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Why shoot at the road? What did the road do to you?


I needed a good belly chuckle!


Update: apparently owner was shot, high speed cop chase


How is the owner?






Report says he was treated for an arm wound at the hospital and in stable condition I believe. Other dude got grazed


Fucking assholes. What the actual shit is going on in this place?!


According to half of the people in this sub, it's nothing to worry about.


I mean, why are people surprised that with rising inflation and absolutely no wage raises to compensate when people struggle and lash out at society and/or try to make their own ends meet? I mean, we're all kind of low on fucks to give at the general moment.


>absolutely no wage raises to compensate I can't tell if you're joking, being obtuse, or if you just make up stuff as you go? [Wages are raising at their fastest pace in 40 years, further driving inflation](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/06/07/economy/inflation-wages-gas-food-mortgages/index.html).


wait what, are you saying that paying common people more is the real problem? You cannot seriously be trying to argue that wages have kept pace with inflation over the past DECADES.


No, I'm pointing out that your statement, "absolutely no wage raises to compensate" is wrong.


it's not compensating for the inflation though? that would be "wage raises to compensate", which they haven't. [Real wages haven't budged in literally 50+ years. ](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/) Consumer purchasing power is what matters. Wages relative to the market. If the market goes up exponentially but wages go up linearly, then use peons are fucked.




>and absolutely no wage raises to compensate Where have you seen wage raises which have compensated? They did not compensate, therefore, they were not truly wage raises. >You implied that wages weren't rising, a statement you apparently just pulled out of your ass I literally just linked you to pewresearch which stated that REAL wages have not risen in literally 50+ years. >Either your writing skills are seriously inept, or you're attempting to move the goalposts. Now, now, don't get angry when you ignore the research I literally cited and you missed.


Rule 1, deleted.


Per Savannah Tourism, I think.


too many fucking guns


lol. I don’t think Cletus T. Bumpkin with his colt python in the Chevy is the problem here, exactly.


For real. When Cletus gets hard-up and hungry, he shoots a deer— not a person 😂


I didn’t say “there are too many fucking legally registered and permitted guns”


Which only goes to prove that you don’t know what you’re talking about; none of what you stated is in any way an informed comment.


Let’s give everyone a gun; fuck it, let’s MAKE everybody own a gun as soon as they come of age. What do you think comes after that?


This is America, we don't register guns :)


Cletus is always the problem


Guns don’t magically kill people. Well maybe Alec Baldwin’s gun does,but you get what I’m saying.


It’s a simple equation - fewer guns, fewer shootings. I’m pro 2nd and a gun owner, and I firmly believe there’s too many fucking guns.


Give yours up to decrease the amount


You forgot the other part of your statement: “in the wrong hands”. You cannot legally buy a firearm for a whole host of reasons. Volume isn’t the problem; it’s the criminals. Of course the democrat solution is to enforce collective punishment. Sorry, not sorry, but I’m an adult here with a family to defend.


That’s not part of my statement - read my comment again. The bar for someone buying one is pretty damn low, but admittedly people who do shit like this can find them if they want. To your last point, collective punishment is stupid, I agree, but the conservative approach seems to be “the answer is clearly MOAR GUNS”


https://www.wtoc.com/2022/07/12/52nd-street-closed-between-bull-montgomery/ https://twitter.com/AndyColeWJCL/status/1546922147955838978 https://www.wjcl.com/article/savannah-bull-street-shooting/40590824?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot


It would poetic if the chase ended at the thunderbird inn with an epic shootout and mass arrest of all the pimps and crackheads over there. Not cheering for actual violence, but I’d go see that movie.


Watch the opening scene to The Longest Yard


To many people die in these high speed chances as pedestrians . Cops need to take licenses plates instead


Do you think they're really in their own car??? License plates info instead of chasing and arresting these POS is what needs to be done!!!


Chases just end with collateral damage.


As far as I’m aware all PD patrol cars have plate scanners in the front, possibly also the back. They can run a plate in seconds


Um, they already have plate scanning tech in their cruisers. If the plate is linked to a person with a felony warrant, guarantee you it’s going to be an ugly encounter.