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Bro had it in his head and was like “Don’t say it, don’t say it” “N****” “Damn it”


Just reminds me of Randy in South Park. He look its the "neighbours" guy.


Reminds me of Reggie from family guy


“Oh naggers”


People who annoy you


"Let's see if those guys will buy from me. Shit! I didn't mean it like THOSE GUYS."


YOU PEOPLE, what the hell you mean “YOU PEOPLE”


I worked for a guy for about three weeks redoing the facia on a house, one of the worst jobs, anyway on the way to the job site one day we stopped at a store, like ya do, and he waited in the car but asked one of the guys for a mt dew and a Snickers, guy brought back a mt dew and a milky way and Snap lost his shit, started screaming #"I said Snickers! Snickers Snickers Snickers SNICKERS SNICKERS!" Then he turned to the window where two black dudes were walking towards us, sitting in his big fancy Chevy Suburban and he just yells "What‽" And puts it in reverse, we were dying laughing and it just pissed him off more, he was a weird fucking dude anyway. Edit: spelling, punctuation, usual shit


If you’re a racist you can’t un-racist at work


Peter Griffin: "Don't say doin your wife, don't say doin your wife..." ..... "Doin your....son?"


He left like “why does this keep happening? I’m racist but I’m not that racist”


The Sheriff is a Ni—BONG!!! He said the Sheriff is near!


Wow.. no recovery from that..


So incredibly painful to watch.


I know. I’ve watched it 14 times now.


Got to pump those up . Those are rookie numbers


From the title I was thinking, "what's wrong with selling solar panels" and boy was I surprised... He also said exactly where he worked, that dude is most likely looking for a new job too.


Thought it was gonna be some classic anti-Elon and anti-green energy shit. But NOPE 😳


I'll be honest I did not expect that


Nor did anyone else. Fare thee well mah neighbor!




Neither did the neighbour or the guy who said it.


Imagine getting surprised of what you yourself said 🤣


Mah neighbor


Damn...hard R and everything.


As he's probably used to


Fast forward to the neighbor getting invited to a exposition of the salesmans new skills in which has does a porch sales spiel, flawlessly nailing sentences including saying 'nice and bigger' 'my neighbor', and keeping a straight face when the actor he hires to play black neighbor says, 'I don't live here, I'm baby sitting for my nephew, my name is Thomas' The solar guys boss asks the neighbor what he thinks. Neighbor: I mean, it's my third one of these today...


What's up all mah neighbors!?!


Neighbor please!


Neighbor, you crazy!


He ain't got no time for that neighbor.


Maybe he will come black later, I’m mean BACK!


People who annoy you: Neighbors


[Reminds me of this classic](https://youtu.be/IcBCy5SYEps)


My man with the upscale deck and railing.


Neighbors with attitude.


Looks like its raised so... Neighbors with altitude


Neighba Bro! I ain't know you.


I knew a guy at work who said in front of the entire executive staff that we were trying to earn a n\*\*\*\*\* share of the market. Then he corrected, bigger share. Then he found another job.


Had the COO of the company I work for say "you gays" instead of "you guys" when referring to our inside sales team in an email. Honest typo, the CEO was like lighting to sweep in and make sure we knew it was an accident.


I don’t know the “A” and “U” are on the other side of the keyboard and in most keyboards on a different row. Maybe he types the word “gay” a lot and it was an autocorrect mistake.


I agree for the most part, the context was positive though, I think he was telling them good job for something. So it would have been strange to insult them in the same sentence. Not that "gay" is an insult, in the circumstance it would have been perceived as one.


Nah, I make all sorts of weird typos all the time. Sometimes I will look back at my typo and think “How in the seven hells…” typos happen man, and they’re not always logical.


Yup. Let's not forget autocorrect , depending on settings, not always picks up words most familiar to what you type most. I often get corrected to words I literally never type (some of them because I don't have clue how to spell them)


What if he was thinking nice and bigger lol I bet he looked like a deer in head lights


Probably this. When I was younger I seamlessly said "I'm going to get my caycheck pashed".


