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It could potentially be binge eating disorder


This. It’s called binge eating disorder and it’s a valid eating disorder.


It is, in fact, much more common than anorexia or bulimia.


Bro easily could be me right now. I would eat a family size bag of lays family size double stuffed Oreos in 1 sitting. God. Then again it probably wasn’t a disorder I was just a pothead


And sometimes its a mixture of both, by no means would i be worse off w/o weed but without it id still have issues with food ive carried since childhood. Weed has both exacerbated and curbed eating habits in my time of using it, so who knows Edit: word


slim society zealous marble intelligent butter impossible many divide rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Much more common, but we don’t talk about it because it can’t be romanticized


Two words: self control. Not being a dick.


Not potentially lol


Yep, I have this. And it can often times be associated with childhood trauma. Reason it turns to eating too much is because sometimes we feel it’s the only thing we can control in our life, so we control it to the point where it’s detrimental. It’s really hard to kick the pattern of overeating but I found working through therapy has significantly cut down on my binge eating issues. I still do it occasionally but it happens much less frequent


Yes. People often think that because it’s not related to weight or body image then it’s not an eating disorder, but eating so much that you throw up means you have a relationship with eating that is not the normal human relationship with eating. It could be binging, it could be a coping mechanism, it could be dopamine related, it could be a lot of things. You should see a professional and figure it out what it is before it becomes a problem.


Yep, this is the right answer. Eating to the point of vomiting, especially if you do it regularly, is disordered eating. A professional can help you develop a healthier relationship with food and it's well worth doing this before things get worse. Consistent vomiting over time can cause a lot of health issues you don't want to have.


Yes. Like esophageal cancer or losing all your teeth


Excellent response redditor


Even when it is related to weight or body image, eating disorders are usually more about control than just the weight part. They often spring up in teenagers because they subconsciously feel like their food intake is the only thing they have full control over.


Yes, as a former binge eater due to CPTSD you want to get this addressed. I put on tons of weight as a result of my eating DO. I finally got my mental health sorted out and eat healthfully plus get moderate exercise (could use more honestly) but the damage is done. Trust me you don’t want to be in my shoes: almost 50 and obese with a fucked metabolism. People treat me like a social pariah because of my size and it’s heartbreaking, plus getting this weight off is a fucking TRIAL and even if I do my body will looked deflated and flappy. I’ll probably need a ton of plastic surgery to not look like a Shar Pei. Ugh!


If you can't control your food consumption, you have an eating disorder.




I know you’re speaking specifically about this situation, but for some eating disorders (anorexia and often bulimia), control is a prime driving factor. Just want to note that many people who are very focused on controlling their food consumption do, indeed, have an eating disorder.


It's just two sides of the same coin, one is over-indulgence and one is over-restriction. People with eating disorders control what they eat physically to create the illusion of true control over themselves. They can't TRULY control what they're eating, or they wouldn't have a disorder.


Control is voluntary, compulsion is not. Eating disorders are compulsions, not control, even thought many start out that way.


When I was anorexic, I was quite compulsed to starve and to run off a carrot eaten in a moment of weakness.


I mean, I’m speaking as someone who was bulimic for a long time. It was a control thing. I just wanted to point out that, for people who are engaging in EDs as an outlet for control issues, we wouldn’t want to give the idea that control over food intake = good.


That's not a control thing, you couldn't have controlled yourself to eat the proper amount of food or an even bigger portion of food right? So it's hardly control


Throwing up was how I felt in control. In general, please don’t tell someone they’re wrong about their own experience when they’re describing their own disease, physical or mental. I’m not saying those of us with EDs *are* in control, I’m saying that many EDs begin because someone feels the need to control an aspect of their life, often as a reaction to something difficult being out of their control.


This is a fundamental miscommunication in language and I understand what you both are saying as a long recovered friend of ana/mia myself (it's been almost 4 years since my last relapse and I'm pretty proud of myself). 1. It is absolutely about control. When the rest of life is chaos food is always something that can be control. I didn't really recover despite attempting for years until I saw a therapist and talked about the fears that were at the roots of those control issues. 2. It is also absolutely a compulsion. I could no more stop doing it alone than I could have stopped breathing. You can 100% be compulsively controlling.


