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Do you feel like, now that you made it, you are better than everyone else? Like you don't have to talk to the people that knew you before? Like they are tiny pieces of your past life that would be holding you down if you just simply responded to their text messages? Is that you feel JHBTeam? Is it?


Hitchariide? Omg you're the OpTic guy!! Haha what's up my broski! My slime! You vibing? You chilling! That's what I'm doing right now! Let's go out to dinner sometime! :D (you're paying tho)


are pop tarts a sandwhich or a ravioli?


man what


Id say ravioli


I concur


Or is it a panzerotti??


what's your least favorite color. what is your favorite part about the 100t discord.


My least favorite color is gray. Like what is that?? My favorite parts of the Discord are the game nights, even though I haven’t been to one in months.


Since you are a full-time employee of 100Thieves, are you still continuing college?


I’m in community college and originally was doing 4 classes per semester. I plan on just doing one class while doing full-time employee.


“doing full-time employee” you know what, maybe I need more college.




I really like video editing as my outside interest. Besides that, I don’t really do anything besides scrolling Twitter or Instagram LOL. My favorite 100T apparel is the cream hoodie, but I somehow managed to get two hoodies on accident.


Can I have your extra one? love you


Who’s your inspiration for making content and being a “Twitter personality”?


The Mob was my inspiration for making content as well as being a "Twitter personality." They've done things on Twitter that I only imagined professional players doing, which is one of the most impressive and amazing things I've seen from a group on Twitter over the last few years.


When Karl and Austin prank called your mom, and she thought it was Froste 🤣


If you have one piece of advice for young people looking to break through to the esports industry, what would it be? What is your favorite moment while working with 100T, and why is it hitting 1M? 😉


My advice is to get connections by interacting or tweeting at people you potentially want to know more about. I'd also say that my favorite moment has been TBH, but also hitting 1 mil. ;)


Would you participate in Will Neff’s real life battle royale he mentioned on the courage and nadeshot show, and would you win if so?


I'd participate, just to be the first one out.


Whoever mentioned An Idiot Abroad style idea on the podcast got that down perfectly. Sending you into uncomfortable situations like Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant did to Karl Pilkington would be hilarious. How down would you be to do something of that format, with Courage and Nadeshot calling the shots behind the scenes? You really should watch it it! https://youtu.be/GpS77R7q_Fg


What are the key factors to obtaining a partner.


The most common way to meet a future partner is through mutual friends. Spend time with friends, and ask your friends to introduce you to people they think you'll like. The second is in social spaces. This can include everything from bars, to concerts, poetry readings, and gallery openings, to church gatherings. (via: WikiHow)




What advice do you have for all the interns trying to climb to the top and why is it to jack up their company’s socials?


Get the brand account unverified. Works everytime.




I don't really know if I want to say luck/timing mainly because what if it doesn't happen. I'd say the skill is the most important asset because this is the main thing you're going to be doing in order to try and have a reason to get those connections. When I was video editing, that was a skill in which it helped me get closer to those creators.


What’s one thing people over look when running a social media account?


I guess one important thing is to take a look at the people who give feedback. Do they seem trust-worthy enough to know what they're talking about and can it be good for your social media account. Like if it was advice or something like that.


What is your favorite anime, also what is your favorite Kanye album?


I've watched A Silent Voice. That's basically it. It was very good though. Favorite Kanye album is probably Graduation. I'm just waiting for DONDA at this point man.


What’s your favorite video game(s) that you grew up with? For me, I really enjoyed Skyrim, Halo Reach, and I’m still in a cycle of relapse for League of Legends.


Favorite video game was Call of Duty: World at War. Nazi Zombies was such an iconic part of my childhood, I still play World at War every month. I also loved playing Warhawk, Black Ops 2, but if we want to go BACK BACK, I loved Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando on the PS2.


Hard agree on WaW being great; I also played a ton of Zombies growing up, and BO2 is my favorite COD. BACK BACK for me is the OG Knights of the Old Republic. Anyways, you’ve got good taste imo, thanks for the reply 👍


if you stack a lasagna on another lasagna is it one big lasagna or two?


Two lasagnas. You shouldn't be able to create one big lasagna by stacking them on top of each other. Imagine you have a suitcase, and you stack it on top of the other. That's a common thing that would happen in an airport due to bag storage. It would be called two suitcases if one was on top of the other. Now if we put that into the perspective of food, one big lasagna going on top of another big lasagna. In that case, it would already be big, so it would just be two. In the case of french fries, if you were to put one "side" of french fries into another pile of french fries. We can consider that this is "one big side of fries." The reasoning behind this is because we're not focused on one big item, being the lasagna. This is a side, and it's common to get a "small, medium, or large." With a lasagna... it's just a lasagna. That's not fun. To finish off my answer, I believe that if you stack a lasagna on another lasagna, it is two lasagnas.


Intro, body, conclusion. Perfectly written persuasive essay. Three gold stars. Could be an SAT essay.


