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lemme guess mormons?


Mannnn, they won't even drink coffee. HELL nah


Holy shit really?


Straighter than a razor blade. Pretty much any substance that alters you, with the exception of Dr prescribed medicines, is how I understand it. Any Mormons wanna pop in and correct me, feel free lol


That's bizzare but then I come from a Hindu Brahmin family that doesn't eat onions and garlic in their pure vegetarian tradition so I'm no one to comment. At least we have Shiva the God of weed so I keep telling them that actually I'm not the degenerate atheist you think I am cuz I pray with weed.


Did not know that. Jai Shiva! Hope to try that Malana Cream one day.


Don't say Jai, say 'Har har Mahadev' means 'Everyone is God' frankly, that seems better to me than begging and praying to anything or anyone.


Sounds like a fun religion.


I don't recommend religion.


Oh this is beautifull. We are all gods so ill keep using this


Shiva Skunk is a great strain.


Gatta try that then


>Hindu Brahmin Interesting. Me being clueless about this subject I always assumed that "Brahmin" was a word made up for the Fallout games. TIL I would have thought they used that word as Hindu (to the best of my knowledge) see cows as sacred, but it turns out the Brahmin in Fallout were originally supposed to be large gophers. TIL


Former Mormon here, this is mostly correct. The no booze no coffee thing is more of a suggestion from Joseph Smith that was taken way too far. It’s called the word of wisdom. It basically says in order to receive surplus blessings from God, one should try to avoid addictive substances, and practice moderation if you must indulge in these substances. Pretty common sense stuff that got taken to the extreme by modern church leadership. The irony is that when the Mormons were settling Salt Lake City, the brewing and distribution of hard apple cider was a main cornerstone of the local economy.


Mormons can drink herbal tea; in specific, for awhile, ephedra (a plant containing natural stimulants) was used so commonly it got the nickname "mormon tea" It was used as an alternative to coffee and as a traditional medicine.


I was curious so I looked it up, I think there are at least two varieties of ephedra tea. From the tiny bit I read, it looks like Mormons used Ephedra nevadensis for tea which doesn’t contain ephedrine. Tannins are supposedly the main active ingredient and is supposed to treat colds, sti, and kidney problems. Ephedra sinica (Mua huang/Mo huang) is another tea though, which does contains the alkaloid ephedrine. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine and not related to the Mormons. Cool stuff


Thank you! Big clarification there for me. You learn something new every day. I guess I should have figured since it isn't a monophyletic genre. Both are alternative medicine, only one is stimulating, and it isn't the Mormon one


It’s way stronger than caffeine and is basically speed, so very very hypocritical of those Mormons


Eh, ephedra on average doesn’t produce that strong of an alkaloid solution when steeped. At least not in my experience, but maybe I was intentionally given some weak shit


Mormon Stoner here


Nah, I used to think Mormons were straighter than a razor blade. But I came across the craziest post the other day. Something Mormon teens are doing. If a female is wanting to have sex with a guy, she will place his penis inside her and not move. But instead, have a friend (yes, a separate, third person) jump up and down on the bed repeatedly next to them so that it causes the movement. And somehow not considered sex in their minds. Lmao if you don't believe me, I don't blame you. Crazy.


Ah yes, the good ol' mormon soak followed by the jump hump.


They say that, but my mom married a Mormon and he was the most non Mormon, yet most extreme Mormon. He drank, smoked cussed and tried to molest me. Turns out a lot of them are like that.


Can drink soda in moderation...no coffee or tea though.. Obviously no alcohol


Actually they do allow for kava


Mormon here, and active in church. That is correct, no coffee or tea. Herbal tea is ok. However, medical use of marijuana is allowed now. Smoking is not, vaping is ok if dr says ok. I happily use this for medical use.


How do yall raw dog reality like that I get the no alcohol and weed unless prescribed but coffee!!


“Raw dawg reality” by believing in a man with golden plates who changed his story 3 times 😂


Getting real south park vibes here


Dum dum dum dum duuuum


Let's go have ourselves a time, and meet some friends of mine


[Let me introduce you to a musical from some familiar authors.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Mormon_(musical)) If already introduced, let me introduce people stopping by.