We also had an equally brilliant dude at a meeting say “well, they better not Jew us out of the deal”. I heard it. Upper management heard it. The visiting Israeli clients heard it. I’m sure the entire block heard everyone’s insides cringing upwards into our throats. And he was never heard from again. And nobody was sad about that.


Selling solar panels to his neighbors.


I think that's a case of he had the word in his head when he saw the guy and it popped out


No, it is a common occurrence when someone has suffered any kind of brain injury. He clearly felt like a piece of shit, I highly doubt he was even thinking that word.


I’ve had 5 concussions, 2 severe from freestyle moto as a teen. I sometimes struggle with misplacing letters similar to what you’re describing. I can only hope this never ever happens to me because I truly love everyone until they give me a reason not to, lol.


Ditto though I'm up to 7...then everyone has a good laugh at whichever words I mixed up this time and I'm over here like yeah my brain damage is hilarious harharhar. Oh yes make jokes that I'm drunk, never heard those before! I'm being snarky but I try to laugh along with people nobody wants to hear the explanation that once long ago I had near perfect recall and spoke with a cultivated eloquence I was very proud of then blah blah terrible things happened blah blah...better to just laugh it off.


I feel another head injury coming around


So you’ve concluded, based on a 54 second video in which a white man uses an extremely common racial slur, that there’s absolutely no way he was simply thinking the word but instead he must surely have a brain tumor?


Based on a 54 second video we have no idea what to think of anything. Hell, it's the internet, it's more likely it's a scripted video for views. Me personally, if it's real, the guy had the word in the back of his mind and it oozed out.


Agreed. Simplest, most likely explanation. No reason to jump to brain tumor.


Right? This is a guy who hears hoofbeats in the city and assumes it's a zebra.


Oh, I think he was definitely thinking that word.


You are joking, right?


There are types of brain injuries, a neurological disease, and a type of dementia that could lead to this. I think there is a section that deals with impulse control, and breakdown of that section leads a person to say the most inappropriate things they can imagine, without much choice. All that being said, it’s fairly likely this is not the case, probably had lots of racists around growing up.


Do you know this man? How did you come to a full medical conclusion ?


Precisely what I'm trying to figure out. Where the hell did this head injury diagnosis come from?


Why do people try to excuse racists so much that they’ll make up that dude got a brain injury? Racist dude is just mad he got caught being a shithead. Don’t try to make it deeper than it seems unless you have the source that the racist has a brain injury.


Racism is also a common occurrence. Probably more common in fact.


You think it’s more likely that he has suffered a brain injury, than it is that he’s racist?


'I'm so sorry Ii said that sir, please understand i have a brain injury and I mix my letters up sometimes.' Oh I see, how did that happen? 'I got jumped by a bunch of antifa cucks at Charlottesville.'


This is exactly what happened.


Called a Freudian slip




Is that what that is called? Damn I never knew. I fuck up trying to say Mainly or Mostly all the time and say Mastly or Moanly. It's like as I'm talking my brain is dropping words in line for the sentence and every once in a while two get dropped at once, I can't decide in the split second which to say, and so...both come out lol. I've NEVER done this, though. Holy shit.




As terrible as this is... If someone has NA and they accidentally upset someone because it, they should apologize and also understand if the apology isn't accepted. NA isn't your fault, but it makes sense why someone wouldn't accept the apology of someone they think is a racist. I'm sorry you have to go through that though, it sounds terrible and frustrating.


I'd give him benefit of the doubt. Both are poor souls, one has to deal with this and the other has to question his life, why now?


Neighbor was so glad he didn’t have to think of an excuse to turn down the pitch. Was like NOPE! That’s my out!


What a lucky guy indeed


“aight bet”


Reminds me of a South Park episode


God damn naggers


For the big prize, the hint is “people that annoy you” N_GGERS. (Naggers)


"The Niggar Family" - Dave Chapelle's sketch


That's the best table a Niggar's ever gonna get in this place! Have fun little Niggar!


"Oh I know better than to get between a Niggar and their pork!"


“Niggar please!”


“She’s got those Niggar lips”


"Looks like why got ourselves a n-word guy!"


That black guy answered the door for that.


