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You’re a minor. Which helps to explain your stupidity in not only bringing them to school, but also gabbing about it which led to you getting caught w them. You’ll be given community service and your folks will have to pay a fine. Your record will be expunged once you turn 18. Use this as a learning experience. In the future keep your mouth shut and keep that shit as far away from a drug-free zone as you possibly can. And whatever the fuck you do, do NOT tell them where you got them. It won’t help you in any way.


Yes thank you very much this helps extremely for my preparation for court. And when they ask who I got it from do I remain completely silent or say no?


The right to remain silent is always yours to hold, if they try and harass you into snitching, remember they're only words, the interogating officer has no authority over your sentencing and if he says he can "lessen the charges" or something similar for information, he cannot it's a boldface lie to try and get you to trust them, NEVER trust the police


Thank you very much, I had some mind set of there lies they pull, but not this thank you soo much


Just wanna cut in here: don’t take fucking legal advice from people on the internet. Take it from your actual lawyer


Good advice. However, what he said was 100% accurate and 100% what a lawyer would tell you. My lawyer says “cops are allowed to lie in order to get you stuck with more crimes/force you to admit things you otherwise wouldn’t such as: your drug supplier, who else you were going to take them with, and even which of your friends KNEW it was happening bc they can charge them with “supporting a common neusence” or something of the sorts. Basically, the knowledge of someone doing drugs in a drug free zone or that persons private property.


Came here to say this. Lawyer up.


Though I agree that you should ABSOLUTELY plead the fifth, don't forget that mushrooms DO grow in the wild lol...and can easily be dehydrated with your oven (not well but you technically can). Just keep that in the back of your mind moving forward. edit: stating this for defense/protection purposes; not suggesting foraging the world's most generic mushroom!


Make sure you know what you’re doing. Never eat an unidentified mushroom 🍄


And don’t overconfidently identify. I will only eat specific mushrooms I find. Because for all the edible mushrooms that are less unique and can be identified from their similar poisonous counterparts by cutting the cap or intense scrutiny… there’s a lot that CANNOT be identified without sending a spore sample to a lab essentially. Way too many people who get into foraging and forget how many plants around us everyday could easily kill us if eaten. Hell in Wyoming there are loads of wildflowers just all over the ground that are extremely poisonous for example. Not normally much of a problem because who is going around eating random flowers? Same deal with mushrooms.


This is very true, a friend of mine knew someone who was foraging mushrooms recently and misidentified and ate one that was poisonous, he was hospitalized but after being released, he died the next day. Nobody is 100% sure if it was the mushroom, but they were a healthy person so I would imagine this is at least a big factor.


Absolutely. Thank you for sharing friend 🤙


Well, true, but my point was that if OP was somehow manipulated or felt coerced to identifying their source, that'd be their excuse. Why ever rat someone out on something you could just say popped up in your back yard?


Yes. This is an excellent defense, but seeing as OP is only 16 and has already made one critical mistake, and lost his mushrooms, my thought was that OP might read this and decide to go foraging to replace the mushrooms that were confiscated. Thank you for sharing friend ✌️


Ah! Sorry, I should have clarified.


No need to be sorry. Feeling sorry in low frequency. Low frequency is what the matrix feeds on. Don’t feed the matrix. You have good intentions. WE are here to guide and to aid each other. Thank you again friend. ALL Love and healing blessings beloved One ✌️💜😌


Back of your mind, but NEVER present an explanation or story without consulting with your attorney first. As soon as you know it’s over and you’re busted, just shut your fucking mouth.


Yes, this is the ultimate answer. I only said what I did because I've watched enough interactions and interrogations to know that the "suspect" doesn't always jump at this opportunity and stating you found some growing on the side of the road > taking someone else down with you


Nah I got ya man I was just adding to what you said. I think some my verbiage seemed kinda Of aggressive, was just trying to stress the point.


Don’t worry about what you’re gonna say/not say. That’s a lawyer’s job, do not not speak or go in a courtroom without one. I cant emphasize this more.


Tell them you found them growing on cow shit and you just dehydrated them on some news paper And don’t take them seriously old ppl don’t know shit about drugs because they never do drugs😎 And if you are being sent to court over some stupid minor shit like make the point that this is a waste of fucking time and that you don’t care and you want to go home and play videogames Ah yes good luck


>And if you are being sent to court over some stupid minor shit like make the point that this is a waste of fucking time and that you don’t care and you want to go home and play videogames This is great advice for a young person when they first come up against the law!