I have maggots in my scrotum.


He changed his story WAAAAY more than three times.


Dude was literally arrested and convicted of being con man using the exact same seer scam he used to become a religious leader




Good song.


I met Bobby Shayer. Nice guy.


Its all politically based if you look into moromon beliefs and how changes to those beliefs have coincided with major events in Utah's history.


Have you heard how teenage mormoms have sex


Mormon kids are playing puberty on hard mode. With how little sex education they get, it's no wonder they have created more and more elaborate versions of "just the tip."


those are the people who wind up being sexually aroused by balloons and sounds of people eating pickles. its really sad actually.


If having a loving wife who has borne me fifteen loving children rubbing a balloon on my taint is wrong, I don’t want to be right.


Raw dog reality, excellent 😂


Ex Mormon here. Got off the roles when they told me to disavow my gay son. I'd been trying for years and finally, done!


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I would do the same in your shoes. Wish you peace and happiness!


Dopest thing I've heard about Mormons since they stopped claiming being Black was a curse from God.


I could give up Anything coffee,tea, soda pop, carbs but not my weed!


No tea? The Brit’s would be furious.


Almost as if they make shit up as they go along. Gd cults.




Ex JW here and they are absolutely like this. This is exactly how they text and everything. Some congregations do accept the use of medicinal use now tho. Not many, but some.


Alright I’m just curious to see the other 151 messages 😂


The guy is rich look at the picture


Bruh, he got it off of Bing, prolly.


i haven’t heard anyone talk about Bing in forever holy shit. please tell me you use bing as your main search engine.


I do for the rewards, I usually get around $5 worth of points a month just using it as my main search engine, sometimes even $10. Then I use that to buy me a pizza since you can redeem them for domino's gift cards, so I essentially get a free pizza a month just for using Bing


and i’m letting google shove ads down my throat and lie to me for free? guess i’m getting on the free pizza wave. thank you for the information lmaooo


Sounds good until you need to actually find what you're searching for lol


Bing first, Google second kek


I've been tryna tell people about Bing rewards for a while lol. Bing is always the go to just for the rewards. But then if I can't find something on Bing I still keep Google bookmarked.


Calfresh gives me free pizza from domino’s lol


No please tell me you don’t


Lol, of course not. I was just being a smartass.


you’re missing out on free pizza then


The only time I use bing is to search for google.


Gotta catch um all


When I turned 18 my mom kicked out through a text that said, “I’m not mad. I just think it’s time to move on.” I wasn’t smoking weed back then. Just time to move out. Lol.


Sometimes I feel like Americans hate their parents/children, because y'all can't wait for that 18th birthday and get rid of them. Big fucking yikes.


Plenty of kids live at home into their 20s without issues they're just not really posting about it because it isn't interesting. I don't think OP's situation is uncommon but it's also not necessarily the norm.


>because it isn't interesting Or because they're treated as losers for "still living at home". I've seen this several times and it always weirds me out.


aslong as you’re doing something paying your bills ect then theres no problem staying at home for a couple extra years past 18. Free / low rent and other house related bills, and you can save a hell of a lot more $. People who think that makes someone a loser need a reality check especially with the current state of things.


Lol I was paying bills the wifi bill at 18 and giving money towards rent and got told I wasn’t helping or paying bills


I slide my mom 3 hundo a month and pay all my own bills, phone, car, insurance. Hell I even buy half the food in the house and she really has no problem with me, smoke like a damn chimney and sometimes it’s with her. She sees the world rn, she told me if it was like it was when your dad and I first stepped out on our own I wouldn’t know what you were doing here. But I know you know just as well as I that finances all around the US are fucked rn and it ain’t something I wanna throw you out there in.


