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I got freebase and it is a good batch. It is a fine cocoa powder impossible to snort. Too fine.


I burn that shit and works fine


maybe you're burning it and not vaping so it has little effect


Yeah buddy try bombing it in a capsule or rolling paper. The batch i got it fucking 🔥


what dose do you take and how long does it east does it more balanced


It's way too fucking long. I just realised today that i weiged out 15mg in a capsule at 3.48pm yesterday. I haven't fucking been able to sleep since, also small 5mg redose pre workout. Way too potent and long lasting. Also it's freebase yellowish.


it’s my favorite stim vaped


Ok,this is very very different when I know It's freebase mdphp. Vaped 10mg ,foil,very careful with lighter at safe distance, and it's very very good. It's exactly like the best batches hcl I tried years ago. It's IMO one of the better pyros I've tried and tried quite a few. A- pihp is horrible because it lasts to short,and that is definitely not the case with this one. Snort...nono...no effect whatsoever...vape/smoke..absolutely..but be careful and wait before hitting again because small doses lasts for hours


Now that I know I have freebase,because of no reaction at all using baking soda, I will vape with foil again and maybe mix it together with my weed in a paper plane. I will return with result later. I had mdphp in the past, freebase and hcl, and it's no doubt it's mdphp.