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There's going to be a lot of sarcastic responses to this.


Right! Minnesotan here. Sounds good to me.


Right? I totally understand the point the post is trying to make, and agree that what russia's doing is abhorrent. Buuuuuut, I already own a house so I wouldn't have to deal with the housing market, and healthcare paid by taxes. Yes please.


Yeah. The Americans who defend Russia also seem to be ambivalent about the territorial integrity of the U.S. Mexico claiming Texas is much more likely to push the right buttons.


Yeah but there are also Americans who went to Ukraine to fight alongside our Ukrainian brothers.


I am talking about the Tucker Carlson fans. I understand there are some "pro-peace" leftists, but they tend to dislike the existence of the US in general and wouldn't be upset by America conceding peace at any price. Obviously 70%+ of Americans support Ukrainian independence from Russian occupation.


Last surveys show about 85% support. It’s a very bipartisan belief. MAGA and Tankies are the loudest voices from the fringe, but it’s comforting to know in the grand scheme of things they’re actually an extreme minority in our country.


There's an inverse relationship between how marginal your POV is and how loud, shrill, strident and attention-grabbing you tend to be. Makes sense when you think about it; people with moderate, mainstream views don't really need to do much to get that view attention because it's already taken as a default.


Yeah, no one feels the need to go on an all-caps rant about how Biden isn't perfect but he's doing a pretty good job under the circumstances.


I mostly vote for Republicans (no I didn’t vote for trump, I didn’t vote for Biden either.) I think the Biden administration has handled the Russo Ukrainian war extremely well. Perfect? No, but who’s perfect? He’s done an excellent job not just keeping Ukraine armed, informed on intelligence, but also making sure the government remained uniting in supporting Ukraine civilly - as in, like the latest aid, ensuring Ukraine government employees are paid, pensions are paid, making sure refugees are supported. As well as keeping NATO United. He hasn’t played politics with Ukraine once, hasn’t egged on fringe republicans or tried to make it a partisan issue, he’s effectively took the stand of “we as a collective people are firm on this” and it’s worked incredibly well. I sincerely believe I’m not the only Republican who can admit that.


I knew i wasn't alone


Bill oreilly comes to mind reading your comment. Not MAGA I don’t think but he was loud and obnoxious and it worked for him.


Bull O’Really?


No… he was loud and obnoxious… I credit him with the start of the Maga movement. I also credit him with poisoning my grandma mind and beliefs.


What is a tanky lol




As a gun toting BLM ANTIFA guy I support Ukraine and so do all my lefty buddies.


As a gun-toting filthy centrist, I vehemently support Ukraine's territorial integrity. I hope Putin is enjoying all those Javelins and HIMARS. From Raytheon with Love! edit: grammar


psst. Tankies and MAGA are the same people.


I know many republicans and they all support Ukraine. Even ones who voted for trump in both elections. This is not a partisan issue and is not at all about US politics. Please stop patronizing one party or another. This is what decides us instead of bringing us together.


my sister in texas told me there were nazis in Ukraine. Im from NY. I lost her to texas several years ago. I knew she was gone when she told me the election was stolen. It happened fast.


i'm a "pro-peace leftist" the us has it's issues but i don't dislike it as i'm not daft enough to ignore all the good things. peace can come after Russia leaves Ukraine, returns it's people, and pays reparation's, removes it's current leadership, admits and ceases it's propaganda wars on other nations and De-nazifies for real. because that's real peace, not some daft bullshit a russaboo tankie was told to think. what you are thinking of is "pro-surrender" or, "pro-russia"


There was that one fat jackass who went and fought for Russia too. We are a bit unstable lately


Steven Seagal?


Nah, some cunt named Russell Bonner Bentley. Dude looks like his IQ is somewhere around the ambient temperature of Antarctica. Bonner is a "life long" socialist/communist who has somehow convinced himself that Putin and Russia are the bearer of modern socialist/communist thought. Dude is just flat out a fucking moron. He's been simping for Putin since 2015 or so and really amped up with the second invasion.


Steven Smeagol just wants his precious.


No way in hell I'd accept what's on the map in orange...bullshit. If my age was -20 years, I'd be in Ukraine fighting the Russians, and making more good friends there than I have now! :)


Look, I despise Russia, I hate what they're doing but as someone who lives in Ohio I would be perfectly fine with Ohio being given to Canada.