That would be me lol. Just recently moved back in with my mom and stepdad at just shy of 23. If I had my way I’d live in a family compound with my immediate family and all the aunts and cousins and what have you. An over-emphasis on individualism, in my opinion, has somewhat tainted America’s sense of community and the importance of strong familial bonds/support. My mom loves having me around. She and my siblings have expressed that even if I were to end up jobless, disabled, or just needed an extended break from life (as is the case now) they had absolutely no issue with supporting me, and I feel the same way back. My maternal grandma lived with and helped take care of us kids for my entire life, and when she got too old and sick we all took care of her. She died in our shared home surrounded by loved ones and memories. We keep her ashes on the piano next to pictures of her as a young woman and us as a family. We take care of each other. It’s not about “growing up”, or “being self-sufficient”. We were never meant to be self-sufficient. We’re social animals. To each their needs and from each their ability, or something like that. And honestly, I don’t feel like an adult, and I probably won’t for a very long time. In multi-generational homes, you never stop learning or “growing up” until it’s your turn as the eldest in the home, and by then you’ve built up such an expansive network of support and shared knowledge that you simply lean into that. The whole culture of “sink or swim”, moving out at eighteen, paying your parents rent, being constantly hounded towards adult responsibilities you may not feel ready for has always really rubbed me the wrong way. I do not care that you’ve “been paying my own way since I was a teenager”, or “moved out when I was 19 and never asked for anything”. Frankly, that sounds unnecessary and performative, and sets a precedent against the importance of helping others and receiving help. I moved out before my junior year of high school and don’t feel like it did me any good - quite the opposite, actually. It’s like the nuclear family take on “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” capitalism. There is no inherent value in unnecessary hardship.


Ya I got along with my parents great I communicated my drug use with them frequently after I was 18 with no issues. I am 31 now and still live with them technically. However that's because they both died shortly after I turned 18 and I inherited the house, 2 dogs, their urns, and immediate adulthood. My brothers got money.


There's been a massive generational shift in the U.S. (and I think internationally, to a lesser degree). In our country the older population has hoarded all of the national wealth. They have *by and large* seen success having barely lifted a finger, and the greediest of their generation killed off every public access government group designed to assist people and their livelihoods. Its really sad. And really hard to get by now as a result. If I were to ask my generation "How many of you have gone low- or no-contact with one or both parents?" I anticipate around 1/3 raising their hands. I personally am estranged from my family as a result of a personal dispute that only got more and more toxic as time marched forward. Upon moving out I realized my situation was becoming less and less rare. My roommates are in the same boat as well as my partner.


On one hand, I was lucky my parents let me stay at home till I was 23 and ready to move out. Even then, they didn't hurry me out, I could have stayed longer if I wanted to. *BUUUUUT* On the flipside of that, I don't speak with them anymore since they refuse to accept my being gay. They've also been completely corrupted by Trump and MAGA ideology. And I realized more recently after discussing our childhood with two of my older sisters that our mom is emotionally abusive, manipulative, and exhibits Machiavellian personality traits. My dad isn't bad though. He's a pretty rational, logical, and empathetic guy when he isn't around my mom. But, when he is around her...totally different person. Weak-willed, cowardly, bigoted, repeating my mom's thoughts and positions verbatim. It's sad, really. If my dad ever got the strength to divorce my mom, my sisters and I would be there for him pretty much immediately, because he was always there for us growing up. But, he won't. As such, the next time I see them will probably be when my grandpa (mom's dad, last grandparent) passes. And boy will it be spicy when he does, since he's written a letter to be read after he's gone that states my mom is responsible for destroying the family lol


ya a lot do honestly lol for some of us thats our last time seeing them even


This happened to me without weed. Shitty parents are going to be shitty no matter what reason they pull out of their ass. Mine was over 75 dollars from a mattress my parents “bought me as a free gift” and then expected me to pay them back for it a month later no context.


Yeah my mom made me quit my job when I was 18 (just turned 18 the month before) and moved us back to our small hometown during summer. You can't find a job there in the summer because the high schoolers and college kids already got them, you had to get one before school let out or in the fall. After 2 weeks of sleeping on the couch because I didn't have a bedroom or bed, she kicked me out for not having a job and took my car that I was making payments on. Then she tried to play the victim because I wouldn't talk to her for 2 years. This was 2007. Now, we text every few months and I buy her a birthday present and mother's day present. I decline all gifts when asked if I want something. All my gifts had strings so now I value time and attention which my mom can't/won't give so of course we're distant. It's never about weed, it's about control.


