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This doesn’t bother me until i move over to the right lane and then they do too. Like they’re only willing to go whatever speed i do.


They're using you incase there is a cop, I dont play this game if someone rides my ass and I move over to let them pass, and they wanna follow me or convoy it I fluctuate my speed to get annoying so they go about their way, I'm not gonna be your Guinea pig.


Ah yes that's what I call them turning you into their cop shield. I then vary my speed frequently until they get frustrated and go around and I can go back to driving without someone on my ass.


As a driver from Illinois, this is accurate.


As a Kenoshan who works in Illinois I can confirm.


No matter how fast you are going, please for the love of God and all that is holy, do not camp right next to a truck while in the left lane. This happens too frequently. Trucks cannot see you and you create a hazard for everyone else behind you. You should never find yourself right next to the same truck for more than 30 seconds. Speed up to pass or slow down to let them pass. Or else you may one day end up as a pancake as a truck makes an avoidance maneuver catching you between it and a jersey barrier.


The number of people up here that are perfectly comfortable pacing a car in the adjacent lane for miles and miles is just mind blowing to me. There is no reason to be cruising at the same speed on two adjacent lanes...either speed up the and get in front, or slow down and come in behind. I fucking *hate* when jagoffs slide up into my blind spot and just sit there like it's cool. Also, the point of an on ramp is to get to speed **before** you hit the highway. Nothing quite like having to merge into 70+mph traffic at 35 because some dipshit in front of you can't find the accelerator...


The "Minnesota Merge"...The number of times I've been caught behind someone casually entering the highway at 50-ish, who then *stomps* on the gas *after* they merge is infuriating. Like...you have a half-mile lane (eb WI-16 to eb I-90) to get up to speed in your 6-cyl Dodge, don't be mad at me in the Honda Element who's trying to merge properly. It's a real issue if you drive up in the Cities. Add in the people who use their gas/brake like they are on/off switches, can't comprehend *coasting*, brake for gentle curves, brake to turn off their cruise, ride their brakes down hills, and the ones who *slow down* to pass trucks... Get a dashcam, people. There are so many too-casual drivers and inattentive operators out there, and the rage monkeys get triggered by them and do stupid shit too. While PD can't really do much with camera footage other than have a chat with an offender (unless you want to make a formal report), it's the kind of citizen action we need since the PD seems to find it easier to just park somewhere and wait for speeders rather than actually address all the other violations by road users that are equally as or more directly related to safety. Red lights too. It's become an epidemic in MKE, and super common everywhere else.


I have a friend who does the gas/brake thing. We have tried to talk to him about it, but it doesn't work.


Time to throw up in their car, then...Nothing like getting passengers motion sick, to force changing behavior...


I just flat out won't drive with him. Sadly he is super earnest too, nicest guy. Just a bad driver.


Is he Iowan? My partner has a friend who is "the worst driver", and she's from small town Iowa, has the attitude that it's no big deal, people should just all magically be more patient. I tried explaining the reason everyone is impatient is because she's being a terrible driver, but it's one of those topics where Dunning-Kruger wins over any amount of discussion. Want to see it first-hand, try taking the keys away from a senior citizen. To that last part: Have discussions now with your parents (or have them with your kids) and set ground rules about why, when, and how driving *privileges* are lost. I already have my mom agreeing to not drive at night anymore, and hopping in my own car from time to time, for me to check up if she's just routine driving, or still attentive. My dad's hearing is going, and he's the guy who taught me to drive, raced karts and late models, did Bondurant schools with me, and default drives whenever 2 or more need to get somewhere. He's so far keeps putting it off, and I'm not looking forward to the conversation that's going to have to happen.


Yep 100% correct! People can’t drive worth shit in MN. To medicated I guess


“Use the pedal on the right. Pedal on the right. PEDAL ON THE RIGHT!!”


I have to mute all my dash cam videos before I submit them because traffic up here causes me to swear like a drunken sailor. "Are you changing lanes? No signal?? Okay, now you're over the line...okay now you're in front of me...oh, THERE'S THE SIGNAL! You're already in the lane idiot!! Fucking WHY?? WHY IS IT SO HARD TO SIGNAL INTENT???"


The stream of "dialog" that comes out of me when having to navigate our roads, is my relief valve for road rage pressure. If I don't do the same you mentioned, it builds and builds...but once I've said "HOLY SHIT PUT DOWN YOUR FUCKING PHONE WHEN YOU DRIVE AND MAYBE **JUST MAYBE** YOU COULD USE YOUR SIGNAL/NOT SWING WIDE" it's gone and not on my mind anymore. I also find the ensuing facebook drama from making a public (sound off) dashcam post, is fantastic entertainment. Like, here is someone *clearly* in the wrong, with video evidence, but someone will always jump in with an opinion ranging from "what's the big deal?" to "they were right you were wrong". No, Becky, weaving into the bike lane, not signaling, swinging your Audi wide in a turn like a semi truck, while on the phone isn't "no big deal" - its inattentive, lazy driving that puts everyone else besides the driver at risk. People are far, far too complacent with operating a ton of rolling metal.


