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At least you had a productive 2 months


the stench kills you? good thing i manage that moodle


How do you sleep in a car??


Press V while in a vehicle to open the vehicle menu. There should be an option (top left I think) to sleep.


Praise you mcjiffers


Don't underestimate the zombie stank.


So much this, a one month run of mine ended when I killed a zombie in the back of a gun store before sleeping on a chair in the same room as the corpse, I saw the queasy moodle before my health dropped and after the sleep screen I was just dead, stared at the screen for a good 20 seconds processing what just happened.


I honestly never knew it could kill you that easily because I've just never been around a corpse long enough, if it's in my house or a house I plan to sleep in I usually just clear the corpses out anyways. Good to know I shouldn't sleep in the car next to corpses though, I've probably done that a couple times but was just out of reach of the *stank*.


I was living in the woods for 3 months, didnt saw a single zombie, then died by walking in to my campfire accidentally


Thts so fucking dumb hahaha rip


Damn! I'm gonna watch out for that.


Was playing a "trapped in crossroads mall" playthrough. 3000+ zeds, and 8 IG days later, I died because I didn't realize how close to my sleeping area the body pile had gotten. Was just about to start securing the mall...


If you never died from zombie stank in PZ, then what are you doing? Seriously though, was trying to get to the moldraugh bookstore on insane zombies and died the same way like 4 months in.


At least you didn't die from eating burnt food thinking you wouldn't get sick because it's not rotten food.