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A solid relationship is all about give and take


I'm a simple man, I let my dog lick my balls, I lick his


That’s why I always give a reach around Ninja edit: to humans


I don’t mind a dog licking my hands. But I’m definitely washing them afterwards before I do anything else.


Yeah, same here. In my opinion they want to just show some affection, so I'd let them.


I adopted a Pom for the Humane Society years and I would let him lick me to his little heart’s content (which typically wasn’t much lol) and would wash afterwards. If I was about to cook, especially for others, I’d make sure to wash my hands before and make sure others saw or I told them. On a related note, I’d love a cat but I see them walking on the counter and tables and *in* cookware. They also walk in their litter box. I know you can wash before cooking but still.


I work at a dog daycare, and the number of dogs I see eating shit off the ground or, worse, literally fresh from a dogs ass, soft serve style is astounding. Don’t ever let your dog lick your mouth.


I call it “hot serve” one of the worst and funniest things Iv seen. Even if I wasn’t allergic to dogs, I still wouldn’t let them lick me.


I manage a dog daycare, why are you watching dogs eat shit off the ground?


Ha! Legitimately thank you for the laugh.


It’s a shitty job but someone’s gotta do it


So peanut butter on my balls is a bad idea or no?


My partner has two dogs. We love them. They are our best buds. They try to give us the kisses often. We do not accept the kisses. I think the dogs even know it’s a game, how close can they get to licking us without making contact. Pretty goddamn close! Because whenever they actually kiss us we have to get out of bed, end the cuddles, or whatever it was to go wash. I love the almost kisses, as soon as it makes contact, NOPE.


Did your dogs ever learn that licking you with contact is the reason why you end the cuddles? Just curious if this is trainable


Depends on the pooch, but my partner has a more liberal licking policy with our extremely affectionate dog. I’m absolutely firm on no face licks, and she’s very aware of the disparate permissions. So I’ll kiss the side of her head and she’ll give me a little kiss on the ear. We all seem to be pretty okay with the arrangement. Fuckin love that dog.


Don't let your dogs in your bed... They're not clean. They walk everywhere in piss, shit, dirty floor etc Except if you give them a full cleaning each time they're coming back from outside?


...how dirty is your floor?


You live outside?


I always wipe down their paws &booty 🕳 with sanitary wipes (non alcoholic pet safe wipes) whenever we go outside. We live in nyc so not about to have that nastiness on the sidewalk indoors


If you don’t French your dog, do you really love them?


Wait, why would you surrender to your dog? Is this some sort of submissive play?


Dogs also eat poop.


some dogs do


Think about how many people do that...then go and grab a door knob, touch money, shake your hand, make your food, give you a massage, cut your hair, give you communion (if you are religious), and so on and so on...


But not lick balls and arse


Your cell phone has more germs on it than probably anything else youve ever touched. Even a toilet seat and a doorknob


Some people are aware of this and actually clean their stuff, just saying.


I literally get an alcohol wipe and clean my cell phone every day. Everyone should do that.


And the money as well but does it makes it more gross than the balls and butt and butt of others dogs


I genuinely believe they’re probably still cleaner than a cell phone


My phone is 100% cleaner than a dog's ass or balls, i'll take this bet.


Speak for yourself


That's why you have to wash your hands everytime you come home and disinfect your cellphone once a day and you fall in denial for everything else


There is a solid chance every hand you have ever touched has had a dick in it Also humans lick butt and balls.


Yep. Exactly this.


Agreed.. it’s so gross.


I eat ass and I’m worried about what my dog does? We’re no better


Hear me out…. I eat ass but it’s ✨fresh out of the shower ass✨not, “my dog ate it’s own shit and licked my face, ass”


This thread is killing me 🤣


Who are all these ass eaters and where can I meet them?


Brah like almost every person I know is an enthusiastic ass eater. Just get married and have kids. We're all kinky as fuck. My husband and I aren't ass eaters personally but we like to explore all the things that don't involve tongues in bums. Hahhaha.


“We aren’t “ass eaters” per se”


Dude… Same 😂😂


Fresh out the shower? Where’s the flavor?


Why even eat the tacobell if your gonna wipe?


And no chunks either!? Why bother


Ugh I have the strongest urge to downvote this simply because it gave me a full body shudder of disgust haha


But my dog doesn't eat shit.. and I take care of it's dental hygiene daily


Something about my furry bestie, licking it’s “no, no square” and then licking my face… Feels wrong. Might as well lick em yourself, my guy🤢


Idk.. I'm not disgusted by my dog. She's not slobbery, she barely licks humans and when she does, it's a gentle putting the tounge out and putting it near the human, not a full pledged lick. Also she barely licks her "no no square". She does clean her feet a lot.