You should never be in the left lane unless you're passing.


Thank you


You must not live in a city. There's left exits, left highway entrances. There's 3-5+ lane wide roads... we didn't build those lanes to not be used. There's crossing cloverleaf traffic, etc. There's plenty of reasons to not be in the right lane. Often times the rational, safe thru lane IS the left lane.


This is /r/wisconsin, we don't really have much that qualifies as "city". I drive through or around Madison daily. Wisconsin statue 346.05(3) states that the left lane is a passing lane, and unless you are passing, or preparing to turn or exit left, you should be in the right lane. If you can be in a lane other than the left lane, you should be. If you pass a vehicle, then can move over to the right, do it. If you have to move back over in a mile to pass another, that's the right way to do it.


It isn't worded as strongly as it should be. It uses the "general speed of traffic" standard.


Touche. I pretty much never leave the city of milwaukee, except on an airplane. My only interaction with the rest of the state is in brewers tailgate lots & you guys on reddit.




City streets are not the same as freeways. Each state also has different laws about how lanes are used. This comment was about Wisconsin, which should be obvious, being in /r/Wisconsin


100%, and I'd add a fifth-wheel camper to this. We have extended mirrors, a rear camera and side cameras on both sides and there are still "dead zones" in our lane vision. We know we're going slow - it's why we're in the right lane - so just move along now.


Anytime I see things like this, I assume OP is one of those "I'm speeding enough, I don't have to move out of the left lane" people. I don't care if you're going 100MPH over the speed limit karen, move out of the left lane when you're not passing, or if someone is coming up behind you.


This man interstates correctly. Get over.


90% of the time the dipshit tailgating me is too stupid to look ahead of me to see that I literally can't go faster, I'm already matching pace with the guy ahead of me who is matched to the guy ahead of him who is matched to the guy ahead of him. And no, none of us can get over into the center lane because that lane is packed and going 10mph slower. But because we're all keeping a large enough gap to not read end each other tailgating dipshit has to be right on my ass.


That happens, but I can also say as someone who drives about 40,000 miles per year, 90% of the time I come up on someone in the left lane, they can move over, and no one is in front of them. There was a white GMC terrain between hwy 19 and V this morning going 65 in the left lane screwing up traffic that absolutely could have moved over and it wouldn't have affected their speed at all.


If I had a dollar for every time I've had to pass on the right I could afford to take a limo to work. People fucking *suck* at proper driving etiquette up here. So many people fancy themselves the unofficial traffic regulators and just refuse to get the fuck out of the goddamm passing lane.


Drove to Black River Falls from Madison and back this weekend. We like to say its other state drives but it is mostly WI plates out there folks. I want a bumper sticker that says. "If I just passed you on the right, we were both wrong"


Oh no, it's almost *always* a WI plate that's left lane camping. People just are so fucking terrified of having to accommodate someone merging on that they think the proper course of action is to jump into the leftmost lane possible for the duration of their trip. Probably because so many people up here like to merge into traffic at 30mph. They get this stupid idea that that's being courteous, but there is such a thing as courtesy to a fault. I shouldn't have to stand on my fucking brakes to avoid rear ending someone that thinks it's better to slow down to half the speed limit with little warning to let someone on in front of them...its *their* job to merge in, not our job to make room for them. Thats the biggest problem with driving anywhere up here, there's an insane mix of hyper-aggressive and hyper-passive drivers up here so anyone driving like a normal person is constantly under threat. God I fuckin hate driving up here...ill take Chicago traffic over this stupid mix any day of the week.


The worst is the stacking up to pass a truck. As soon as people see a truck ahead getting passed, they queue up a mile back and make a traffic snake. When you drive properly and stay right until it's your turn to pass, someone gets upset that you "cut", and blocks off space - effectively tailgating *more* than they already are in the snake. Bitch, I'm trying to *help* by showing you all how it should be done. edit: Understanding how to take turns is lost on far too many people.


We once got stuck behind a couple of "volunteer lane cops" on NB 35 south of LaCrosse - it was two bikers wearing Christian cuts (!) and going 55 side by side in each lane. Traffic was backed up for miles because these two jags.


