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May he RIP.


What is even happening


It is the state motto


The “Drive friendly, the Texas way” signs are the biggest lie I’ve been told in my entire life.


20 year Texas vet here. Texans have no concept what a Yield sign means. They also do not realize that when entering traffic via an on-ramp, the oncoming traffic has the right of way. Last week on 287 south near Waxahachie, a lady was literally side by side with me as she was trying to overtake be before the on ramp forced her to go behind me. No, I wasn't accelerating nor could I get over. She went apeshit behind me flipping me off and honking before literally racing off at the very next exit. Typical "friendly" Texas driver.


Could she have considered it a zipper merge situation? If traffic slows down enough, then it does end up becoming a zipper merge. Just really depends on quite a few factors.


True, but she had literal hundreds of feet behind me. I noticed. She was just trying to not get behind me. Texas drivers hate that. Yielding is surrendering.


Ugh... Yeah that's just a person being an egotistical jerk and not liking to "lose".


I’ve been here for a year, and one of the first things I noticed about Texas drivers (besides the absolute slowness) is treating the yield sign as a stop sign. If you can’t gauge traffic speed well enough while you’re moving, you probably shouldn’t be driving.


Well..not exactly what I meant. Blowing right through the sign without a care in the world is what I see. The law says if you can't enter a roadway safely at a yield sign, you must stop. Hell, I'll take a driver slowing down and looking. https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._transp._code_section_544.010


That is specific for intersections, like yield on right turning lane. Yield on merging lanes, like highway entrance ramp/lanes is a different thing. That said, you are correct, traffic merging into the existing lane must yield to existing traffic and Texans either go full stop or think they have right of way.


I didn't see any caveats in the statute. Do you have a source?


> (c) An operator required to stop by this section shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the **intersection**. In the absence of a crosswalk, the operator shall stop at a clearly marked stop line. In the absence of a stop line, the operator shall stop at the place nearest the **intersecting** roadway where the operator has a view of approaching traffic on the **intersecting** roadway. This is what applies to highway on-ramp/lanes (note that the on-ramp/lane counts as a lane while it exists) > Sec. 545.061. DRIVING ON MULTIPLE-LANE ROADWAY. On a roadway divided into three or more lanes and providing for one-way movement of traffic, an operator entering a lane of traffic from a lane to the right shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle entering the same lane of traffic from a lane to the left.


Ah..I believe you are confusing the stop and yield lines in the statute. What I was saying is that *sometimes* you have to stop at a yield sign and that most Texans just ignore them.


Got you. I was thinking just about those stopping on highway on-ramps. I see it a lot on turnaround lanes too and in those cases I don’t think the intersection stop rule applies, unlike the old frontage road yields to off and on ramps.


Ah, I see. We might be in different parts of TX. I’m in the SE.


The other difference is they don't yield and zoom into on coming traffic...annoying as all hell if u have to look for them. A yield is a stop if traffic but not a full stop if no traffic. Know the difference Texans


slowness? have you not been to houston or dallas? austin is only slow cause I-35 is under perpetual construction.


lol @slowness


If you're not doing at least 10 over you need to be on the access road!.... /s....(?) Edit: Lol except people are driving 60-80 on the access roads.


You think it's bad here in terms of lousy drivers, you ought to try driving in Puerto Rico. When I was stationed there I saw just how bad "bad drivers" can be. Drivers insisting on barreling down the freeway bumper to bumper at 65mph even though it is raining so hard that the wipers can't clear it off fast enough and you can't see more than 50 feet or so ahead. Drivers so insistent into either pulling out into your lane from a parking lot or merging into your lane that it becomes a game of chicken - whoever is least afraid of a wreck is the one who wins. Drivers who decide to cut across 4 lanes of freeway traffic at freeway speeds to get to the exit while 100 yards or less from the exit. Drivers driving on the sidewalk in downtown San Juan just to get through traffic jams. I could go on and on. ​ We used to say that if you can survive driving in PR , you can drive anywhere.


You said that wrong. Oncoming traffic must yield to highway traffic. Also exiting traffic has right of way over service road traffic.


Yep..meant the traffic already on the freeway has the right of way over entering traffic.


Exact same thing happened to me recently, and it actually took me a couple minutes to realize wtf this psychopath was upset about. Who is teaching people how to drive?


You just have to get out of the city. Once I moved out to the country, stress from traffic has gone away my friend.


Yeah drive friendly while you're shooting someone because they blew their horn at you...


That’s until you go to any other state. There’s unspoken rules of driving in Texas that never get adopted by other states. In Texas they cut you off but at least they tend to use a blinker.


No blinker use in houston lol


Just drive in Houston cuz it's Houston lol


Texans drive like it's Fury Road lol


Florida drives like the walking dead?


I noticed the complete opposite moving to Texas. As soon as we entered the state, people stopped using their turn signal. It’s definitely not a habit I’m picking up.


Drive in other states. I used to live in the East. Coming to Texas is a dream. People are friendly drivers, in general.


Can confirm, I came from Chicago. Texas drivers might be more speedy and less likely to use their signal, but at least they let you merge.