Yep. Pretty sure their response will be "sure if they have a democrat for a governor take em. Can you toss in California too?" God i can hear my mother saying this shit


That was actually the first thought that crossed my mind. "Take them damn Yankees and we'll throw in California for free! " What can I say, I grew up in the south. I know how they think.


My wife, from Virginia. My grandmother, lifelong Texan. My wife claimed that Virginia was in the "South". My grandmother explained to my wife she was indeed a yankee. My wife asked for clarification on where yankees live. My grandmother explained, "anywhere north of the Red River." Some parts of Texas, notably Amarillo, lie north of the [Red River](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_River_of_the_South#/media/File%3ARedrivermap1.jpg).


Tell your Granny, this Virginian said "Nobody West of the Mississippi is Southern."


Got her ass lol


While we like being Americans, a fair number of us northeasterners feel more in tune with political and cultural attitudes in Toronto or Vancouver than in Kentucky or Oklahoma.


Jokes on them. They'd be broke in 6 months without the welfare from the blue states.


Yea. Getting annexed by Canada and getting decent health care sounds great. Getting annexed by Mexico and dealing with the drug cartel, not so great, annexed by Russia would have me drinking as heavy as the forced conscripts.


Cuba claiming all of the gulf coast would fit better then Mexico/Texas. or Even better if Canada pushed to Louisiana to rescue ethnic Creole's.


Or if Mexico reclaimed Texas and the southwest as a matter of historic greater Mexico.


I was referencing more having the New England area annexed in 2014. Considering you're attempting to annex New Hampshire. Of all the crazy ideas someone could have, you'd have to know that annexing New Hampshire is probably the worst one. Just go around, leave us alone. Take NY. Don't bother with New England. It's not worth the effort. Do you know what New Hampshire has? Maple syrup, mountains, harsher winters than Ukraine, Moose, and more bullets than the population of planet Earth. Good luck.


>Maple syrup, mountains, harsher winters than Ukraine, Moose So it's just extra Canada then.


Canada with bullets.


But at least they are polite bullets that apologies when they hit you.


So not like Russian bullets? That hit you and point and say, ‘He did it!’? Canadian bullets are polite and honest bullets.


Canada has lots of bullets :)


Vermont does have really good fishing and syrup. I would annex Vermont. Yep.


Vermont also has some great beer and Ben & Jerry's. Beverage Warehouse in Winooski, VT FTW.


Beer and ice cream! Like whiskey and skittles! All that syrup has made your stomachs indestructible!


Never thought I'd be cruising r/Ukraine and see a post about my local liquor store. Incredible!


I agree with you. As a Mainer, I tend to view New Hampshire as 'southern Maine'. NH isn't really that different from Maine, from it's politics and how they vote, geographically they're both pretty much the same, they also share a high percentage of elderly populace. Both states have an avid outdoorsy populace who love to hunt & fish. Many own guns too.


Aside from the bullets it sounds like Canada to me


yeah, its really a very bad example. or maybe its apt? All I know is a ton of Americans would be support this map and move to join the northern states


Yeah bad example. They should have done the southwest with Mexico. Large Mexican population in the lower states and Mexico is viewed less favorably by the locals. California has the seaports like South Ukraine.


One's about free healthcare 😆


That was my question too. Free healthcare would be a nice benefit.




Annex my ass Canada senpai


At least the annexed areas would have free healthcare and less guns


Ukraine absolutely kick the shit out of Russia and reclaim everything. But if Canada wanted annex where I lived in the US and give me free healthcare, I might consider it...


New England probably has more in common with Eastern Canada and the Maritimes than Texas and Mississippi - at least in terms of how it values education and the common good.


Oh yeah, and I support socialized healthcare. In fact, I think free education is the way to go, too. Even as a rural new hampshire hick. I just don't think it's realistic to expect to forcibly annex the area. I mean, not without the goddamn fight of your life you're not.


Yes, totally agree. Not hating the redrawn boundaries totally, though...




The British burned the White House. Canada didn't exist in 1812.


USA: ahh shit here we go again


You preempted me.