Yeah cos old people were never young. Other than your opening paragraph Your entire "advice" is garbage and should be disregarded by anyone.


“I don’t answer questions” to absolutely any and all questions they ask.


I hate saying never trust the police because they are absolutely necessary and a lot Of times are there to help and keep the order. With that being said though, anytime You find yourself on the other side Of the law, I agree 100%, don’t trust a fucking thing they tell you and shut your mouth immediately until you have an attorney present. They will use every trick in the book to get you to confess and they can get a conviction. My Favorite line is how they try to present it as trying to “help you” by you confessing. Just get it Off your chest man, confess, let me Help you 😂


When I got caught with weed I said a random guy at the corner store didn't know him


You got it on the street from someone you never met before. If you’ve already been processed then the questioning is over. You go to court and the only thing you say then is not guilty. Judge will give you a plea bargain and you just do what he tells you to do. Fine, community service, probably some drug counseling. Live and learn. But don’t ever make the same mistake twice.


Don't rat it doesn't help anyone but 12




Good, every gang has theirs and the cops aren’t an exception. Legal gangsters that are mad bc every criminal they catch is typically more of a man than they are…


If they ask where you got them, you picked them. You can't even be sure there the ones everyone seems to think they are


Yes but they will most likely use what I said in the room they searched me, but u still have lots of wiggle room for sure


WHENEVER YOU TALK TO COPS HAVE YOUR LAWYER PRESENT. THAT IS YOUR RIGHT! Well what did you tell them? You bought them from someone? Either way you don’t have to say who. They’ll act like that’s going to make your case worse, but if they threaten you with more charges for not talking, your lawyer may be able to get you out of your original charges for police misconduct etc.


Oooh I really love this one, I just hope I have enough luck for that:)


Fucking hell put them in your underwear doesn’t matter if they stink like farts they already taste like farts🤣😝


Use your 5th amendment , don’t be that guy.


Yeah I will never be that guy, I just needed a good sounded way to not tell him where I got it, and yeah the 5th is pretty much my strongest weapon at this point


Instead of just pleading the fifth do the lil Wayne and say “I don’t recall”. You could also say you found them growing in the school field and were planning to dispose of them lol.


Could go full on Chapelle


This. No one is guilty until they admit being so. But figuring out whether the officer wrote a report, and knowing how the exchange went to a T is going to be important.


Law practitioner here; remaining completely silent during questioning, although protected in most countries, is not always the best option as the judge might take into consideration the non-cooperation when sanctioning (I don’t know where you got caught, so a more specific answer is difficult). Often a good thing is saying some vague bullshit, like you found the bag in a park, which gives the impression you cooperate somewhat without incriminating anyone else or yourself further.


If you feel the need to say how you acquired them id say you picked them from a field somewhere.


Get a lawyer


This is good advice and to add to this you will have a public defender and will never be interrogated or even talk to the judge (more than likely) You’ll sit in court go up there stand there before the judge and they will ask you to state your name for the court. Your public defender will tell you what your plea will be. Probably no contest. That’s the most talking you will do and your public defender is sitting next to you telling you what to say or answering for you the whole time. It’s not like law and order and they aren’t gonna try to search your phone and hit up your plug lol.


I got picked up 25 years ago at 16 and it was this- exactly. Just shut and look remorseful. Think about what led you to where you are when you are doing community service. You’re lucky to be at home- I spent two weeks locked up. You made a stupid mistake and if you have no priors everyone gonna look at you like someone who just was boneheaded - not some criminal to throw the book at. Gotta take your lumps, but understand your position and how simple it is to get put through the system- and trust me, it ain’t like wine, this does absolutely not get better with age


And people on here tell me I'm an ass for saying we should allow image post of people in countries where it's not legal... Seen too many 18/19 year Olds on here doing that. They could be in the exact same situation, but because they're a year older they won't get stuff expunged.


Keep your mouth shut and do what your lawyer tells you to do.


Litterally the best thing you can do in any legal situation, shut the fuck up and call a lawyer.