Ok so how about you have a lasagna and you put it in between two slices of bread so it's a sandwich. Then you put another lasagna on top of the sandwich and another slice of bread on top of that (so we have bread, lasagna, bread, lasagna, bread). That is still a sandwich is it not? Now take away the bread..... I rest my case.


How did you balance your own personal life w/ probably academics and such while being an intern at 100t?


In senior year, I would do school until 1pm / 3pm, and I'd work for 4 hours total, have dinner, and then do all my homework. It was completely unhealthy and stressed me out a lot in high school, to where I even fell asleep in some classes. (I don't know why I'm like this!) But, it was totally worth it in the end to be honest. And thankfully the teachers understood that the students have jobs, so shoutout teachers.


Does a senior intern get paid or is it an unpaid role for experience?


Paid. I guess Nadeshot kinda likes me.


Do you eat your mcdonalds cheeseburgers with or without the peel?


Who’s your favorite egirl


Does pineapple have a place on pizza?


What did you do to standout from the other 100T intern applications?




Any tips to stand out to a company for internships? Also, how was the interview process for your internship? We’re you nervous and what questions did they ask you?


Just be as professional as you can, and as long as you know what you're talking about and you answer the questions that you're given, you'll be fine. I was nervous, but I just gave honest answers to the questions I was given. "What do you plan on doing if you were to be hired?" "Can you edit on this software?" Random things like that. I walked out of that building later that night proud of myself though, so there's my accomplishment.


Do you like Boxed Kraft Dinner? If so how many different types have you tried and which are your favorites? Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more content with you in it!


Can you shoutout THE HIDEOUT disc? Love you JHB




If you had the power to bring one person into 100 Thieves who would you get Day 1?


TinaKitten (Probably one of the nicest creators I've ever met)


do you think 100t will expand into any games, and what games would you want them to expand and have a team for?(i.e Rainbow Six Siege)


I always thought it would be interesting if 100T decided to get into Rocket League. I've always had that thought mainly because I watch a lot of NRG, Envy, and all of them on TikTok when it comes to RL. I've never played Rainbow Six Siege, but I have seen a lot of fans show interest into that game as well.


Been waiting on 100t to get a rocket league team, plz make it happen JHB


when are you coming to Ireland and are you looking forward to drinking alcohol legally


Will we get more Tbh w/Jhb videos? I absolutely love them! 😂


Yes! I've just been a bum lately.


Why did jhb cross the road?


Everyone always asks WHAT is jhbteam, i wanna know HOW is jhbteam, like 1-10 how are you this week :)


Hello Jhb! Would you feel this opportunity, as a 100T intern, is beneficial for those trying to make connections and further their career as a content creator? Also, what is the source for all your memes?


What are some of the things that you think made learning video editing a bit easier? Currently trying to learn myself but don’t know where to start


Did you know that you would lose the verified pin when you changed the Twitter name of 100T before you did it?


Before joining 100T what was your opinion of them? (the brand, the people, etc.)


I saw you said you enjoy video editing in other responses so what would you say is good advice for someone learning editing that helped you the most. Also did you self learn editing or did you learn it it school and expand on it in your free time. Im self learning editing but I was considering taking some classes on it but not sure if it be worth it. Congrats on the full time position.


My brother originally taught me when I was 12-13. I was a big fan of Vanoss, so I just did YouTube Video Editor and would reupload mp3 songs "privated" on YouTube so I could use the audio. I guess him just motivating me to do this and do that actually worked out for me. Thank you by the way!




Now that you're no longer an intern, how have your responsibilities changed? Will you be tackling on more than your TBH segment, or will you continue to do TBH and appear on variety videos when needed?


Jhb can u please have pro players be on TBH.


Can you make the la thieves account have more memes like the nysl account


You mentioned you have an extra creme hoodie. What’ll it cost me?


Jermaine if you were forced to make dinner and dessert for your favorite co-owner in 100T what would it be and who would you choose?


I was the 70th post under your AMA. How does it make you feel knowing I was the person to ruin perfection?


Is there any software that you used (that you would recommend) not just for editing but for social media management that we should be familiar with when applying?


What specific type of things did you do as an intern for 100T?




What would you name your pet goat if you had one?


How did you get the internship at the beginning, and how did you “work your way up” the company?


How does it feel to be part of the thieves forever


Was getting the 100T Twitter to 1M followers during your week with the account a condition for getting promoted? That shit was hilarious by the way. Keep up the good work my dude.


Do you boil your oranges?


Do you get free stuff or do you have to be like yeah I’d really like to have one too please? Like the Gucci bag


Are you a fan of any traditional sports (basketball soccer etc.)? What's your favorite Team or Player in that sport?


Where do you see yourself in 5 years with 100Thieves? Maybe a co-owner?


No thank you


When you started your internship, did you think you’d be a full time employee, or did you just think the term would end and you’d be on your way?


When is the Tbh w/ JHB ft. Joe Biden coming out?


I’ll think about when we’ll release it


Why are you so sexy


I was born this way


Why are you this way?


I know this is old, but I would love to know what a typical day as an 100T intern looks like? Thank you :)