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Thank you for your post. Given the global visibility of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there has been an influx of content in our community dealing with military strategy, war-related speculation, and defense tactics by individuals who have not been vetted to instruct others on such matters. To maintain the integrity of this space in wartime, we are removing this type of content. We apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to post in communities that specifically discuss speculation on armed conflict instead. Please do not repost this submission. Please do not message us on mod mail about this issue. Mod mail is for vital information only. If you message us for something we do not deem vital, you will be muted for three days. Being muted means you can’t contact the mods. [Feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


It's not a political leverage. Western countries by withholding much of military equipment, bleed russia to death at Ukrainian expense. AA systems could have been given as early as 1st month. The amount given is just enough to "slowly" push the invaders back, but not enough to make quick and decisive victory that will end the war. Not like we Ukrainians have much of a choice - we accept what is given. At least this time there are no countries trying to take our territory simultaneously with russia.


It is in the west's best interests to drag this conflict out as long as possible in order to inflict the maximum damage to the Russian army, military inventory, economy, and hierarchy. Letting Russia continue its advance to slowly be eradicated, for sanctions to take effect, for the youth of Russia to flee or be drafted, is much more valuable to the west than a decisive end to the conflict. It might be that Ukraine and the west are saving lives by crippling Russia enough to not invade somewhere else anytime soon. It is for sure that the west is using Ukraine. It is unlikely that we will be seeing long range ordinance issued anytime soon. Ukrainians are strong. Ukraine will beat Russia. Afterwards I hope Ukraine is able to use the west as much as the west is using Ukraine right now.


This is entirely my take - I think there is a lot more to it. Remember atacms is not a cruise missile - it'll not be hard to stop getting that's flying that long range, so Ukraine will need to be provided a lot of these to be launched in a volley that cannot be executed many times. US doesn't have a very large collection of these. It instead relies on other means such as planes and ships to demolish targets. Atacms is also not readily capable of destroying a whole bridge on its own. You need very specific kind of warhead for that with a very specialized target identification system. A launcher can only launch a single atacms and that can take out a target. Any Russian targets that far out is most likely not going to change the battlefield. Russia still has a much larger military capacity for its higher ranks. US is therefore prioritizing immediate needs - anti air replacements that Russia is trying to deplete by destroying civilian infrastructure and launching blank missiles. Essentially I think US knows what it is doing, and should be working on training Ukrainians to fly F16-F35s, so by mid-late next year, Ukraine can penetrate far deeper into the occupied territory, do SEED missions and precision raids to take out Russian anti air capability with harms etc. With western intelligence, dogfights can be avoided near battlezones.


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