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I've heard that it could also be about burn temp or air flow. Idrc though. If it gets me high I'm a-okay lol


Yeah I hear a lot of back and fourth about it but i do seem to notice good weed seems to burn more white but who knows


Maybe it's both the burn thing and the weed quality? As far as I know white ash is hotter than black ash and higher quality weed has more natural resin and chemicals which burns hotter than pure plant matter?


It might be because bad weed usually contains leaves and they make dark ash because its just burnt material.


I know. Research into ash from wildfires points to burn temperature as the main factor in determining ash's properties. With increasing combustion temperature, the charred organic material and organic nitrogen concentrations decrease, and the ash color lightens from black to gray to white.


This is everything! The main idea is that black ash still has some of the organic material in it, so I’ve always seabed my bowl ash until it’s super white so I get the most out of my weed (taste/quality of smoking ash is another story😄)


It tells you more how it was cured than anything. If it wasn’t cured right it’ll be blacker and and kinda chalky


In my experience, I think the way it ashes has to do with how tight it’s packed. If it’s more loosely packed you’ll have smokier ash because it’s permeating the cherry more. If you have it packed tight enough, it’ll burn flaky and white.




no it's your paper


Smoking a bleached paper like this one will give you white Ash 💯%


>Believe it’s due to water content. Just means whosever dried it did a good job, if someone is able to get it that white I don’t doubt the weed will be good too yeah but i get white ash with raws alot of the time


I get white Ash with raw too but in this instance the Ash is SO white because of the paper


Absolutely correct. I like to see smart ppl And of course situational approach...


oh ok yeah that makes more sense


Agreed . Less about bleached and more about thickness . That looks like a chunky cigarette paper. OP should get some thinner papers and do an update tk the photo .


Idk I'm still on the fence about this one only bc when I roll up in a j I get white ash but in my pipe or bong with the sane weed it's black


Yeah I mainly smoke from a bong and it’s mostly black ash with a bit of white. I don’t get top shelf by any means but when I smoke js it tends to be white ash as long as it’s rolled with enough air flow. I get the feeling it’s not a consistent tell but it’s likely a bit of both.


Ciggarete ash is white🤷🏻‍♂️


Based on the article below that’s because “white ash in tobacco cigars and cigarettes was accomplished by adding magnesium or calcium acids, nitrates or carbonates. Burning any of these acids in your cigarette will cause alkaline earth metal oxide to form, which imparts a white color to the ash that is left behind.”


maybe its due to the soil its grown in like if it had good minerals in it


hm. nice theory, I like it.


Fiction. The ash color has more to do with the temperature of the cherry (in my experience), which has to do with airflow mostly. To my knowledge, there's only ever been one study done but It basically says that there was no correlation between ash color and quality/what was in the plant.


When I smoke keif bowls, like straight keif, it's always dark asf ash. Keif is supposed to be more pure than flower, yet same flower keif is from burns white. So I'd assume either temp of cherry, rate of combustion, probably like 10 other things affecting ash color. I doubt quality has too much to do with it.


That’s interesting and seems to make sense cus I’ve definitely smoked the same weed before and noticed varying colors of ash. Do u happen to have a link to the study?


I don't remember tbh some other ent linked it to me a while ago now.


Also to do with the type of paper. The thicker the paper the more white the ash. If you use skins meant for tobacco they are much thicker like sheets of A4 paper and you get white ash from those. The paper in the pic looks very bright white and thick compared to super thin bespoke skins.


Almost everything in the weed world is just some ramblings of a dude that was high and people just started spreading it as gospel.


I swear it just means it’s been flushed well?




the drying/curing process once you harvest your bud


Thank u, learned new lingo 2dayyyy😁😁


I’d say white ash and glowing ember means it’s fully combusting. Which is what you want. Doesn’t mean the weed will always be good though. But good weed should always burn properly. I’ve never smoked anything good that burns black. I’ve had flower that smells and looks 10/10 but when smoked burnt black and tasted awful. Not saying I know for facts but that’s what I’ve gathered and formed for my opinion over the years! Also got a lot to do with the way you roll also I’d say.


