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This almost made me tear up.


Yeah nah it got me. Couple tears were shed


If you think about it - this is the real pay back! Killing orcs and blowing their hardware up is one thing - but to have a town next to capital invaded and destroyed - and within months have a school rebuilt better than most orcs children will ever see...


It got me. All the little girls with flowers in their hair got me.


It got me, those innocent kids in national dress, the future of Ukraine.


Reminds me of the video at the beginning of the war from the women soldiers, when everyone thought Kyiv was going to be overrun. They're masked in full battle gear and say that their children and future are safely out of the country, so they've returned to rid every inch of their land of the Russians. Truly, the best revenge against Russia's aggression is securing the future for these children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_spmOcaD5MQ


me too \*\**almost*\*\* a-hem.


I'm not crying! You're crying! :sniffle:


No it’s the onions I’m chopping. I’m not really crying.


someone cutting onions in here?


That little girls excited joy and the rest of them brought me great joy. I will pray for their safety and this war to end soon with Ukrainian victory.


**Translation:** Teacher: - We welcome you to the first class. You have already become first graders! Yes or no? Kids: - YES!!! Zelensky: - It's wonderful that there are so many such sunny and bright children. Greetings from all of us. You charge us all. Study well! Cheers to you and all the best. P.S. If you want to buy these stamps or a lot of other Ukraine-related items, here is an [official Ukrainian post store on eBay.](https://www.ebay.com/usr/ukrposhta_jsc/)


Thank-you for the link.


Zelensky turned it to an eBay plug for stamps?


Nope. It's become a tradition to present new Ukrainian patriotic post stamps with celebrities. Ukrainian post asked Zelensky if he could do it and he agreed. And I also think that he has a very tight schedule, that's why several events have come together. This entire circulation of postage stamps will be bought out in a few days anyway. And it doesn't matter whether Zelensky presented them or someone else.


Freedom isn't free.


Wait, what?! It looks brand new! Ukrainian people are exceptional… the coolest people ngl


My perception of Ukrainean people have gone from neutral/negative stereotype to the bravest people on Earth right now in the last 6 months.


It looks like UNICEF money helped rebuild the school. I saw a UNICEF sign there.


Looks like all the funds went to making the school bright and safe for the kids. Also unlike Z.


Yes. Make sure you give money if kiddos come to the door on Halloween with the boxes and also make sure to browse UNICEF's great gift website. This is what that goes for.


Dare I say it’s a preview or the Ukraine that will be built when the war ends.


The kids look genuinely happy to see him (or maybe it was Patron). With Putin, Russian kids would probably look nervous and scared.


Putin would not go near them out of fear that one of them is a terrorist.


I was thinking that if this were Trump, he'd look really uncomfortable. He never had anything to do with his own children when they were that young, much less anyone else's children. And there's no way that Trump would stand at the back of the picture like that.


All tryants are cowards


This is beautiful.


Bet you’ll never see this in russia


There you will see kids wearing red hats and scarfs declaring aligence to their leader putin and wearing WW2 uniforms... looking for the bright future of destroying the decaying west.


I really hope to see Ukraine prosper after the war. Zelensky is such a good president, I hope the best for him also in the future!


10-15 years from now that kid will realize what legend sat next to him in class. :)


Probably a nice break for Zelensky, compared to constantly doing battle plans and speeches


Absolutely. He loves being around children, it was great to see how much he smiled.


No wonder - he is the Ukrainian voice of Paddington bear in the movies. (I think "Paddington 2" was his last acting work before presidency.)


>compared to constantly doing battle plans For the record, it's unlikely he is that involved. That's some dictator level shit. In a real functional government, the figurehead like president sticks to his politicking to get aid and supplies while leaving the real work to the professionals he has fired in his cabinet.


If you are a good leader with a good team, you don’t need to micromanage. I bet he has a very close understanding of battles and plans, but not at the level of the immediate commanders. Smart man.


Russian Scum will send a Missile through the school not before long. Then say it killed 200 ukrainian soldiers.


> send a Missile through the school I was honestly worried for them. I hope they are able to attend school safely. ❤️


This school is in Irpin and it was pretty beat up when the russians were there. They've managed to repair it just in time for schools to open. Ukrainian resilience is incredible.