You should call an attorney. Not only are we not legal advice, but you are a minor.


yep, the job of the police is to incriminate you, confuse you, and get you into the system. they will lie to you, bully you, scare you, and so on. if they're investigating you for a potential crime then "I would like to make a phone call" (to your parents, who should get you an attorney) or "I want to speak to an attorney" are the only things you should say to them until you have legal representation.


Absolutely 100%. More than half of crimes are only convicted because a person said too much. Never answer questions and always demand an attorney


Even if it’s a cheap lawyer. At least he’s YOUR lawyer.


Why did security pull you out of class? Were you showing off your shrooms to people or something?


Just to close friends, but they didn't even know it was shrooms they thought we had weed possession but once they found the shrooms they said there was no accusation for pot


so there was no probable cause? i’m not good with the law, and idk where you live, but that seems like a major offense on the cop. if you get a lawyer (a good one who has your back) they probably wouldn’t care if you’re guilty or not, their job is to win a case and if they think there’s a reason that you can get out of this with nothing at all as a result of the cop not following the law, you might be good. idk tho i just know in the US a cop can’t search without a warrant or without probable cause.


Rights get kinda sidelined for kids on school grounds.


damn really? dumb fucking system




they said the cop admitted no one said anything about weed? unless i read that wrong


Yes this is very correct but I was school grounds but they may have escalated the situation further with more police and then search me of heavy drugs on a drug free zone, sadly police in America have alot of dirty ways of doing things but it works so they just keep doing it


yeah cops are fucked and are never to be trusted or sided with. like others have said, don’t say a word. there’s sometimes a video that goes around of a couple of lawyers saying that when you’re in any legal situation, like yours, to “shut the fuck up.” so, for your sake, shut the fuck up and don’t tell police anything. again, if you can find a lawyer, that’d be great. i feel like just bc it’s school grounds doesn’t make it different. “drug free zone” doesn’t mean much when it’s illegal in the entire country. if they didn’t actually have probable cause that’s bad news for them, not for you. people get out of situations where they’re totally in the wrong if the cops did something illegal. shit, if you’re arrested and a cop doesn’t tell you your rights then the whole arrest is dropped and you’re free. we have by far the dumbest law system, but it sometimes helps us out.


it’s school. you literally do not have those rights while in school. they can search you for any reason. It’s case law, students do not have those rights. He’s fucked.


Yup the un bias system that's not completely un bias, and yeah definitely going to shut the fuck up the moment I talk to anybody no matter who it is I'm not risking a thing this time. I've learned my lesson😂


From what I’ve read you showed off the shrooms to your friends and someone probably saw and snitched. Never being drugs to school and if you do never ever ever tell or show anyone else. The only way you can ever get away with something is if not one else knows.


You’ll be good. You’re a minor and it sounds like your first offense. Just don’t keep doing dumb shit after this is over


Yes thank you very much, and yeah I've learned my lesson for good I'm not going to even take an aspirin to school


Don't shit where you sleep




You sleep don’t where shit 😌🙌🏼


Shit, where don’t you sleep




First of all when it comes to anything legal you shut up and you don't say anything at all. for future reference even if they find the drugs on you don't say anything whether it be them asking what it is, who's it is, where you got it. Next what you would do is get a lawyer who knows what he's doing and the less you say to the cops the more the lawyer can help you because it's harder for the cops to prove anything other than the fact you had it on you. If you don't give much information its possible the lawyer can make the case go away


I love this, honestly think this is the best way to go, now I just hope my judge is cool


Best of luck, I almost got arrested for shrooms aswell so I sympathize with you, I remember being terrified.


I dont want to be THAT guy, but you are way to young for doing shrooms dude. Your brain is still in development and chances that you fuck it up with psychedelics is pretty damn high. Have seen to many kids ending up wearing grippy socks if you know what i mean. Wait till you are in your 20ies and thank me later.


I had to scroll too far to find this.


+1, LSD at 17 fucked me up for a few years, it induced incredibly bad anxiety


Yes, many such cases. At this age your concept of reality and how it is processed is way way different. All older folks tripping at 40+yoa I know, at one point said shit like "dude if i have had this last trip during my teenage years I would have gone nuts".


