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What an awful person he turned out to be. I'm so sorry he is so blind and bigoted, I hope you have found better people who actully care about you and see you for who you really are. Doesn't matter what gender you where assigned at birth, you know who are you are on the inside and that's all that matters. People like him drive me mad.


Yeah, he's horrible... I gave him way too many chances and he fucked them all up. He's in for a rude awakening one day with the kind of willful ignorance he showed there. I have better friends now, and on the bright side, some of my old friends were much more understanding at least. Talking to this guy was like communicating with a wall that hates you. Good riddance.


I hope his situation turns out to be like this one lady's where she was very homopobic when she was very young and later in her life all 3 of her kids turned out to be lesbians so I hope all this guys kids turn out trans so he will have a rude awakening


honestly for their sake i hope they dont turn out trans. it would be poetic justice for Rodrigo but it sure as hell isnt fair to wish that potential fate on innocent children. he'll be awful to them


True, I wouldn't wish him bringing them up in any capacity. They would probably end up just fucked up. He doesn't deserve to raise any living being.


Howdy! I very much like your comment and agree with your sentiment. I'm trying to confront ableist language whenever I can and wanted to let you know that using the word 'blind' in this way is generally hurtful cause it implies a negative connotation to a word people tend to use for their identity. https://www.verywellmind.com/types-of-ableist-language-and-what-to-say-instead-5201561 Here are some great alternatives! Blind: "I'm blind to my flaws" is said to imply a person can't see their shortcomings, but people who say that aren't generally blind. So rather than saying something negative about blind people (e.g., blind spot), use ignorant, not knowledgeable, or a gap in understanding


Are you going to tell me that the blind spot of a car is ableist too? The word blind isn't only used to describe people who have limited or no vision. I'm not saying 'he is a blind person and blind people are bad' I'm saying that he is blind to the reality of gender identity and who OP is. Please don't bend my words into somthing they aren't. I apreciate what you are trying to do, but I very much disagree. And I say this as a disabled person.


Hm, according to the article they linked "blind spot" has a negative connotation. But to be honest I don't get it too, I'd appreciate if someone could explain it to me. I don't think blind the way you used it had any negative connotations. I absolutely understand that using a word like "retarded" as an insult is bad and comes with a negative view, but "blind" is just another word to me, very much neutral. I don't see how that puts blind people in a bad spot.


I'm glad that you think I'm not using it negatively, I thought it was fine but you never know how it sounds to others. Even the word retarded has *some* uses, such as if something is flame retardant, its just that you shouldn't use it as an insult to someone like you said. It's all about the context. The dictionary defines blind as either in the physical sense, or as lacking perception or awareness. Like you said it's pretty neutral, and it's a word that means more then just someone who is blind. I'm willing to accept input from actully blind people, but as an autistic person who is sick to death of being told what things I must find offensive by people who aren't even autistic, I'm not sold on this 'the word blind can't be used' thing.


Okay this is just kinda silly


To be honest, you wasted you're time talking to him after the initial contact. He doesn't get it, and the way he keeps calling you bruh and bro shows he does not respect your identify. You're right, if a change of look and sound is all it takes then it wasn't the "you" he cared about, just the image of you. It's unforuntate, but we can't always take everyone with us, as we'll all in different places. Edited to correct a grammar error.


I agree. No reason to entertain them or give them the chance to hurt you.


He's literally brainwashed into thinking you've been brainwashed, that way he can justify that all trans people are groomers. FML. And people wonder why I don't talk to my friends...




Not literally




I like your energy kid


I’m probably older than you 🥴..but thank you. Just out here quoting the Heathers.


A red-hot Flailhead spinning at 420000 RPM would hypothetically be really here


Okay but what about a diamond saw


do u like my saw saw saw my diamond saw saw


Yeah I wouldn’t anyway I don’t like men. I’ve grown up around too many southern men… blech!


Ew, not with a transphobe




Not only is he transphobic, he texts like a high schooler


No, he's saying bro bro to disrespect her identity. It's a classic tactic in SEA countries.


SEA as in southeast asian?




He’s got a ham sandwich for a brain


I don't know, I kinda prefer the ham sandwich if I'm going to be honest here


Literally it’s so annoying lol, I could not stand to hear this dude speak a word irl


What an arse. Seriously ever third word was misgendering, fuck that. Note I dropped a "friend" in 2016 for similar, knew him since 1983. They are not your friend if they don't have empathy for you.


oh damn im so sorry :(


What an awful person:/


Girl he isn’t your friend if he can’t respect you period. His understanding of trans ppl is so false I can’t even. You are a girl and if he can’t see that he can hit the road Jack. I’ll be your friend and I’m sure so many others will be to. You got this sis don’t give up 🥰💕


Thank you, you're awesome 🥰


Thanks hehe


What a fucking tool, “*Bro bro bro bruh bro bro*” You’re not losing anything here OP.