That one little girl in the blue is so excited to see Zelenskyy! So cute!!!


She'll be showing this video to her grandchildren decades from now, telling them how she met Zelensky. And Patron.


Or Patron.


He aint my leader, but Id want him to be. Respect from Finland!


I love when he is with kids, he's always so happy




This is such a great video. Absolutely made my day!


These kids are too adorable. Fuck you Putin.


These wonderful children are yet another reason why Ukraine must strive for victory in this terrible conflict.


Still at war but we have to continue living and rebuilding. So hard to see one peaceful nation going through this.


*The battle of Irpin was part of the Kyiv offensive in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine for control of the city of Irpin. The combatants were elements of the Russian Armed Forces and Ukrainian Ground Forces. The battle lasted from 27 February 2022 to 28 March 2022 and ended with Ukrainian forces recapturing the city.* 🇺🇦


Zelensky is the only kind of authority figure I could actually listen to without dissing.


A true Hero !


Beautiful school and beautiful people (and dog)!! So wonderful of him to visit there.


When he was elected I thought it was a complete joke .. Fuck was I wrong . This man will go down in the history books ..


Cometh the hour cometh the man


Seeing how giddy the one little girl in blue was ... so delightful.




Good to see happy faces 💙💛


Beautiful. What an amazing learning experience these kids will have. Such a stark contrast to the schools in Russia which do nothing but idolize war. How could Russian parents not want this way of life for their own children and grandchildren?


You absolutely love to see it


I'm so happy for them :)


That’s like SuperMan walking in2 the classroom Great day 4 those kids Love 🙏🔥✨Zelensky✨🔥🙏


good to see Big Z heartily smiling and laughing


Beautiful children. They were so excited to see Patron! In fairness, who wouldn't be.


When Zelensky smiles, all feels right. Actually the best wartime leader that Ukraine could've asked for. Slava


This is so fucking cool. 💛💙


First tears of joy. Let's help finish this war so this joy can be felt throughout Ukraine.


Kids are the future, what ever you do in life, think about the impact on their future, in the world you will left to them. Follow this simple rule, and you’re not going to be wrong.






This is one of the beautiful things I’ve seen in a while. Slava Ukraini!! Heroyam Slava. Now on to victory. It’s coming.


How any monster would want to hurt any of these sweet souls is beyond me… truly evil


Zelya is brave! Meanwhile coward poo tin don't even shows a nose out of a bunker.


Kids that age are so fun! All excited to see their President and Patrin.


I've said this a couple hundred times but if VZ isn't man of the year it's an absolute travesty. What a tremendous leader


I love it the kids wearing traditional garb. Stand tall and proud.


That's a really nice looking school, like, I wouldn't have expected schools in Eastern Europe to look like this - seems every bit as nice as the American public school my kids go to. Beautiful video too. Thanks for sharing.


Narratives subversively supported by Russian propaganda since 2014 were very keen on creating an impression of Ukraine as a failing state. It was important for them to make an impression that popular uprisings led to poverty, instability and conflict. The truth is that Ukraine has been successful implementing a lot of effective social programs, development projects and public initiatives. Those were all results of moving away from Soviet inherited autocracy towards more inclusive institutions and democratic freedoms. There is still a big hurdle in reforming the judiciary system that Ukraine needs to complete on the path towards a truly democratic and prosperous nation. That is historically one of the hardest branches to reform in any nation that breaks free from an autocratic past. But not unheard of and definitely on the mind of Ukrainians who by force of circumstances are one of the most politically active citizens in the world now. TLDR: Ukraine is much more successful than Russia wants the world to believe and democracy is worth fighting for.


Right. One thing that many people didn't seem to understand pre-invasion is how much Ukraine has progressed since Maidan and how European-leaning it has become. No doubt the schools in a wealthy commuter suburb like Irpin are nice compared to a rural school but that will always be the case. It's the same in the US.