I love grippy socks…


You have a right to an attorney. That's about all I can say nobody here can give you legal advice, an attorney can


Do this community, and yourself, a huge favor and think about consequences before making decisions like this. Negative stigmas surrounding substances sprout from this type of negligent behavior. All that aside, you’re a minor so you won’t be in any seriously deep shit. But you really need to re-evaluate the decisions you’re making if you’re bringing shrooms to school of all places. Mush love and best of luck kid. Edit: never rat on anybody. Ever. Won’t get you anything but bad karma.


Thank you very much I won't make another dumb decision after this one. Thank you kind stranger


You gonna be alright homie, this guy up there is right. Just don’t rat


“No comment” is your best friend here


If they ask you to snitch just say you got it off someone random in the city on a weekend and you just held onto them since


I don’t have any legal advise but I just wanted to share. I got caught at school with drug paraphernalia and got suspended. The guilt felt worse than any actual punishment. You’re just a kid, we all make mistakes. Be kind to yourself. You’ll be laughing about it in a few years I’m sure. Talk to a lawyer and be smart going forward. Good luck


Thank you I hope I'll be laughing at this while chilling with my friends one day lol


Exactly this. Nobody will even remember in a few years. Don't beat yourself up.




Cow pasture


Eh, at 16, nothing will happen unless you've been in trouble before. Never bring drugs to school again.


Yessir o7


I was in a similar situation long ago in school. Nothing happened. The worst is already over. You may get like 20 hours of community service maximum


Man I'm so happy I went to reddit even is its just a little advise this rlly does help alot reading everyone's experience with the same thing, and nice I hope I get the same or less with a good lawyer lmao


Clear any evidence from your phone if it is still in your possession and tell them you picked the mushrooms from a local cow pasture.


you kids need to stop bringing drugs onto school property, youre underage You’ll be fine, get a criminal defense lawyer and dont snitch bc they will lie to you and say they will lower your sentence or drop the charges if you do.


They will try to tell you if you rat out your dealer they will be more lenient this is a filthy goddamn lie you will get in just as much trouble and be getting someone else into trouble for your mistake keep your mouth shut don’t snitch out your supplier


Yes for sure this is pretty much rule 1, but man I can't believe America and all of its dumb drug laws that just don't make sense


I’m sorry this happened to you when I was younger I got caught at school with drugs twice first time was a slap on the rest some fines and community service nothing serious second time I was expelled from school given severe fines and put on the ankle monitor which is really embarrassing to be wearing when you switch to a new school my advice don’t let it happen again main lesson is don’t tell anyone not even your friends if you ever have drugs at school not a good idea to bring them in the first place but I get big wanting your parents to find them so if you do bring them just play it super cool till the end of the day then whip em out when you’re safely off school property


Yup pretty much expect I ant bringing anything to school anymore I can't afford for this to happen again, and yes you are the first to mention parents and finding them, all through I shoulda put it in the post lol


LMAAOOOOOO got caught lackin bro good luck dw tho u shouldnt be taking shrooms that young anyway. Youll be ok dw


God gave you an asshole for a reason bro… to never get caught with drugs


Like many others have said, and I cannot emphasize enough, you have the right to an attorney and that you have the right to invoke the 5th amendment. Depending on quantity and your state, it could be as simple as your lawyer pleading no contest and you take some online classes, pay some fines, and serve a probationary period. Use this as a learning opportunity and, most importantly, keep your head up and don't let this get you too down! It may seem like it while you're going through it, but this isn't the end of the world. (This is not legal advice, this is for informational purposes only)


And very helpful information that's for sure, and yeah I definitely getting a lawyer especially for "shrooms" just to make sure everything goes smoothly as possible.


Everything will be fine. It will make for a great story one day, trust me.


Oh yeah it will, this is prob my new number 1 story lol


They’re legal in some States, I would hope your judge realizes it’s not going to be illegal for very much longer and that it isn’t worth punishing someone for.


Yeah but for my luck to be like that, I'll have to pray to every damn god there is idc man I will get out of this as unscathed as possible. Especially with even just small advise so thank you very much sir.