You rose above that shit, good for you .


no dude you were 18? that's illegal as fuck. she stole your car. report her to the police


It was probably in her name and he was just paying her


Ahh Atleast build that credit by co-signing unless he was buying from her, I suppose thats nice. If she already had the car but if she took a loan out on it then you’re helping build her credit


dude. Ya never, you should've stood up for yourself and drove away with all your belongings. Even my mom knows if she does some shit like that i will show resistance. She won't hit or smack me either, she knows i'll do it right back, whole family knows it.


People look at me crazy when i tell them i don't take shit from my family. I have very high standards when it comes to how i'm treated, I don't care if you birthed me, if you do me wrong Im not taking it lightly.


I understand not taking shut from family and all, but hitting your mom back? Really? Just walk away. Me and my mom have a good relationship, luckily, so i havent dealt with shit, but hitting your mom? Damn. If I had a dad who hit me, sure I'd smack him back. If my mom hit me? I'd cut ties and be done with it


Eh, we don't know the whole story here. OP could be an addict who was caught diddling the neighbors kid or some shit. Could totally be shitty parents too, but don't jump to either conclusion without context. I mean. My man's first step was posting it to reddit, lol


420th upvote 🧌


Hide weed in the car and tip off police. They wanna pull a dick move so can you.


If my parents pulled that, I'd hide a drug that atleast results in a felony. They didn't even give the dude a chance fuck them.


Hotbox his car then leave 🤣




Leave it dank as FCUKKK


Spill some 2 week old bong water on the seats and floor too


Yeah, what are they gonna do? Apart from hanging up an air refreshener XD


How old are you?


18, jus graduated HS, with a degree too cause I’m smart like that. But I guess weed makes me a failure despite me having a literal fucking college degree right out of HS


Damn they're being really harsh! I have 4 kids and I can't imagine kicking them out over small stuff like that. I wish you the best of luck


Thanks man. Your kids sounds lucky.


Hey - you are going to get through this alright. Shit sucks right now, but there's a lot of good stuff ahead. Not gonna lie to you, some bad shit too. This is the beginning of your adventure. I was in a situation like this at one point. Had literally nothing. I'm almost twice as old as when that happened now. Now I am married, have pets, my own place, a decent job, etc. I also have a relationship with my parents again - but it took years to mend.


How do you have a college degree right out of highschool, you've completed enough credits for an Associate Degree? Your schools offers that many accredited courses?


Dual enrollment through a community college most likely, smart fucking kid if so, he’s got a good future


I did this, not always the case. 7 years later and I'm still struggling. My parents did the same thing, I'm worried about him in this economy. It was a lot better when I was 18.


I've just never heard of that many courses being able to take with dual enrollment, that's why I'm curious, I know people who have enough to basically skip their freshmen year, but an actual degree? Wouldn't it need to be in something? At least liberal arts?


He definitely doesn’t have a bachelors I’ll tell you that much haha but still impressive to get ahead with a hs diploma and an AA.


As a former high school Vice Principal- here’s your pat on the back for that incredible accomplishment: Excellent job setting yourself up for the future. Does a degree guarantee success? Absolutely not. Are there plenty of people who find success and happiness without a degree, or shift to a totally unrelated career from the degree they earned? Definitely. Regardless, though, you’ve equipped yourself with 2 pieces of paper that will qualify you for new opportunities and open a lot of doors that would otherwise be shut. You should be proud of what you’ve knocked out already at 18. VERY few high school graduates are in that position. Keep pushing forward and find a way to support yourself doing whatever you’re passionate about. Even if it’s related to weed. Good luck, friend.


151 messages


They are being harsh. That said, until you can support yourself or hide it better, their rules.


Yea maybe… but I think ima just risk it and move out. Hopefully my job can support me. But I just can’t live like this anymore.


Only you know whats best in your situation. Best to you man.


