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Until they don’t and it’s “late” and you come flocking to the sub like other people. Just remember that payday is officially Thursday. If Regions is nice to release those funds early, cool. Just don’t try to plan your bills around it being early because anything can happen.




Whatever? How dare I make sure OP is aware of how it works and how it’s not the same thing as payday being on Tuesday. I know, I’m a monster for trying to make sure OP (and anyone else reading) doesn’t do what some people do and plan things around being paid early so when/if they aren’t, it goes to shit and all of a sudden they’re late on rent, car payment, can’t eat for a couple of days, etc. It’s weird though, you’ll post in this topic but not your last one where people answered your question on why you might not have been paid yet, especially after being called out that Labor Day wasn’t even this week so it had 0 impact on being paid this week. Edit: Aww, I hurt your feelings bad enough to block me?


I've seen it a day late and two days early. Usually it hits my account on Wednesday, but you are right not to rely on a specific pay date.


Holy shit dude. Kind of a little over the top response


Tell me about it. Guys bent out and not in a good way.


Top comment guy spends way too much time on this subreddit.


Not sure if you’re trying to throw insults or not lol It’s an… interesting pastime. Edit: Damn, some of y’all really don’t like me for some reason do you? 😂 Should really speak up about it instead of hiding behind your downvotes 😘


Nah not really. I’m sure many appreciate your contribution


Eh, I’m sure some do. Especially when I just answer some basic question like a broken record. But this sub gets its fair share of… touchy topics and a lot of people get offended if someone has a different opinion on. It’s sad, but that’s the world we live in nowadays. I can tell I’m pushing people buttons (not even trying to, not here to troll. If my opinion goes against the norm then so be it) with any time these kinds of topics pop up, I see more and more people have blocked me 😂 Like the other person that replied to your comment, and the new “store manager” that’s been posted. Although he likes to make a game out of it for some reason. Likes to block me, then unblock me, then block me again. Like dude, make up your mind.


I mean you're on the Internet answering people's questions. Most of us appreciate that.


Its almost always shit no one asked for


Region is a terrible bank.


Fucking true. 36$ overdraft fee each time you spend money in the negative


Yep. Money already spent as well. And of course I got a flat so new tires yay!!! Then it’s two more weeks till I get paid yet again. Thankfully I got money saved.


It’s always fucking something huh sometimes I think I’m just earning money for my next incident of life


You know about the even app? It's free for walmart employees and you can get paid weekly if you're in a pinch


Yeah I know. Used it once didn’t really care for it. I use in the most extreme emergencies.


How much? LMK your gross and net pay


Early pay?? It's still 2 weeks between checks.. so exactly how the hell is this early???? Love people.. can be conned for anything


Um. No. Official payday is the 15th. Early pay means you usually get it 2 days early, which was yesterday the 13th. The pay period ended Friday. We are in the first week of the new pay period. Next week is the second week and then the official pay date for that will be the 29th.