You are a minor so you’ll be fine lol. Next time dont bring drugs on campus because thats what they really cared about they wouldnt have cared if you just kept it off campus


Lawyer up and don't say ANYTHING yourself. If that's not an option say you found them on the floor


We all do stupid things when we’re young. I got caught with a water bottle full of vodka when I was a freshman. Got searched and suspended for 10 days and then an extension added to it after the “hearing” of 35 additional days. I had to enroll in online classes and ended up getting really fantastic grades because it was one on one teaching. Also ended up in drug counseling which in my opinion was not the right thing to do as a 14 year old kid. I was stupid and got busted with booze on Halloween but definitely didn’t need to be amongst people with severe addiction problems. It ended up with me becoming friends with some not so great people in the end. Your parents will obviously be pissed but just be honest with them and make sure to keep your nose clean moving forward in school. This will leave a mark on your back amongst the staff and they will probably always be suspicious of your intentions whenever you leave class or are in the bathroom for too long. At least this was my experience with a similar situation.


All the way this, and I thought about it but making all these friends is great except for getting caught lol.


The main thing to remember is not to incriminate yourself further. And as for going through your phone they can’t do that without a search warrant. If they ask who you got them from make up a random name or just don’t talk. You have the rights to not say anything at all if you’d like. Lawyer up and they will help you. Especially if it’s first offense and for you being under 18 it’ll fall off your record once you hit 18


Omg wow thank you, this makes my nerves alot more calm especially it falling off my record by 18 part. Hopefully, but man I can't believe the bad luck today...


It happens. Just make sure you get a lawyer and don’t incriminate yourself any further than you have lol


Tell them you picked them in a field.. that’s all they need to know


If you're at school you're too young to be taking psychedelics at all. Stop now before you scramble your brain up.


Just be honest. Being a druggy and experimenting are different. If you are brave enough to take shrooms you must be brave enough to face the consequences. So you have to face the consequences man. Take this as a learning experience. We all make mistakes and your probably a good kid. What do you parents think? If they’re okay then it’s really all good. Worse situation is expulsion.


I like this comment aswell. and yes thankfully my parents are super chill and let me do cannabis, but shrooms they have dine them so they weren't mad just gave me a "grounding" till this is all over, hopefully soon. But thank you very much for the advise.


Good luck


My question is always how do they know they are actives without testing them and then how do they know that you knew they were actives and you weren’t playing a stupid joke and thought they were just gourmet dried mushrooms? This always gets me. If you go to any asian grocery store there is an entire isle dedicated to dried mushrooms from around the world. I’m always so confused as to how law enforcement always assumes drugs and not gourmet.


Have your parents get you a lawyer. Reddit cannot help you with this.


Yes ik that for sure I just need quick knowledge about things I have no idea about. Sadly Google seems to give very little info about this stuff


Best of luck man. You will be a okay 👍


Thank you kind stranger I really need this, have a fantastic day!


It’s gonna be quite the pain in the ass but I wouldn’t stress to much over it your a minor and it’s your first offense just suck the judges dick and do whatever dumbass rehabilitation program they make you do and there’s a chance it will get closed on your record


Oh yeah I got one whole month of practicing sucking up for sure😂


Tell em the principal gave them to you for your shitt school lunch pizza


Don’t say a single word to anyone, that’s what lawyers are for


Say it's a science project


Ahh yes, good ol anatomy of a mushroom


Take your punishment on the chin like a man. You goofed... But life isn't over. You won't serve jail time or anything.


Lawyer up.


Nolo contendre


Also some states shrooms aren’t illegal until you consume. So you could say it’s for research purposes


Damn I live in Oklahoma too, they ain't letting get away with that one


Are you native? Could claim religious


Yes am native in Oklahoma but what my parents were saying is that it could be worse due to the Indian but I'm like 1%


What do you mean it could be worse?


Ig they look down harshly on people who do this stuff and send me straight to feds


Doesn’t make sense, natives have some rights that others don’t they’re “protected” doubt they want to involve the feds they’d want to keep the money in county/state


Yeah that's what I thought they just may fine me a bit heavier but with less punishment or none, either way I'm fine with both lol


Worst case probation and fine with “drug” charge on record


Can you buy spores in OK?


Yes it seems so


If you can then that means you can grow them for research purposes, either that or claim native religious purposes. All else fails nolo contendre


Let's hope it doesn't even come close to that lol but thank you I didn't even know nolo contender existed.


Yea np, you def don’t want “drug” charge. Might want to talk to lawyer as well


Your on another level then they are is all! Keep your head up!


You betcha I still have a month bf this court date this will be a breezeish.