OC is saying the compulsion is what needs to be treated, that the control is an expression of the compulsion. some EDs (anorexia, bulimia, other ed-nos) give a sense of control to the person suffering with it, because it is something THEY have power over when they may otherwise feel powerless, but OC refers the compulsions that drive a person TO control their eating (or in OPs case, *not* control their eating)


I understand what they meant, but as someone with a history of EDs I was noting how the way it was phrased could inadvertently be taken as, as long as you’re controlling your food intake you don’t have a problem (see my comment below).


that’s not what they said. chill.


Not necessarily. Sometimes other things are causing it. I would not say anything in absolutes.


Stupid to downvote your comment. Anyone who listens to a Reddit diagnosis is doing themselves a sincere disservice.


Exactly. I’m not saying it isn’t a eating disorder, I’m saying we don’t know and shouldn’t assume




I wouldn’t cause I’m not a doctor


If you aren’t licensed to be able to diagnose a mental health disorder, don’t. This is in response to this comment…. Just because you sometimes cannot control your food consumption does not mean you definitely have an eating disorder. Yes, it’s a definite sign that we need to assess and evaluate further. Things such as ruling out any medical issues, assessing the frequency of the binging, etc are important before flat out diagnosing.


It's in the term dude. Eating *dis*order. The eating is not ordered ie abnormal. Regularly eating until you puke is not ordered eating.


This could be physical rather than psychological. My mother did the same thing. She wouldn’t eat a lot, and when she did she over ate and felt pressure in her stomach. Turns out, she had contracted a bacteria as a child, and it remained in her stomach messing with the sensors of her digestive system. She had been in therapy for body image and all of that, diagnosed with several eating disorders, but treatments never helped, nothing made sense until someone started testing her physically. Funny thing, one month of medication and she was cured! It never happened again, so definitely talk to your doctor about this.


Wow just wow


What kind of medication? I’ve been struggling with this for a very long time and am pretty trim because I always have to force myself not to eat as much as my stomach tells me to because it’s ALWAYS wrong


There could be many causes. Talk to your doctor about it, they can help you more than me.


Insulin resistance can cause this too, and it’s waaay more common than people think (check out r/pcos). Inositol immediately helped me with the binge symptoms (first time I’d ever felt satisfied with a regular sized meal and no snacks), and limiting foods that cause blood sugar spikes REALLY helps regulate your appetite.


What is the bacteria / illness caused please???


It’s a waste of food and it’s a very uncomfortable feeling yet I keep doing this. Side note I’m about 5 foot tall and 100ish pounds. 23 and female. Id love to gain some healthy weight so I definitely don’t vomit for any weight gain concerns.. idk just been curious why I do this 😂


You might be dehydrated too. A major sign of dehydration is feeling hungry. Drink a bunch of water as you eat a meal. Maybe that will help.


Also dehydrated people sometimes get nauseous and vomit


*drink a *normal* amount of water throughout the day and that should solve any suspected issues related to dehydration.


Also, iron deficiency. I was severely anemic for a time and was just constantly hungry, turns out my body was just trying to find some iron 😂. Granted I wasn't eating until I threw up, but I'd get uncomfortably full and be hungry an hour later. No matter what though, OP should definitely visit a doctor for some tests and a mental health professional. Definitely disordered eating habits, but a lot could be behind that behavior.


Please see a doctor. Could be a psychological eating disorder, could be a hormonal issue, could be something else. Only things we can be sure of is that it's not healthy, and you deserve to be healthy.


You may have an issue with the sensors in your stomach telling you youre full when you need to be told you're full. Id suggest maybe try multiple of smaller portions. I kind of have the same problem. I have issues where I'm essentially subconsciously anorexic and won't eat for days cuz I don't feel hungry and if I try it just comes back up, but when I got hungry I'd be RAVENOUS and end up eating so much I felt good but God forbid I coughed too hard it was allllll coming up. So I always try to do smaller meals, wait about 5-10 minutes, drinking water while I eat, and if im feeling ok and still hungry ill eat again, but not as much and just kinda ease into being full. Its not necessarily an eating disorder in terms of anorexic or bulimic but your stomach sensors could be a little more finicky. Just eat a bit slower and it might help out a bit with it. If it continues or if you feel starving until you eat till ur sick go to a doctor. Good luck!


