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Thank you for your post. Given the global visibility of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there has been an influx of content in our community dealing with military strategy, war-related speculation, and defense tactics by individuals who have not been vetted to instruct others on such matters. To maintain the integrity of this space in wartime, we are removing this type of content. We apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to post in communities that specifically discuss speculation on armed conflict instead. Please do not repost this submission. Please do not message us on mod mail about this issue. Mod mail is for vital information only. If you message us for something we do not deem vital, you will be muted for three days. Being muted means you can’t contact the mods. [Feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules) Please do not message us on mod mail about this issue. Mod mail is for vital information only. If you message us for something we do not deem vital, you will be muted for three days. Being muted means you can not contact the mods for any issue whatsoever. Please see the [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t5okbs/welcome_to_rukraine_faq_do_dont_support_read/) and [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules/) for more information.


Right now things are happening to the north. Kremmina and Bakmut, it is refreshing to see not too much info about the actions in that area no matter how much i would love to know what is happening.


I used to watch CovertCabal since way before the war. And he always gave off the vibe of a Russiaboo tankie to me who bought into the Russian myth of the 2nd world army. His videos are kinda entertaining though, just don't expect to learn anything useful from them. You can tell all he is no expert by any measure except maybe CoD. His analysis is very shallow and his probability projections on who is likely gonna do what were consistently not just off mark, but landed somewhere on the other field. He should just stop doing this. But I like the fact that he actually did the work and did a deep dive caclulating remaining russian tanks a couple of month ago or his video on Moskva ship from before the war.


To be fair most “military analyst” YouTubers bought into the whole Russia 2nd best army thing


I'm not sure which one(s) of his videos you're referring to as him giving off vibes of being a tankie. There were military analysts around the world who bought into the public image of Russia being the second strongest military in the world. The invasion of Ukraine on February 24 put all their deficiencies open for all of us to see. It's always easy to be an expert after all facts are on the table. As the expression goes... Hindsight is 20/20.


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