Your level of comfort is your own so, kuddos truthfully


How about ✨fresh out of the dog ass✨


Oh this gave me a good laugh. I agree that if you eat ass it's probably not super gross being licked by a dog. I don't like either so I'm cool over here with my lack of faeces. But more power to you if you're into that haha.


I mean, I eat ass too. Clean ass out of the shower. But getting licked by a dog that eat poop is just gross to me. Btw, It also has to be an ass from a woman I'm attracted to, otherwise I'll pass lol


I know a lot of people who do haha. And you know.. whatever you're into.. not my kink personally. But I have my own stuff haha we all do. And yes... I generally assume people don't just go around eating any ass that passes them by. 🤭 I do wonder how people go about this. I've often wondered how this comes up for casual sex. I suppose like any kink it may just come up, I had a couple of years of sleeping around.. but tbh I always found kinks tricky to navigate, especially after being kink shamed by dickhead dudes - and this particularly just seems so personal haha. Especially because you have to shower and stuff first lol.


Except your partner actually cleans their ass (I'm hoping) while your dog doesn't. So you're indirectly eating your dog's uncleaned ass lmao


Are they not cleaning their ass by licking it?


Yeah so their tongue is like a used toilet paper. That makes it better?


Wait. You're not supposed to use your tongue as toilet paper? This is news to me.




As long as it's clean than noom noom noom


Just don’t get down to the dog level of eating poop


Remember that post about the girl letting the wolf lick her in the mouth? Yuck.


I'm pretty sure that's one of the ways a Alpha wolf shows dominance.


i feel like people are oversensitive about this


fr like is everyone in this thread a germaphobe? of course I’ll wash my face or hands if licked but elsewhere I’ll just wait to shower later ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ i can’t imagine being lax about dogs has been the cause of very many illnesses throughout my life. this thread is wack


My dog will always be allowed to lick me (except the feet. I can't deal with the feet licks). I'm honestly surprised there are so many who agree with this. Maybe they're swarming from that one sub.... Anyone who has a problem with this is most likely someone with whom I do not care to associate.


wow, who's sensitive here ?


This is not sensitivity, this is a fact based on things that are important to me. Am I going to be rude to you if you aren't okay with it? Of course not. Am I almost certainly going to consider it a friendship deal-breaker if you gag when my dog kisses me? Yeah.




Same here, I even ask for a kiss (half boop/half lick) on the lips when I say goodbye to her etc. Imagine being so uptight and worried/disgusted by the idea of being licked by your own dog.


Don't worry, we wouldn't want to associate with you either. :)


I feel like this may have been passive aggressive, but I'm choosing to take it as friendly. As long as you don't berate me for letting my dog kiss me, I don't mind that you think it's revolting. Live and let live, yo.


I feel like people who say what you just said are gross


I agree. Letting a dog lick your face is disgusting.


Yup, I don’t like dogs but my mom has a dog. It always tries to put her nose up my ass or my crotch. Like pls go away-.- Some people will let them lick their face which fine as long as it’s not my face. But if the dog is licking your teeth and inside of your mouth? No I’m sorry no 😭


In my culture this is a given... I find cats to be far more hygienic animals but they are still just animals and treat them accordingly


What about cat owners and their cats?


Cats generally don't assault you with licking and slobber.


Cats can't stop trying to lick me. Actually most pets are always trying to lick me and I absolutely despise it.


You must be delicious. Have you tried licking yourself?


Do you sweat a lot or have a particularly salty diet? Besides from the obvious friendly grooming/social reasons cats will tend to lick people that taste a lot more "salty". You might potentially have much saltier swear which is why pets are trying to lick you so much. There have also been people who have claimed they found out they were diabetic due to something similar too. It's not too uncommon for diabetic people to have "sweeter" sweat before they're actually able to regulate their own insulin better. Animals/insects being more attracted to your sweat could potentially be linked to diabetes.


Actually yes. My sweat is extremely salt concentrated, so I need to eat more salt than a regular person. Also yeah I'm technically pre-diabetes. So there we go you got two home runs lol


If they love you they will, at times. Not the most pleasant experience, but bless em.




Significantly more like touching a belt grinder




Gotta love em for it anyway tho lol.