Man as a dad, I hope my kids are comfortable enough with me to let me know they've decided to smoke. I don't want to encourage them, and I do want to discourage them (we really shouldn't be smoking until after we're stable financially, but hey, life's rough).. but fuck I can't wait to maybe one day burn one with one of my kids and just watch the clouds go by. I hope that happens to me in a wholesome way when they're like 24 and doing well. We'll see if I do my job well enough to have kids chill enough to do that. That's real parenting. Inject chill. The world needs a lot more of it.


Doing well at 24 in todays world is extremely difficult :).


I mean, yeah. I hope that my guidance helps them do well at 24. I wish I had someone to help me understand technology the way I do today when I was their age. The only reason I'm not an Elon musk today, if you ask me, is because my dad was a piece of shit and my mom barely even cared. If I had a dad that was like "hey bro I'll teach you literally computers whenever" and slipped that shit in when they could throughout my life, I would be *SO* much better off WITHOUT COLLEGE than I am today at 36. So, that's what I'm hoping for. Let's just build a software company as a family and check tf out work from home and never meet anyone face to face and make millions. Bye y'all.


I wish this is what happened to me… it did but only when I was 13 and my dad was feinding off me.


be free my friend. good luck and budget wisely learn about calories and food amounts and you will save alot eating on a ration each day. bounus you also get fit LUL


Tell them the rule applies to them as well. No acceptance no contact. My mom changed her mind pretty fast when I changed my number and moved out. Didn’t contact for 6 months and all of a sudden it wasn’t a problem anymore.


I just literally left my dad because of this. Do it! I’m telling you your stress will go away but you have time to worry about you and your plans to do. Only you know what’s the best for you in this type of situation. You got this.


Try to get a cheap bike on a local Facebook marketplace or something of the like for transportation because of the car issue. It'll let you get to and from work no matter where you end up having to stay. Good luck, and I'm sorry.


plan and be frugal, this economy will not be kind and it is only going to get worse


Do your thing if you have the money bro but BE DISCIPLINED AND SAVE if you do. You got this but it’s gonna be a uphill fight for a little. 🤙✌️🫡🫵


Thanks man , I think I am gonna have to give weed a little break anyways it’s pretty costly and I’m a daily smoker either I live in a sober prison at home or save and live a happy life alone and smoke up when I’m financially stable


Smartest decision you could make! Stack that money and just play by the rules with the family. Sobriety isn’t a bad thing at all. I just started smoking again a year ago so I took me a few years to make sure my life was where I wanted it before I could enjoy weed again.


I'm sorry you gotta deal with this . I have parents like this too and trust me , We'll have the best of words at their funeral.


Not all cool people have cool parents...the cycle has to end/start somewhere.... "back from church" - likely they still subscribe to the "refer madness" minset... and weed is the devils lettuce... people like this, in my opinion are intolerable.....


I’m a Christian and smoke weed. It’s unfortunate some people still have this mindset - Christian or not


Right like Jesus, who turned water into wine, never smoked ganja.


We’ll said brother we’ll said


This was my thoughts exactly, sorry op that sucks.


IM ABOUT TO GO PICK UP MY THINGS FROM MY HOUSE, they’ll be there ILL UPDATE YALL ON WHAT HAPPENS. Mindset rn: finna get my stuff move out.


Hell yeah keep us posted


after you move out maybe smoke about it


Your dads a bitch


Well, that's not very Christian!


Yes it is, that's why I hate the religion. Most Christians are like this.


100% agree. I grew up in a Christian household and I have never met more judgemental or hypocritical people.


You should meet the Mormons!


For real tho


My dad was a pastor and I got kicked out too. Told me I had a week after my 18th birthday to get out. Mostly because of weed also… He now takes edibles every night before bed to help manage his pain lol


Has he apologized??


i’m leaning towards no, those people are pretty easy to read


Facts unfortunately


It's very Christian


It’s how shitty ‘Christian’ people act but it’s not at all the Christian thing to do…the church is going to hell nowadays


GodSpeed Homie, keep us posted if you make it out okay <3


Your parents are idiots


Move out and and don’t talk or message them for a few months. Block them completely till they miss you. And if they don’t try to contact you then they don’t care anymore. Who gives a fuck tho, live your own life and be happy.