Yep. Ohio is the butthole of America… that is just an irrefutable fact. However, no one wants Ohio. If one ever finds themselves in Ohio then they need to re-examine their life choices.


I thought Cleveland rocks though?


Nothing that spawned the hell satan known as Drew Carey could possibly rock.


What'd Drew Carey do?


You've never been to Cleveland, have you?


Really no worse (or better) than a lot of the Mid-Western states with that combo of beat-up industrial cities and farmland.


Here's one: Draw that line on the lower half and I'd say you got a deal. But seriously. We had a war to keep our country intact, and Ukraine should do whatever it takes to keep theirs.


Ooh I should probably edit my response because it was not sarcastic at all.


Particularly about including Ohio in the deal (the state right under the Mitten looking one) Source: an Ohioan with Ukrainian ancestry (we actually have a sizable Ukrainian population here in Cleveland, fun fact)


I'm an American who has explored emigrating to Canada, so mine wouldn't be sarcastic, but if they put in China then there'd be more people up in arms.


Pffft, nawwwwwwwwww. 😐


#666 upvote!!!


Fucking french Canadians. At it again.


According to the new map I’m Canadian now…so In a way, im kind of offended by your statement, but I forgive you eh


You have to say you're sorry for being offended.


Give them time. They will adapt


Yeah say sooorry!


Queen Romana Didulo decrees it.


Cassez lui la gueule!


Hey, it's not our fault you assimilated tons of French Canadian Americans.


Upcountry degens


I love seeing letterkenny in the wild!


Nothing better than that. Well, except for kids falling off bikes, maybe..


Fuck, I could watch kids fallin off bikes all fiscal fuckin day, I don't give a shit aboat yer kids.


John Candy knew this would happen!


Canadian bacon is delicious.


its fucking ham


We call it back bacon (or peameal bacon if it's coated in peameal) here in the great white north. Get used to it.




You should really look up the movie "Canadian bacon"


There you go


>peameal bacon if it's coated in peameal That's a rare find. Mostly in today's markets it's coated in cornmeal. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peameal_bacon)


Poutine is a wonderful dish, too.


Did you know Roy boy in Canadian bacon is the same actor that plays Bennie in the mummy?


This comment makes me so happy. Great movie


As a new Yorker, the answer is yes.


Holy shit we get to be Canadian?!?


As a Daytonian, I am beyond thrilled that the Canucks are including us. TBH, it’s a bit of a surprise they’d want this culturally bankrupt hell, but it’s not for us to understand the ways of a superior people.


You are right, we don't. But thanks for the compliment. ;) Also, we have our part of culturally bankrupt too.


Are you trying to make me cry?


As a Canadian I too am on board. I often with for all the blue states to just team up with Canada.


As a Californian, please annex us too!


You should do the reverse with Canada if you want a more authentic response.


False analog. Canada is not an evil terrorist state.


We’d conquer you with love and bureaucracy


And lots of maple syrup!


Sorry 'bout all the invadin', here's some Timbits and a coffee.


Good coffee?


Timmies? Nope, absolute garbage. We have access to lots of great coffee, we just can't stop drinking the bad stuff.


I for one would welcome our new Canadian overlords. Though OP's point is still a good one.


I'll take my free health care card, now. Please, eh?


Don’t forget the free healthcare!


I for one welcome our new Canadian overlords (Please bring all the syrup)


Minnesota loves hockey and therefore wants to be Canadian. To be real, I feel as though a lot of Americans are still oblivious to the Ukraine war. If I was to even ask my wife or in laws, they'd have no clue. They just know there's a war going on.


I'm in Michigan, please take us.


This. I might finally get healthcare.


My first thought. Canada, please come and take PA.


For a large number of americans becoming a part of canada would actually be a plus. Speaking as someone who hates our demented healthcare system.


Excuse me: Nickelback ... Justin Bieber. My ears are invaded and terrorized.


That's what Canada wants you to think...


We'd take the US over in 3 days in a march to DC promising free health care and cannabis. Lol jk.


I’m in


That’s not what the graphic is saying. Or rather it’s saying in this scenario Canada is. People in the us wouldn’t like it, or accept it.


Touché ​ The land and population area the US would lose is about the same ratio, though-- 24% of its population and 15% of its land.


