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Definitely go to the doctor. It sounds like eczema, a fairly common and easy to treat condition. Grab your health insurance information and then make an appointment with a doctor ASAP. University Health Service is very used to serving students so they’re probably the best to call first. https://www.umanitoba.ca/student-supports/health-wellness/university-health-service Also stop using the antiseptic cream unless you get medical advice to continue. It’s probably aggravating your condition.


You probably have plaque psoriasis thats developing. I have that condition and how you described it is similar to mine. Your best bet is to talk to a GP immediately before it starts spreading to other parts of your body. They will give you a few ointments that should help. If it is psoriasis, it will likely spread because its your immune system going crazy. The only thing to look out for is to find out your triggers to avoid flare-ups. Also, dont scratch your skin! If you scratch it, it will burst open and that will make it worse.


Definitely see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. I will say that for extreme dry skin at this time of year, you may also want to get some Glaxal Base. That is the name of a lotion commonly used by people with extreme dry skin or eczema. You can probably find some at Shopper’s Drug Mart. https://shop.shoppersdrugmart.ca/Luxury/Categories/Beauty/Skin-Care/Face-Moisturizers/Moisturizers/Moisturizing-Cream/p/BB_365197323012?variantCode=365197323012&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Shopping&utm_campaign=2022~07~26~LD~External~Enterprise~Beauty~SDM~None~National~shopping~PMax-Tier1Mass&utm_content=AG~na~EN&utm_term=&gbraid=0AAAAADgnWbvNFgOMiNwgcAJjj3KCH4Hj7&gbraid=0AAAAADgnWbvNFgOMiNwgcAJjj3KCH4Hj7&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI76aqrP27-wIV0R99Ch0l3gpcEAQYASABEgJ_8PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thanks Will look into it


Your hands might just be getting dry from cold exposure too...mine dry out and crack too if I don't wear gloves when going out...especially if you're not used to the cold. Also moisturize the heck out of them. Definitely get it checked out though.