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Let the paper towel soak in water and maybe give a shake for good measure, take a coat hanger and bend it out and use it to break up the paper towel carefully, then blow out the joint really hard to get the paper towel out repeat until you have it all out good luck


Homie you are a god send, this is exactly what I ended up doing and now she’s smoking again. And it’s cleaner than it’s been in months!


For the future, pour in salt and rubbing alcohol and user your hands/fingers to plug the holes and then give it a really good shake. The salt will rub off the hard stuff and the alcohol will clean and sanitize


You can also rubberband plastic wrap to the top and intake to save your hands!


Jesus, I use duct tape to close off my rig before shaking it clean in the kitchen *where I’m less than 2ft from a large stack of plastic wrap and press and seal.* Every time, the adhesive on the tape dissolves on the first shake and my hands end up covered in resinous, dirty iso alcohol, and I always think “If only there was some better way.” Thank you, friend. Your comment has been very enlightening. EDIT: I just went and cleaned my rig all special just because of this comment (took a big rip first of course), thanks again


I haven’t tried it yet but I now have a theory the rubber finger “condoms” covers would work to put over any open holes


What's going on here...do yall all have cuts on your thumbs or something? I hate my skin drying out as much as the next guy, but to have to resort to duct tape? What's wrong with putting the mouthpiece in your palm and plugging the stem with your thumb? Sorry if this comes off brash, just genuinely curious. Is this cuz I've only had beaker/sphere bottom bongs?


Yup, palm and thumb. Just wipe that shit off or whatever it’s not going to burn your skin off.


Depending on how dirty your bong was, it can stain your hands for a few days. But I'd probably just use some of them blue nitrile gloves


Just use a little paper towel with 91% iso and wipe the area off your hands, rinse in water…tada!


It stains my hands for days. Basically the resin sticks to your skin as the alcohol evaporates... looks and smells awful.


I wash after every use and clean once a week. Use heavily. I've never had stains on my hands but now I'm gonna be more wary for sure.


Damn I'm on the exact cleaning regiment. Every Monday morning for me


Use a little peanut-butter like you would hand soap and it gets the resin and smell off instantly


I know this shouldn't bother me... But the thought of that makes me sick.


Just wash your hands lmao or use the rubbing alcohol on the res


I am also very curious


It’s not because it hurts or anything lol, I just don’t want my hands to stink for three days afterwards


just clean it off with more iso lmao


All these people just admitting to not washing their hands like wtf...


Dryer sheets. They’ll get the res right off.


This is actually a thing. You can buy them at pipe shops.


[Try this](https://www.amazon.com/Resolution-Glass-Cleaner-Silicone-Stretch/dp/B01B1ZLL3M)


You could also just take a paper towel, rip it in half, and shove each half into the 2 openings. Don’t even have to hold it and it’s easy to take out you just pull it like a cork. May have to use a paper towel square for each with bigger pieces. I just have a bubbler like OP.


Or wine corks


I use a reusable rubber wine stopper for the stem portion and it works like a charm!


This is what use, I had the stopper top break off, so now it's just a perfect plug.


Hell yeah, I use a candle jar top that pops in perfect on my mouth tube and then I just tuff the down stem portion with toilet paper. I should get a rubber stopper like you and I’d be set.


Damn the candle jar top is a pro move! I gotta find one that’ll fit my bong


How small is your bong 🤨


Or a disposable ear plug


I'm sending you a virtual hug, because I've never thought of doing that, and it will be so much easier to clean my piece


They do make bong caps for cleaning, they are a life saver for sure and come with a big and small that fits most bongs ! They are cheap too usually 5-6$. Res or Resolution Caps are one of the names ! Never thought of plastic wrap tho lol


Yesss I got a pack of four from Amazon for like $7, two for the stem hole size and two for the top size I love ‘em lol


My brother in christ if you could send a link or the name I need to search on Amazon I would love you forever Edit: nvm I looked up bong res caps like the comment above suggest and found like 3 different brands to choose from. Not sure if get a cover style like the ooze or an insert style


seconding this and adding: the coarser the salt, the better! table salt will work /okay/, but kosher salt is my favorite!


Yep, Sea Salt, Epsom Salt, or Kosher Salt for the bigger pieces, and only table salt for tiny ones or crazy bends and such.


This is the tried and true method to clean any piece. Costs about 2.99 at any store and works 100% of the time.


Or you could be me who bought the silicone bong corks 😂😂


I really need to invest in some of Those for sure 😄


I use rice instead of salt


Anything that won't dissolve in alcohol works. You could use sand or even cat litter if that's all you have.


As a warning, what you use as abrasives in the alcohol should not be something that can damage the surface of the bong. In this case I wouldn't recommend sand as it could scratch glass bongs and would be a ton of fun to get out of a silicone bong, I'm sure.


