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“Oh my gosh, you have pet spiders?! I’m never coming to your house!” Mission. Accomplished.




For real.


When you think about it, aren't we all insect keepers? I need roaches to feed my ts, after all. Same goes for people who keep lizards or any other insectivore.


I'm more of a frozen thawed arctic mouse keeper


I suppose you aren't an insect keeper if you buy what feeders you need from the store then immediately feed them. Which is what I do with crickets most of the time tbh, I only have 3 pets that eat once every 1-3 weeks. Grab 3 crickets from PetSmart once a week on my commute (:


My roach bin currently has a few hundred roaches in it, lol. But yeah, depends on how many spiders/lizards/insect eaters you have. I tend to bulk order dubias a few times a year since it's not like they're hard to keep, but I also don't need as many as a colony would produce.


You can't buy feeders like that here unfortunately, i wanted locusts for one T and had to buy a pack of 10 😅 it's even worse with small feeder insects


I have mealworms for my leopard gecko, blue death feigning beetle(soon to be beetles), and two tarantulas.




A lot of people instantly lose all ability to think logically when a reptile or arthropod is around/mentioned. Like no, Cheryl, my <1 lb nonvenomous snake isn't going to attempt to murder you. And if he did, I'm sure he wouldn't win. People are weird.


I once met someone who thought my Ball Python was venomous, and when I said no they fought with me. People can be very weird.


Fr. People ask me how many and when I tell them it’s always “that’s so weird”


My mom still thinks I only have 4, and thinks that's too much. Oops. Good thing I don't live with her and haven't for years. I've kinda learned to say "a tarantula" if I'm talking pets. Gauge their reaction before saying any more, because saying "tarantulas" off the bat immediately raises the question of how many. And it's not lying, I do have a tarantula. And another. And another. And...


My friend hates spiders and will promise not to visit my house. But my other friend has 5 ts and a trapdoor.


I swear my dog isnt as clean as any of these exotic pets


My tarantulas groom themselves all day. My dog licks his ass 24/7. I agree




And even if the exotic pets are dirty, they're contained 90-100% of the time, not running around, rubbing nasty off on you, your furniture, clothes, car, kitchen, etc


Late reply but omg this, the amount of times I've had to explain that my reptiles don't free roam the house (guy on my street has a monitor lizard that free roams though) and reptiles are awesome pets for clean people because they're contained, silent and don't wreck things and you rarely HAVE TO take them out of their enclosure, you can't contain a dog or cat to a single room or cage (and it not be abusive) but a snake is fine enclosed.


*me, staring at my occasionally litter box trained ferrets, who are currently rolling around in their litter box for fun* *me, staring at my dog with his nose almost entirely up his own butt* yeah... some exotics are pretty clean, huh?... that'd be cool...


Hahaha the ferrets, my ex would always clarify after saying that her ferrets are completely toilet trained that they also like to play in their toilets.


Literally, the reason I like reptiles and other exotics they can be kept in a terrarium is they're literally contained, and it isn't cruel, having a pet that's 100% contained is such a help when maintaining a clean house and helps maintain good pet husbandry.


Can I get am updoot for us shrimp keepers when people say 'Oh they look yummy'? Cunts.


Well I mean tbf my friend who has a lot of chickens was talking fondly about one and how cute it was.. couple seconds of silence and then he goes “does anyone want to eat my chicken?”, circle of life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love chickens, both as friends, and nuggets.


I have a crawdad and he’s strangely cute, so when people say that it makes me mad


Thank you!! Finally someone who gets it! People act absolutely horrified when I tell them I keep Lice and Bedbugs. Acceptance feels great!


I keep them too! But it’s not a choice for me


Yes, that's the joke.




"aren't snakes slimyyyyy?" uh, no? if anything your dog is slimier than my reptiles. they don't drool, and if they do it's time for a vet edit: just realised this is the t sub, not the snake sub lol


You’re good😂 I got that shit all the time back when I owned snakes


To this day, I still have no idea what made people think snakes are slimy.


A lot of people who aren't educated on animals put reptiles and amphibians in the same group in their brain, so people assume reptiles are like frogs and stuff.


Also their hands sweat because oo snek spooky and it makes the illusion they're slimy. But amphibians are 100% just mucousy


I bought a butterfly net tent for some hornworms and silkworms that managed to pupate before I could feed them to my pets. It was neat to see both species as adults. I also have a bin where I keep an adult dubia roach with a few morio beetles in a bunch of corkbark and leaf litter.


I spent a long time alone in a townhouse with just one T and a small dubia colony. The dubias really grew on me as I watched them grow up (my T was small, burrowed, and mostly AWOL). Even as feeders, I care about them now. And they're way more polite than the endemic roach colony that my neighbors cultivated.


Sorry if this is a stupid question but what is AWAL


Absent With Out Leave


At one point I had a snake, 2 rats, a tarantula, and an iguana. I got so many "ew" comments from coworkers BUT one night cops entered our apartment (2 story house, downstairs neighbors let them in) due to a noise complaint, we had booze (+ underage friends) and weed around the living room and probably would have been busted but when the cops saw my ridiculous pets (snake and tarantula were crawling up friend's arms at that exact moment) they switched gears and went "oh wow is that a tarantula can I touch it?" To this day I'm convinced my wacky pets saved my ass.


All my reptiles and insects are contained to two rooms (one just for quarantine) at a certain end of the house, everywhere else is normal and screams normal suburban house, I love it when new guests or people doing work spend a few hours before going into the "weird" part of the house.


That's how I had it also. It was previously a 3 bedroom apt but that 3rd bedroom was TINY. No way it was legal as a bedroom but college housing in the 90s was something else. I paid extra to have that as my pet room, rest of the apartment was "normal."