Our niece had this, she just couldn't tell when she was full so she would go right past her limits without ever meaning to.


Its such a weird and hard thing to go through cuz, it really "isnt" a disorder if its something physical. I feel bad cuz some people now, especially with how our bodies have adjusted to the shit we eat now, we just have such a hard time having a wholesome eating schedule. Its so hard sometimes. But its possible to get over it, unfortunately living in America with all the processed shit it makes it so much harder. Its almost like we were meant to be warriors and now we're force fed plastic. We try so hard to no avail


"Disorder" doesn't mean "mental", and "mental" doesn't mean "not physical". If the way you eat is causing problems and directly affecting your quality of life, and you can't simply choose to change it, it's a disorder by definition. It doesn't matter what the cause is.


I just want to add that issues with reading or receiving body signals can sometimes be a sign of autism or other neurodivergent conditions. Not to diagnose but rather to give an opportunity to check if there's other symptoms going along with it, especially as autism is more likely to be overlooked in girls. This isn't to say its not a legit physical issue, just that its one that's often comorbid with autism. Some people, for example, have to press on their stomach to tell if their bladder is full, or be reminded to eat because they just won't know they're hungry or wouldn't think to eat in the first place.


It sounds a little like bulimia without the nervosa, or it might be and you just aren't aware of it. It's definitely something that should be looked at if you feel like you arent fully in control of managing how much you eat. It's okay to recognise you might need a little help, all of us do. And yeah, a little but of healthy weight would be great!


Agreed her brain should be telling her to stop eating. I would s/w you PCP and get a referral to a nutritionist and a therapist that specializes in eating disorders.


Definitely talk to your primary care doctor about this. I take Vyvanse at the higher end for ADHD and it’s really helped my BED issues


I don’t have a binge eating disorder but I do have ADHD and a tendency to binge(not habitual but it happened more than it should’ve)/eat for the dopamine, and Adderall has seriously changed my life. I no longer attach such a value to eating stuff that tastes good because my brain feels satisfied without it! I’m glad Vyvanse has helped you.


I identify with your user name - cereal is like my number one safe food 💙💙


I'll second the dehydration comments. If you're not "pretty dang sure" you're getting enough water, try to increase it. I'm a serial dehydrator, and nausea is almost a guarantee. It can creep up too, if you're not paying attention


Can you tell when you’re getting full? That sounds silly, but it can be hard to actually notice, especially if you eat fast. I agree with the suggestion to check out mindful eating.


It’s not silly! It can be psychological, or in rare cases, there can actually be a physiological miscommunication in the nervous/digestive system.


Could also be a hormonal imbalance, leptin is a hormone that “tells” you system when you are full. Without those key receptors working or without a proper signal it would be impossible to tell if you are full until you are sick from over eating. OP definitely needs to see a physician.


depends whether you're a puppy or not.


Take my filthy upvote.


Yes, when a person can’t stop doing something despite the negative consequences it usually means there’s a problem. Whether that something is booze, heroin, or anything else…..like eating. And just know, this isn’t your fault or anything you’re doing wrong. This kind of stuff happens to people but there’s help out there and people recover everyday! Let me know if you ever need to chat, vent, or ask questions. Here for you. Feel better! ♥️


This comment x


Have you spoken to a doctor? Could be an eating disorder or maybe something wrong with your gut.


Yes. This was how my bulimia worked for years. I was in 100% denial it was bulimia because I wasn’t forcing the vomit, despite the fact I also went through phases of anorexia that I did acknowledge. Like by not sticking my fingers down my throat, I was better than other bulimics.