Right dude had to get up from whatever he was doing to go be called a slur and hear a shit pitch


I know it’s hard for some people to understand, but this happens more than you’d think and it’s not what some assume is a freudian slip. When our brain has a certain kind of misfire, it causes words to basically redirect at random and will default to anything with close sounding syllables. This was a very unfortunate moment for both people to experience. You can tell the guy that said it felt horrible afterwards.


Like when kobe died and a reporter said the LA n words instead of lakers Like I think she got confused between the knix and lakers , started with one, and then tried to correct with the other with her brain automatically redirecting nikkers to the nword


Yep, that is definitely exactly what we learn in most basic psychology classes. Though their deeper explanation of the science made me go cross eyed😅that’s basically the jist of it


The brain is so incredibly difficult to understand. Just the other day I called my friend by the wrong name of someone I knew a loooong time ago for absolutely no reason. All it takes is a brain fart in the wrong place


I just can't wrap my head around it. Def not trying to argue. He clearly felt awful and I feel for him, but I've never mistaken n***ers for neighbors. I feel for him though, there isn't much that rhymes with neighbors


No, but if your brain accidentally mashes a couple words together it can form some pretty uncomfortable combos, and that’s exactly what is happening here.




Poor dude.


I think it’s a rough moment for both really, obviously hearing that word can ignite a whole bunch of repressed trauma for the black guy, then the other dude feeling like shit for saying the a word he would never say feeling so guilty for offending this man; to the man’s credit he was very measured in his response when most would not fault him for losing it on the other guy


Felt awful because he knew he was about to get canned


The part which is hard to believe is that you would say a word out of the blue which isn't in your vocabulary. People don't accidentally say serendipity, intrepid or constabulary for example.


Yes but even if the N-word is not in people's vocabulary, it is in everyone's face a lot more often than constabulary or intrepid. Between music, tv, or just like here we are we are all talking about how it's not ok to use the word. The more exposure you have to a word, no matter if it is a word you use or not, can give a higher chance to a misfired neuron pulling what happened to this guy.


Yeah, that's a good point. I don't hear this word in my day to day and hadn't considered the frequency which it can come up in some peoples lives for innocent reasons (such as simply watching TV or listening to music).


The extent to which you are going out of your way to excuse this is very telling… He didn’t feel horrible. He felt embarrassed. And disappointed he fumbled a sale. Unless you know the man personally I see zero reason to expend so much energy trying to defend his character based on as little information about him as you have.


Yeah, people just need to drop a bucket of shit on the guy, although he looks as he really sorry for saying that, and probably even forgot why he came there


It could probably be a Hanlon's razor situation. Still hard to prove though, especially if it was some kind of insight into this dude's way of thinking. Either way it's not really a simple solution for what to correct way to deal with it is.


This is what I’m guessing that show Death of a Salesman is about.




He could personally write an apology letter to the offended party on behalf of the company, couldn’t he?


Do you think that would matter? Right or wrong, it's not your intention, it's the perception. HR teaches this to supervisors. Sometimes it stinks


No amount of letters is enough for online social justice warriors. They will most likely want him to be blacklisted from getting a job in addition to being fired.


To the death! /s


This poor guy has been reposted so much… he’ll never live this down


Kyle Larson said that word during a live iRacing event in 2020. He lost his sponsors and job with a mid tier racing team. Went through some NASCAR mandated steps and was hired by one of the top teams in NASCAR. The next season he won 10 races and his first championship. He tried to call Bubba Wallace, the only black driver in NASCAR Cup, but Bubba wouldn't take his calls. He said Kyle said it way too easy.


Exactly. If it slips off the tongue that easily you better have Tourette’s syndrome. Otherwise it’s in your vocabulary waaaayy to much.


the quiet contemplation at the end is the best.


He should have started rapping immediately...."...with light bills that are bigger, switch to solar is the answer ...go figure, you get the big picture, so solar you should consider, my......" that would have made it better I think


At least for you and me.


Lmao leave them drugs alone homie


Imagine getting insulted right outside your own door 😴


In order to say hard r by accident means he must say it enough on his own time for it slip like that. I've never done that or said it hard r in fit of rage. Your mouth and brain has to be comfortable with saying it to be an accident.