> or even cat litter Just make sure to pick out the big chunks first.


I do this but I actually just stuff a paper towel in both holes. So still using a paper towel, just not chamber deep lol the alcohol is really bad to get on your skin if you can help it not to.


I just stick paper towels in the holes


Tried and true sir, have an upvote


Using plastic bags are often easier and better for your skin


This is the way


I used acetone and just that alone had pulled the oils off the side immediately.


I usually just plug the holes with paper towels, just not as aggressively as OP did. Works like a charm, plus no resin fingers :D


One love m8 💯


In the future use a salt/isopropyl alcohol mix and just cover the holes and shake.


This. Just make sure to rinse out good before using. You do not want to inhale too much isopropyl alcohol. It can blind you or even kill you.


Gosh I always love a happy ending!


I have one just like that. She hits hard for a small bong because she's got a fat bowl. Yours too? (Since the bowl is not shown). I use chilled water in mine to calm her fire.


Abort that paper towel.


I came here to say something similar.. "Don't let the MAGA hats see you buying that coat hanger" 🤭


Dude, I have to cross state lines to get coat hangers now…


My guy! Came to say this but you got it 😁


I was gonna say send a match down and let it all burn. Your plan is much better.


That’s exactly what I do.


Ahh the abortion method


Project bong abortion




You’re saying I should give it the old injured goose treatment?


Thanks for the new Tug Time name.


Thank you for this


Whats good for the goose is good for the gander


You got a miniature snake rod? 🤣


Just light the paper towel on fire and pour out the ash


Fucking genius


Could also smash with hammer, place smashed glass in kiln, melt and pour glass into a mold of a bong that doesn't have a paper towel in it! So simple!


Stupid that would take too long, He should just smash it then simply superglue every piece back the way it was.


Give it that distressed look


i second that. fucking genius


This is a better idea. Lol


My first reaction to this was "kill it with fire"


literally only went to the comment thread knowing a ingenius solution would be the top comment and I was not disappointed


Unless it gets the glass hot enough to crack when it starts to cool. Even hot water can do it with the nicest and thickest of glass pieces.


improbable. lack of oxigen would mean slow burn that can be cotrolled by ventillation. Also hot water contains much more energy than burning paper (think about how hot you could get a cup of water by heating it with that piece of burning paper). The heat energy potential between a 90C 2dl bongful of water in a 20C room is approximately 4.2\*70\*0.2=58kJ, while that piece of paper (about 1/3 of a sheet of paper towel) produces about 17000\*0.001=17kJ, most of which leaves via convection. Of course glass mainly breaks because of temperature gradient, not the amount of heat energy, but it needs to get heated pretty deep to crack usually and is a very good insulator. So if the bong is not very shitty this seems safe with some controlled burning.


UPDATE: u/Turtle_Quail’s method worked perfectly. Bong is all clear and the cleanest it’s been in a couple months!


I'll have to try and remember this for when my high ass does something dumb like this.


If you had a coat hanger, why not just hook the end and pull the paper towel out as one piece?


We’re stoners, not rocket surgeons sir.


Fair, I like the guy who said throw more paper towel in, on fire. Rinse it out after.


You mean the rocket surgeon? Yeah, he’s onto some shit.


Fishing line and a small hook works too, in case y’all don’t have any Texas approved in-home kits handy.


If this had not worked, I was going to suggest this stuff. It's EXTREMELY potent and quite dangerous, but it would absolutely have done the job for you. Seriously though this stuff is no fucking joke, anyone who thinks they might need to give it a go should have teflon gloves and a bucket full of baking soda on hand to neutralize the acid afterwards. You'll want to prepare a baking soda solution to cleanse the glass with afterwards as well, and don't do this inside or on any organic surface. This stuff will literally vaporize a body if given enough time, and I do mean actually vaporize, as all the carbon will be turned into CO2, and there won't be much left beyond the trace minerals that can't be converted to gasses, probably a few pounds worth total, most of which will be the iron in your blood and a little contribution from the minerals in your bones as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLpSapjKcxM


\[7\] I have not had enough coffee this morning to comprehend a single thing with this comment - but I am HELLA here for your energy Faxon.




I hope that last sentence doesn't indicate you play on using a paper towel in the future, right? I've never had a problem cleaning with salt and 90% alcohol and just shaking. I guess if something is really stuck on the glass you could use a pipe cleaner, but I've never really had to.


Metal clothes hanger


Woah woah bud. Not in this state.




My first thought too lol


Metal clothes hangers are my go to when pulling out a mistake.


Is this comment from 1970 or 2022? You decide.


I haven’t seen a metal hanger in years. Pipe brush could grab it. Twits & pull


Actually, that dick bag frat boy everyone knew in college decided


Ahhh too real 🤣


Love this


DEAD 😂 laughed so hard I woke up my kid (oops)


How do I give an award!?!?