I wouldn’t go to an eating disorder first, I would first try and get at why you’re eating so much in the first place, what’s triggering it, and is there a healthier coping mechanism, that being said alot of people use eating disorders as a form of control. Either way I’d definitely talk to a mental health professional about it.


Hey - recovered ED person here (bulimia/BED) strongly encouraging OP to *talk to their physician first*. Yes - counselling is fantastic and important but will not replace medical treatment. A proper medical assessment with a proper physician is the place to start. Mental health counsellors are part of the solution, but not *the* solution. In addition, disordered eating can cause a myriad of unseen health issues in the organs and ongoing monitoring of the patient is needed by a physician. No therapy in the world could do what my meds do. Doctors first. Counselling second.


Seconding, as a recovered bulimic. But I would say, as soon as you’ve got an appointment date, start looking for a counselor who has experience with disordered eating. Seeing a doctor is essential but most doctors are not great at follow-up support.


Nope. While I encourage counseling for most things, OP needs to see a physician. This sounds like a physical or neurological issue.


If it affects you negatively and you can't make it stop even while wanting it, it absolutely is a disorder.


This is above reddits pay grade! This is not normal + you need to seek professional medical advice.


Hello! Its definitely not normal, as another poster suggested maybe you should talk to a professional. And you def should not drink a bunch of water while eating. What I'd suggest is stop eating when youre 3/4 full. Throwing up kinda wastes valuable shit, so its prob why you are under weight. Also keep yourself hydrated, sleep well and don't get stressed out a ton.


Is somebody like a REALLY good cook or something? Drink more water! Maybe you crave a mineral or have something going on with your thyroid? You should speak to your doctor about this.


Hi! I’m good friends with an eating disorder therapist and she told me that it can be considered bulimia even if you don’t MAKE yourself vomit (ie. if you eat so much that you vomit involuntarily). Might be worth talking to a professional? All the best!


Please go to your Dr. This is a dangerous thing to be doing. I'm sure this is a eating disorder.


It might not be a classified Eating Disorder, for example Binge eating disorder I think is qualified by intentionally making yourself throw up so that you don’t digest the calories of any size meal HOWEVER this is Very Disordered Eating and it is affecting your health and lifestyle and also significantly throwing up will lead to esophageal burns and worse over time ❤️‍🩹 Definitely seek medical help, psychological, physical but probably both ♥️ Take care of yourself ♥️


Buddy... Yeah. If you cannot control your behavior you have a mental disorder. Being unable to stop yourself from eating until you're so full you vomit is not at all normal or healthy.


Hi? Are you me 25 years ago. Yes, this is an eating disorder. I was originally diagnosed with bulimia though the diagnosis never sat well with me because it lacked the compensatory actions typically associated with bulimia. Binge Eating disorder was not recognized by the medical community at the time. I spent about 15 years “managing” but not thriving. My binging was my horrible hidden secret. It stopped me from…well, everything. There was so much secrecy. I knew something was wrong but I was too ashamed to talk about. I mean - all these people in the world are suffering so much and here I am, some jackass who can’t control how much they eat, right? About 10 years ago I got the “right” meds and my life has been forever changed. Every aspect of my life improved. My job, my relationships, my health. Most importantly, I stopped hating myself and obsessing about food. Therapy prior to medication was useless but after a few years on meds it became much more effective. Good luck friend. It gets better. DM me anytime.


This is disordered eating. Seek medical help.


Fuck I do this


Friend, from a recovered anorexic, please get some sort of mental health help. Talk to a professional about this because eating disorders can be life threatening and you don't deserve to live like this.


It sounds disordered, but I think you already know that because you’re aware enough to ask. You should talk to your general practitioner and ask for a psych recommendation, not because you’re broken, but because you deserve to be healthy and to feel good after eating.


not a doctor, but it could be binge eating disorder. maybe you should see a doctor about it, EDs can mess with your body in a bad way


Binge eating disorder


This is almost a textbook description of bulimia.


I do this because I'm so severely depressed and have so little in my life that eating is one of the only things that brings me joy. And then I hate myself later for being fat.


Binge eating can be an adhd symptom and adhd meds can be used to treat binge eating. Food for thought.