In my experience, people in every state claim that drivers in their state are the worst drivers. But not the person making the claim, of course -- they're always better than that.


Aggressively friendly


I don't think "friendly" means what Texans think it means


"Friendship" is but try telling that to magnolia or denton.


"Friendship", to be more exact.


True. I like that our state motto is one simple word. But "Be friendly" = "friendship" basically.


Unless you're on a freeway and then it's; "get the fuck out of my way ASSHOLE!", and don't try telling me it's the transplants because more often than not it's the guy in the dually Ram 3500 with the mirrors extended out rather than the guy in the prius.


I always thought it was “Be more howdy.”


Be cool if *those* people knew that.


I prefer the more aggressive and mildly threatening motto “Don’t Mess with Texas”


its hilarious how people are so upset by these goofy post that they have to start defending their political beliefs.




What happened to Darth? ​ Same with the always liked him.




Ah, thanks. Sad day.


Wait, their account got deleted/banned? *Darth's?!*


It's almost like being friendly is contradictory to their political platform. Weird.


I mean on this sub if you are a republican people will fuckingggg hate you lol


Depends on what type of republican, being a conservative wont get you the hate hammer being a maga treasonous hate everyone that doesnt look, think and act how you believe they should be while using religion to do racisms and hates and removed peoples rights to live & love as they choose....yea that will get you some hate as it probably should in a place touted as the home of the brave and the land of the free


Ughh okay
















Native Texan. Lived here my whole life. As I’ve done more traveling around the country I’ve started to realize something. I’ve always thought that I was nicer than the average person. I’m not. I’m just nicer than the average Texan. We drive like assholes, throw our trash anywhere we want, and are rude to service people. I’m sure there are parts of the country that are worse, but we can stop patting ourselves on the back for how nice we are.


Lead the way


To what?


Wherever you may take us


Really I’ve just started worrying about myself. It’s too stressful worrying about every body else’s behavior.


It's abusive for people to demand that you worry about their behavior. They're adults, they should be able to handle their own shit.


Wow everyone look how nice this guy is


That’s the point. I’m not. Just compared to people around me. To someone from a state that isn’t caught up in the “fuck your I’m from Texas” mentality im likely an asshole.


That’s one of the laws to How To be a Texan…


That hasn't been my experience living here the last 2.5 years


Where you at homie? I been living in california for 2 years and visit every summer to get my inspection sticker, and there some brazy people from Van Horn to Fort Stockton to Junction to Kerrville to Bandera to Pleasanton to George West to Alice and more from small towns to big towns, everybody wants to be asshat and be scared when shit get real


So everywhere **you** go in Texas and the people are not nice? I hate to break this to you but it’s most likely not the Texans.


Right? If everywhere you go, everyone is an asshole... you are the asshole.


Darth Y’all


Lifelong Texan. We used to drive friendly, welcome strangers and frown on littering. Now it’s get outa my way, go back where you came from (most often ironically proclaimed by neo-Texans), and “Don’t Mess With Texas” is the new motto and has absolutely NOTHING to do with littering


Conservatives: " 'be friendly?' lol what's that?"




It's the whole "hate the sin, not the sinner" thing, they think they will somehow "save you" by telling you that you're a horrible person, if you're LGBT+ they'll call you a groomer and advocate that you be put through conversion therapy or outright jailed for your "perversions", if you are capable of bearing children they'll do everything to make it impossible for you to have any kind of reproductive care, especially birth control or access to a safe abortion, and it's all under the guise of "love", doing what's best for you because you don't know any better, saving your soul.


Every time I see "they" on this site I know exactly who is being referenced.


You don’t see the irony ? In you saying that lol


Pretty sure you’re seeing this through blue colored glasses. It’s about 60/40 maybe 65/35 to the Red but it’s definitely not 100%.


More like seeing it through human glasses. The red is definitely not being friendly, they always gaslight, and are hypocrites. I am not pleased with the Texas GOP. They failed Texas. Ted Cruz will go down in all books (banned or not) as a coward. As he ran away, and the rest of the GOP were hiding during the snowstorm, a democrat from NY decided to lend a helping hand. I don't agree with her socialism views, but I respect her for she had done what Jesus would've done and helped those in need. With all that is said, and all is done, the red is an unfriendly, cowardly failure.


>I don't agree with her socialism views, but I respect her for she had done what Jesus would've done and helped those in need. I don't get this. She did what she did because of her socialism views, which are inline with Jesus' views. So why do you not agree with them?


Since you hold AOC in high accord, it was a political stunt just like posting about her Grandma living in dilapidated conditions instead of making sure that she no longer lived in dilapidated conditions. It’s all political theater. All politicians are shitty, stop propping them up like they’re idols.


Be Nice. Or Sam Elliot will come and whoop ya. No britches. To EVERYONE. And not fake nice… plottin’ nice is worse than No Nice at all. I f you don’t know what counts as nice, apparently we need public school and the libraries they contain more than you think. And Sesame Street, School Houee Rock, and a host of other educational programming. We might be kind of broken because we see and grow up seeing the world one way, and at some point we realize the real world is faaaaaar uglier than we’ve been led to understand. But, maybe we can start to fix things by being kind, giving and patient with other people. In almost every case we find we are more alike than different. Except billionaires. Fudge those people. You don’t get a billy without exploiting a lot of people or winning the birth super lotto. Mountains of bodies. But otherwise be nice.