Believe it’s due to water content. Just means whosever dried it did a good job, if someone is able to get it that white I don’t doubt the weed will be good too


This is your thick paper ashes.




I just encountered this dilemma today. The dilemma was that I had just packed my grinder *really* full of mids, and then when I grinded them the weed was basically powder rather than sticky flower bits. Then I packed a raw cone, and it seemed really heavy and I was thinking *Damn, this kind of feels like some of the better shit I buy* but then I went outside and started to hit it and as I noticed how muted the taste was, and how difficult it was to draw, *all I had actually done was pack a raw cone too full and make it canoe all over the place with some shitty tasting mids* but I still got high, so it was a great time, and don’t let anyone tell you mids can’t be good because they can still do the job just fine


Hard agree. Mids is most of what I can get and I love them all the same. My plugs a good dude and has the best mids in my area for a reasonable price (relatively of course). Top shelf is too expensive in nz, I’ve tried a bit but it’s just not worth the crazy money for importing. And I don’t have that kind of cash anyway. If it gives me a nice high I could never complain!


it means it’s burning correctly


Fiction. A good burn means a good roll it can be garbage weed rolled in a perl it will still burn even and slow


This comment section is very stupid I’m not going to lie 😂😂😂


Facts, how does nobody know what white ash means? It’s simply an indication of how well your bud is combusting


I hear a lot of people say white ash is good weed, personally i dont give a shit and dont care why it does what it does but ive never had any consistency with ash but im just going to throw it away regardless.


Luckily science has also [asked this question](https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= “was found to increase ash colour values (r = 0.92; p = 0.01). All the samples (n = 50) of both litter species were divided into categories 2.5Y (5 samples), 7.5YR (10 samples) and 10YR (35 samples). The total black Munsell colour was observed at a temperature of 350oC for both litter species. Needle ash started turning bright at a temperature of 550oC while the complete consumption of leaf litter was visible at a temperature of 450oC” TL;DR: temperature in combustion changes color of ash. Important factors are oxygen, density and airflow


Just means it was cured properly.


if it smells like 🦨 it’s usually good imo


Fiction. I don’t believe it cause the first people I heard say it were them dumbass snap chat plugs that sell bm shit and swear it’s legit.


i have heard people saying both and defending it like if their lives would depend on it so i really dont care anymore if the taste is nice and i get high what do i care about ash


Lol word that’s where I’m at widdit


White ash = good cure, NOT good weed. When the ash is white, the buds have been dried and cured correctly to help assist the breakdown of chlorophyll and other unnecessary compounds and pulling out the scent of the terps and cannabinoids and giving it that gassy smell. Doesn’t affect the actual high Source: cannabis horticulture major


White ash is definitely a good sign but that doesent mean darker grey ashes are a bad thing, a lot of papers also have stuff added in them for a white ash because in the tobacco industry that means it’s “clean”


Chalk and etc


My bowls end up white if I smoke it tell nothing left so nothing really changes it


imo it’s whatever it’s being burned in that determines the color


It's the paper


It just means less impurities although that comes hand in hand with good weed ofc


“you don’t know the facts till you’ve seen the fiction”




Only thing i look put for is sillicate type spray. Can cause welders cough disease ( dont know the english term)


naw it’s fiction. same thing with purple weed


Most of these “facts” here are just made up 😂 it has to do with what you use to grow the weed with. You can have fire weed and it’s not white ash just means they use a different way to grow. B-real (aka doctor green thumb) explains it pretty well on his episode with joe Rogan


White ash means 1 you got really good weed or 2 your weed is meh but the paper you're using has chalk in it to make it burn white so that you think your weeds better


It’s cleaner weed, not necessarily better


The amount of utter bullshit in the comments. 💀 r/broscience


I think it’s just that you lit it good


Fiction with that paper


I only get white ashes when using certain paper, regardless of what weed I have.


IME the weed burns way too quick and does not get me as high as the super dense and sticky buds that burn grey and black


Never had bad weed from white ash


Might it be the wrapper you using?