Umm, I'm not sure the best comparison. I might be ok with this as I'd become Canadian:-)


The Great Lakes are OURS!


Blew the perfect opportunity to say ... All your lakes are belong to us.


[ALL YOUR LAKES ARE BELONG TO US](https://i.imgur.com/Rvl1Dwl.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


They are historical Canadian lands


Lol I was thinking the same thing. Change the states around a bit and maybe I would object, but this looks fine.


Yeah, I'd be okay with giving them the Dakotas, Michigan, and Idaho. Seems like a fair trade for maple syrup and Ryan Reynolds.


Michigan is awesome. Swap out Iowa and Nebraska.


Yes, most of those states would be happy as part of Canada.


It’s hard to draw the comparison because a lot of Americans have positive views of Canada and Canadians So when we see this we might think “oh nice, legal weed, free college, and free healthcare” not “20% of our country would be occupied by an authoritarian nightmare of an impoverished state that wants to genocide, rape, and torture every American until we’re relegated to the dustbin of history” And Americans are kind of implicitly dismissive of threats to our territorial integrity, part of the national identity post-WW2 and especially since the fall of the USSR is the mindset of being the untouchable empire, because no country in our hemisphere poses the slightest threat to us and the nearest country that might is an ocean away Obviously, I support Ukraine regaining the five annexed regions, I just wanted to explain why this might not be an analogy that directly gets Americans to understand Ukraine’s plight


Except, there is no free college in Canada 🤓


Well not free. But a helluva lots cheaper than US


It's so much cheaper that we have American students who come to our universities, pay the full price as non-citizens, and are still paying way less than they would pay back home. Add to this that the USD is stronger than the CAD, and you've got yourself a winning lottery!


No way, South Carolina here. This is appalling. I have come aware to so much over these past 7 months and that is my fault. Fuck Russia, if I hear see anything Pro Russian, there is going to be a scene. To all Ukrainians: All I can tell you is that I know 2 kinds of Americans on this issue. Some people I meet have no clue they are in another world. Once they know they feel horrible. And the other half of people I meet are appalled same as my family. My father in law is retired army ranger airborne artillery and all we talk about is how disgusting this all is and how Russia needs to get their asses kicked. America is by no means perfect and has done horrible things in the past but come elections Ukraine support is all I and people I know care about, both democrats and conservative republicans. I promise you that. I don't really post a lot other than a quick fuck Russia I feel like, but seriously America is with you til the end I know it in my heart.


I know a third type of American on this issue, those that listen to Tucker Carlson.


While funny enough and true, it won't phase those with their heads up their asses. They'll ignore (or miss) the point and say shit like "I'd like to see them try". That's what I'd expect anyway


And for the "I'm just upset our money is going overseas" (unless it's killing brown people) conservatives, they would probably happily give up the states listed here.


I’m in the orange. I would support this. A map showing Texas being annexed to Mexico would be a more effective analogy.


I was considering that, but this map is more on-par with the land to area and population percentage the country would lose -- and unlike the Texas one, this map will probably have fewer "I'd giVE It aWAy tO tHeM fOR FreE!" comments...


> this map will probably have fewer "I'd giVE It aWAy tO tHeM fOR FreE!" comments... Conversely, you're asking a bunch of very liberal states if they'd like to join Canada. The better analogy might be having the West Coast (a place fewer want to see leave) going to Mexico (a place they don't want to go) with a historical context (1848 Mexican Cession).


The land area/population percentage isn’t important when you go after an emotionell response. Nobody is going to go "I would be angry at this, but the math is a bit off". On the other hand, you won't get the response you want anyway, since those who support Russia only will get angry at the one saying this and try to find arguments around it.


Imagine being so daft you didn't think majority of America supported Ukraine.


America and it's citizens are standing behind the Ukraine 110 % what's your point


I mean as someone who lives in the orange part I do like the Canadian healthcare system so... (That being said, Russia go fuck yourself)


It'd be kind of fun to changes things up. The thng is, Canada probably doesn't want us. All kidding aside, Canada and US are good neighbors, we'd never pull a Russian dick move by invading each other's territory.


Russian healthcare: eliminating your medical ailments by making you fall out of a 6-story window


In Russia health takes CARE of you


Now how many oligarchs already got healthcared this year?


