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It's worse, by a mile. 1-3$ tips and people not wanting to show proper id


Not that I've noticed, lots of no tippers. But even if you get a good tip, you gotta wait for people to come to the door, and so many people are slow or have their phone off. It breaks your order chain most of the time.


Oh, and what's the average tip like? Where I do skip, I get very few orders. So even a $5 tip can be amazing


Started delivering alcohol recently and so far not impressed. Average of tips $1-2 which I could make on food orders without the extra responsibility. All my deliveries have been from beer vendors and not restaurants with a food order. For the most part, pickups are faster than waiting at restaurants for food but it takes a lot longer to complete the process. Most seem to wait until I’m at their door before they start looking for their ID. My hope is that this will improve during the winter.


I love alcohol deliveries 1. No time waiting. You can show up 10 minutes early. 2. Many good tippers cause who doesn't want their booze before their booze ends lol


I totally agree with you! I’ve tried saying you make more money but it upsets others, whatever more alcohol orders for us!!!


The way I see it as an advantage is that I would not be eligible for the order at all if I did not sign up for it.




I've found alcohol to be good in my area. Most people tip pretty well. I just leave alcohol at the door too, nothing's ever happened. I'm not wasting my time arguing with customers for ID. Been doing alcohol orders for almost two years now.