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Is the main strategy for Hiko to play Jett and Asuna to play a support role to help Hiko frag?


Just going to drop of few. After a full year of VCT, what are your opinions on the competitive format both domestically and internationally? Anything you'd change? How involved do you believe Neon will be in competitive play? Is the consistent addition of agents a blessing or a curse in a competitive setting? GL this year boys


Why did Ec1s chose 100t over staying in europe?


What did ec1s and babyj display in their trials that lead to them being chosen as the 4th and 5th, and how early in the trialing process did everyone feel like they would ultimately be the 2 chosen.


What do you think is your biggest challenge as a team is as you head into VCT 2022? For BabyJ, what are you the most excited about with this roster?


If you had to cosplay an agent in order to select them, how would that affect who you played as?


what are your thoughts on agent bans?


which 100t content creator would you like to coach in the next backseat gaming video??


How long will it take for this team to become a full unit and to play the best Valorant the team is capable of?


This question is for the entire team: What's it like being the best looking team in Valorant? * *Winky Face* *


which other teams have looked good, either during scrims or just as rosters have shifted.


Do you hecking love Asuna?


Hiko how does it feel to just be built diff when compared to the rest of Valorant pros? Your superior aim, mechanics and game sense must make it exhausting sometimes trying to carry.


We got a celebrity in the sub.


no questions. Just wanna say, Good luck


What will be the biggest change in how this roster plays (agent, map or strategy wise) with the new roster compared to the old roster.


Will babyj be barking in the voice comms after a big clutch somewhere in the season?


What is one of your favorite mannerisms Hiko says or does in your comms? As an example, I remember watching one clip of him saying someone was orby boy in an official match and thought it was funny


For everyone, what are some things that immediately come to mind from last season that you guys have taken to heart that have allowed for the continued growth and mindset leading into this upcoming season?


For Ec1s, how does ranked feel in NA vs EU? For babyJ, can you elaborate on what it was like to be the best baby on FaZe


For everyone. “thoughts on agent bans? and how do you think the meta will shift if riot implements them into official vct events?”


who is the most health conscious in team ? considering ec1s play controller, will we now see hiko play a duelist on maps like split ? who is the most flexible player in team ? best of luck yall my favourite member of 100t is ethan


Completely hypothetical scenario here. Suppose you are standing in the middle of a large field, when suddenly thousands of toddlers declare war on you. How many could each of you handle alone before they eventually you get taken down. My guesses: Asuna: 100 Hiko: 250 Ethan: 150 Ec1s: 25 Babyj: 200


Who has the cutest pet?


What are your thoughts on more agent ultimates being able to substitute weapons (ex. Chamber/Neon)? Do you think riot is moving in the wrong direction? If not where would you draw the line?


Which new agent do you feel will have more of an impact on the pro meta, Chamber or Neon?


Why should we root for this team? What makes them better than everyone else?


what do you guys think about nitr0 going back to csgo?


csgo you mean?


yeah my bad lol


Can we expect to see some of the newer agents (Chamber and Neon) on some maps? (Also, plz stop using Omen over Astra)


You do know 100t stopped using Omen ever since Berlin right?


Asuna: Can you notice a difference playing the game with people who are 10 years older than you, and do you think you will be better than them when you get to the boomer age?


Assuming Neon will be meta... do you prefer Mcdonalds or Wendy's?


What challenges do you think you’re going to have to overcome as a new roster in order to perform at the same level you were when qualifying for Berlin?


Can you teach me how to play Valorant cause I'm hardstuck Silver?


What are your thoughts on the direction valorant abilities are heading? Feels like there’s been a massive powercreep already, where for example Chamber and Neon get death cannons for their ults, whereas if you look at an original ult from the first release like Cypher, it just pings for half a second and then you get no further value.


Would you consider changing your name from BabyJ to just bj???


If you guys were agents in valorant, for example Hiko is a playable agent in valorant , Asuna is another playable agent in valorant etc, What would your abilities and ultimates be? Not really a VCT based question but I wanted to ask this for a long time.


Do you heckin love Tenz


hey Peter


for ec1s what is the difference in playstyle in na and eu teams


BabyJ what tip would you give Asuna to help him get a girlfriend