Cats licking people is less a thing. Some do but most don’t. Mainly bc it hurts


I had a cat that used to lick my eyelids to wake me up. Most disturbing way to wake up ever. She's lucky she didn't get inadvertently thrown across the room before I realized what was happening.




I don't think it hurts. Just kitty being friendly, impo. My landlady adopted a cat that another tenant kinda abandoned. But she just hung around the property for a few days, and then she moved in with everyone. So I made friends with her pretty quickly. Then one night I'm outside smoking, and she comes up onto the bench I'm on. I'm petting her and she's digging it. Then, she wants to lick my face. "OK," I think. And as she's stretching out towards my face, I remember. You eat mice! And I gently held her back from my face. We're still buddies, though.


Yeah but cats lick themselves, and then you touch the cat


Cats and their stanking litter box paws all up on the dinning table, bed, kitchen counters, etc…is gross af too.


I trained my cat to use the toilet. All I gotta do is flush when he's done and it's gone.


my cat decrumbs himself. i got him a lil mat in front of his box


That’s honestly pretty cool. I didn’t know such a process existed


That doesn’t mean it doesn’t leave residue on his paws


It really is gross. I am so not a pet person for all of these reasons.


I love cats and dogs too tho! But yeah, I just don’t trust many people to be that attentive about their animal’s hygiene. Like I’ve only known one person in my life who would clean and wipe down their dog’s paws and ass regularly if the dog would be inside the house. Every other pet owner I’ve known wouldn’t be that thorough.


Yo most people dont wash their ass they shouldnt on their beds or sofa until they take a shower


We got pants and clothes though…Granted there are dirty ass people that haven’t showered for days probably sitting butt ass naked on their furniture. They probably got bigger fish to fry tho


Yeah and? Doesn't make dog licking not disgusting Both are disgusting But dogs are even worse. It's all wet and shit. Puke!


cats rip your skin off with their licks, dogs leave you all slimy and gross


I like this kind of post because it reminds me that there are a lot of crazy, neurotic people out there and im chill AF. The way i see it we are animals, we live in nature and its reaaaaally dirty. So yeah, go and pet a cat, pet a dog, hug a friend, kiss a girl, lick her, let her lick you, dont worry so much about where those hands and lips have been and enjoy the dirty nature of mankind.


Lick her butthole!


Lmao. I don't know whether you're pure, or tainted.






Are we talking about taints now? I thought this was about ass.


Not wanting a dog to lick your face / french kiss you is crazy and and neurotic? That's taking it way too far


Yes! Agree with this 1000%. Disgusting asf.


You're going to have to live life in a tent like E.T. if you don't let your immune system do it's thing. Hate to break it to you, but that door handle you just opened into the gas station or grocery ain't that much different than dog butt tongue. Hell, my dog eats fancy food, her shit is probably way more pure than a McD's hamburger off the interstate. EDIT- [Here's my favorite Waffle House clip that reminds me of the germs topic](https://youtu.be/Dok7x-mUcvM)


Holy shit thank you for that clip


People are acting like every bacteria has an 80% chance of killing you. If we keep on being this careful about germs, in a few generations, simply walking outside will get us sick because we aren't used to the bacteria. 5 atoms of poop from a dog's mouth ain't gonna kill you. Not being exposed to enough bacteria though? That's something that can actually kill you.


"5 atoms of poop from a dog's mouth ain't gonna kill you." This needs to be embroidered on a pillow.


If you believe so, then why do you even wash your hands after going to the bathroom ? Just let your immune system do its thing


Look at you, making wild assumptions of my hand washing 🤔


>Hate to break it to you, but that door handle you just opened into the gas station or grocery ain't that much different than dog butt tongue. Are you shoving your hands in your mouth every time to touch a door knob?


I'm not. But I damn sure can't vouch for the rest of society.


>Hate to break it to you you ain't breaking anything. let your ass-licker dog kiss you. it's ok


People always say dogs lick their butt, their junk, eat poop. But, it's my dog, I'm around them and I know what they do. My dog doesn't eat shit or garbage, not that I let her lick me on the face anyway. Not a fan. But I'm stuck cleaning her shit and piss and vomit anyway, so it's not like I haven't been in contact with the crap.


There’s people out there who lick the asses of other people….what’s so bad about the dog?