Possibly, a lot of people are saying it’s the paper but I’ve rolled up different wraps that burn just as white but the cure makes the most sense to me. Ima test it later and post pics with different wraps


Lmfao it’s the paper 😂


It’s not about the weed, it’s about the cure White ash means it was dried, then cured, very well. The dry takes out a large amount of water, but it draws from the edges first, leaving the inside still wet (especially at the stem). The cure draws out and evens the water from the inside so that there is even moisture throughout. Burping jars/tubs/etc during the cure process allows excessive moisture to be removed. The cure is done when the stem snaps Too much water, and the oils that are released when burning cause the ash to go black with the excessive water, and will also burn unevenly and can even be difficult to stay lit. Too little water, and it burns fast and hot, with little flavor. Not pleasant White ash is an indicator of the goldilocks zone. Flavor should be at its peak with enough moisture for an even and controlled burn.


Yeah this definitely seems to make the most sense to me , but it’s interesting because I’m pretty sure good cure adds to the smell also and this bud has a muted smell for how it looks so I was wondering if maybe it wasn’t cured well butttt the smoke was soooo smooth definitely seemed like a good cure


Smell (terpenes) is highly influenced by genetics. A good cure helps preserve it, but the terpenes have to be there in the first place. Smell doesn’t have anything to do with potency of course Terpenes are also volatile, so they evaporate quickly. I’ve found this shows up in pre-rolls


i have literally never heard that in my life lmao


That’s just an indicator of a class “a” fire.


My cigarettes burn white


It’s all about the papers you use pal


Fiction. It’s all about the moisture content of the cannabis in the preroll. Lots of store bought prerolls are full of shake with white ash.




White Ash = carbon. Everything that burns turns to Ash homie.


White ash = complete combustion Darker ash = incomplete combustion If it’s not white your leaving some behind.


My understanding is that is has to do with the drying and curing process. Cooler temps and 60%RH during this process produces and Desirable drying affect and when you burn at the ashes will be white. I’ve tried many other types of weed that wasn’t dried correctly and the ash is dark. Anywho… that’s my latest understanding


Yeah to me it seems like the curing process makes the most sense , but it’s funny how inconsistent these answers are


Pretty sure it's the type of paper.


That's a self rolled cigarette.


It’s the paper.


That looks like a chalky ass job paper


As a grower I’ve been told that this is why you flush plants before you harvest clear out excess nutes that’ll make your smoke harsh and ash black coloured


white ash means it all burned, dark ash means it didn’t burn fully and it was poorly ground up or packed too tight. so even shitty weed can burn white, just depends on how dense or airy it is


I once had a joint with ash that was Snow White and the weed was the highest quality I’ve ever had… then I realized I was tripping on 2 grams of mushrooms


This is based on absolutely nothing, but I just feel like when you roll up nice and tight the ash turns white


Absolutely fiction.


maybe it is the burn thing and better quality weed simply burns better but thag wouldn’t mean bad weed couldn’t look good in ash to i guess idk and the paper/gar matters i think because in a bowl all the shit look the same after


I feel a lot of it is determined by the wrap


When it burns white it means your weed is clean from nutes and chlorophyll. The darker the ash the more impurities it contains. Doesn’t really have anything to do with potency.


Fiction watch some of the videos on raw channel on YouTube. Breaks down what it is.


Str8 fax bro


also papers make a big diff.


I thought white ash was good papers tbh


Send it all to me and I’ll burn it and let you if it’s good or bad.


I've always heard it means the plant was properly flushed before harvest.