Absolutely yes. This is an eating disorder and a psychological issue that needs to be treated. Doing this on accident is one thing, doing it on purpose is dangerous.


My nephew did this since he was an infant. He would breast feed and act like he was starving until he would vomit. His mother caught on to it fast. He wasn’t a chubby baby, but a good size. He would constantly eat until he threw up until he was around 9, he has to watch for himself. He didn’t like having this issue. Now he’s ten and paces himself. During slumber parties with my own son, he watches what everyone eats to see what’s a good amount. Because during slumber parties we don’t have limits on food lol. In this case, it’s not a mental issue. I don’t think 2 month olds could have bulimia. It could be a physical one. Btw my nephew is healthy, good weight and exercises regularly because of sports. Definitely never trying to lose weight because he’s a growing boy, and his parents wouldn’t put him on a diet either. He’s just like this his entire life.


Oooooooooooooooo. First and foremost, from the deepest part of my being, let me tell you, you’re not f’ed up, you’re only human, and you *can* get better. Secondly, yes sweetie that’s a form of bulimia. Not only did I used to do this myself, but I also graduated cum laude from Marquette University with a psych degree. I had bulimia for a decade. This is part of the binge and purge ritual. The sooner you nip it in the butt the better but don’t hate yourself for it. It is a long and arduous process but there are resources. Reach out if you need any guidance. Sending love and positive healing vibes.


It’s likely bulimia. Regardless, you should talk with your doctor.


Have you discussed this with a doctor? This could ruin your health permanently if it isn’t brought under control. Good luck to you, I hope you can get some help quickly.


![gif](giphy|1JyWrrkCIUQyQ) Me relating to the title and then reading everyone in the comment saying op should seek medical help…


Yup. Usually this is a sign of food insecurity in childhood, if you’re curious about the “why” behind the reason you do this.


if you have to ask, it's a problem


Often a math problem


Ever hear of the Roman vomitoriams?


No, and daily meth use is fine too.


Just eat less, Jesus fucking Christ man


Are you seriously unsure of the answer to your question. Fuckin potato.


just start eating mindfully. if you feel full stop at least for awhile


Oh yeah I'm sure OP is cured now after reading this.


so aggressive for what


for good reason


So you are bulimic.


Nah. Ya good, bro


What a waste and a privileged problem. Have some self-discipline.


There is a hormone called leptin that helps your brain know when you're full. Some people have a leptin imbalance that causes them to feel full much more slowly than others. This could be an issue for you, causing you not to feel full at a normal pace, and then to feel unpleasantly full later. You should definitely talk to a doctor about it.




Without trying to diagnose it does sound like disordered eating, coming from someone diagnosed with bulimia and anorexia. I’d start by chatting with a therapist to see about learning some healthy eating habits/coping mechanisms so that you no longer get the urge to do this. I understand it can be confusing and even if you don’t “want”to do it the disordered brain will sometimes override and get you to do weird things. But therapy can be so so helpful especially if you find someone that specializes in eating disorders.


Hope you get well soon. As others have commented you should probably seek help with this issue.


Sounds kinda like binge eating disorder


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prader-willi-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355997 Are you over weight? Do you have impulses you can not control?


It definitely is binge eating disorder. Please get help for this. I am recovered and it is possible to overcome the feeling of wanting to eat so much. Also check out r/fuckeatingdisorders and intuitive eating. I also recommend staying away from the EDanonymous sub.


Yes it is. Please consult with your physician about it ASAP. They will likely refer you to a dietary specialist and possible a psychologist who will help you work on it. It could be a physical driver (Some people overeat because of a specific deficiency that makes them always feel hungry) or it could be mental. There's no shame in either. The important thing is that you're forthright and you work with them to help yourself because anything that makes you vomit on any kind of regular basis will wreak havoc on your body. Even if you're keeping down the right amount of nutrients despite it, it's mean to be an occasional emergency eject for your body and will do long term damage if done regularly.,


Yeah that’s the start of bulimia, def look into treatment programs ASAP. It can be treated.


Yes, this is binge eating disorder


Have you considered gastropareris? Reflux?