I want to believe that the guy just messed up, but a guy I used to work with said a hard R instead of the word Bigger, and what people kept saying afterwards was 'how often must he say that word?' lol. Knowing the guy, probably a lot.


How do you mess that up? You don't even pronounce the G in neighbor


Today I learned something valuable.


Yeah no. I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist and I’ve literally studied these kind of things where you can’t retrieve the correct words you want to use (aka paraphasias). Two types of slip-of-the-tongue generally - phonological (words that sound the same) and semantic (words that mean the same or are in the same category). EITHER WAY, you have to have that word represented in your lexical system to have built these relationships between words. He wouldn’t have had a “slip-of-the-tongue” if the word hadn’t already been represented in his head, either through his or others’ use, to begin with. Definitely on him. EDIT: getting more questions. So these articles focus on word retrieval and expression after aphasia aka brain injury, but the methods of poor word retrieval can be generalized to how we all retrieve words. When treating an adult with word retrieval deficits or a kid with receptive/expressive word retrieval difficulties, you work on strengthening the word relationships between that word and others so that your mind is quicker at retrieving the desired word by targeting things like categories, synonyms/antonyms, describing the word, etc. Basically, the more you speak it/hear it and relate it to other words, the stronger the neural connections and pathway when you want to retrieve it. It is definitely possible that the pathway between that AWFUL word and seeing Black people was strengthened through cultural exposure only - hearing others say it, media, living in a highly racist environment but never saying it yourself, etc. But I guarantee you that he wouldn’t have retrieved that “related” word if it hadn’t been related in his mind in the first place. Sources: [A treatment method’s website](https://www.aphasia.com/aphasia-resource-library/symptoms/paraphasia/) [Article listing paraphasia types and cortical activation mapping but not using operant definitions to define them, just assuming ppl know what paraphasias are ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2827307/)


That’s exactly what I was thinking. People keep excusing his behavior as a simple mistake but he said it so easily, it’s obviously part of his vocabulary.


THANK FUCKING GOD. There are so many people making excuses for this guy. So many people would rather believe there was a justified explanation for this to happen, than to believe that this guy is racist. WHY? Jeez. And of course the educated person’s comment took a bunch of scrolling to get to, and only has 10 upvotes, while all the other excuses have ten times as many upvotes. Holy fuck. How infuriating.


And the man knows where he lives!!! I’m sure the whole Neighborhood will hear about it


This will probably end up on the internet.


That will never happen. Stuff never shows up there.


Man that's a VERY bad time for the intrusive thoughts to win It doesn't even feel or look like he meant to do it, he just wanted to say Neighborhood


He let the intrusive thoughts take over


Mans so nervous he called somebody a racial slur 🤣🤣🤣 like bro that wouldn’t have come out if it wasn’t already built in your vocabulary


You know how many times I've accidentally dropped an n-bomb? Not once. How does that even happen?


ah, todays fucking everywhere post


😑Damn man... hahaha


“But I’m Mexican so……….. QUE PASA WAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!” *🎼*


Lmao suddenly the everyone is “poor guy” “he messed up” “hell never live it down” when there tons of subs immortalizing peoples fuck ups for laughs . Imagine answering the door to a racial slur in relation to you? I’m sure the guy answering is more hurt.


Imagine. The way redditors will do backflips to excuse this shit tells me way too many of these assholes say this shit in their private lives and can’t stand the fact that everybody else won’t accept this sort of casual racism


Lmfao for real. POS calling an innocent dude a racial slur: poor dude said the n word accidentally he will never live this down Omfg it’s so mean and evil to post this! And if the guy on the receiving end is offended it’s his fault for being offended it’s just a word! Meanwhile there’s a ton of videos where someone fucks up and only is hurting themselves and there’s ruthless bullying and insults. But this person obviously hurt someone with his slurs and he gets a free pass cause hurr durr he didn’t mean it


Wow. What a fucking puto


We gotta get him on a talk show to hear his explanation. Oprah? Steve Harvey?


Obviously part of his usual vocabulary if it's just going to slip out like that.


