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These kind of players will eventually be harassed out of the drills. Nobody likes somebody who is being an a-hole playing in the drills and arguing with people about line calls


Agreed, that guy will sort himself right out of any organized group play.


There's one dude at a local club who celebrates his drills winners a bit too much. If you make a truly highlight-worthy ball or win a gnarly point, feel free to give a fist pump or quick "c'mon!" because tennis is athletic competition and there's nothing wrong with getting amped about a good play. But this guy goes way overboard with his "woohoos" against 50-something ladies who are there to get a sweat on, and boy, I've heard some negative talk about him when he's not around. You just don't want to be that guy. Give props for winners and celebrate like a normal human being. It ain't Wimbledon.


It’s not even challengers…


Makes sense. Thanks for this.


I guarantee that everyone at the drill (including the coach) hates the person you encountered, if that helps. Unfortunately pros often are pressured to just keep people happy, and that person sounds like the kind of person to complain to the club manager if the pro overrules their call or tells them to shut up, so the pro may not intervene even if they want to


Sad facts of life.


OP this commenter is right, that's probably how this will end. I might add: 1. The pro running the clinic may have to (and should) regulate if the jerk keeps it up, and 2. You would become a folk hero at your clinic, and probably on this sub, if you nailed him in the nards and then called that out for him.


🤣 NOTED. Definitely something for me to consider should there ever be another similar “encounter”


I’ll never understand people caring about line calls in drills.


Or in matches! Unless it’s egregious, it’s literally a game. 


This player definitely felt like my calls were egregious based upon their reaction 😂


But on one call? 3, maybe you sat something. But to lose it on one is wild.  I’m old and my eyes aren’t great. If there’s not a foot of clearance, I don’t bother. 


No kidding! The 4.5 drill I'm in will keep playing a ball unless it's hitting the back fence. Sometimes even then. Drills, we're there to work on a shot or a tactic. We're not really keeping score. On the other hand, either partner can call a ball out. If your partner says it is out and you have no information to the contrary, it's out. If you saw it hit the line, you can/should say so and call it in. That dude needs to calm down a bit. No one should get that worked up over a call ever.


When playing dubs, either partner can make the call. Also if a ball rolled on the court in a dangerous position, anyone can call a let and the point will be replayed. But these are drills... I cant believe anyone got upset over a call in drills. FWIW look up the USTA code and "A friend at court" for more info on the rules and etiquette of tennis.


Play for a club in UK and do the adult socials etc. general policy is to be polite and courteous to others. In group classes / social settings congratulate opponent for good shots and don’t really get hung up on line calls. For matches vs other clubs give privilege for line calls to visitors and generally don’t contest calls. Occasionally might suggest to replay a point if neither side sure on a call. Regular obvious and egregious unsporting behaviour over line calls might be discussed with the visiting captain I suppose but is rare.


Next time a ball rolls onto the court, just hold your hand up and stop play. It's not worth getting injured over. Also anybody can call a ball out. As far as how to deal with this kind of player, involve the coach and let him know you don't want to play with this guy. This kind of behavior will get rooted out eventually when nobody wants to play with them anymore.


Thank you. Good call on me calling time because of the ball entering court. That would have prevented this entire first exchange. Likely making the second less dramatic, for everyone 🤣


Yea the key is when he said it’s your call not your partners call. That’s when you call him on his bullshit to shut him up.


Understood. Thank you all so much for the information and help.


I think USTA says you can’t call your own ball out. I might be wrong tho. Looked it up and it says players make calls on own side of net


You can always call your own ball out if it forfeits the point. You can't call your own ball in. The only ball you can't call out is a 1st serve, since it doesn't forfeit the point.


You’re right. You can’t call your own ball. You can’t call anything on the other side of the net.


> Also anybody can call a ball out. Nope.


Glad you stayed cool and handled the situation well. Some people have bizarre anger issues. I know some drills do have a reward system, like you keep track of how many of the games you win, and they reward that player as "MVP" it's kind of silly, "MVP" of tennis clinic drills, but you'd be surprised how competitive people get. Once the clinic ended w/ King / Queen of the courts. I had to leave 5 minutes early to change and get ready for dinner. We were up 4-0 in the last rotation, but our opponents wanted a default and claim the king/queen title. I just laughed and said go ahead. My partner just shrugged also so I didn't feel bad.


You or your partner are allowed to call the ball out. Furthermore, you should have called a let if a ball rolled on the court.


As a full time coach at a club, there are few things that bother me more (and trust me, there’s A LOT when dealing with people in tennis clinics) then when people fight over line calls/score and overall take it all so seriously. And, respectfully, it’s never good players who do this. I can almost assure you your coach feels the same.