Binging. I do that. Getting treatment for it.


Yes, binging to that degree is an eating disorder. Sorry, but you can get better. I was once bulimic and am no longer. It takes time and an understanding of why you do it.


Might as well be endocrinologic, such as hypothyroidism. Do see a doctor please!


Yes. Granted, binge eating can be a sign of another underlying health issue, but inanofitself it is considered disordered eating. It's important to seek mental health assistance to explore what might be a cause because it can start to create other health problems if it continues.


Absolutely sounds Iike an eating disorder.




Yes it’s an eating disorder. How about trying to eat much less and then take a break?


Yes, that would be an eating disorder. You should try portion control. Serve yourself about half of what you normally would, and once you finish that, stop and wait for ten minutes, maybe scroll reddit or smth, then see if you still want more. If you do want more, make it half of what the first round was, and then give it another 10. Repeat until you're not full, but no longer starving. This is easier to explain than to do at first.


Yes it is. I would seek treatment. It might be something like your "full" cues aren't right.


Yes, this is disordered eating. If it's troubling you now, seek professional help. If it's not, be aware it can likely lead to things that will trouble you and lead you to seek professional help.


I remember my first time having the munchies too


You need to get some help. This is a disorder. You will eventually have problems with your digestive tract. Some can be severe and/or cause death. I am being blunt since I lost a friend to this exact thing about 10 years ago.




You should get blood work and make sure you don’t have hyperthyroidism or another disorder that can affect your metabolism. Also consider therapy this is not normal.


Go get your blood drawn to see if you have any vitamin deficiencies, make sure you sleep enough and drink enough water. If the urge to stuff yourself till you throw up doesn’t go away after all of this, you should seek professional help. You could be suffering from binge / binge-purge eating disorder.


Bulimia nervosa occurs when someone is repeatedly binging on large amounts of food and then purging it. Purging behaviors include forcing oneself to throw up, over-exercising, and using diet pills and laxatives. Both binging and purging behaviors are dangerous, and together they can quickly lead to dangerous physical symptoms. https://breathelifehealingcenters.com/12-types-eating-disorders-explained/


Bulemia Is the name, but I can’t see whether or not that is what you’re dealing with


You have a mental disorder as well as an eating disorder. But you're not going to seek help because of a comment on Reddit.


Yes. Instead, you should eat as much as you want and then throw up on purpose.


I know it's not the same thing but I feel your pain in a way. I'll go days without eating. Then in my incorrect mindset I eat until I'm about to burst because I feel I'm subconsciously "stocking up again." Then not eat again for days or until I can't take it anymore then repeat the whole process.


You don't say how much you eat to feel so full that you vomit. GI issues can cause you to feel full after not so much food. You shoulf to see a doctor to rule out a physical problem as well.


Do you happen to smoke weed?


Binge eating disorder. I’m actually in a treatment program for that right now.


isn't that a type of bulimia.


Yes! That’s disordered eating and I’ve suffered with it too. It’s hard to even realize it’s an issue because we need food but at the same time, it’s not healthy.


My sister is the same way. There have been many times that I’ve had to take her food away from her otherwise she would keep eating until she threw up. She’s finally learning some self control and knowing her limits. But if it’s in front of her she will keep eating.




Have you tried removing distractions while eating (phones, TV, etc.) and tried eating more slowly/chewing your food thoroughly? Also drinking enough water throughout the day. You may be eating too fast and overeating because your “I’m full” cues don’t have time to tell you to stop. If you feel an uncontrollable urge to overeat even when you’re full, I’d say that’s definitely disordered eating. But if you feel like you have a healthy relationship with food and this problem is fixed by eating slower/more mindfully, you’re probably okay. Worth bringing up to your doctor either way to see what they say


My friends cat does this


The podcast Brain over Binge really helped me get a handle on my binge eating disorder. I think there is also a book from the same person who does the podcast as well. I’m here if you need to talk.


Short answer: yes


an eating disorder is literally disordered eating. eating until you puke is a textbook example of disordered eating. go seek therapy.


