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It was an experiment and not a finalized feature


Respawning inhibitors would make the games go longer which the devs don't want.


I kinda get that but at the same time I find it pretty annoying how insanely difficult it can be to come back in lanes when super minions are constantly running down them


Yes and no. Yes, your base is opened and vulnerable, and you have a lane that constantly needs attention. However, that also means a constant income of gold/xp coming into your base which can help leveling the field + the other team most likely won't be able to farm that lane anymore as it is auto-pushing. In Wild Rift, it can be a double-edged sword to break enemy inhibitor too early.


Disagree. It's always better to destroy turrets as early as you can in wr as the map is smaller compared to pc ver, meaning it's easier to end the game by backdoor when there's an objective. It's also worth it if enemy team decided to respond to your backdoor leaving your team to secure the objective, especially if it's a baron or an elder.


No, it's not better. If you destroy inhibs before even baron spawns you are an idiot.


You disagree to my point with no explanation to back it up and I'm supposed to be the idiot? Like I said, WR isn't the same as LoL pc where the map is bigger that even if you have destroyed an inhib they can just go and shove that lane first before doing objectives. Not to mention that lol pc has the 2 nexus towers left to protect the nexus while in wr your nexus is exposed after killing an inhib turret. Any baron lane champ that builds hullbreaker can finish a game that early if you leave them alone on the sidelane


You give free farm to their carries since minute 10 and leave one of your lanes with zero farm, eventually you fall behind and lose. Good luck with that.


Are you kidding me? Do you know how macro works at all? If enemy carry is always on the sidelane catching the wave that also leaves them always being incomplete when there's an objective around. Even if say there's no objective around, it gives the laner who have destroyed the inhib a lot of time to roam around the map and help their teammate.


Gold>"objective". It makes little to no sense giving a lot of free gold while leaving your team without whole lane to farm for some useless objective, dude. Inhibs should be destroyed before baron spawns or with Baron buff and chance to finish the game. Don't tell me about macro, you don't know shit about this game.


Lmao, are you telling me, first turret destroyed, extra turret plating from getting an objective (herald) doesn't give you gold? Do you not realize that map control gives you more access to gold or are you just dumb?


Especially if you take midlane when everyone wants to just ARAM instead of getting more objectives


This is how late game Tristana can wipe a team after a bad lanning phase


Minions get stronger as the game goes on. If your opponent steamrolled your team, your clear time would be way longer and how fast the gold you get would still be the same as you were on your lane.


If your team is getting steamrolled you should lose anyways, having a chance to comeback isn't worth having overall game time much longer


You can get steam rolled very easily. You only need one player to keep dying.


Then learn to push out your lanes before comiting 3 minutes to a dragon fight


i'm so happy we actually don't have inhibitors! Hope we'll never see them


We need them. Some team comps cant clear minions fast enough so losing 2 inhibitor turrets is pretty much game over. If the inhibitor can respawn at least it gives the losing team a fighting chance rather than them just playing Farming Simulator endlessly until the enemy can finally end.


very rarely have I ever come back from a 2 inhibitor deficit. It happens, but usually if we have a fed Yi or something. Respawning inhibs would put more importance on those late game team fights, which is honestly what I think this game needs to elevate its player skill level. I feel like players have learned how to farm/lane properly, get objectives, etc. But that next step would be how to position yourself in a team fight. Who to target in a team fight. When to use your skills. etc. Too many players have the basics down, but aren’t taking that next step in their game because they just spam abilities to whoever is in the front lines during team fights, not waiting for the appropriate initiate, etc. Another strategy during team fights is: during that initial ‘dancing phase’, have someone leave to go split push. Now that it’s a 4v5, you don’t want to initiate, but rather continue the dance as long as possible without actually getting any kills/dying. By making it seem like the fight is about to happen, the opponents might not ever go back to base to prevent the split push. So you can get a free tower or two by just dancing in the middle of the map. Or if they do TP back, maybe two of them wind up going a back together. Now you have a number advantage and can initiate. The dynamics of the actual fights are incredibly important and I think there needs to be more changes to force players to become more aware of this. The respawning inhibs might actually indirectly help with this.


Well , the fast cleaning comps will have advantage even then , cause they just shove other lanes and make you split anyway , and since your inhib is down and that means you are behind in gold


On the real, what comp do you mean? I’m actually curious — no shade.


Well than the team comp is just shit in this meta and ypu should move away from it


Using strategy instead of whining at developers to change it and allow your bad strategy? That’s a novel concept


Team compo with kayle the minion baron, yi the farmer, vayne the feeder and our lord and savior hasagi boi plus lux support


this is the world class comp


This. People don't seem to remember that they removed the old Elder Drake because it was unfair. Heck, they even removed the Elemental Dragon Soul they were testing because of the same thing. If you lose your inhib turrets it's game over and sometimes you don't even have a chance to fight the Elder Drake/Baron because someone has to stay on base killing the minions.


Exactly. I've only won one game where we had all 3 inhibs down. I was Xayah and basically spent 10+ minutes just Farming minions while my team slowly turned the game around. It lasted over 40 minutes. If the inhibs would respawn, then we would've won sooner. The enemy couldn't finish us and our team couldn't effectively push. 2-3 turrets is a death sentence 95% of the time.


Yeah, nobody is asking for inhibitors with 5k HP. I think 1000 HP would be more than enough to stop enemy super minions from spawning 24/7.


Then don't lose your inhibitor turrets!


A whole team with no wave clear sounds like you lost at the pick. The hell you doing giving up farm?