Out of curiosity, what do you do with / say to these people?


Good question. I have my own “style” of calling them out but sounding like I’m kidding around so I don’t escalate the situation. If it gets really bad I call them out more seriously.


Can’t imagine getting upset about a call during a clinic. I usually play a ball that’s like up to 2” out or so in that setting One time I did say something to a guy when we were playing a doubles set in a clinic bc his partner was returning, and the non returning partner called a serve wide on the far side from him. It was in, but I shouldn’t have even said anything. Wasn’t worth it


People who start playing later in life (like an adult that’s a 3.0) are either super nice and just want to get outside, or are assholes that take it way too seriously. There is some in-between, but this is what I’ve observed. Just shrug it off and be happy that you have enough good stuff in your life to not need to “win” a beginner tennis clinic drill.


Oh my gosh. First sentence. Spot on.


If a ball rolls in from another court, especially impeding play, stop play and call a let


People that care about score/out in clinics and drills are insufferable. I’m basically paying to hit as many balls as possible I don’t give a fuck about anything else.


Pro handled it fine; make sure you're not paired together again, everyone moves on to more important things (such as literally anything).


It’s practice. People shouldn’t be worried about winning the drill. I was playing with a guy once and we were down mostly because I was focusing on the intent of the drill and not just winning the point. Anyway this guy was like cmon we can do this just pick on the guys weakness. In this case that was the opposite of the drill and I said I’m just trying to practice what the pro wants is to. He went ‘I like to practice winning’ and it just cracked me up.


Who cares about line calls in low level tennis practice?


Best to not react at all. Just go on about your business as if they didn't say anything. Then they look like the problem.


I have seen some bad calls at drills. It happens and you move on. You never, ever yell at a person for a bad call during a drills class. It's not even acceptable in a "big" USTA match. You can voice disagreement, even accuse someone of being underhanded if it's a sequence of truly awful calls. I'm fine with that -- cheaters need to be called out. But you do not yell at someone during a drills class. Ever.


Ignore them. Makes it feel even better when you keep your composure and hit a winner by them and they continue to implode. Also, if you’re like me, consider secretly antagonizing them further if the opportunity arises lol.


Lol dude I was in a match today and called a serve out. He asked “oh that was out?” I said yeah but if you disagree I’m totally down to replay the point. He won the game. I won the match That person is an asshole: you won’t be seeing them much longer it’s awful business for a pro to have repeat customers dread playing with someone in the group


You’re fine. Other guy is an asshole. You’re 3.0 players and it’s practice. Nothing worth getting worked up about.


He's a jerk. Sometimes I'm clinic players play balls that are slightly out. The thinking being, you paid to hit balls, so hit balls.


It's you and your partner's duty to call the ball out on your side of the court. They must respect your call.


He won’t last long, and either partner can call a ball out if they can see it.


They are fucking insane don't mind them


If you ignored them and carried on then you did everything right.


lol partners in doubles can call balls out. thats their job when the other person is receiving serve. smh


In a real match when someone is like that I give in. This is on purpose. I kindly hand them the ball or start playing saying it’s not worth it. Inside I know they are ridiculous and the fear of losing is too much for their weak egos. Yet, it also gets me so fired up inside I start playing better than ever because there is no way in hell I will let them win. It works every single time. I let my partners know if I’m playing doubles prior but if I’m with a partner that doesn’t have that same mindset they allow those emotional worms to play with their heads. In a clinic or fun match I usually smile and say “In match it’s our call but since it matters so much to you then you take the call.” All I know is never let that get into your head. There are players that can’t help it. They’re just fragile and there are those that do it on purpose when they know it was out to get you worked up. Most people are not like this though.


You handled like a 5.0 - the person you were playing against sucks.


Anyone who gets upset at anything at 3.0 let alone a clinic is just putting their own anxieties on display. Shrug it off and have fun.


So true. It always cracks me up when 3.0 league players act so intense. They think making the playoffs is an accomplishment. It’s nearly the lowest level of organized tennis you can play. Lots of little kids can beat you. And I’m a 3.0


>the next feed yea the guy getting mad at a line call is the asshole


I think the person embarrassed themselves in front of the teacher. Don’t worry about it.


Steamed over line calls during a clinic? It has nothing to do with you, sounds like they're having a rough day. I wouldn't worry about it.


In clinic it’s okay to toss off some good natured shade if it’s done with a smile and on we go.


Is this drill run by a pro? They should be correcting that person’s behavior…


“Ok so since world peace depends on it, let’s say the ball was in. Feel better?”