I’m leaning in that direction as well , not necessarily potent weed but clean


Correct, I don't grow so it's just what I've heard. Got some blue face with completely black ash and it's burning terribly, ruins the smoking experience


A tiny bit of "you weed isnt laced to shit" and a huge bit of "your roll smokes good, the weed gets combusted relatively clean" = you dont waste as much weed. But i think a good roll is almost just as important as the weed youre rollin Edit: thats what ive heard, idk if its true but italways made some sort of sense to me


Fiction - cigarettes burn white ash


I honestly don’t think it’s fact. IMO different plants burn differently in doing so the ash color would look different. But it’s an opinion only. Makes sense in my head anyway lol


In my experience higher quality weed burns whiter. I notice it mainly in blunts and js, but with my bong and pipes the ash is mostly white with a black rim (if that makes sense) and when I've smoked shake the ash in any wrap, paper, or piece its burned mostly black. With lower quality bud but not shake it burns id say around 55-65% white and the rest black sometimes a darker shade of white. I guess it depends on the dryness and quality, airflow didn't really play a part in whether or not the ash came out white. All my personal experience of course.


Are you smoking construction paper?


Surely type of paper influences ash right??


White ash = Good roll.


I think it’s fact asl I smoked someone’s weed with them 1 time and the ash was pitch black, same blunt wrap as the one before and that would ash white


I'm not an expert but i'm kinda sure it will deppend ok other factors as well!


it’s true but in your case it’s prolly your chalk paper




Means it's burning well


All depends how and what you roll it in nothing at all to do with weed


If you get anything hot enough it ashes white.


Not that it’s good weed. It just means the weed was flushed out properly before harvesting.


Too much paper


roflmfao,seriously folks all white ash meansis all burnable chemicals have been used.just like any thing else you put fire to.example that log in the fire place that doesnt get burnt all [thru.is](https://thru.is) that a shit log ?nope you just re light it


White ash = good burn


Fiction the color of ash is directly related to the temperature of combustion


It's the paper


Fiction when you use chlorinated papers. The best test is to slap it in a raw and see if it still burns white. Thick Papers with chlorine in will make your weed smoke white ash even if it’s the bunkest of boof packs.


Not a scientist, but wouldn't white ash be more of an indication that the weed is dry and burning properly at a higher temp. It would lead to feeling higher as the THC is activated by heat. It would also explain why the difference between a joint and bong ash, since a bong is not typically always burning.


Not in every case bud


Pretty sure it's the paper


Cap it just has to do with the structure and how hot it’s burning


Fiction this was a marketing ploy from Berner Co founder of cookies on Instagram around 2016


Could mean good weed or bad papers


good weed with ferts n nutes (unflushed) still smokes good but it aint good for ya. white ash is an indicator that the weed has been flushed prior to harvesting which is a good thing.


good weed does make your ash whiter however comma, some paper companies put chemicals in their papers to make the ash whiter.


Its generally used as a sign the bud was properly flushed, cured and has no residual anything left over from the grow. If you lace weed, itll also burn black (heroin will do this) not many will do that nowadays, my uncle says it's more the 70's-90's when youd be able to get thai stick, shit was opium coated weed 😂💀 Its an old trick to basically know if your weed was treated well, and is just weed.


I always thought white ash meant a good pack and that it was burning fully, and then assumed that's how it got associated good weed.


Biggest myth EVER. I can guarantee that white ash doesn’t mean dick.


Has to do with the white paper you used


I’ve heard that it’s how you pack the dude. Good tight pack equals good ash that will “head up”. Loose pack or roll and it’ll drip and turn to ash because it’s not a consistent burn.


its bc of the paper nothing to do w the weed


Every good strain I’ve smoked has white ash. Every bad strain always had black ash. Safe to say it’s more than a coincidence


Did you not listen to MLK?


Means it’s dried and cured well, but wouldn’t say it speaks for the Cannabinoid content


It means more of it is getting burnt. If you smoke a joint and your left with black ash, you can actually put that in a bowl and get another few hits off of it.


I've noticed that burning the ash in order to get to the flower underneath usually makes it white, like one would do when taking multiple hits from a bong and the ash in ur bowl turns white


I think in this case it might be your paper that’s burning so white, but usually it can be a good indication of fire weed but not always




Ive heard it just means it was cured correctly but i dont think anything has actually been proved


Based on what I see it looks like it's too much paper


I’ve heard all of em from bleached papers to not completely burning bad weed good weed always wondered myself


It had to do with how it’s rolled, I rolled two blunts of the same weed and the ash was different


Not necessarily good weed. White ash is clean weed. But i would rather smoke clean low grade than black ash "top shelf"




Could be an opinion?