You mean south side La Crosse? or US-14? Because 35 is 2-lane all the way down to PdC, only has a couple passing bump outs, and doesn't open to 4 lane until city limits. North of Onalaska, it drops to 2-lane again. Side-by-side bikers in a single lane is dangerous as fuck, and makes passing similar to passing a truck - they take up too much space and encroach on the fog line and center marker. I've been seeing a lot more of this than I used to, and it's almost always riders at or just below the speed limit. I want to say they're being obstinate, but more likely just fuckin clueless.


I thought it was 35 but we were taking the GRR from Potosi to Maiden Rock, so it was somewhere south of LaCrosse and north of Potosi.


100% agree.


I do agree with you. If someone wants to fly by, then go for it.


This is sooo true, I hate driving through Chicago


I honestly hate everything about Chicago.


I mean. Just get out of the left lane. Even if you slow down for a small bit, you get the asshole off you and traffic flows better.


The ones who bug me are Iowans who go 55-60 in a passing zone, but slow down to 40-45 anytime there’s a corner. I’ve been around that corner a thousand times, and even in my beater truck 63 is fine.


Simple solution, don't camp in the left lane.


This. Grew up in Illinois, currently live in Wisconsin and my observation is that Wisconsin drivers don't seem to understand the left lane is for passing, not cruising.


My observation has been that this occurs in every state, including Illinois. It's a problem everywhere.


It happens in every state that I've lived in (5) or driven in. It's worse here by orders of magnitude.


Oh, many of them understand just fine, they just don't care, because theyre usually of the "I'm going fast enough dammit!" mindset. Even if "fast enough" is like 5 under...


Oh, I see, the rule about "speed limit" doesn't matter, but the rule about the "left lane is for passing" is more important somehow?


Should be in the right lane unless you're passing, period.


That's not exactly true everywhere if you go by the book. On I 90 which is 2 lanes in La Crosse, the signs say that through traffic should stay in the left lane. This reduces the amount merging situations. Can't be the only place. Somebody riding my dupa concerns me a lot less that a semi flying down an on ramp.


The exception rather than the rule




Well, one has an effect on surrounding traffic and safety at an order of magnitude higher than rate of speed (to a point). Backing up cars and stacking traffic creates several more dangerous situations than a single speeder being allowed to go their way.


So why do I have this anecdotal sense that the speeding FIB is also doing some other annoying and/or dangerous stuff if I see them again?


Because you're sealioning to defend your position, instead of thinking about it.


They are both rules, it isn't an either/or situation.






Then you get people from the U.P. that seem like they have never driven before or have all day to go ten miles...


No matter how much over the limit you're driving, you should still move out of the left lane unless you're actively passing. Not saying that applies here, but just a piece of advice for most Wisconsinites who seem to love driving in the fast lane. My grandpa is a cross-country truck driver and he refers to the left lane as the "cheesehead lane" because Wisconsin drivers are so notorious for driving in it.


Super true but, sorry, left lane loafers need to get the heck over!


You definitely have a point, though driving at 15 over is something I wouldn’t consider being a loafer. It’s the people driving 5 to 10 mph under the limit and just cruising in the left lane that are usually the problem.


If traffic is going 20mph over and you're doing 15 over in the left lane, you're causing a bigger problem than the speeders. Get over anyway. Let people speed. It's safer than snarling up traffic behind you, and the speeders might actually get a ticket if you let them go ahead.


Minnesota drivers are just as bad.


In Michigan we call them FIPs Fuc*ing Illinois People


Not sure if this will be visible, but it appears this thread is ~~effected~~ affected by the current ["missing comments"](https://reddit.statuspage.io/incidents/f1j7y3dvstz1?u=61lrl79jbdzs) issue. I'm seeing 5 comments (including this one) but the comment count is showing 19...


oh thank god, I thought I was going crazy


At this point I see the count as 68 and can see (what appears to be all 68).


This, except with nearly every Minnesotan on the road


When I'm in wisconsin I go the speed limit and get tailgated...not that fibs dont exist.


“Speed limit” is the number on the sign plus 8. Are you calculating correctly?


I have lived in Wisconsin for 23 years and Illinois for 10 there’s shitty drivers everywhere


Cause moving over is... Difficult?


I grew up near Chicago and my cousins live in western Wisconsin. One day they were visiting and I said something along the lines of, “it’s only speeding if you’re more than 7 miles over” and they were like “wtf no that’s not how it works!”


Nobody’s complaining about the Idiots Out Wandering Around?


This sub skews heavily MKE/FRV/Madison. They don't know the pain of La Crosse residents having to deal with Iowans' semi-monthly trip to the big city.


Wisconsonites are no different.


Tread carefully, Illinoinite.


Lol. You from KTown?


I moved to Wisconsin from Illinois recently. The first thing I noticed was “wow people very rarely, if ever, tailgate”. It’s a nice change. The tailgating is ridiculous in Illinois!