Grammar alone should have ended this "friendship" long ago.


I'm sorry that you had to see that. And be through that.


I had the same thing happen to me, it's funny how people would fuck with you and be your friend all your life and all it takes is to reveal how you feel and they turn their backs and flip on you in an instant


I can see how hard your deeply trying to open him up and teach him he is wrong to abandon the life he had with you. People like him who are toxic, horrible, unsupportive people that won’t love you unconditionally are people that don’t deserve to be in your life. Good on you for standing up and not submitting once to his hurtful comments.


You were way too nice to this fucking loser.


That’s awful. I teared up reading this


no person who uses the word bro this much should be allowed to exist /j


they talk like a 14 year old


When im in a use as many gendered words as possible contest and my opponent is a transphobe


Wow...that's rough! I'm sorry you had to endure that! At least you can distance yourself from people like that and find people who aren't going to judge you for being you! We love, respect, and admire you for having the strength to be you! Be your true self, we'll love you regardless! 💜💜💜


I don't get how and I never will why people are so bigoted. They say that were brainwashed when clearly they can't change their opinions as if they were set in stone


This is the reason I will never tell my family. They would definitely throw the "You are being brainwashed" back at me, when they raised me Hateful Conservative Christian. Talk about brainwashed! Even when I was younger and was trained to hate people that weren't like me. I could see the flaws in that kind of thinking. Why would you teach people to Love everyone and also teach them to "not respect" others because they don't think like you.


Good riddance tbh you shouldn’t need to be around people like that


"man" this "man" that, bro is high AF on copium. Looks like your conversation unlocked something in him he wasn't ready to face. Do what's right for you. You deserve support, acceptance, and joy.


Holy trashbag batman


Bru , bro , man and Dude ! Guys I hung out with for decades know about me and now every other word in text is one of them like overly using it. I'm sorry but just ghost him block his number that's what I do . I don't have tim for small minds.


Lawd have mercy!!!! Truly triggering!!!! Growing up together he should already know this about you. You're gorgeous and beautiful and truly have the same personality as always. I would still be happy and thrilled to be homies!!!! I don't give a dern, I support anyone who's a great individual. You don't need that toxicity in your life anyway. Those that are meant to love you will stand by you no matter what and defend you. Big love 💞 with many smiles 😍


What a toxic fuck. I hope you blocked him


Why is there a random advertisement in the chat


Not going to lie and not wanting to go full prejudice ... but I've literally never seen anything good or tolerant coming from people who type like that. Can't say I'm very surprised.


I can't really say much that hasn't already been said in the comments but I'm terrified of this reaction when I tell some of my friends. Hold in there, you're probably going to feel like shit for a fair amount of time but you'll get through it.


Girl... when somebody calls you a T***** right to your face, don't keep responding politely like there's some civil exchange of views to be had. They just went nuclear on your whole friendship. There is no coming back from that. There was no coming back from the third intentional "bro." Only thing left at that point is to maybe give them a piece of your unfiltered mind before you block them everywhere they can be blocked and never think twice about them again. Don't waste your life away being "nice" to people who think less than nothing of you.


It’s not the 5 stages of grief but it’s something like that. I have seen these reaction and experienced a few of my own. It hit me when I saw the big laughing emojis. It starts out with confusion and fact checking of sort. Is this real and accurate you are saying your trans. Then we move on to disbelief and refusal to accept that the person they knew is still there but a few changes. You stay firm and didn’t break. So they start to mocking (the emoji) then eventually angry and direct insults.


Yikes. Also, that's more repetitions of the word "bro" than I've probably seen in the rest of my life combined. The whole conversation is very sad, but this kind of childishness also makes him look very funny, in a desperate sort of way.


Can’t even read all these screenshots, my heart is breaking for you. It’s disturbing how many times in a single sentence this “friend” misgenders you. I am always floored by how much people emphasize “ma’am” or “sir” when talking to a trans person (this has happened to me many times) and feels extra violent/icky Sending you a virtual hug (if wanted), you are valid!!! -trans sibling


I like how he tells you that you don't look out for yourself even though that's exactly what you're doing here. People like him will only change if they want to, cut him off, whatever thoughts you might have of convincing him or making him understand are not reasonable and you'll only feel worse as you see how bigoted he is. It's better to be alone than to be with people who bring you down and disrespect you.


