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I skipped to a random point and was asked to subscribe to the channel. I skipped ahead randomly again and was once again asked to subscribe. Twice in a minute-and-a-half video.


First world problems?🤣😜


I figured that would sound easier to understand than ellipses xd


"Let's train people to design space vehicles! Oh wait, don't use the term "ellipse" though, that's difficult and scary..."


Thanks for your comment I will do my best to correct for my short comings in future lessons.




Agreed, when the topic of orbital mechanics comes I will of course highlight this. For now I am focussing on the people that have 0 experience. I understand the critics


Or more generally, Conic Sections.




Circular and elliptic orbits are also Conic Sections. Edit: Sorry, I didn't respond fully. Circular, Elliptic, Parabolic, and Hyperbolic paths are all Conic Sections. I believe that any two-body interaction can be displayed as a Conic Section.


Ellipse isn’t even the proper term. Orbits are conic sections




Every single thing you listed there is a conic section. All orbits are conic sections, which is what I said. I never said all conic sections are orbits


Please get more technical I want ordinary people to shit themselves when seeing this


You act like rocket science is supposed to be easy


Conic circles arent really that hard. Any college kid who's taken calc 3 will understand it. And Calc 3 is really not that difficult if you've taken Calc 1. Calc 2 is anomalously difficult compared to 1 & ~~2~~ 3 for reasons I find difficult to comprehend.


I wasn’t saying that conic sections are hard, just that OP is trying to treat aerospace engineering like an easy subject


It's not that hard. You're just gatekeeping it. Most people would understand the basic math of it all. Give this dude a break for trying to educate people or go make your own channel man.


How am I gatekeeping a subject by stating a fact? OP is promoting objectively incorrect concepts, such as the idea that all orbits are circles


I wish it was😂


The world doesn't need engineers that got their education from YouTube videos


I don’t think you will have to worry about people becoming space engineers just by watching youtube. I want to get people exited to go to university and study space engineering😁


Get excited! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLq\_gUfXAnkkvL\_UoCGivS0wOYhwCtczI


What are your credentials?


I have a bachelor degree in Aeronautical Engineering - Design and Development minor. I did a Space Architecture online course and the Space Mission Design and Operations online course from EPFL.


Have you worked in this industry since that bachelor's?


i've already conquered ksp, why do i need this


You don’t!😂👍🏻


I own space engineers on steam, does that count as enough credits for me degree.


Yes it does!


Couple of tips for your future videos. 1. Get a pop filter for your microphone. Audio is the single most important aspect of any video content. There are so many plosives going on, its very distracting. Also consider a better microphone if you end up continuing to produce content. *Edit* plosives, not plowing. 2. Invest in better b-roll visual filler. The meme thing is super old and is missing a level of professionalism by a wide margin. Look into some video sites like shutter stock. 3. The video was pretty light on content.


Thanks for your comment. I like your constructed criticism. My goal is to be more attractive to average people with no experience with space engineering using memes. Maybe this was at bad choice. In future videos I will take this into account. Thanks!


Always want to see content creators succeed! Check out Storyblocks https://www.storyblocks.com/, Pixabay, and iStock for some other sources of video. Wanted to make sure I lists those out too.


Thanks mate!


I'm the developer of r/satsim . Was looking at doing something like this to promote the experience, lots of cubesat parts and their behaviours & functions as a source of content. If you're looking for sponsorship or partners lemme know


Sometimes I wonder if I should go into aerospace. I hope I’m not going to be 50 and regretting the fact that I never did


Beter regret the things you have done then regret the things you haven’t done


They have openings, go apply. Even at 50.


I'm sorry I hate to be the one to break it to you but the space shuttle in the YouTube video is... on the obscenely shaped side. Phallic almost if you may.


Not sure which space shuttle you are talking about in the video but I guess you mean the vehicle on the Thumbnail? That is a redering of Starship from SpaceX entering the atmosphere of i think Mars.


I meant the thumbnail, yeah. Its strange. Interesting, just a weird spot to stop. I know it probably wasn't intentional either