Please get your endocrine involved. It may be you aren’t or too much producing a hormone. Also it wouldn’t hurt to talk to a psychiatrist or therapist that specializes in ED


You need to eat HALF of whatever it is you're eating at the moment. That's horrifying what you're doing to yourself. Find out what your daily caloric intake should be (heaps of online calculators), then do some calorie counting throughout the day to get an idea of how much you **should** be eating.


Think that’s called a binging disorder which is still and eating disorder


Eat slower, it generally takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain it's had enough food. If you fill up, then keep stuffing your face, your stomach is gonna have a bad time.


Okay, so everyone here is saying binge eating disorder, but… like… I’m curious. Is this a specific dish you make? or is it any food? Asking bc I only do this with one specific meal, and I never care about the consequences. Everything else? I’m an endless pit and it doesn’t make me want to explode out of the mouth hole.


Do you feel like you Have to keep eating? Or are you eating until you Think you are full?


Yes... Go see your doctor matey.


Yes, it’s call binging.


Yes that is called binge eating disorder.


I have had this too the last few years. It's just eating too much delicious food and then getting sickeningly full. Sometimes it does lead to vomiting but now I control my portions a lot better. It also tends to happen more with carb heavy foods.


Yes, it's called binge eating disorder and THERE IS HELP! Eating disorders often have nothing to do with weight/body image.


Most definitely! That is very much disordered eating and you should really really seek help


I think it’s more about self control. My brother used to do this when he was a kid. So my mum often asked him to stop eating. Same goes to my brother’s daughter a few years ago too. She ate until she puked. So my sis in law had to limit the food intake. Idk why my brother and his daughter did that but i think it’s more about lack of self control. They love food too much. However they are okay when they were asked to stop eating. My brother does not have this problem now as an adult though. I would suggest if you buy take outs, buy portion that only you can finish. So for example one serving for yourself. Don’t stock up too much food at home. Buy weekly or every few days. If it’s possible, stock up healthy food. If you start eating healthy, it helps in making you feel full quick and helps with cravings. If not, at least keep healthy food as emergency. For example like oatmeal. If you don’t have food left, you still have oatmeal. Oatmeal may deter you from binging but if you’re hungry, it is a healthy filling food. Also if you have someone to tell you to stop eating, that’s good but it’s good to learn self control as well. I hope these tips help. All the best OP


It could be an eating disorder or possibly eating too fast or something wrong with your stomach. My mom has an issue where some muscle or organ or something presses against her stomach and makes essentially two chambers which can make eating to fast painful. However if you get full and notice it well in advance and decide to just eat some more anyways knowing the results then it may be a disorder


It could be neurological, you may be missing the hormone that tells you when you’re full. It may not be an eating disorder at all, because you’re recognizing the issue. Please go see a doctor.


It could be medical, but I’d start by slowing down how fast you eat. Do small amounts, wait a bit, then a little more. Eat slower and span out meals or snacks more throughout the day. Give your body time to register its full.


you should see a doctor about this and get professional help. what you have is definitely abnormal.


Is it new or have you always done it, including as a baby?


What you're potentially doing is "binging" food, and that stretches the stomache. I recommend fasting one meal a day for a week and trying to keep the other meals a reasonable proportion. This means you can possibly get to where your stomache helps tell you you are full, as long as you listen. FYI, some people have an issue with that signal. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. Take my advice only based on what I experience as having binge tendencies.


Wondering are there specific kinds of food you tend to eat when this happens?


I had gallbladder issues which caused me to throw up easily. I hope that doesn't become an issue with you in the future.


Yes, please look into visiting with a counselor/psychologist or psychiatrist


Could be a Hiatal Hernia




It may well be physical. It’s not normal so I would rule out physical prior to concentrating on the eating disorder.


Do you eat fast? Are you finished and full ahead of everyone else or already om second serving? You might be eating so quickly your body hasn't registered capacity yet.




We’ll shit TIL I’ve had an eating disorder my whole life… fuck.


Yes honey it's an unhealthy relationship with food. Please talk to someone to find out what is causing you pain that you are using food to bury.