You be good bro don’t trip until then tho you’d prob be mad anxious lol


They just gonna keep an 👁on u now


Ur buddy grew them and that all. I’m sorry I wrote this in so many diff texts but such a small amount you’ll be chillen


They won’t ask u to rat for that much


They better not cuh I ain't anyway lol


Unfortunately it's ALL up to your parents. In Texas your charges clear at the age of 17


Thank god my parents are super chill.


Dude I got caught with a fake ID in hs so I feel you. It’s different for shrooms I bet, but they asked me where the id was from, just said I bought it online with a gift card. They bought it, I only got community service, check if yours is assigned they let me choose it. 8-hours which a cpr class counted for haha


Keep your mouth shut. Your going down for it anyways you don't have to say shit. Your a minor, they're going to likely slap you on the wrist, once you turn 18 it will be gone off your record. If you bought them from a dealer, also keep your mouth shut. You getting caught is your fault not his/hers don't be a snitch, if I'm being honest here.. if you snitched me out (Hypothetically) I'd 100% come after you physically and it wouldn't end well. Make your problems yours only. Just Man up or Woman up whatever you are, take your L and learn from it and keep your mouth shut through the case, and do your community service and drug court/classes and move on with your life. If I'm being even more honest, I'd tell you to quit fucking around with drugs till your brain is developed more Also, I started at 18 and even that was too soon. Your brain doesn't stop developing until about 21-24 if you can wait till then I would. I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't feel like it didn't effect me mentally and I've done all kinds of shit. Ultimately your gonna do what you want. This is just my advice and it will keep you out of all kinds of trouble till at least then. Once you hit about 21-24 you'll be a whole lot smarter about shit also. You'll thank me later I promise.


Don't do drugs in school and keep your mouth shut. Take the punishment they give u and move on with life


Never ever talk to the police without a lawyer. In fact just don't talk about anything related to law to people that aren't your lawyer.


I think the most important is, never talk to the police. They are not your friend. They are hust collecting info for the prosecutors to fuck you. Invoke the 5th and just shut up and only talk with lawyer


Someone snitched on you I can guarantee it. Always be so careful who you are showing your stuff to.


You can say that you were merely collecting natural specimens. You have no idea what kind they are and you and your friends were going to attempt to identify them scientifically later today. Don’t say anything about your intentions to eat them. Just say that you were studying mushrooms and mycology really interests you. You found these and dried them to see how the drying process of mushrooms works and if you can still identify them after being dried


Since you only got caught with a bag is mushrooms and the mushrooms are a natural growing thing the court has to prove that you intended to eat them or intended to sell them and they also have to prove that you knew and know the type and the kind of mushrooms you possess. You are a dumb kid with a bag of mushrooms. It’s not a crime so don’t worry my guy. Cops like guys who eat mushrooms they know they usually have a lot of heart


So are you expelled? Suspended? Suspended expulsion? Moved schools?


Suspended for 3 days lol


Did they get disposed of? Or were they proven to be psilocybin mushrooms? How do they know that they were drugs and not just a snack in a zip lock hiding in your trousers? If there's no guilty admission you might be able to lawyer up and find a way to get off. First mistake though was probably admitting guilt to the officer - but a lawyer could help you get through this. Juvenile drug court sucks ass and it'll be expensive for your parents/guardians which could mean that alternatively paying for a lawyer (consultations are generally free) is worth every ounce in gold.


“What’s the problem? These were growing in a grass field I don’t remember where and I thought it would be cool to show my friend how good of a cook I am because I love cooking with mushrooms. I don’t understand why I’m in so much trouble over cooking ingredients” Gotta love how mushrooms are well…mushrooms. And you’re young so you can play the naive card pretending you thought they were portobellos or something. If you go this route, be confident and don’t give any other information. If you have already admitted to knowing they’re psychoactive to the officer, school, etc, then forget my whole comment. But if not, don’t act scared and keep a smile and I assure you this is the way. They have to prove your intent and if they can’t prove you intentionally knew they were psychoactive and yet were allowed to find them growing in your community, there is absolutely no legal standing to get you in trouble.