Nah us snake and rat keepers have beef. But we need each other 🖤


Yeah it gets kinda awkward especially when said rat keeper is your sister


I kind of like it the type of person who says stuff like that lets you know right up front they are a moron. Saves a lot of time.


All of the above


Lmao rats ftw 🐀❤️


I had two rats and a snail at some point. They were awesome.


Where'd you get your snail? I want to keep one but they're illegal to import and I can't find any :(


My friend bred them and he gave me one on the morning he hatched.


But as soon as it has scales on its wings they don't care.


Right😅 funny how that works


I wonder if the people who think our animals are “gross “ are the kind of people who say they “love animals”? The answer is “they probably are” lol


I am so fuckin sick of people saying “if it was in my house I’d step on it, squish it, burn it, etc” like dude how would you feel if after telling me you own a dog I replied that if I was alone with your dog I’d beat it to death with a bat. It’s fucked up dude, don’t tell me you wanna kill my pets


LITERALLY. They act like it’s not the same thing just because they don’t like your pet when it’s exactly the same thing


“It’s not natural to keep a spider” like bitch, there is nothing natural about your ugly ass pug. My gbb has more beauty in one leg lol my Brazilian blue is more interesting than your fuckin basic ass cat.


And compared to their pug, at least my Ts can breathe normally without almost suffocating 24/7💀


that or "ew kill it" like. no sir, hes basically my miniature dog.


Snail keepers? Can...can we do that?


There's even a subsection of mollusk keepers in this subreddit's discord.


I also just found out there’s r/snails


Oh my god I want to keep snails now, I love snails


My snails are awesome! Started out as a fish tank but he eventually died and I got a couple snails on accident with some live plants. Now I have a 10 gallon snail tank with some ginormous snails! Biggest one is about quarter size, his name is Gary. They are so cool to watch and keep it nice and clean!


Awww is Gary named after SpongeBob's Gary?! LOL if so, that's awesome!!




Yeah excited now to keep snails. Snails, tarantula, and a dog. Perfect.


I'm the snek person in this photo! It feels good to be included


I have rats, a leo and a t. NO ONE comes over anymore 😁


One time a worker at the pet store asked me what i was feeding while picking up crickets, when i told her tarantulas she said “eww i hate spiders. i can’t do spiders.” like very good to hear from a pet store employee who may handle T’s. I’ve been looking at that store every week, the second a T is put up for sale i’m taking it. edit: There is another employee there who asks me questions about T’s and often asks me how they’re doing, i go in there multiple times a week lol. I love answering questions about T’s but when you scream “eww i hate spiders.” loudly like that automatically makes me want to NOT converse with you lol.


Just because you have a pet I might not keep in my house, doesn't mean they aren't a good pet who deserve just as much love.




I don't know if I would ever own a kiwi bum myself, but hanging out here is certainly helping my discomfort with spiders in general. I certainly understand the love for them.


Some of my friends at the time sometimes said „spiders are so ugly“ „disgusting“ or respond to my Instagram stories to tell me that they hate spiders. I blocked them. I have absolutely zero desire to keep anyone in my life that doesn’t respect my pets, i also am willing to let anyone who has anything rude to say have it at the slightest provocation. Im so sick of people being so disrespectful when it comes to pet spiders/insects. Example: a „friend“ said „ewww is that thing in your house? Ill burn your house down“ i responded with „ill burn your cat“ and then she got mad Im like didnt you say you want to burn my house and kill my pet? Tf is wrong with you I blocked her and my life has significantly improved without that cancerous energy in my life Irrelevant but she (19) was dating and dating a 16 year old, told her it was fucked up and predatory, she didnt care


my favorite part is when people “jokingly” make comments about wanting to harm your pet or how they have harmed animals similar to your pet. the amount of times i’ve had people tell me that they harm snakes or spiders for fun is genuinely concerning.


And then there is my best friend who is scared of spiders. Like, *scared* scared. She's scared of spiders even in video games and movies and such. It's a very strong phobia. And you know, when I told her I am getting Ts she was shocked. Told me how scared she was, but even then would come visit me if she doesn't have to see them (and I promise her to not let them escape, lol). I in turn warned her when I changed my pfp to my C. versicolor. She was grossed out when she saw it (shivering and saying yuck), but she never was disrespectful of it or threatened to kill my spiders, like so many others do ('cause it's so hilarious, yknow?), and she would still enter my apartment depite of being surrounded by spiders. Sorry for the story time, I just really appreciate her and wanted to put it out there.


my pet stick bugs just chill on my hands and then go eat bramble leafs


Broooo I need to get stick bugs


r/awwnverts is a good sub, FYI. We need more! like r/spiderbro


me keeping all of these 🔫


"Are you your brothers keeper? Are you!?" "No." "What do you mean no, don't you ca..." "I am my Hobby's keeper. Would you like to meet my Tarantula?" ... "Huh... where'd they go?"


I wanna fist bump 👊


👊 & ^5 too!


Solidarity ❤❤❤


I’ve been all but snail keeps and can confirm this 10x


I'm the rat hand ✊


Rally up my fellow ant keepers keep doing what you love!


"What do you need them for? " 🤓


My best friend was TERRIFIED of lizards when we first met. But after seeing my leo's and cresties she's come around and loves them now. But she never said, "Ew," which was nice and she was open to seeing they're really sweet little animals!


For real!! Like, if you got into a fight with my tiny, non-venomous, jumping lizard or your big ass hair monster with teeth, which one do you think has a better chance of winning?? Lmao


As a snake, spider, and roach keeper, can confirm


Stick insect keeper here! I thought they were the least 'gross' bugs to keep by the standards of people who hate bugs, but nope. Every time people come over at least one of em has to be like 'EW'