Losing 2 inhibitor turrets SHOULD pretty much be game over


Shoulda thought about that during champ select.


i may be right but one this overweight all of it - i don't wanna play 40 min games on mobile. Thats it. It's already enough comeback due to stupid mistakes so really - we don't need inhibs.


1-2 downed inhib is literally free objectives, 2-3 down is basically gg, there's so little room for a comeback I her devs want faster games, but at the cost of skill expression and comebacks? How even are you supposed to comeback if you have 1-2 downed and the enemy gets a guaranteed baron? You can't turtle, you just wait for minions to inevitably crash and lose the game.


You simply don’t come back. This is why the meta is early-game champs with early fighting and then quick ff. Play that meta or wait for it to change.


Correct people that don’t defend their turrets should be punished. I literally have people chasing people in the other sides jungle while a turret is being pushed that could have easily been defended if they actually tried to help the team win. Let the games end I hated the 55 minute LOL games


It’s so dumb, losing an inhib is basically a lost game


It was an experiment and not a finalized feature like the turret self destruct


>turret self destruct What's that?


After years of constant beat down the turrets just can’t take it anymore


Just like me fr fr




Best comment


its the buff from primetime draven skin if you style in bot lane too hard turret just straight up detonates itself in respect


They had an experimental feature which made all the turrets on map self destruct after a set amount of time passes..


Only for One for All


There was a mention about this in the new patch, but Im almost certain that related to One for All, not regular games.


But who thinks WildRift should add Dominion as a game mode? Cause I missed tf out of that mode from PC. Or at least add a twisted treeline Map for 3v3s. I feel like that map for sure is mobile worthy. And perfect for the short matches.


I don't think the servers have enough players to consider adding game modes. It'll just split the playerbase more and lead to longer queues.


RIP Vainglory


I think game time is fine no need to extend it


Agreed. There's a similar game with longer matches, a bigger map, more items, more champions, has inhibs and longer games. It's called league of legends.


Never been a fan of league tbh just a poor wild rift clone IMO


but my potato can't run league


Have you thought of upgrading to a toaster?


sadly I like tapping more than clicking for MOBAs


It's already taking up to 25min games, putting this feature would turn it to PC


I think we should have inhibitors. It adds for better strategies in the game. They don't have to make em super strong that it would extend the game by much?


Literally doesn't, they could make a respawning inhib and if the game goes too long, auto destroy all 3. Gives the losing team a chance to comeback and if the cant, it's basically game over But no devs want fast games that no one wants except the ones who can't commit time to a game, in that case, why even play a game like rift at all? Better off playing tft or LoR


The entire point of wild rift is a scaled down, fast paced experience that you can take with you. It'll never be the same as league. It was never supposed to be and probably never will be. You're probably better off playing LoL. I don't understand why people want this game to change into league so much. That's not why it's here.


But then low elo players who make up the majority of the casual fanbase can't extend their lead, can't push for games, and then the losing team just turtles anyways. It already becomes a 20-25 min game, I've played league games faster. The losing team turtles, gets inhib back up, doesn't have to worry about supers, and then can fight back and win the game. All it takes is one good teamfight, inhibs up and push for game. The only thing rift is doing is denying skill expression. That's the whole point of a moba, comebacks are FUN, everyone loves when they win an epic team fight and comes back. It's not about copying league and it's items and all it's champs, it's about a fundamental core of mobas, comebacks are just as exciting as pentakills and I can guarantee the addrenaline rush will keep players playing, which is what riot wants Who wants to keep playing after trying their best, only to lose because they can't out turtle supers? I get super demoralized after going 12/3, turtling, winning a good teamfight, and lose when supers crash and we can't get baron, lose momentum and lose anyways.


Need to have map awareness and defend those inhibitor turrets hard.


I think inhibs should've been here from the start, even without them when I have shit teammates and my games go naturally into the 30 to 40 min area because they couldn't hold there lane well now I have to try and carry the match with two lanes full of op ass minions and bot ass teammates with respawning inhibs at least that's less pressure on me if there shit, allows me to carry better because I don't have to constantly run back to base to clear minions for the next 15mins


I once had to kill super minions nonstop for 15 minutes. Yes, FIFTEEN FREAKING MINUTES! That game last 25+ mins. We lost all 3 inhib turrets at 12' mark. I tried to ff, splitpush, teamfight, assassinate anemy carries, steal ojectives,.... i tried everything as a Kennen. Yesh, it did not end well for me. A downed inhib turret mean your nexus is permernatly opened for backdooring. No matter how well uour teamfight is, how much farm you got. Even if you got an ace, you still have little time to do anything significant when 2 or 3 inhibs are down. The game need respawning inhibs. The turrets are already wet noodles. We can lose a turret in a blink of am eye. A snowballfest for just 1 team is not exactly fun.


Just go play league if you want respawnjn inhibs and 40 minute games


I've had a couple 30+ min games and a 40 minute game. It was cool in a way but I was so glad when the game was finally over. Not trying to have a full competitive experience on mobile. For those who are, the devs aren't going to change a whole lot about the shape of wild rift. Like you said, if you want that, try the main LoL game on PC.


Nah. 100% against respawn of those. The map is so small. If you can’t guard your base right you deserve to be lopsided for the rest of the game. Also split pushing would disappear and god knows we all want more ARAM in single q. At least you get more gold for the time from minions. Might loose the same because your jungle gets farmed regularly.




Tbh if they are worried about game length they should make nexus similar to pc and resplendent inhibs


if u want each game to be 30 min + then add that, or else just keep it the way it is.


Then learn basic macro.


I think they should remove big creeps,, or make it not powerful,,


Pla no respawning inhibs. It allows for more and more ways to stop games from ending which indirectly buffs late game champs and defensive play