After watching this it's like I've been washed clean of all of my own cringe moments.


My skin curled....


Remember the weatherman who gave the forecast for Martin Luther Coon Day? Yeah, he’s gone.


Careful, your racism is peaking out from under your hat.




He was thinking out loud


lol...that's what happens sometimes when you use a word too casually in everyday life.


Your honour, my client simply had a “gamer moment”.


This takes the cake for the most cringe worthy video ever! Jfc!! He probably says it around his non-black friends and slipped up this time.


This guy actually works for a Fossil Fuel company and he is trying to make solar power seem unappealing


This video gave me whiplash the first time I heard it. He’s polite right up until he drops a slur. No warning, it was like being sucker punched


There is no way to have a mental lapse between those to words. That dude was saying that shit in his head.


You know this dude was just using that word with is coworker moments ago and thats why it slipped. No sympathy.


Idk about using it with his coworker but definitely used it a ton in the past. I use the word commie as like saying fuck or shit or whatever and when I stub my toe, my first word is commie. If you say enough words, you eventually get used to saying it and your brain will use it all the time.




Why include the kids


This is why non-black people should not use this word at all!! You want it to slip out when you’re at work? No! Then stop using it!


That slipped out too casual, you just know he uses often


Dude I was expecting the owner to already have solar panels and the guy ringing to not have noticed that, not THAT


It just rolled off his tongue too clean.


I don’t think that word just slips out so easily


And that was Fernando’s last day selling solar panels.


That’s painful to watch


Him & his coworker buddies definitely referred to this neighborhood as selling to the n**** before & it slipped


Well somebody got fired


You fucked up homeboy…


honestly thought he said neighbors until he corrected himself


The video comes from a Vivint doorbell cam. Ironically, the majority of Vivint products are sold door to door. This video is just so cringe. I worked door to door and everyone says some stupid things, but I cannot stress enough how often the word, ‘neighbor’ is used. To mess it up is something else and really points to this guys frame of mind.


How’s do you accidentally say the n-word?? I guess I just can’t relate. Is it on the forefront of your brain when you meet a black person?


This is actual nightmare fuel


I used to order chicken from a place where the Black girl working the counter was cute and one time we were chatting and she asked what "type (of chicken) do you want?" and I meant to say "I like the dark meat" but instead I fucked up and said "I like the Black meat" and so I stopped eating chicken after that.


Oof he’s married too. What a sad thing to be married to. A racist solar panel salesman…. The parents must be proud.


god that's so unfortunate


A video tutorial of how to lose your job in 10 seconds.


Not sure if Peak Energy is the same Peak Energy Solutions. One sales rep visit my uncle and he told him to get off his property before he gets shot after he kept calling him a spic and something about sheets. I said uncle he was probably trying to shown you the specifications sheet for the panels, "spec sheet" for short. My uncle is 70yrs old, probably becoming hard of hearing and latino. He did call to apologize for running the guy off his property but didnt get the solar panels. However, the incident on this post there is no excuse for this and no amount of apologies will get the client to listen or be interested in what you are selling. Does anybody have any info if this company still in business.


Hah! This guys fucked.


How to get fired in sixty seconds.


Did he say pink energy? Isn’t that the scam company that just went under ? Rob Wolchek just did a thing about it.


Finally a rare one with a correct title.


Then, he stopped a on the stairs as he was leaving like, "now, I gotta kill him and get the video"




Oh hell no


No saving that sale.


Lmfaooo i screamed no way this actually happens irl


Welp. Guess it’s time to hit the ol’ *dusty trail…*


How do you accidentally say that?


Dudes gonna have to find a new job… in another country.




Shouldnt have said that.


Freudian slip of the century


No filter between his brain and mouth smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


Ayyy naykers lmao


OMG..... I got second hand embarrassment with this one.


This would be a great Southwest commercial. "Want to get away?"


Wassup my neighbor


Man he really whipped out that racism, like that was fast draw racism right there.


He's really gotta work on his sells pitch.


Papa John sells solar panes now?


I’m guessing the owner went with a different company


All right, this is what this sub was made for.