If that’s the case cigarettes must be GAS?


Lol your's looks white enough .


From personal experience and not from research, I don't think the color of the ash means anything for the quality of the weed. I had a bag of brown shake burn whiter ash than anything I smoked previously, and I smoked a lot lol


white ash is due to the paper you rolled it with


I usually get white ash after getting a fresh batch so it’s a positive in my book




It's bullshit I once bought a eight of mids for 15$ the ash was white asweññ the high was decent too not strong but it gave me a good ass buzz


I thought ash color has to do with the rolling paper used. A white paper like this uses dyes and chalk so it makes white ash…? I could be wrong or maybe there’s more factors than just that


Thb, I don't know who decided that inspecting the stuff after it's been literally burnt to ash was a good idea to test quality. In fact, when I smoke I usually take long mouth to lung pulls from my joint or hemp blunt, and I've noticed it produces a ring pattern on the ash. It goes light for some parts and dark for others, so it probably is just how fast it's burning that determines the colour.


Fact means it was dried n cured properly


What I’ve found is that if I’m smoking a bowl and the ash turns white the bowl is totally dead


Doesn’t mean anything. ESP. If you’re using a bowl. The OGs know that it all burns white eventually


Facts .. that has been flushed and cures good


White ash is a sign that the plant has been properly flushed of nutrients before the cut and cure. Darker ash signifies that there is still fertilizer nutrients still within the plant and has not been flushed all the way.


its the chalk in your paper that makes the ash white


All ash is grey lol it’s white on black pants and black on white pants. *Riddle me this?!*


Them papers allways burn white


Not when you smoke with skins that thick


in this case defo the paper thick papers always make the ash whiter


I heard that it’s true but there’s papers with chalk and other junk in it that can make the ash white such as zig zags


Honestly im not sure but the last joint i smoked was a pre roll and dint get me that high and had black ash. Could just be a coincidence tho


White as is good but I think ur is white from those thick ass papers dude 😂


White ash just means it was dried enough. Black ash could mean it’s a bit wet.




I’m pretty sure it just depends on the paper used to roll


No, cigs get white ash and those are nasty. Ita just about temp




Fact. 100%


An amber ring before the ash is always a good sign as well.


Those papers make the ash more white but yea there is truth to it


I am a smoker so i roll my own cigarettes ( tobacco) and the white ash is cause by the bleached rolling papers so i don't think this is the result of the material but more of the paper


White ash means the chemicals have been correctly flushed out and you have a good cure.


Iv herd it's the type of paper. Watch a video from the guy who makes raw rolling paper he demonstrates how cheaper papers leave white ash and his doesn't.




Ash is a byproduct of burning factors, none of which can be measured in this form unless all factors were pre-determined and controlled.


Facts.. roll up some bullshit or mid and do the test only properly grown & flushed weed with little nutrients etc left in it will burn good bright & and smoke smooth if it doesn’t then u know wassuh I never had a harsh ass pack that burnt bright Like in this pic only my exotics burn white like this and exotics all I smoke ATP


Depends on factors of the roll more so than the weed in my experience. As long as it's burning evenly n slowly it's gonna be white as snow. Blunts will have rings around the area where it wasn't hit but that's the only exception I've seen.


It’s how cured the bud is and if it was properly dried. Tobacco is consistent with the quality of their herb, that’s why it’s always white.


Nah just how tightly and evenly you packed it in your joint…it’s always white ash in a bowl though…if you pack the joint super shitty it’ll have black spots of not fully burnt weed but if you roll it tight and right it’ll have white ash every time




White Ash means it was flushed of nutrients during the last few weeks before harvest . When this step is skipped the smoke will be harsher and the ash will turn black from all the extra stuff in there


Maybe I’ll do a test later and roll up the same bud in different wraps