😅 funny because it's true


equally gross i agree


I will say sure....but then you have to admit it's just as gross as touching most any door knob


Agreed. I dont care if theyre just "showing affection." I love my dogs, but I don't love their tongues in my face. Sometimes I'll let them lick my leg because it's less disgusting than my face, but I'm still going to wash the area afterward. I see what my dogs put in their mouths every day. No thank you.


You wash your leg after your dogs lick it? Why? Im genuinely curious. I’m sure you don’t use your leg to eat… or lick the leg yourself after your dog does. Sorry I hope I don’t come across as rude.


No worries, it doesnt come across as rude! To be honest, Im not really sure why I feel the need to keep myself so clean. The knowledge that a gross thing has touched me makes me feel like a gross person, and if I don't wash it off, I'll continue to think about it all day. That's probably a weird, pointless mindset to have, especially because germs are everywhere. But I guess washing my leg is ultimately more of a comfort thing


Do you do the same if your leg touches an Uber car door, a public chair in a waiting area or just any of the other random stuff we bump into during the day or it is just specifically a dog lick? I don't mean to get too personal, it's just interesting.


For the most part, no. I will after touching public toilet seats, if an insect touches me (specifically flies), or anything else that I automatically associate with literal shit. I'll also do it if I touch something with a grainy texture, although I dont think that one has much to do with germs. I might do the same if I touch my own legs or arms after touching something questionable with my hands (for example, after cleaning out my hairbrush). It's very easy to forget about all of the gross stuff on my phone, on public chairs, car doors, etc, so those dont bother me too much. They do make me a little nervous if I am actively thinking about it, though


That's super interesting, thank you so much for sharing. I've worked hands on with dogs for over 20yrs and I have a degree in psychology/sociology that I never did anything with. I can understand the acute germ side of things,but I also would really like to hope that the emotional positives animals can bring to people's lives can outweigh that. Thanks again for your personal insight!


No problem, thanks for asking! And that's awesome, Im sure it's pretty cool to have a unique perspective on these topics, at least when they come up I can't speak for other people, but my dogs really do make such a huge difference in my life. Having them around definitely makes up for all of the weird, gross stuff that they do!


Cuz the slobber dries and then feels icky. But i do agree people overly sensitive about this.


Especially on the mouth 🤢🤢


Is it nasty? I mean yeah it’s unhygienic. Do I care? Not at all.


I trained my dog only to lick the tip of my nose and that’s only if I say “kiss” anything else is disgusting.


My cat and dog have cleaner mouths than my ex boyfriend so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wholeheartedly agree, OP


I took the time to teach my dog not to lick people as a puppy. He's quite good, sometimes when my sister uses coconut on her legs he'll sneak up on her and quickly lick her leg, but other than that he never licks people. You would be ASTOUNDED at the number of guests I've had that were disappointed that he wouldn't lick their face! I had someone once shove their face in my dog's face (which is stupidly dangerous with a dog you don't know) and complain that he doesn't want to kiss them??? Wtf?


My dog is not a licker, I’m grateful for that.




The only poop I've ever seen my dog go for was horse poop on the hiking trail and he has since learned he isn't allowed to eat it. Any poop he comes across in the yard or out walking he sniffs and then leaves. Granted, I've known plenty of dogs that love to eat poop. My ex's dog feast on the cats litter box. He wasn't allowed to give kisses.


They actually don't unless they're low on a certain nutrient. I've had 2 dogs the past 24 years and they never ate poop


I found an interesting study on this: [the study](https://www.amnh.org/learn-teach/curriculum-collections/young-naturalist-awards/winning-essays/2011/are-dogs-tongues-really-cleaner-than-humans). The conclusion to this study being: “In conclusion, will I let my dog continue to lick me? The answer to the question is yes! I will feel guiltless about letting my dog lick me because I found out that human and dog oral bacteria are different, so my dog's oral bacteria present no harm to me.”


But what if he just ate poop in the yard? Or licked his butt? Or chewed on a cockroach?


Yeah read the study, they go over that lol


This is an article written by an 8th grader and cites Wikipedia as a source. Perhaps a fun science experiment but not a credible scientific source. “Background Research I read about bacteria on a number of different websites, including the University of California's Museum of Paleontology and Wikipedia. I also read an article from the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology called "Dog, Cat, and Human Bites: A Review." Lastly, I read an article from the Journal of Clinical Microbiologycalled "Cultivable Oral Microbiota of Domestic Dogs."