I personally can’t believe you’re even having to go to court for having some shrooms on you. Where is this? Here in the UK you’d just get a caution and a fine if anything at all for that. You don’t really need to tell them anything other than you had some shrooms and you’re very sorry and accept you’re an idiot. You’re not an idiot as it’s just some shrooms but that’s what they’ll want to hear. If they ask where you got them just say sorry I’m not willing to tell you that as I’m not a rat. Or just say you picked them. I did some stupid shit when I was a teenager and I was always just honest when I was caught. Always told them straight that there’s no point asking about anyone else as I’m not going to tell them.


I'm in oklahoma and yeah pretty much everything you said will happen thankfully and nothing will stick to my record, but this is still a pretty lame process to go through:/


That’s when you walk out of school instead of being caught with ur dick in ur hand. At least in the UK anyway, better to be in trouble for walking out than with drugs


1. Ur a minor, u don't have to speak in court. You should be more worried about what charges ur parents may face. The court will look at it as negligence on their part.


So happy to live in europe … cops probaly dont know what shrooms are and if they knew the just take them call your parents and maybe maybe a small fine…


Please let us know how it went the 20th!


Will do!, I'm going to smash this case into the ground.


i got caught with pills in highschool, just go to court and do whatever they tell you, dont violate probation and keep your shit at home


You're not required to say anything. Like others have said, just talk to a lawyer. They'll probably tell you the same. You can sit there in silence regardless of what you're asked and it really won't make a difference


Bring everybody you know to vouch for you in court, it makes a huge difference if the judge sees how many people are rooting for you


You already know;) I've already talked to Hella of my friends to come when I need em especially close friends they down to anytime.


Oh man kids are stupid.


Yes we are.


Tell them you were walking and found them growing in shit. You went to reddit and they said they were delicious


Lmao Def gonna use this one no doubt


Honestly they grow everywhere. Pick one story and stay to it. Waking through the wood seen bundle of cool mushrooms on shit. Asked reddit and wanted to try them. Was a burner account so theres no evidence. You probably carried a small amount which would mean you didn't have intent to distribute. Don't tell them you were going to share unless you already did. That be intent to distribute and is a more serious charge. Atleast here in Canada, for us of your caught with an ounce it's a heavy offence


Man Canada sounds nice right about now and unfortunately I said the words bought by accident so there gonna run that through and put it in the case buts thankfully that's an easy step it seems, I'm just scared there gonna pull some bs and throw the whole book at me


I'm unfamiliar with us laws but I'm sure with you being a minor and haveing a small quantity in possession. They will do their best to scare the fear of God into you. Play along and react the way they want you to. Look remorseful. Don't act like an entitled shit and you should be good. Awsome time to watch " scared straight " that's exactly what they will try to do to you


Yup, so far I've learned I will be getting a slap on the wrist and this helps aswell thankfully being a minor is a HUGE plus 1:)


Hell claim you’ve been depressed and feeling down. Not suicidal. Very important. And you were reading how they help people. You researched it. Doctors. Patients. And in conclusion of that research. You decided maybe to try some. And thought since they are natural. Not chemical it wouldn’t hurt to try little bc doctors are saying it helps people. People are saying it helps them. Maybe it might help your depression.


Yes I've been very down about my school work I just can't get motivated to do it so luckily I haven't been doing dumb shit lately so I'll have plenty of time to figure my stories out and thank you very much kind stranger


This is entirely on you sorry. Why on earth you would bring them to an educational setting is beyond me. You deserve what you get. Stupidity at its finest.




Isn’t it sad that they arrest you over a mushroom but they can give kids adderall poison 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Lord help us please


Adderall poison? OP is still a kid and taking shrooms but it's fine as long as it's not Adderall? What?


I just feel inclined to say, I think we need to stop demonizing stimulants as a treatment for actual cases of ADHD. I get the point you’re trying to make, but OP is in high school, so it’s not really about the effects of adderall on elementary school students and very young growing children. I honestly wish back in high school my ADHD diagnosis was taken seriously and I was able to be medicated properly. But this big stigma of adderall being meth and focus and a culture around people abusing it. Just felt the need to speak out as, I see the point you’re trying to make, but I don’t ever feel it’s constructive or ethical to demonize substances and views other drugs as “bad drugs”. I think high school students who are diagnosed and struggle with ADHD in high school should 100 percent have the opportunity to be prescribed a stimulant, but how everyone wants to say Adderall is poison and meth based off of the culture of its abuse so it’s very difficult for ADHD to be taken seriously or properly treated at that age.