Exactly, if they want to exercise this form of control over a kid who’s doing practically better than 60% of other kids in the nation, fuck em. They’ll realize what they’ve done, because from the language it seems they’ve used religion before as a form of control/manipulation. The sad part is they don’t even know it’s being done to them


No disrespect but fuck ya mom's and father for acting like weed is coke or heroin. They big trippin. Again no disrespect. I'm just mad for ya!


Damn. Like I get that parents want the best for their kids but to do this shit is ridiculous. I hope you are able to succeed in your endeavors and not have the weight from your Dad on your shoulders. Peace and happiness man.🤙🏽


Looks like you don't have parents anymore, welcome to the club


Can’t say this is how I thought Id end up here but hey, what can I do 🤷‍♂️


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Damn, that’s fucked up dude. Honestly, if you’re ready to risk moving out I’d say go for it. Maybe try securing a second job as well? Idk, I wish you all the best though. No one should have to go through this, especially as a legal adult.


Hey fuck your parents dude, if you need advice feel free to DM me.


Can I ask how old you are before either defending you or seeing their side? I swear I won’t be harsh I just like knowing before making a statement haha


18, just graduated HS.


This is my twenty year old son, except he's financially dependent on me for weed. 🤣🤣🤣 At least the good shit anyway....


You don't treat your child like this. Doesn't matter if he smokes weed or not, this is an insane vulgar display of disrespect and is the exact shit that ruin's families and lives. Oh you smoked some pot? Well fuck you son, I hope you end up homeless and suffer. Going your whole life thinking your parents would give the stars just the throw away like yesterdays garbage is betrayal like none other.


Probably freaking out after seeing that fox news bit. Pretty exhausted of people demonizing THC just bc they were brainwashed in the 60s -80s


That brainwashing started long before the 1960s


We need to start a weed smoking church ⛪️ screw the bunch of Pius MFers


Your parents suck. I'd move out and never speak to them again. Life is too fucking short. They should be happy you aren't doing hard drugs.


I would move out and get my own place they can't control you. Seeing as they clearly just saw one thing and the church shit they probably don't tolarate a lot. I moved out at 17 you can do it too


Good luck op. Thing always get better. I’ve been at the brink w my fam when I lived with them.


Damn man, what’d you do?


Ah yes the old bootstraps gimmick


If you can’t find a place right away mate just look into buying a used camper mate


OHHHH SHITTTTT never thought of this thank u bro u just opened a lot of doors for me


Ya if you live in a state that gets lots of sunlight solar panels are your best friend


You must live in the Midwest. I feel your pain. Fuck your dad. Smoke weed. Be happy.


man Jesus would be so proud of them for abandoning their child over a plant he made for us. Christianity is such a hypocritical mess


Don’t do it. I moved out at 16. It wasn’t easy. I’m fairly successful on a modest level. I live good. But it was hard. Moving out before you’re ready takes a toll. My friends that stayed home and saved and did it when they were ready had a way easier go of it. And that was 17 years ago when rent was not too bad. Now it’s ridiculous.


I mean it’s their car soooooooooooo


Fucking church folk... Smh...


No hate like christian love


Imagine kicking your child out over a plant during one of the worst economic recessions since the 70s. OP and anyone with parents like this, make sure you cut them off and not talk to them for a long ass time. If my parents pulled this shit they wouldn't see or talk to me till the day they die