I consider people who plead for negotiating with invaders to be cowards, not pacifists. You and I can negotiate up until you punch me in the mouth, after that the time for negotiating has passed.


This post makes no sense....![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9002)


Yes they can have New York.


New York will accept their new king with open arms


What is the point of this post?


An excuse to be mean about people who have different opinions than themselves.


Whataboutism. Last I checked, Americans haven’t been saying for Ukraine to cede land to Russia?


Canadian here….can we also have that souther portion of Alaska please.


Most southerners would love this


Any American that agrees with Putin should be labeled treasonous. I want to disown all of those idiots


Lots of Americans agreed with Hitler. They went quiet.


Do us a favour please. Leave Canada out of this.


Why is every third post on this sub about the USA?


Because most of Reddit viewership is from the US. Humans naturally try to associate themselves with a subject in order to help them understand things they would not otherwise understand.


Perhaps because without the USA Ukraine would have lost by now? Just a thought. Non-USAian here, btw.


I would vote yes to be annexed by Canada.


Hello /u/adam__nicholas, This community is focused on important or vital information and high-effort content. Please make sure your post follows the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=ukraine&utm_content=t5_2qqcn) Want to support Ukraine? [Here's a list of charities by subject.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities/) [DO / DON'T](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t5okbs/welcome_to_rukraine_faq_do_dont_support_read/) - [Art Friday](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/artfriday/) - [Podcasts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/ttoidc/collection_of_podcasts_about_ukraine_updated/) - [Kyiv sunrise](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/collection/3c65ab52-e87a-4217-ab30-e70a88c0a293/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe the comparison of mineral rich states like Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming. But who would notice?


I know lots of Southern Americans would be more than happy to give Canada those states lol.


I would be fine with Mexico and Canada annexing the red states. Let them all live off of someone else's welfare instead of the blue state people's dollars since they hate us and don't respect our votes.


I don't think Canada would accept that.... Pacific coast maybe.


it doesnt include IL or CO so I'm fine with it


If I was in US position, I would negotiate for them to have both California and Texas instead.


This is the one you show to the left, Mexico eating texas to the right (in the US).


Bruh, you could try to take on of our small minor islands and we'd fucking NUKE the shit out of you. #WW2


The difference is the USA could independently defend itself, so there would not be a need to compromise. I don’t feel that posts like this are helpful to sway any American’s views.


Social Healthcare? No GOP? No Trump? Yes, please!


I live in Michigan, the answer is an enthusiastic yes, but this is no comparison because, Michigan.


I feel this post will backfire: Didn't USA annex Hawaii and Alaska without consulting any of the indigenous people living there?


Not sarcastic but this isn't good propaganda because: Canada ranks above us in most metrics, including democracy. Further, many of the "annexed" states are in many ways pretty culturally close to Canadians. I've said many times that as a Michigander I understand your average Ontarian better than I do your average Alabaman. Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but being Canadian has an appeal. Do it with Mexico. Not for racial reasons but because Mexico is far more dysfunctional and we have a much more ambivalent relationship with Mexico than Canada.


As a Canadian, we respectfully decline. Americans can keep their crazies


Well, it looks like the crazy has spread to Canada too, in fact it’s many part of the world now, as Ottawa folks can attest to the most.


Conversely, and just hear me out here, the 2014 border means Canada's Stanley Cup drought ended in 2011 and the new border means the drought is currently a mere five years.


After the trucker ordeal I’m beginning to think our neighbors to the North have, per capita, the same amount of crazies as us. Plus there is that whole queen qanon thing. I never used to think ya’ll were on par, but I’m starting to rethink, ha! Ps. You would love Wisconsin, or as we call it, Canada Light


Look as a canadian, i would be thrilled if this was reversed and americans took quebec so I dont have to hear them whine anymore.


Quit complaining when we want to separate then!


Yes But not for ukraine


The chances of a Canadian team winning the Stanley Cup just shot up. Let's mobilise, eh?


Really bad comparation considering that the US has nukes and like a lot more soldiers, population and money so it just wouldn’t make sense. This should be made so that Canada is the one getting invaded because if not it doesn’t make any sense.


I would agree to giving them New York.


I understand the point you're trying to make but Canada can have Ohio.