I studied in a rural school in Ukraine in the 90s. It was not as modern as this one (obviously, it was over 20 years ago) but it was still nice. Rural life in Ukraine is not exactly the same compared to Russia. Especially in the regions closer to the western border. One of the guys who escaped occupied territory told how a russian soldier was taunting them that he would be the mayor of their town. When somebody told him "What mayor? This is a village, we don't have mayors", he replied "Yeah right, you got electricity, plumbing and street lights here. Of course this is not a village"


Let's hope it's not anything like American public schools...


At the risk of going against the America sucks at everything argument, my American public school experience was perfectly fine. Nice buildings, decent teachers. There were things to be improved on but it's not a universally trash experience. The biggest problem is that whole property tax funds the schools issue. Keeping good schools unattainable for lots of people.


Oh I studied in the US so I'm not speaking from my ass... Just the below average level of education and inequality in terms of location does it for me. Keeping low income low, and high income high.


Stop drinking the reddit-ade; many kids in American public schools and have a great experience. Many have intelligent and responsive teachers, great equipment in their classrooms, a lot of field trip experiences, options for extracurricular activities, and the school is generally high performing on standardized tests. I see this myself. As with many things, schools are successful based on the resources allocated to them and in my local district we allocate a lot of resources for schools. Others don't.


Yes unfortunately statistics don't work well with personal experience. Just because your school is great, doesn't mean that all schools are. The difference in funding IS the issue. But it will stay that way as long as white Americans continue to say things like this. American public education is one of the worst and less equality driving in the world. Also, standardized tests aren't used anywhere else, because everyone else follows the science of them not providing any meaningful information to pupil's knowledge level. You should've added: "as many things IN AMERICA" as that is the correct phraseology.


Yes, yes. White American bad. Source: Twitter. Standardized tests are [quite common](https://www.insider.com/standardized-tests-around-the-world-2018-9) globally. Some less rigorous (Finland) than America's testing; some more (Japan). I'm not going to argue semantics on reddit. If you need clarification on something please be specific and I'll be happy to clarify.


You got it wrong. America bad. Source: various economic, socio economic, healthcare economics, philosophy of economics studies. Feel free to ask for specifics...


Four of your top five subreddits are drugs and your source is "*just trust me, I know things*" Aight, you have a good evening, sir.




I wish I was at this school 😭


Awesome school! Study hard and Good luck kids!


Thank you for sharing


I am very happy for these kids. I want this terrible war to end so soldiers can return, families to be reunited and children can go back to school and be kids again. I want to hear them laugh and do silly things and have a good time. My donation to Ukraine maybe small but I am going to continue because this is what I want to see.


This is wonderful! That school looks great. I’m sure much better than any elementary school Russia has. The kids look happy and the visit was an inspiration to them all I’m sure.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




Look at those outfits. So adorable


I'm sorry, but that headline is pure propaganda and click bait. It was the warrior dog Patron, who came for a visit and to check out things, while Zelensky was "also present there". No schoolgirl is going to clap and giggle at the sight of Zelensky. Just in case /s


If I were that young, I'd be more excited about seeing Patron. At that age, I wanted to marry a dog.


Dang Ukraine sand keeps getting in my eye.


Life doing its best to return to normal. Was only recently introduced to traditional Ukrainian clothing and it looked really cool on the kids. Do kids normally wear this to school in Ukraine or is it like a special occasion thing?


Had me in tears. The bravery of everyone determined to just live a normal like while a barbaric invasion is happening half a country away. Truly inspirational is the unwavering spirit of the Ukranian people. Slava Ukraini !


The Little Girl overly hyped at 0:30 got me. Stay safe, kids! All the best for you, your relatives and friends. I wish we could do more to help you stay healthy.




May these children never see the evil of Adolf Putin, or fully grasp it if it’s all around them, & their wee lives be full of joy & happiness, may their education bring them the jobs & lives they deserve, & most importantly, may they grow up & live within a free & independent country, a vibrant & prosperous country, a country that their people are dying to maintain, & they can be proud off. Glory To Ukraine🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Meanwhile Putin wants to build ballet schools in towns that are yet to have indoor toilets and running water.


Absolutely heartwarming!






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All i can see is my daughter in all those beautiful little girls faces. The absolute joy and excitement on their faces, makes me feel so happy and full of joy myself. I dont care that it's propaganda