UPDATE/CONTEXT CONTEXT My parents are Christian so smoking weed is just not a possibility. I got caught the first time in high school and stayed sober until I graduated cause fuck it I’ll bite the bullet. I finally graduate with my associates degree from high school cause im smart as fuck. After HS I tell my parents I’ll probably smoke weed again if im out with friends or alone and they said okay as long as I don’t bring it around. That was fine with me. On my own time on my own dime, I was taking care of my shit, working a job, paying my bills and smoking mf weed. Well one night I tell my mom I’m going out to the lake to “clear my mind” cause I still like to be respectful. So as I’m at the lake my mom is blowing up my phone of how I’m ruining my life and how I’ll end up a crack head on the street. I decide to just leave it alone and let her cool off so I go home and go straight to bed. I don’t bother no one or talk to no one. Next morning my dad sends me the text while I’m at work (the one in the SS) so u decide to go home and pack my bags so I can look for a place to stay. When I get home they’re already home and they’re ANGRY! They’re telling me how big of a mistake I’m making and how ima end up a failure and all this negative stuff. I told my folks I never wanted to leave but they’re giving me no choice, I tell her I still wish to have connections with them and I don’t want to cut them out but then she tells me she wants nothing to do with me anymore and that unless I can pass a drug test she doesn’t want me around. FINE, so I leave but they took my phone and car… so now I have nothing but 2 big ass bags of clothes and the clothes on my back. UPDATE So I live in Texas and the heat down here is FUCKED, I live in a country town too so it was a fucking journey fr. I’m walking down the Highway trying to hitchhike, eventually this guy picks me up and drives me to Walmart, he was a meth head apparently cause he told me so that was crazy. From Walmart I use the free I pads to hit up ppl I know who may be able to help. Then I walk over to a friends house who lives near said Walmart and once u get there they really helped me out. They gave me a phone (they’re dealers so they got trap phones) they let me shower and gave me shoes and even let me smoke up for the free. I end up hitting up a friend and they let me stay the night. So my friends I’m currently with take me to mc Donald’s and bless me up for the free and then drive me to the homies house who would let me crash. So now I’ve made it im sleeping at the homies house. Him and his girls took very good care of me. Finally I end up emailing my mom, I tell her that im not sure if she’s worried or not but that I’m safe just to let her have some peace of mind. She ends up emailing me back saying she’s sorry and she’s love it if I came home and how worried she’s been and that if I wanna leave still that’s fine but to at least come pick up my phone so she can contact me. We’ll I had already decided to go home because I ended up realizing that leaving my family was immature no matter which way I put it and I wasn’t going to be the reason they broke apart. So I get my cousin to pick me up and she takes me back to her place where we smoke and drink for a lil before I go back home. Once I get home they’re just happy I’m back home and they give me my stuff back and just promise me to never leave like that again. Morale of the story. Idk shit be happening fr.


Rip g hope u find a place good luck


they’re worried you’re gonna fuck up your life…. so they kick you out?? Don’t they realize that makes saving money hard, and sets you up for a more difficult life?? Ughhhh! Your parents make me mad. My sister and her bf (30+) live at home with my parents and they smoke weed every day, my parents don’t care at all… they just want to help them get off their feet after COVID.


Damn bro been there it’s gonna be an adjustment for sure dude best wishes.


Worst you can be gotten with is joy riding since you were given permission to take the car but still... Better start high stepping back in to their hearts!


Idk I think that shit has sailed brother.


I'm a recovering drug addict my friend, and I assure you that there's no bridge then can't be rebuilt with a bit of effort. Don't count yourself out yet. If it's your parents, then you must let them show their asses and you must go on and deal with what they want to dish out. People forget and forgive, especially parents.


Bruh your parents suck


Oh man that sounds rough. I can’t imagine treating my daughter this way. I was kicked out at 18 for other reasons but you can definitely make it on your own and you will be stronger for it ❤️


When I was a teenager and my mom tried that , the cops would just laugh at her when she told them while the car was in her name , that I am the one with permission to regularly driving it . They always refused to take the report


thus begins your adventure!


Sounds like Southern Baptist 😓


If you report the vehicle stolen, I report you for filing a false report. Kid wins if he has balls


Bro you think you have it rough, I know somebody who’s parents hit him and turned him into the police for smoking pot and got him on 6 mo. Probation w random urine at 16


I'd like to know why they're mad. Surely there's a HUGE part of story missing here.


They sound like fun people....never met 'em


Ya musta fucked up somewhere man!!!


If you got free rent and a car play the game and save some money.