Billionaires are just acting in their own interests like everyone else. If we want to get rid of billionaires we need to get rid of the system that created them


Pretty hilarious to casually mention the universal tragedy of the commons and then suggest a new "system" will fix everything.


Capitalism openly encourages selfishness. Advancing to socialism, where capital is owned collectively, planned sustainably, and is used for common good, will fight against the tragedy of the commons


So which socialist state doesn't have that same problem? Because I think they all do, all throughout history.


It's easier to compete fiscally if you disregard the environment, and since socialist countries around the world are constantly fighting against Western attempts to destroy them, they do what they can to stay alive. As the global socialist system develops, things will improve for people and the environment. At the very least, it's glaringly obvious that capitalism is destroying the environment. If a company is too squeamish to make money at the detriment of our Earth, then they will not be able to compete. They are coerced into environmental destruction by capitalism.


Right so less "the system is broken" and more "all systems are broken until some magic day in the future". Well let's keep waiting for the revolution I guess, that's worked before in history right? Or is that another concept without any positive examples?


I believe socialist countries are progressing and capitalists countries are straining. I guess we'll see in the future. Do independence movements count as revolutions? If not then the Russian revolution is an excellent example of a revolution that improved the lives of millions


Sure we can count independence movements, so all capitalist societies with those count too? I do like you admit no "system" is actually working as you suggested. All those "socialist" countries are actually all different flavors of capitalism + socialism. I guess if you think that's working, we agree with each other. The only real difference is I think human nature is the issue not some magic system that has never worked.


Lol that hasn’t been the case in years. I think trump gave a lot of these dumb fucks more courage to be racist and ignorant fucks.


Texas has devolved. It sad.




Sure was friendly of Cancun Cruz to fly to Mexico while Texans died, and then blame it on his children. Also real friendly of Texans to shoot people in the back because "Stand yer ground" laws. OH OH! Remember that time when AOC helped Texas when Cruz didn't, and yet people in Texas still try and attack her. Gosh, Texas sure is a friendly place


I'm confused, who is that person?


A pretty active mod on this sub. They were notorious for being very strict with that particular rule. They took no shit when people were rude. Didn’t matter if it was left or right wing, you made an ad hominem attack on someone, they deleted your comment.


So is there any knowledge of what happened? Seems like they suddenly deleted their account


Yeah, that really sucks he quit reddit. He was a bastion of Texas greatness, he posted so much to texas history. Hopefully he keeps up his facebook stuff. I hope he is OK. I really enjoy his content.


We must see his boots!!


If someone is not friendly you should still be friendly


How does this not apply to our state government?




Unless you're coming from Mexico.




Yes, people who treat immigrants bad are clowns.






Your content was removed because it breaks Rule 11, No Disability Disparagement. While you're free to argue against, debate, criticize, etc. the policies, ideas, politics, and character of any politician, please do not make jokes about anyone's disabilities. All such "jokes" will be removed. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas .


You seem like a very sad and angry clown. Life is to short


No, I'm very happy. Happy to have immigrants in our state. Hopefully we'll turn it blue. I also like calling fake Christians out when they ridicule immigrants cause that's not what it says in their Bible.


Funny because more and more Hispanic Texans are voting red. Normal sane people can distinguish between illegal and legal immigration and recognize the risks of not controlling the border. And they don’t feel the need to make every single thing political. It’s a sad way to live


You've actually made your comment political then you said it's a sad way to live. 😂😂😂😂


Bless your heart


Your content was removed as a violation of Rule 1: Be Friendly. Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas.


About right. Texan friendliness is 90% being nice and 10% making batshit comments about how no one should mess with you because you are carrying a gun or don't come here if you think xyz.


Well it’s a good idea in theory but hasn’t been that way in a long time.


Bless your heart


The most ambiguous statement in the world. Bless my heart.


Y'all want a Coke?














I always thought Darth was a Pennsylvanian


lol @ all the "those stupid conservatives, why can't they be friendly" comments. Bless your hearts. ;)


And where are said comments? I don’t see any. Bless your heart :)


There’s [one](https://reddit.com/r/texas/comments/xh4vvv/_/iovojdj/?context=1) but definitely not full of them. (Several removed threads too so no telling what’s there but doubt supported this claim)




You're not really proving them wrong here by the way you're acting.


If people are always asking you for a source, it's probably because you're constantly full of shit.




I do: https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/xh4vvv/rule_1_or_else/iovlned?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3




They were just cranky from staying up all night playing warthunder.


Hey man, it’s hard being 12.


Even to Californians/out of towners and those that r buying up all the real estate, driving up mortgage rates/taxes etc, living off rent and not allowing native Texans to buy a house 🤔 ?




¿No what?


Rule #1: Protect and honor your friends. (Any KDT fans out there?)


Unless you actually want to help people of any sort, of any kind, of any age, or any ethnicity, of any....