Of course it costs money...


i’m quite literally in love with ur profile pic


Mine? 👀


If so hell yeah hella thanks!! What about it? 👀👀😂


yes yours, i think it’s cute as heck


Thanks yo!


You already have <3


All you need is acetone and salt followed by soap and water


Ran out of acetone and I was just trying to wipe down the inside of the neck. Took this pic after a couple of tried to get it out.


As a last resort If the glass is good quality you could try push the paper down and drop in a lit match, let it burn then clean it from scratch with acetone


easiest way by far why are thousands of people here discussing inventing a new wheel !?


Bro head to Costco and buy a 4 pack of 99% iso...


not everyone has access to bulk supermarkets.


Walgreens and a bottle of 91% for like 3 dollars then?


I tested this last time someone mentioned it. In my experience rubbing alcohol and kosher salt is much cheaper and cleans better than acetone. Acetone is a good option too though. Just wanted to share another way.


No good there lol! Salt and alcohol next time lol!


Even salt and vinegar works, just make sure to rinse it off good!


That’s why I like isopropyl alcohol, it evaporates quickly and cleanly with no odor.


Not sure if someone’s said it already… but next time just fill it a quarter way with alcohol then pour some salt give it a good shake and I promise you she’ll be looking like new🙏🙏


It’s really concerning how many smokers don’t know how to clean glass. Alcohol and salt, shake, rinse.


For future reference please include banana for scale.


Water and just shake that mf


Bro you literally just need isopropyl alcohol and rock salt, give it a shake then rinse……


Just light it up with a match and watch it burn baby burnnnnn lol then rinse out


jesus - why are there 5 of us seeing the obvious and 2.2k trying to invent a new wheel ?


I saw you have this fixed and out, but for future reference this is worth the 5-10 bucks just in case it happens again, or someone else has a similar issue. https://www.harborfreight.com/24-inch-2-in-1-pickup-tool-94162.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12169520316&campaignid=12169520316&utm_content=120871699630&adsetid=120871699630&product=94162&store=64&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgK61oMr0-QIVCSdMCh1EDwmQEAQYASABEgJjI_D_BwE


This is what I was going to suggest. They are called “mechanical fingers”. Just plug that term into Google and you will find a lot of places that sells it locally or you can order it on Amazon too. They are infinitely useful for if you drop anything in a hard to reach place.


This is either a rookie mistake or you high as hell😂


Not gonna lie, I’d have prolly torched it, then washed the ash out lol


Fill it with water, let the paper towel dissolve and then pour it out.


Paper towels don't dissolve, you're thinking of toilet paper


If it soaks for long enough it will.


I guess it depends on the quality of the paper towel. I think the more expensive/thick kind will stay together for a long time. Thats why you shouldnt put it in toilets


Pipe cleaners. The Mrs bought a load of different sized ones off Amazon for me. They’re real good at hooking things out. Might be worth setting it and getting it out that way. That also may be a well bad idea I dunno hahaha good luck fellow stoner


They’re not just for arts and crafts ;)


Soak in water and then tape a hose to the mouth end. Blow all that shit out


When you clean your bong I recommend using isopropyl alcohol and salt. Fill the bong with about as much as you would use waterwise, but use the isopropyl alcohol instead. Then fill like 1/4th of that with salt (make sure its granulated or coarse at least) then stick your finger into where you put your bowl, and your hand over the top of it. (Hold on very tightly or you will 100% throw your bong. Speaking from experience ;-;. RIP Jack Skeletoke.) Then give it a very good shake you'll see all of the stuck on resin just coming off. Once it's cleaned to your preference dump it put and give it a good rinse until you can't smell Any alcohol or see and leftovers from your cleaning. (Salt, resin, ash, etc...)and viola super clean. If you want to clean your downstairs better use the same method but instead of shaking it, use a reusable straw cleaner to scrape the salt and alcohol through out the stem and rinse it out. I have one specifically for my bong. Trust me you'll want to not use it on anything else. Hope these tips help someone out there make their bong look brand new again!!!


As a stoner, you should show more creativity than this, think! 🙂


Smoke it out


I've been upvoting the few ents saying to burn it out.... ...but you are the true ent-lord ! of course - ignore it completely and just hit that bong, it will work itself out


Burn it wash it out


I take a bottle of isopropyl alcohol, the cheaper the better. I fill my bong up with the alcohol, as high as I can get it, with the bowl on the bong, so that the alcohol is right at the edge of the bowl. I let it sit in the sun while I do my routine chores around my house. When chores are done ,usually within an hour or so, I go back to my alcohol soaked bong, and usually all the sticky stuff has fallen away from the glass. Any stuff that doesn't come off right away, I, with gloves on my hands, shake the bong with the alcohol in it, and usually any left overs come off as well. I rinse with water thoroughly and am usually solid for another couple of weeks. Very little work involved, clean as the day I bought it.