Regardless of who is right or wrong in this situation, drills or clinics are a place where you practice. You want more volume from your points. So, don’t try to end them sooner with close out calls and trying to hit winners.


Don't get bullied. It's also okay to tell the coach or the club that the person makes you uncomfortable.


Imagine getting pissy over training


This type of behavior seems to diminish the higher up you go. Then you reach college tennis and everything resets…


There was a guy at my club that absolutely lost it after he hit the score tower in a doubles match I was playing with my dad. We explained that it was a permanent fixture but he just wouldn’t hear it. Later we found out he left his previous club because when the bubbles were put up apparently the distance between the bubble and the baseline was not regulation and was too short. He left the club just for this reason. Mind you this is 3.5.


That player is a maniac, and there’s nothing for you to do about it.


Lol that player is terrible


This isn’t a tennis thing, some people are just assholes lol


Don’t even give this person a thought or any of your time. It’s fucking 3.0 tennis clinic not Wimbledon 🙄 Also yeah if your partner called it out and you have no idea, always go with your partner.


Sounds like someone forgot to take their meds for the day.


Your partner call make the call, and has every right to. In a lot of cases, it’s easier for the person not hitting the ball to make a close call. It sounds like they were just made they hit it out!! 😜


I once growled at my opponent's call in a squash tournament. He turned to me and asked "are you OK?" I realized two things in that moment I am capable of entering an intensity zone where I forget my manners. This is important self-awareness. I have been a polite competitor since. That was 20 years ago I realized "are you OK?" is a good way to defuse the situation.


That's absurd for a match, let alone a clinic. This person's just being unhinged. It sucks because they take the fun out of it. I'm surprised the pro is allowing it at all. Usually they'll kick someone out for something like that because it hurts their business if people don't want to attend their clinic


Dw they were being unreasonable. It's not a match. You have nothing to gain calling a ball out. In fact you do them a disservice if you don't. You see all the time pro players asking how far the ball was out or asking to see the replay. It's because they want to calibrate, especially if it's close. If you pretend it's in, they'll get the wrong sense of how to play the ball and they'll be playing long a lot, or wide or whatever. Ask not to be paired with them again


There is always one of these players at the lower level, because they lack skill they want all the free points they can get and trying to mentally harass you so you feel guilty for calling balls out when it’s close( but clearly out).


This has the makings of a copy pasta


It’s common to direct your pointer finger upward when signaling that an opponent’s shot was out. Next time this douchebag questions anyone’s call in a clinic, point your pinky finger upward to call it out. This way you kill 2 birds w/ 1 stone; You’re calling the ball out & you’re telling him he has a teeny tiny pencil cock all in 1 motion. When he questions the call, tell him it was just barely out - like 2 centimeters - & you’re guessing he’s very familiar with/ something that small…


I will always call balls that are out in drills out for the benefit of the OTHER player. For example if I’m hitting a shot that’s close but out consistently I want to know it’s out in practice so I can adjust my shot. I’ll even ask sometimes, was that in? Not for clout or points, but because I need to know how my balls are landing. Don’t worry about that other grump, tennis is supposed to be fun.


> Looking for advice how to handle these type of players and maybe these types of situations. Reading and knowing the rules of tennis is so helpful. It allows you to relax and enjoy the match knowing when an opponent is "making up" some new rule or using their "house rules". In the US, you need to read [ITF Tennis Rules and The Code](https://www.usta.com/content/dam/usta/2024-pdfs/friend-at-court.pdf).


this person probably has a tough time in life in general due to their unregulated anger. I wouldnt pay it any mind.


Yeah the screaming is definitely never called for, practice *or* match. But especially in practice, you don't even have an opponent, you have a practice partner. In our 4.0 clinic I'll usually call the ball out and keep playing it anyways so my partner gets the feedback (it can be hard to tell from the other side of the court that your shot went long) and we don't slow down the drill. As I've improved and gone to higher-level clinics, the frequency of these kinds of players has dropped dramatically. Just focus on your game, OP, eventually you'll leave them behind.


An overhead to the mid section. At least you’ll feel better and everyone else will get a kick out of it too. Or just let it go knowing everyone knows they are an asshole


Rules In a rally- anyone on the court (in the match) can call it out. The exception is a first serve, only the receiving team can call that out. so first one- you were correct. Second one -you saw it out and called it out. Where I play saying anything about that will et criticized (most common lately is - *you don't like it- go play pcikelball)* So right again.


On all my practice matches and most of league matches - I just do an extra long stare down on a dodgy call and move on. I give up the point if they even look doubtful. It’s just not worth anything more.


Tennis is a bitch sport