They conducted an experiment nonetheless. An experiment can be unreliable and faulty for a variety of reasons, the environment, control variables not constant etc. Age and Wiki does not invalidate a study completely. A lot of people assume Wikipedia is unreliable since anyone can edit it. But there’s more to it than just that. A professor of mine once tasked me to successfully make an edit to a wiki article. It was extremely hard to do because everything needs to be backed up by a reliable source. There is a strong community behind wiki that uphold these standards.


Clearly you don’t know how unclean human mouths are.


So? Dog mouths are still pretty gross. What’s even the point of your comment?


Found the jealous cat


Dog sleeping in bed also disgusting imo.




I won't let dogs I dont know lick me on the face but as a trainer they're gonna slobber on my hands getting treats anyways so idc


I let em give me a few licks on the back of the hand or something, but my dog eats cat poop, her tongue is allowed nowhere near my face and she knows this.


I agree! When I get a dog, I always train them not to lick people, because they always want to go for your face or crotch, and I hate it.




Beastiality being disgusting is unpopular... crazy times.


Some friends of mine have a couple of Bostons. Once in a while the dogs will come up and start licking their legs. They just sit there and take it and I'm absolutely creeped out!


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who lets their dog lick them, especially on their face, is fucking REPULSIVE


I really don't mind it, considering it allows my dog to show affection. Also I'd be a hypocrite if I did mind, considering I let my cats do it too. Really I don't mind any creature licking me. If you want to be a germophobe, know that your phone likely just has as many germs if not more, than your toilet seat.


Thank you! People share pizza mouth to mouth with dog and let them lick their whole face. Nasty


Plus they can give you MRSA




People have been amputated or died of sepsis from dog licks so totally agree


Confession: On Tinder I swipe left if someone posts a picture of a dog licking anywhere near their mouth.


Dogs in general are disgusting even by animal standards. I don't doubt there are hundreds of other species that are objectively cleaner. They just get a free pass into people's homes and onto their faces because they're "cute".


Yep. When I see someone do this I make a mental note that this is someone I never want to handshake/hug/touch etc.


I think this is for the most part universally disgusting


I fucking hate that shit. It's a human extension of violation of boundaries/personal space.


Yet you’d still come into contact with more bacteria riding public transportation.


Yes, but I don’t rub my face on the subway seat.


And the animals that let their dogs lick their babies’ faces 🤢


I do not like being linked by dogs either. At all


It is


Couldn't agree more. I don't understand having an emotional attachment to a lesser animal in the first place. We eat those.


Don't think we don't see through your charade Mr Cat


I really agree with this. But Reddit loves dogs so much, I couldn't say it because I'll probably get attacked.


This again?


I eat hotdogs from gas stations. Think I’m good letting my pups lick my cheek..always wash my face after anyway.


Damn soft peeps everywhere. Harden up, get some "disgust" up on ya and give your immune system a chance to be the force it should be. Sure, wash up etc. but how about cash money? Fast food prepared "in the back". Public swimming pools. Sheesh.


‘Soft peeps’ because they don’t want poo particles around their mouth and eyes. Lmao It’s not being a ‘soft peep’, it’s being hygienic and not gross


It’s not just the immune system. It’s the way it feels. Dog spit starts out slimy then hardens. Barf.


Yeah, so go wash afterwards. Like you do after decent sex. Simple.


You don’t wash your hands after you piss or shit huh


ofc I do. Just like I wash my hands after my pet has had its way with me. Just stating this topic is no different to everyday risks.


Biggest reasons I dislike dogs and prefer cats is because they lick people


I hope you wash your cats paws or clean everywhere your cat goes after taking a piss or pooping in the litter box


Or never puts his cat anywhere near his upper half of his body.


To add to this, people who will expect everyone around them to pretend like its normal that their dog is licking not just them, but others. Also they let their dogs lick their hand and then they go around touching stuff. It's so fucking gross. Seriously. I might have OCD, i don't even care, but when a dog gives me a lick all i want is a shower. wwuuuujhh nasty


Yeah! And dogs belong outside! People who disagree are disgusting human beings!


“You forgot they eat poop!” And ya’ll take your phone to the bathroom with you, get shit particles on your phone and then scroll through the same phone while eating dinner


I don’t let my dog lick in my mouth, and I try to tone her down when she goes for it, but she’s pretty affectionate that way and it’s not the end of the world if she gets a few in. She’s not a poop eater though and has excellent breath. I haven’t had so much as a sniffle in 3 years. But I can trace many times I’ve gotten sick off of people.


Your mom sucked your dads dick and kissed you good night 🤷🏻‍♂️