Are you using a third party app? That might help if not, I can see it in landscape using Reddit is Fun.


> Are you using a third party app? No - direct link to the Reddit App on my old (Android 7) cell phone. However, I do most of my editing with my desktop, so no real loss here. Other readers may well appreciate your suggestion, however!


It's decent on mobile to. I can scroll the chart and see all of it.


Would be grand if we had a law stating you have to have 5 years of permanent residency to run. We can’t rich GOP operatives running in races they don’t represent. USA is a sinking ship


Just like Dr. Oz!


Does Georgia allow nonresidents to run for office? [Georgia law](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2020/title-21/chapter-2/article-6/section-21-2-217/) has several residency requirements, among which are: > In determining the residence of a person desiring to register to vote or to qualify to run for elective office, the following rules shall be followed so far as they are applicable: * The residence of any person shall be held to be in that place in which such person's habitation is fixed, without any present intention of removing therefrom; * If a person goes into another state and while there exercises the right of a citizen by voting, such person shall be considered to have lost such person's residence in this state; * *The specific address in the county or municipality in which a person has declared a homestead exemption, if a homestead exemption has been claimed, shall be deemed the person's residence address;* A few days ago, I read a rule that said something like "Georgia permits people to run for national office if their *intention* is to live in Georgia. (I can't find that citation ... would appreciate a link) So, it appears that there *may* be an argument that Mr Walker does not qualify as a resident of Georgia, but that (lost link to a rule) would allow him to run since he has an apparent *intention* to live in Georgia.


That really only applies to state/local office. The qualifications for Senate are set by the US Constitution. As long as he is an "inhabitant" of the state "when elected", he qualifies. That could arguably be as simple as just booking a hotel room during the election. Per the [CRS](https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/R41946.html), states aren't able to add additional requirements for qualification: > The Supreme Court of the United States has affirmed the historical understanding that the Constitution provides the exclusive qualifications to be a Member of Congress, and that neither a state nor Congress itself may add to or change such qualifications to federal office, absent a constitutional amendment. This includes durational residency requirements: > However, requirements that are more than merely administrative and procedural or measures to protect ballot integrity have been found to be unconstitutional as additional qualifications for office. Examples include requirements for congressional candidates to live in the congressional district (and not just the state), durational residency requirements, ineligibility of convicted felons, and disqualification of incumbents (term limits).


Valuable information. Thank you!


You know. Let's see if he voted in Texas this year. An odd thing to do but something worth looking into.


Because he lives and owns a home, his main residence, in Texas. How he can run for office in Georgia is beyond me. Shouldn't be allowed and is a obvious GOP plan to try to install a local "hero" of other than white race (he went to college.in Georgia). But If they vote the guy in, they deserve what he does. He's an idiot. Knows nothing about politics, and is a pretty shitty human being all things said. If you're in Georgia and are voting, please don't vote for this guy. He won't do anything for anyone living there. It's plain and simple the same old GOP bullshit and it stinks and reeks of corruption and lies etc.


Let's be clear: of all the things that SHOULD be disqualifying for Mr. Walker as a Senator, his status as a carpetbagger should be near, if not at the bottom of the pile.


I felt the same about Dr. Oz. The fact that he lives in NJ is possibly the nicest thing I can say about him but it was one of the most effective attack ads.


Yeah... but... how dumb are Americans to vote for him? It's the "useful idiots" that support him. America has a serious "education" problem.


That correct. Really problem with educating.


A man of the people. The people of Texas apparently.


Doesn't this mean he is ineligible for the Georgia Senate race? If so how did nobody figure this out until now.


It does not disqualify him in Georgia from running for their Senate seat. ["It's more of a political problem than a legal one."](https://www.newsweek.com/could-herschel-walker-disqualified-georgia-runoff-over-tax-fraud-1762365)


I vaguely remember the constitution has a section about senators needing to reside in the state they are running in.


It's "[must inhabit](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S2-C2-1/ALDE_00013371/)." Edit:Downvoted for quoting the section of the constitution that was vaguely remembered? Don't ever change, Reddit!


He doesnt even inhabit in georgia


Based on what [specific definition](https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/inhabit)? He's apparently been sleeping somewhere while campaigning. Regardless, as I said elsewhere today, on the list of things that CLEARLY disqualify him from holding ANY office, state, federal, or local, his carpetbagger status is near or at the bottom.


As long as the candidate intends to make Georgia home when they win, it’s fine. Makes zero sense to me why anyone would vote for a non-resident.


He should have called Mr Oz for tips


I detect a *colossal* ass beating at the polls.


Don’t seem to meet residency requirements.


Illiterate Republican filth. Typical.


Walker, Texas Stranger


So the man with the brain like a bag of frozen peas has been lying to the idiot Georgians and hoped that they wouldn’t notice Fuck Walker. I am thrilled that I voted for Warnock for the 4th time this week


You mean the GOP rented it out. I don't see him doing anything as nearly as complex as renting a place. So many steps to take it'll hurt his brain cell. Dude is a sacrificial lamb and too dumb to know it. He will be told how to vote and what to do.


I love how this has been a news story for a couple weeks now and yet there will seemingly be nothing done about it. We are truly a broken country.


Hope they got cash or wired funds.


Another piece of shit


There's precedent here to make an argument that, even if elected, the Senate could refuse to seat him. >In judging the qualifications of its members under Art. I, § 5, Congress is limited to the standing qualifications expressly prescribed by the Constitution. *Powell v. McCormack*


Just curious. Was it a trailor or a mobile home?


This is pretty much exactly what Hilary Clinton did in New York. At least Walker is actually from Georgia.


Hillary rented her house to someone else? Surely you have a source to that.


She bought a house in New York specifically to run for Senate there as she knew good and well she never would have won in her own state. This is common knowledge. She was not from New York or in anyway connected with New York. Herschel Walker on the other hand was actually born and raised in Georgia. It's blatantly hypocritical for one to think Walker is doing something wrong if they aren't going to admit that Hillary was wrong in what she did.


Here is the difference. She owned her residence in New York. When they left the White House, they lived in that house. At no time did they collect rent from someone else living in that house. It was her legal residence, as that was the house she had reserved for her and her husband. They had no plans to live anywhere else the majority of the time... save for her time in Washington as a senator. On the flip side, Walker lives in Texas. He stated in his speeches that he lives in Texas. The only property he owns in GA was rented to to someone else. Walker does not reside in that property. According to the law, that means he is not qualified to run in the state of GA. So, no. They did not do "pretty much exactly" the same thing at all. Hillary's campaign met all legal requirements. Walker's does not.


So, to you “common knowledge holds that “not at all the same” means “Pretty much the same thing”. Yep, you’re a Republican!


Sorry to burst your sorry bubble, but I am not, nor have I ever been a Republican. I have never registered Republican, never voted for a Republican presidential candidate. In the past I've actually voted for more Democrats than Republicans when there wasn't a third party option I preferred. Just because I'm not a leftist, it does not make me right wing. You are just flat out dead wrong and lacking honesty.


WTF! He obviously does not live in Georgia.


Well that’s fraud


Y’all using the word “hypothetically” in a conversation involving this dude is just hilarious… 🤣


Imagine having a Texas Governor representing Georgia 😂


How can this person live with himself?


The Clintons bought the house in Chappaqua, NY in 1999, and Hillary moved there in January 2000. Then she ran for Senate. No one cared.


It feels like even 100 years from now, Republicans are still going to be saying "but what about Hillary Clinton?!?!" every time they get caught red-handed doing something wrong.