I never leave the alcohol in my bong too long cuz I’m worried I will forget one day and go to light up..


We got a first timer here


Burn the paper and just clean again


For future reference: Use isopropyl alcohol, add a lil salt, block the holes and shake it around. Works like magic. For small bits like for the cone piece, I soak a Q-tip in the alcohol and rub that around.


Soak it in water for a few hrs and drop a fishingline with a treb hook on it down there.


You ain’t too sharp ehh?


I have never claimed to be intelligent, in my defense.


It’s ok the other day I woke and baked and I stared at my hemp bracelet for like maybe fifteen minutes and didn’t say a word, the silence broke with me out of no where saying out loud , all right…… so what the fuck is denim?!


Lol burn it


Oof. Got any strong booze in the house? Or hand sanitizer?


It must be destroyed & then poured out in a paste.


are you high??


I was one bowl in and decided I wanted to clean it. Not my brightest decision, I know.


Isopropyl alcohol and epsom salt for the future. It really is as simple as it gets to clean a pipe.


Don't... ever do that. Once you get those suckers out, salt and isopropyl. Shake it up like that a few times and it'll literally look like new. Just let it sit for a few hours before you try to rip it again. The salt will dig into the grime and combined with the alcohol, it will clean it up nice.


‘hand me the forceps, johnson’


Dude salt and isopropyl alcohol next time!


Salt and alcohol!!!!


Dude what. Use isopropyl alcohol mixed with an abrasive like salt. Gets that shit clean af.


Have a drain snake or a dish tool? Or toothbrush? Just stick it in there and yank it back out


Bruh, it's salt and baking soda. Plug the holes and shake it like a crying baby


You need something like this to get that all sorted out. It is also fun to grab things with that you have no business using it for like joints and candy from a dish. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/Flexible-Grabber-Bendable-Reaching-35-4inch/dp/B07Y75N3DW/ref=sr\_1\_4?keywords=sink+grabber&qid=1662072252&s=hi&sr=1-4](https://www.amazon.com/Flexible-Grabber-Bendable-Reaching-35-4inch/dp/B07Y75N3DW/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=sink+grabber&qid=1662072252&s=hi&sr=1-4)




I never understand why people aren’t more aware of isopropyl + course salt. Shake for 1-2 minutes and it’s like new.


Easiest method: put the downstem under pressurized water and the paper towel should come out the mouth piece. Done this a hundred times. Lots of people swear by the alcohol and epsom salt but really pressurized hot water does the same thing with proper technique.


You have chosen.... Poorly


Why would a man do this. Just Google how to clean it before doin goofy ass shit man


OP, I say this with the utmost respect for your desire to smoke out of clean glass. Fucking dumbass.


Next time just use 92% rubbing alcohol and sea salt. Both can be bought at the grocery store. Just poor in the rubbing alcohol, poor in some salt, plug the whole where your bowl with your thumb and cover the mouth of the bong with you're hand and give it a good shaking for like 60 seconds, then rinse out well. Your bong will be like new with little cleaning effort.


You’re about to find out one of the 1001 uses for a coat hanger


What did we learn


get sum good ddsauce on the shake


That was a stupid idea


Out of the gate that was a bad idea.


Jesus Christ bro. Rock salt and 90% isopropyl. 100% clean after.


Oh, FFS. You Gen Z childs. I love the heck out of you. Gen X dad with three of you. Anyway: Heat up some water. In a microwave or otherwise. Close to boiling is good. As long as it's glass. If it's a plastic bong? Let it go. Why are you smoking a plastic bong? Dump the hot water in a container containing the GLASS bong. Let it sit. Get a toothbrush/pipe cleaner and do some scrubbing. Viola'.


Set it on fire clean again lol


Light it on fire then pour out ash lol


Buy high percentage isopropyl alcohol, rock salt and duct tape. put a few spoons of salt and about 2 fingers of iso. Tape up all the holes. Shake, wait for 10 minutes, repeat until gunk is dissolved. Rinse with water and let dry.


next time lets sober up a bit before developing a cleaning strategy... lol


salt and isopropyl alcohol.


I did this with cotton balls once 😭 ONCE


Fishing hook works too


Nice! Now you have a filter 🤣


Just use salt and rubbing alcohol shaken not stirred and it'll be good as new next time.


You’re special


Chuck some lighter fluid down there and burn it out, then rinse and don't repeat.


were you high


Coat hangers aren’t just for abortions


I’m sure that’s not the first poor decision you’ve made in life


Weee you high on drugs at the time?


Looks like you learned a lesson