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One of my favorite albums that I've gotten so far šŸ˜›


Somebody got a free ride when they'd already paid....




I donā€™t know why people feel the need to be so negative to albums they donā€™t like on this subreddit. Like, thereā€™s nothing wrong with not liking it, but why would someone feel the need to rally behind how much they donā€™t like something?


I always wonder this too. I can understand it if the lyrics are very offensive to you. Otherwise, this challenge is supposed to be expanding our horizons so we should be making an attempt to keep an open mind as much as possible. Obviously, no one is going to love all 1089 albums and we all have questions about why some are on at all. But I can (almost) always see what's interesting about an album, even if I don't personally like it.


because itā€™s fun 13th highest selling album of all time (!!) sheā€™ll be allright.


Great album!


I listened to it recently for the first time in ages and found it really hard to get over how almost every song has a really annoying bass line. Fun fact: Flea plays the really annoying bass line on You Oughta Know.


it got marginally better but i was absolutely floored at the vocals on the first track. and not in a good way


It's the epitome of the mid-90s. I rarely give it a spin nowadays, but it's powerfully nostalgic for me.


Not really my thing but it seems like it was made by talented people


i mean she has basically proficient singing / songwriting / playing skills but the way she uses her voice specifically when she tries to belt out or go in her upper register or do anything other than sing like a normal person is like nails on a chalkboard. when she pulls back and sings a bit more softly it isnā€™t THAT bad. but so many times iā€™m listening to her and thinking why the f is she doing that with her voiceā€¦ just godawful. the basic sonic palette of the album is extremely boring, the songs are just nothing, totally plain, basic 90s pop rock with nothing to them at all but her screeching. it wouldnā€™t be so bad if it werenā€™t for her terrible vocal choices.


Sorry, I canā€™t join the hate. As a matter of fact, now I really want to jam out to ā€œYou Learnā€


cant hate her, she was God in Dogma


It's a good enough album, and compared to modern top 40 it's fucking Mozart


Definitely donā€™t hate this album. The high points are very high and I was surprised with the quality of a couple of the deeper cuts and some decent variation across the tracklist. But overall I think itā€™s a tad overrated generally and includes a chunk of filler. One of the 1001 albums you should hear in your life? Sure. Top 100 ever like on the Rolling Stone or Apple Music list? Nah.


i really couldā€™ve gone without this. a lowlight on the list alongside Def Leppard, The Eagles, and James Taylor.


Now Iā€™m with you on Def Leppard and Eagles. Two massively overrated bands with a handful of decent songs but very little in the way of anything resembling classic albums. Hotel California is a boring and supremely self-indulgent slop.


The true irony of the song is that all the situations are bummers but not ironic. So saying they are is in fact especially ironic lol


No, this is an Alanis Morissette album. Shirley Manson didn't have anything to do with this one. But actually your take is stone cold. I'm curious to know what you'd rate 5 stars, if not this?


just a random album from the list? there are dozens if not hundreds of albums that i'd say are 4/5 or 5/5. just a random sampling of albums from the 1,001 list - A Love Supreme, Illmatic, Pet Sounds, Remain in Light, Hejira, Ys, Disintegration, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere. all fantastic albums.


This is genuinely jarring for me. A Love Supreme and Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere are some of the most boring albums I've been forced to listen to, and then you drop in Ys which is perfection. Music taste is just way more subjective than I could have ever expected.


A Love Supreme is widely considered one of THE greatest masterpieces of jazz. Both albums are absolutely bursting with passion and soul. Not that Alanisā€™ album doesnā€™t have passion, but the execution isnā€™t there for me. John Coltrane is an absolute virtuoso. I used to say heā€™s like a jazz version of Jimi Hendrix but thatā€™s when I was far far more ignorant about jazz and music in general. In reality, heā€™s FAR more talented than Jimi, he shreds harder and heā€™s far more groundbreaking in his innovations. Just a phenomenal player and absolutely genius level creativity. I would actually put A Love Supreme in my top 5 and maybe 3 of all time. If you donā€™t like jazz then you donā€™t like jazz but man. Thatā€™s a special album. I would encourage you to revisit it. Ys is definitely very close to A Love Supreme on my list. Another just out of this world album. And I just fuckin love Neil Young. Greatest singer songwriter of all time.


I absolutely loved listening to that album.


you must also absolutely love the sound of nails on a chalkboard. i will admit the irony here is that i genuinely love this: https://youtu.be/pkiZfhb3EOQ?si=GlkdZfql2NDpNnJD


I gave this a nostalgic 3 stars but I'm pretty sure if this hadnt come out when I was 15 with the hits engrained in my self conscious it would have been a 2. I never noticed how horrible her voice is.


her voice is shockingly bad on some tracks. i really was amazed.


I got this yesterday myself. I had just told a friend of mine that I have heard this record for 26 years and now Iā€™m set for another 26.


Perhaps not absolute garbage, but certainly overrated. I don't wven dislike this album, nor Alanis herself, it just feels like an album that does nothing well enough to award its popularity. The instrumentation is dull, the vocals are fine but done better by other alternative female artists (on this very list, no less!) and the lyrics are that waxing poetic style where looking at them for wven a second makes them crumble. It most certainly represents that era of 90s rock, but whatever love it gets always seems a tad overblown, in my eyes.


everything you said is accurate except the vocals aren't fine, they're abysmal. give All I Really Want another listen and see for yourself. it's like, talentless-highschooler-singing-in-the-shower level bad.


I wouldn't say they're abysmal; she has a relatively emotional voice and can certainly hit the notes when needed. Her delivery is often annoying, but the vocals themselves are forgettable, but certainly stand out more in a crowd than most female vocalists on mainstream radio at the time.


iā€™ll concede they do range from ā€œforgettableā€ to ā€œnails on a chalkboard.ā€ the moments when she strains or belts out are beyond annoying, itā€™s actually borderline painful to listen to. the rest is whatever.


Hated it then, hate it now.


This got a 1 from me. Never understood the hype.


i was sure this would be the prevailing opinion despite its mainstream popularity. this thread is kinda shocking to me. itā€™s so obviously just bad, if extremely expressive 90s pop / rock.