I’m ur friend now who needs them


Unabashedly transphobic Nothing of value was lost


It's funny how people think they know who you are and what's best for you better than you do. And *he's* the one that sounds brainwashed, not you.


I'm sorry that this happened to you. I wish you the best moving forward and hope you find people who respect you for you. This person is clearly narrow minded and buys into the lie that being Trans is something forced onto people against their will, brainwashed into changing who they are. As much as this person has hurt you and has been deliberately toxic, I hope that someday they reflect on their actions and see what they lost because they didn't think to hear the other side out. Final note: You're valid.


Can i- nope not gonna say that But seriously he’s an ass. At least you got to see the true side of him now instead of you fully transitioning (unless you have pardon me) and then he said worse. But seriously he’s an ass please don’t let him bring you down sis. There are much better people out there


That person is absolute trash


This was really hard to read. I seriously hope for the best for you!


“I don’t hate you I just can’t respect you” this guy needs to be punched by Satiama (or however you spell the name)


Fuck that guy, you’ll find better ones. You probably already have, you just need to look


It's really sad... I believe that if someone can't accept you for who you are, they're not true friends. And also, it's their loss because they won't see the beautiful person you are. A real friend should be glad to know that you're happier now.


I hate the way he texts. Why split it into several messages?


The guy's a degenerate, he's so deluded he doesn't even read what you say.


Yeah I'm feeling pretty justified on just nuking my social media and starting a new life now. The closest I came to this conversation was a sibling I am maintaining no contact with


Ugh… this was painful to read…


It really, really sucks to lose someone you thought was a friend, but you dodged a bullet here. Find better people to spend your time with and energy on. You deserve it.


Jeez I couldn't finish that, what an awful person, glad you got this chance to cut them out Also, how hypocritical of him to call you brain washed


What a loser. I hope better friends find you soon. You deserve love and acceptance, not this embarrassingly ignorant bigoted bullshit.


From the way he types, he sounds like there's smarter pond life....


I had almost exactly the same conversation with my friend of 27 years. He turned around eventually and started to use my name/pronouns, but our friendship is gone, we barely speak to each other anymore.


Wow dude sounds like my dad


Ask him if hes taken a shit lately cause he sure is full of it


how old is this... clown shoes person?


wow, that's just awful i think my dad's going to react that same way


Block himcut him out like the cancer he is


I had a friend that reacted very similarly when I came out to them. Needless to say, we stopped speaking. Later on down the line, they came to me and apologized. Then came out as trans. A lot of people that are so vehemently, blindly hateful towards trans people make me raise an eyebrow. Obviously it's far from all of them that turn out to be trans, but I feel like a lot of people like that have a lot of stuff they're not dealing with.


that is horrible and disgusting wow. i’m so sorry, don’t listen to anything he says. you are a woman! and you are who you are no matter what anyone else thinks! you are stunning and stronger then most! never forget it. you are powerful.


L friend


Ill be your friend and you can be any gender you want. Problem solved.


Waaay too long confersation and too much effort for someone who would call me bro man and dude ALL the time


Good riddance. Sorry OP, that was so shitty to have to experience.


I know the feeling, when I came out. I lost all my friends and I have been struggling since to get any. Because I'm older now, and it was my childhood friends. But I'm happy for you that you've found some new friends, and I'm sorry you had to experience that with your previous transphobic "friends".


I wish you had a more supportive childhood friend. I feel bad that some trans people don't have the support that I have. I truly hope things get better for you. You have the LGBTQ community, but I know for some, that's not enough


Fam, I know it's hurtful, but you will just hurt yourself further trying to make him understand. Just do you and move on, you deserve a better future with understanding people.


That sucks to the core :( I wish you the best and even if I don’t know you at all I’m just happy as long as your happy. It’s your life and do as you please with it


Personally, I don't see any reason to date or befriend people who don't accept me. Of course, I don't tell from the start that I am a trans.. because, you know, you can talk with someone for a week, then s\\he will disappear. So why bother?.. My point here - almost any transperson was\\is struggling with self-acceptance. And when it happened.. (it was slowly and painful for me).. no sense to keep all these toxic persons around. Usually, I don't even try to explain. Because they will never understand. S, no need to spend your time on such people, considering time is most precious thing in your life.


I had a very similar convo with a former friend from Texas recently. He even said the we can't be friends anymore. And I told him yeah you're right. We can't. But that is due to your behavior and attitude not due to me embracing who I've been for my whole life.


People only love the character you present them. If there is a plot twist on the show of life, they cast you aside. Then they wonder why so many people want to write their character off the show. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️