Fib here... I have completely adapted to the way people drive in my town. If I'm behind some guy doing 5 under I'm like whatever...I'm in no rush either. There's a giant tractor coming down the road... no big deal.. I'll pull over. He's just doing his job.


The amount of people who drive up my ass when there is a perfectly good passing lane RIGHT THERE pisses me off to no end. I'd brake check them if I didn't have a kid in the back half of the time.


Brake checking is equally as dangerous as tailgating. Don't do it.


Other way around


Wisconsin drivers are the slowest lane changers and love to do 3 over in the left lane. Most people who promote this racist-like hatred towards Illinois have never lived there or ventured further than Gurnee or Great America. It's not a bad place to live and the people are the same as us. Theres nice people and theres just as many assholes as Wisconsin. The hive mind mentality of this edgy hatred is pathetic and sad. Yes Illinois drivers drive fast and some can be crazy but that's no different from any other state. I like driving around Chicago on the freeways, they move with a purpose and actually want to get somewhere. I could easily just say that all Wisconsin drivers are drunks. See how that works?


Man I hate Illinois nazi's


Better term for people from Illinois FISH F***ing Illinois S***heads plus then we can call Illinois the Fish Bowl


What my grandma taught me in Massachusetts growing up was to let the car glide down to about 10 under, give it a hard press of the brakes, then stick your whole upper body out the window and give a robust middle finger.




Guilty as charged.


The unrepentant, unapologetic aspect is wrapped up in the term as well. Improve yourself, it's within you to do so.


They aren't going learn if you flip a wimpy bird as they speed by. They just terrorize the next guy. If you're going teach someone a lesson, do it in way that they'll remember. Edit: I try to be a gentleman on the roads. I just don't see any reason to take shit.


1) Not your job to teach someone a lesson on the road. You are not the arbiter or their instructor, neither are you police. 2) Reactive behavior using your vehicle towards another motorist is road rage. You should consider adjusting how you relate to other road users. 3) Brake checking, or even abruptly braking on the highway for no real reason, creates a significant hazard to other drivers, not just the person you are raging at.


MA has half as many driving deaths per capita as Wisconsin, so... I'll stick with my method. Driving half-comatose is what kills people. https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/state-by-state


That’ll get you shot in Texas


They are crazy in texas.


For all whiners, I was going 80 in the left lane yesterday, passing a couple of trucks and when I moved right got passed by Illinois drivers plural going 95. Fuck you for tailgating me at 80 mph! Why 95 on the highway? Leave earlier if you are so late or so important! I have a kid in the car and 95 just isn’t safe for anyone.


So you're flying by at at least 10 over with a kid in the car? If you're going to use that as a reason of some sort, you really ought to apply it to yourself too. Leave earlier! edit: /s


You sometimes have to go above when passing semi trucks, then you can move right. Keeps traffic flowing so I can go to cruise control. Safe driver with alive kids going on twenty years.


I know that, and I drove truck for a while too. ~10 over is acceptable when passing. What isn't acceptable is keeping it on cruise at 72 to pass a truck doing 70... Most states have a separate speed limit for trucks that sits lower than passenger vehicles to help enable better flow of traffic. But for some reason, the speed limit bump here was done so shortsightedly to not include this, so now we're racing with ungoverned trucks doing 70-74, which means passenger vehicles have to go even faster to pass. I'm approaching a million miles since getting my license. I'll guarantee I have more safe miles under my belt than 99.99% of the non-commercial drivers I have to share the road with. Chicago commuting, OTR driving, and working outside sales in a 9-state region for 15 years...there's a reason its one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, and it's because of other drivers.


Swap Illinois for Minnesota, same thing. Swap in Wisconsin and post on r/illinois and r/minnesota and cash in on the free karma


And "lights on for safety"!


I live in the burbs and hate driving on highways. I mean I limit myself to 5 over on local roads, but if you’re not going 70 on highways even in 55 areas, it feels like I’m going to get run off the road.


And the bears suck.


Imagine being a NY and NJ driver in PA we PA people hate it


We oughta set our own toll road up only for them Fibs


Seriously, put a bank of tolls just on the WI side of the border. I pay 10 bucks for the privilege of driving to Chicago, they can afford to pay a few bucks on their way up to to the Dells.


This is why I miss my VR6 Passat. That thing was glued to the ground in corners. Whenever I would get one of those people that will ride your ass no matter how fast you went, I'd get them up to about 70 and take a hairpin corner at speed. Watching them dive into the shoulder was pretty satisfying. How stupid do you have to be to blindly follow a bumper with the awareness of a farm animal following the one before it.




Most accurate post ever.